MP :: Volume #52

#5158: Snatching the person is not good

The strength of black ink has the unreadable corrosiveness, particularly to Open Heaven Stage Small Universe, once were invaded Small Universe by the strength of black ink, basically is the non-solution aspect. 墨之力具备难以理解的侵蚀性,尤其是对开天境小乾坤而言,一旦被墨之力侵入小乾坤,基本就是无解的局面。 Before Yang Kai comes black ink battlefield, Human Race then resists with Black Ink Clan in this bad environment, therefore Human Race will refine massive temporary palace Secret Treasure, gives martial artist under 7-Rank Open Heaven to provide the advantageous asylum. 杨开墨之战场之前,人族便是在这种恶劣的环境下与墨族抗争,所以人族才会炼制大量的行宫秘宝,借此给七品开天之下的武者提供有利庇护。 However 7-Rank Open Heaven actually needs to slaughter with Black Ink Clan near body, they not only need resist Black Ink Clan attack, but must the stimulation of movement strength resist the corrosion of strength of black ink frequently, a strength is hard the display to be complete. 然而七品开天却是需要与墨族近身厮杀的,他们不但要对抗墨族攻击,还要时刻催动力量抵挡墨之力的侵蚀,一身实力难以发挥全部。 Such as just now, the strength of this Black Ink Clan feudal lord was corroded into body the light of purification to suppress was the same. 就如方才,这墨族领主的实力被侵蚀入体的净化之光压制了一样。 The innumerable years, Black Ink Clan must taste Human Race had attempted the distress finally, some degree, this somewhat is but actually similar by other say/way also body, what Black Ink Clan relies upon will be the strength of black ink, Human Race can take advantage of the light of purification in the future. 无数年来,墨族终于也要品尝人族曾经尝试过的苦楚了,某种程度上来,这倒有些类似以彼之道还施彼身,只不过墨族仰仗的是墨之力,人族将来可以依仗净化之光。 Has not killed that Black Ink Clan feudal lord, but imprisons again him, this fellow suffers a minor injury, the remaining prestige dissipation of light of waiting purification, after the body training is good, is a real man, can continue to experiment to Troublesome Grandmaster. 没有杀那墨族领主,只是重新将他禁锢起来,这家伙伤势不重,等待净化之光的余威消散,身子修养好之后,又是一条好汉,可以给麻烦大师继续试验。 Can suppress 30% appearances.” Outside the secret room, Yang Kai said the feeling of own. “可以压制30%的样子。”密室外,杨开说出自己的感受。 So-called 30%, then hits in Evil-Breaking Divine Lance that feudal lord, after the light of purification erupts, to his strength suppression. 所谓30%,便是在破邪神矛命中那领主,净化之光爆发之后,对他的实力压制。 This was very terrifying value, if were eliminated 30% strengths in the fight, has almost been doomed the death, do not say, under same rank, the 7-Rank Open Heaven strength was more powerful than the feudal lord. 这是个很恐怖的数值了,若是在战斗中被剥夺30%的力量,几乎已经注定了死亡,更不要说,同品阶下,七品开天的实力本就比领主强大一些。 It can be predicted that if Evil-Breaking Divine Lance invests battlefield, then 7-Rank Open Heaven will strike to kill the feudal lord such as to butcher the chicken slaughter dog. 可以预见,若破邪神矛投入战场的话,那么七品开天击杀领主将如宰鸡屠狗。 However the old man is not quite obviously satisfied, shakes the head to say slowly: Room for improvement, after this thing hit enemy, the purification eruption light/only somewhat seems to be slow, if the feudal lord acts to be quicker, before the purification light/only erupts draws out this treasure, is not necessarily able effectively, what do you have to be good to suggest?” 然而老头子明显不太满意,缓缓摇头道:“还有改进的余地,这东西命中敌人后,净化之光的爆发似乎有些缓慢,若是那领主动作快一些,在净化之光爆发之前将此宝拔出,未必就能见效,你有什么好建议?” Yang Kai loses says with a smile: This aspect you are an authority, I coordinate you, can have anything to suggest.” 杨开失笑道:“这方面你是权威,我不过是配合你而已,又能有什么建议。” Troublesome Grandmaster knows that he will say, spoke thoughtlessly asked that beckoned with the hand saying: Ok, Old Man from considered.” 麻烦大师知道他会这么说,随口一问罢了,摆摆手道:“行了,老夫自去思量。” So saying, is turning around to depart. 这般说着,转身离去。 Yang Kai shouted behind him shouts: Great Master, a person of technique is short, the two people technique is long, might as well they exchanges with Dongguo Great Master much.” 杨开在他背后吆喝道:“大师,一人技短,两人技长,不妨与东郭大师他们多多交流。” The old men show neither approval nor disapproval, does not know that perceives. 老头子不置可否,也不知道有没有听进去。 However after such a experiment, Yang Kai also knows, this Evil-Breaking Divine Lance basically was refines successfully! But has not arrived by far invests the battlefield demand. 不过经过这么一次实验,杨开也知道,这破邪神矛基本算是炼制成功了!只不过还远远不到投入战场的需求。 On two clan battlefield, decided that war trend, forever is minority high-level battle strength, for example Human Race 8-Rank, Black Ink Clan Territory Lord, and even Old Ancestor and character of Royal Lord rank! 两族战场上,决定战争走向的,永远是少数的高层战力,比如人族八品,墨族域主,乃至老祖王主级别的人物! Troublesome Grandmaster refines the original intention of Evil-Breaking Divine Lance, but not only to cope with the Black Ink Clan feudal lord, this thing is used to cope with Black Ink Clan Territory Lord! 麻烦大师炼制破邪神矛的初衷,可不仅仅只是为了对付墨族领主,这玩意是用来对付墨族域主的! The Royal Lord rank is too high, even if the light of purification is useful, the effect how no one can guarantee. 王主级别太高,净化之光纵然有用,效果如何谁也不敢保证。 Feudal lords number huge, really must deal with by Evil-Breaking Divine Lance, did not say that Item Refining Expert cannot refine, Yang Kai does not have so many energy to seal the light of purification. 领主们数量庞大,真要以破邪神矛来应付,不说炼器师们炼制不过来,杨开也没那么多精力去封存净化之光。 Therefore this thing can only be used to cope with Territory Lord, will only be used to cope with Territory Lord. 所以这东西只能用来对付域主,也只会用来对付域主 The good steel naturally to use on blade. 好钢自然要用在刀刃上。 Present Evil-Breaking Divine Lance, to the strength suppression of feudal lord level is 30%, may be have the big effect on Territory Lord, actually knows nothing, but even if only 10%, sufficiently about final victory and defeat in some war. 如今的破邪神矛,对领主级的实力压制是30%,可对域主能有多大效果,却是一无所知,不过纵然只是10%,也足以在某一场战争中左右最后的胜负。 The scene of Blue Sky Pass great project is hard to reappear, Black Ink Clan dozens years ago suffers a loss outside Blue Sky Pass, Territory Lord level Black Ink Clan falls more than 30, lost the big piece area, existing space by enormous suppression, but this owing Black Ink Clan is impossible to eat again the second time, let alone, outside Blue Sky Pass most Universe Cave Heaven Open Heaven the battle in Territory Lord and 8-Rank damage, avalanche, did not have the means to use again. 碧落关百年大计的情景难以再现,墨族几十年前在碧落关外吃了大亏,域主墨族陨落三十多位,丢失了大片疆域,生存空间被极大的压制,但这种亏墨族不可能再吃第二次,更何况,碧落关外大多数乾坤洞天都在域主八品开天的争斗中破损,崩塌,也没办法再使用了。 Human Race urgently needs one type to change two clan relative strengths now the things, this thing not just must be useful to Blue Sky Pass, must be useful to other Human Race mountain passes, this is the future that Evil-Breaking Divine Lance shoulders. 人族如今迫切需要一种能改变两族实力对比的东西,这东西不单单要对碧落关有用,也要对其他人族关隘有用,这就是破邪神矛所肩负的未来。 The light of purification if Yang Kai brings made Human Race have the possibility of expedition, then the birth of Evil-Breaking Divine Lance then changed to the reality this possibility, naturally, the premise was the improvement of Troublesome Grandmaster makes the progress. 如果说杨开带来的净化之光让人族有了远征的可能,那么破邪神矛的诞生便将这种可能化作现实,当然,前提是麻烦大师的改进取得成效。 Separates with the old man, Yang Kai returns to the Dawn station, the previous execution roving commission comes back is about two months, from goes out also to have next time greatly time, naturally cannot waste, in these years Yang Kai may never have idleness on practice , to promote 8-Rank from 7-Rank, needed time accumulates extremely long, any time cannot waste. 与老头子分开,杨开返回晨曦驻地,上一次执行游猎任务回来才不过两个月,距离下一次外出还有大把时间,自然不能浪费,这几十年来杨开可从未在修行上有过懈怠,从七品晋升八品,需要的时间积累太过漫长,任何一点时间都不能浪费。 time in a hurry, flashes by several months. 时间匆匆,数月一晃而过。 Beyond Dawn taking turns on duty travels the day of hunting to arrive, many members in abundance from closing up wake up, rapid building up, Yang Kai goes to army mansion Si to report personally. 晨曦轮值外出游猎的日子到来,众多成员纷纷从闭关中醒来,迅速集结,杨开亲自前往军府司报备。 This also carries out the flow that the duty must walk, the outpost big camp must be in control of the trend of each squad, well the arrangement, did not say that wants to walk walks. 这也是执行任务必须要走的流程,前哨大营得掌握每一支小队的动向,才好统筹安排,不是说想走就走的。 Sees Zhong Liang in the army mansion division, salutes later said: Sir, Dawn requested that outside travels to hunt.” 在军府司见得钟良,行礼之后道:“大人,晨曦请求外出游猎。” After case stage, bends over one's desk busy Zhong Liang not to lift, loses to Yang Kai jade slip directly. 案台后伏案忙碌的钟良头也不抬,直接丢给杨开一枚玉简 Yang Kai received jade slip to nose, slightly feels accidental/surprised: Sir, this was location/position too deep?” 杨开接过玉简查探一番,略感意外:“大人,这位置是不是太深了一些?” Information Dawn in jade slip this time roaming Lie the responsible region, every carries out the task one time comes to report the time, the army mansion division Team-Leader to the squad will define a region, after all the army outside, any conduct needs some regulations, otherwise squads huddle together because of some region are not good, other regions may no one be responsible. 玉简中的信息正是晨曦此番游猎负责的区域,每一次执行任务前来报备的时候,军府司这边都会给小队队长划定一片区域,毕竟大军在外,任何行事都需有些章程,要不然一支支小队扎堆在某个区域也不好,其他区域可就没人负责了。 Zhong Liang this time is somewhat deep to the region that Dawn divides, is Dawn had never gone down to the past place, is not far from the domain that Black Ink Clan can control now. 钟良这次给晨曦划分的区域有些深,是晨曦以往从未深入过的地方,距离墨族如今能掌控的地盘已经不远了。 this kind of location/position, means that many meritorious military service , have the corresponding risk. 这样的位置,意味着更多的战功,同样也有相应的风险。 Zhong Liang raises the head looks at his one eyes: What's wrong? Feared?” 钟良抬头瞧他一眼:“怎么?怕了?” Yang Kai was at that time unruly: Feared? My Dawn swims in these years hunts for the obtained meritorious military service to be second to none, then has not flinched facing several tens of thousands Black Ink Clan, they who hit in the same old way are completely routed, how could to have feared?” 杨开当时就桀骜起来:“怕?我晨曦这几十年来游猎所得战功首屈一指,便是面对数万墨族也不曾退缩,照样打的他们落花流水,何曾怕过?” Zhong Liang snort/hum: Did not fear, wordy anything.” 钟良哼了哼:“既不怕,啰嗦什么。” Yang Kai said with a smile: disciple wants to know, what profound meaning the army mansion division so does arrange to have? Before this location/position, may no one go.” 杨开笑道:“弟子只是想知道,军府司这般安排是不是有什么深意?这位置以前可没人去过。” Zhong Liang ridicules: „The profound meaning of what nonsense, indulges in flights of fancy all day what ghost thing, before this location/position, no one goes, no one does not go on behalf of the present, at present then several squads carry out the task in that side, the evening that if your Dawn goes, only feared that even/including mouthful of soup cannot drink.” 钟良笑骂:“什么狗屁的深意,整天胡思乱想什么鬼东西,这位置以前没人去,不代表如今没人去,眼下便有几支小队在那边执行任务,你晨曦若是去的晚了,只怕连口汤都喝不到。” Which several squads such not awfully?” Yang Kai surprised. “哪几支小队这么不要命?”杨开大为惊讶。 Zhong Liang not anti- say/way: Manages do so many do, you cannot go, words that does not go to the squad of my faction in the past.” 钟良不耐道:“管那么多干什么,你去不去,不去的话我派别的小队过去。” Goes, this goes!” Yang Kai receives hastily jade slip, with Zhong Liang good a ritual, turns around to leave. “去,这就去!”杨开连忙把玉简收好,又跟钟良行了一礼,转身离开。 This boy is clever, what discovers? Team-Leader of several other squads may not have to ask.” A person goes out from the Zhong Liang behind shadow place suddenly, is Southern Army Regiment's Commander Liang Yulong. “这小子猴精猴精的,是不是发现什么了?其他几个小队的队长可没这么问。”一人忽然从钟良身后的阴影处走出,正是南军军团长梁玉龙 The Zhong Liang eye hides does not lift: What can discover? Nothing but is curious asks.” 钟良眼皮子也不抬一下:“能发现什么?无非就是好奇一问罢了。” Liang Yulong said: Is only this time arranges, really didn't say clear to them?” 梁玉龙道:“只是此番安排,真的不跟他们说清楚吗?” Zhong Liang shakes the head saying: Does not need! The most intelligent deceitful trick is even own deceives, really told them the truth, where perhaps exposes weaknesses, this was good.” 钟良摇头道:“没必要!最聪明的骗术是连自己都骗过去,真把实情告诉他们,说不定什么地方就露了破绽,这样就挺好。” Liang Yulong worries unavoidably: Be that as it may, but goes may be the Elite squad, what if there is to lose, you don't love dearly?” 梁玉龙不免忧心:“话虽如此,但去的可都是精锐小队,万一有什么损失,你不心疼?” Zhong Liang depends on toward the chair on the body, said lightly: Loves dearly is useful? This damned place, life and death is normal, if cannot get used to seeing, that is not suitable to survive here. Moreover because just they are Elite, will therefore make them go to there, how otherwise can accomplish.” 钟良将身子往椅子上一靠,淡淡道:“心疼有什么用?这鬼地方,生生死死的再正常不过,若是看不惯,那就不适合在这里生存。而且正因为他们都是精锐,所以才会让他们去那里,否则又如何能够成事。” Liang Yulong sighed slightly. 梁玉龙微微叹息一声。 Zhong Liang sets out saying: Fish food has put down, looks at Black Ink Clan to swallow the bait, perhaps before long, the tough battle, will win this war, the outpost big camp is thoroughly stable, is important, prepares!” 钟良起身道:“饵料已经放下了,就看墨族上不上钩,过不了多久,恐怕会有一场硬仗,打赢这一战,前哨大营才算彻底稳定,事关重大,多做准备吧!” In Void, daybreak plunders to keep anxiously, goes to this time roaming Lie region. 虚空中,破晓急掠不停,前往此次游猎的区域。 Squad members after a half year of conditioning, each one in high spirits, surges upward to this duty warmly. 小队成员在经过半年的修整,个个都精神焕发,对此次任务热情高涨。 Daybreak the speed is extremely fast, but this time carries out the task the region to be somewhat far, leaves from the outpost big camp, passed ten days time, arrives in the destination. 破晓速度极快,不过这一次执行任务的区域有些远,从前哨大营离开,足足过了十日功夫,才算抵达目的地。 The roving commission fixed request, squads have not searched for in the specific region, have Black Ink Clan then to kill, do not have the war then to rest, but most time seem idle. Extermination of dozens years of time, Black Ink Clan loses greatly, has easily not dared to crop up, although recently some signs of resurging, but the discerning people can see that are only the final counter-attack of Black Ink Clan. 游猎任务没有固定的要求,一支支小队在特定的区域内搜寻,有墨族便杀,无战事便休息,不过大多数时间都显得无所事事。数十年时间的清剿,墨族损失巨大,已经轻易不敢冒头,虽说最近一段时间有些死灰复燃的迹象,但明眼人都能看出那只是墨族的最后反击。 However before this time Dawn carries out the task the region is, from the future, the Black Ink Clan quantity of here moving are many. 不过这一次晨曦执行任务的区域是以前从未来过的,在这里活动的墨族数量不少。 Short several days time, then met several waves of Black Ink Clan, the quantity are not many, is incapable of revolting in the face of the Dawn Squad strong strength radically. 短短不过数日功夫,便遇到了几波墨族,数量都不算多,在晨曦小队强大的实力面前根本无力反抗。 On this day, Dawn is searching for in the enemy, stands Yang Kai in deck turns head to look suddenly in a direction, the careful sensation moment, gestures toward that location/position. 这一日,晨曦正在搜敌之中,站在甲板上的杨开忽然扭头朝一个方向望去,仔细感知片刻,朝那个位置打了个手势。 The team member who is responsible for controlling the direction adjusts the daybreak route immediately, quick, daybreak then plunders toward that side. 负责操控方向的队员立刻调整破晓的航道,很快,破晓便朝那边掠去。 The squad members also gather, performs its own functions. 小队成员们也都聚集过来,各司其职。 Feng Ying stands side Yang Kai, looks around toward the front: „Does Team-Leader, have the situation?” 冯英站在杨开身边,朝前方张望:“队长,有情况吗?” Although with is 7-Rank, Feng Ying even soon promotes existence of 8-Rank, but by the strength of Divine Consciousness, is inferior to Yang Kai, therefore Yang Kai has the discovery time, she is not necessarily able to detect. 虽同为七品,冯英甚至是快要晋升八品的存在,但论神识之力,还是不如杨开,所以杨开有发现的时候,她未必能够察觉。 Yang Kai nods slightly said: That side should some people fight.” 杨开微微颔首道:“那边应该有人在战斗。” Feng Ying associative compound: Other squad?” 冯英会意:“别的小队?” Should.” “应该是了。” Feng Ying expression some are not quite natural: Team-Leader, snatching the person is not good.” 冯英的表情有些不太自然:“队长,抢人不好吧。” Yang Kai laughs saying: Is watches the fun, is not to snatch, if there is opponent who they could not solve, we with were the Blue Sky Pass officers, should make a move to help is.” 杨开大笑道:“就是看看热闹而已,又不是非要去抢,不过若是有他们解决不了的对手,咱们同为碧落关将士,怎么也该出手相帮才是。” Feng Ying cannot bear sigh. 冯英就忍不住叹了口气。
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