MP :: Volume #52

#5157: Evil-Breaking Divine Lance

Yang Kai does not know that who was fettered in this's feudal lord is seizes, but can seize such Black Ink Clan of feudal lord level, decides has 8-Rank Open Heaven to act. 杨开不知被束缚在此的领主是谁擒回来的,但能擒回这样一个领主级的墨族,定是有八品开天出手。 Moreover the research of old man involves the light of purification, the responsibility is big, can so work smoothly, naturally also obtained Zhong Liang and the others the approvals. 而且老头子的研究牵扯到净化之光,干系不小,能这般顺利进行下去,自然也是得到了钟良等人的认可。 Yang Kai actually also very anticipated, if because old man's research really success, that Human Race in resisting the Black Ink Clan war can grasp a lethality giant treasure, he can untie the 1-layer fetter! 杨开其实也挺期待的,因为若是老头子的研究真的成功的话,那人族在对抗墨族的战争中将能掌握一件杀伤力巨大的重器,他本人更能解开一层束缚! Looked over black ink battlefield this to extend the innumerable year's of wars, fundamentally was who cannot do to anyone. 纵观墨之战场这延绵了无数年的战争,从根本上来说是谁也奈何不了谁。 Human Race took advantage of mountain pass to resist Black Ink Clan army the attack of repeatedly a everywhere, making them be hard to break through the defense throughout, invaded 3000 Worlds. 人族依仗一处处关隘抵挡了墨族大军的一次又一次的进攻,让他们始终难以突破防御,侵略三千世界 But Black Ink Clan loses seriously in wars, but Human Race does not have the means their kill to the last one/being ruthless, so long as has enough Black Ink Nest and resources, they can quickly restore Yuan Qi, finds the opportunity to stage a comeback. 墨族虽然在一场场大战中损失惨重,但人族也没办法将他们赶尽杀绝,而且只要有足够的墨巢和资源,他们就能迅速恢复元气,找机会卷土重来。 This is the innumerable years black ink battlefield maintains the balanced pattern. 这就是无数年来墨之战场维持平衡的格局。 Yang Kai's arrived affected this pattern to a certain extent, he brought the light of purification, Universe Formation also had Expelling Black Ink Pill, letting Blue Sky Pass can support this expedition, achieved the innumerable ancestry the achievement that was hard to attain. 杨开的到来在某种程度上打破了这种格局,他带来了净化之光,乾坤大阵还有驱墨丹,让碧落关得以支撑此次远征,达成了无数祖辈难以企及的成就。 But so, the expedition still reached the impass even, under the Black Ink Clan stronger and stronger resistance, is incapable of leading the way again, halts in the outpost big camp. 可即便如此,远征也陷入了僵局,在墨族越来越强硬的反抗下,再无力前行,止步于前哨大营。 The arrival of Troublesome Grandmaster, could affect the pattern again, naturally initial-stage is his research obtains the success truly. 麻烦大师的到来,或许能再度打破格局,当然前期是他的研究真正取得成功。 The Human Race Item Refining Great Grandmaster quantity are actually many, each Human Race mountain pass has such 2-3 at least, by the Item Refining technique, Troublesome Grandmaster and these people only about the same, no one is fiercer than whom many. 人族炼器大宗师其实数量不少,每一处人族关隘最起码都有那么2-3位,论炼器技艺,麻烦大师与这些人只在伯仲之间,谁也不比谁厉害多少。 But the thinking mode and regards the issue angle the difference, made him arrive at black ink battlefield soon after to have with other Item Refining Great Grandmaster different visions. 但思维方式和看待问题角度的不同,却让他在来到墨之战场不久之后有了与其他炼器大宗师不一样的眼光。 With the old man own words, black ink battlefield these Item Refining Great Grandmaster, one big lived on the dog to go to the age, each one is thinking the defense, with all one's heart how therefore studied diligently to make the protection of temporary palace Secret Treasure stabler, how can make the loss of Human Race officers less. 用老头子自己的话来说,墨之战场那些炼器大宗师们,一大把年纪都活到狗身上去了,个个都想着防御,所以一门心思地钻研怎么让行宫秘宝的防护更加稳固,怎么才能让人族将士的损失变得更少。 Old man different, age, although is big, but comes shortly after black ink battlefield, it can be said that Ding, new Ding has newly Ding's vitality and firm will newly, his idea is, the best defense is the attack! How the protection can, unable to kill Black Ink Clan not to have the significance again firmly. 老头子不一样,年纪虽大,但来墨之战场不久,可以说是新丁,新丁就有新丁的朝气和锐意,他的想法是,最好的防御是进攻!防护再坚固又能如何,杀不了墨族没有意义。 Because has this unusual idea, let give birth the thought of studying Evil-Breaking Divine Lance this treasure. 正是因为有这与众不同的想法,才让生出了研究破邪神矛这件重器的念头。 Naturally, with Yang Kai in Yingxin Road, was in front of his to show the light of purification to have the relations, Yang Kai spoke a few words at that time, his own had not possibly realized, but Troublesome Grandmaster actually placed in the heart. 当然,也与杨开在迎新路上,当着他的面展现出净化之光有关系,杨开当时说了一句话,他自己可能没意识到,但麻烦大师却放在了心中。 The light of purification is the strength of biggest difficult adversary black ink! 净化之光是墨之力最大的克星! Doesn't the difficult adversary, why use well? The purification light/only truly can only stimulate to movement by Yang Kai, but if supplements with the Item Refining technique, not necessarily cannot other to use the light of purification defend at crucial moments. 既是克星,为何不好好加以利用?净化之光确实只能由杨开催动,但如果辅以炼器的手法,未必就不能让其他人在关键时刻使用净化之光御敌。 Based on such a thought that Evil-Breaking Divine Lance arises at the historic moment. 基于这样一个念头,破邪神矛应运而生。 This also obtained Zhong Liang and the others the great support, was imprisoned in the Black Ink Clan feudal lord of this place, is Zhong Liang makes a move to seize personally, actually this is not the feudal lord who first is captured, before then more feudal lords, were just tossed about in the research of old man die. 这也得到了钟良等人的大力支持,被囚禁在此地的墨族领主,便是钟良亲自出手擒回来的,其实这不是第一个被擒回来的领主,在此之前还有更多的领主,只不过在老头子的研究中都被折腾死了。 Comes, old rule, Evil-Breaking Divine Lance that after this is Old Man thinks, improves, performs you maximum effort to seal the light of purification toward.” Troublesome Grandmaster is saying, while the hand that zhang (3.33 m) Secret Treasure gives Yang Kai. “来来来,老规矩,这是老夫深思熟虑后改良的破邪神矛,尽你最大的努力往内封存净化之光。”麻烦大师一边说着,一边将手中那丈长秘宝递给杨开 Yang Kai received to look: Is good the old man, do not follow time to be the same, but also without taking to oppose the enemy then own to explode.” 杨开接过瞧了一眼:“行不行啊老头子,别跟上次一样,还没拿出去对敌便自己爆开了。” Evil-Breaking Divine Lance must be used to cope with Black Ink Clan, that naturally must toward seals the purification light/only, such as Yang Kai sealed to be the same in Expelling Black Ink Battleship initially. 破邪神矛既是要用来对付墨族的,那自然是要往其中封存净化之光,就如杨开当初在一艘艘驱墨舰中封存一样。 But Expelling Black Ink Battleship build huge, so long as Formation arranges appropriately, seals and no difficulty. 驱墨舰体型庞大,只要阵法布置妥当,封存起来并没有什么难度。 Evil-Breaking Divine Lance different, a zhang (3.33 m) thing, among the square inches reveals divine ability, not only need have to seal the effect of light of purification, but must have the lethality of considerable degree, this request to the Item Refining technique is extremely high, if this is not the case, is insufficient such long time not to study at the Troublesome Grandmaster Item Refining Great Grandmaster level successfully. 破邪神矛不一样,丈长之物,方寸之间显神通,不但要有封存净化之光的功效,还要具备相当程度的杀伤力,这对炼器技艺的要求极高,若非如此,以麻烦大师炼器大宗师的水准也不至于这么长时间没研究成功。 Each experiment time, will always have this and that problem, unsatisfactory, previous time talked nonsense, Yang Kai just now seals the purification toward inside light/only, that Evil-Breaking Divine Lance exploded unexpectedly, Yang Kai that all sorts of residuals exploded was dirty, old man face somewhat could not hang. 每一次试验的时候,总是会出现这样那样的问题,不尽人意,上次更扯淡,杨开才刚往里面封存净化之光,那破邪神矛居然就爆开了,种种残渣炸的杨开灰头土脸,老头子一张老脸也有些挂不住。 At this time brought up an old matter again by Yang Kai, Troublesome Grandmaster stares immediately: Ok, is not how good! The boys rest wordy, you must know, once our things succeed, that is must go down in history, leaves a good name for hundreds of generations, when extinguished Black Ink Clan truly, you and old man can occupy half of merit.” 此时被杨开旧事重提,麻烦大师当即一瞪眼:“行,怎么不行!小子休得啰嗦,你要知道,咱们这东西一旦成功,那可是要名垂青史,流芳百世的,待真正灭了墨族,你与老头子能占其中一半功劳。” Each other is together for many years, knows the whole story, during the speeches does not have too to have scruples, how at will how. 彼此相处多年,知根知底,说话间也没太多顾忌,怎么随意怎么来。 Yang Kai naturally knows that Evil-Breaking Divine Lance important meaning, no longer is immediately wordy, the light of stimulation of movement purification covers toward Evil-Breaking Divine Lance. 杨开自然知道破邪神矛的重要意义,当下也不再啰嗦,催动净化之光朝破邪神矛罩去。 Normally, once the purification light/only stimulated to movement, only if Yang Kai intends to suppress, will otherwise dissipate slowly, after all the strict sense, the purification is only an energy has presently, the external embodiment form is similar to white light general, is actually not a light. 正常情况下,净化之光一旦被催动出来,除非杨开有意压制,否则是会慢慢消散的,毕竟严格意义上来说,净化之光是一种能量的具现,外在表现形式就如同白光一般,其实并不是光。 Under Yang Kai's intends to guide, that dazzling white light pours into toward Evil-Breaking Divine Lance in slowly, in this Secret Treasure has the small-scale sealing space, is Troublesome Grandmaster carefully studies in Expelling Black Ink Battleship all sorts of arrangement to improve. 杨开的有意引导之下,那耀眼白光徐徐地朝破邪神矛之中灌入,这秘宝内有小型的封存空间,是麻烦大师仔细研究驱墨舰里面的种种布置改进而来。 Was fettered the Black Ink Clan feudal lord in not far away moves restlessly to be anxious suddenly, an eye stares the circle, is staring at that white light stubbornly, struggles crazily, the words of careful observation, can clearly see the panic-stricken look that in his eye reveals. 被束缚在不远处的墨族领主忽然躁动不安起来,一双眼睛瞪圆,死死地盯着那白光,疯狂挣扎,仔细观察的话,可以清楚地看到他眼中流露出来的惊恐神色。 The light of purification is the difficult adversary of strength of black ink, although this Black Ink Clan feudal lord also not clear that white light is anything, actually the instinct felt threat of that rays of light to oneself body. 净化之光是墨之力的克星,尽管这墨族领主也不清楚白光到底是什么,却本能地感觉到了那光芒对己身的威胁。 Yang Kai or Troublesome Grandmaster, have been unalarmed by strange sights to this situation, these feudal lords who before were captured, when saw the light of purification, each this response. 无论是杨开还是麻烦大师,对这情况都已见怪不怪,之前被擒回来的那些领主们,在见到净化之光的时候,每一个都这种反应。 two people mind at this moment, all in Evil-Breaking Divine Lance above. 两人此刻的心神,皆在破邪神矛之上 Under two eye close attention, the light of purification extinguishes without the trace slowly, was all poured into Evil-Breaking Divine Lance. When vanishes to rays of light thoroughly does not see, Troublesome Grandmaster relaxes layer on layer/heavily. 两双眼睛紧密关注下,净化之光徐徐消弭无踪,皆都被灌入破邪神矛之中。待到光芒彻底消失不见,麻烦大师才重重松了口气。 Became! Such as previous time such has not exploded because of pouring into of light of purification, the improvement of expenditure such long time had the effect finally. 成了!没有如上次那样因为净化之光的灌入而爆开,花费这么长时间的改进终于有了效果。 Then is experiments this Evil-Breaking Divine Lance effect the time. 接下来便是试验这破邪神矛功效的时候了。 Refining this lance is not easy, do not visit it, only then zhang (3.33 m), the commodity that but consumes are many, moreover spent Troublesome Grandmaster many painstaking care, all sorts of difficult problems that in this period came across, is he by a person of strength solution, has never sought help others. 炼制此矛不容易,别看它只有丈长,但消耗的物资却不少,而且也花费了麻烦大师很多心血,期间所遇到的种种难题,皆都是他以一人之力解决,从未求助过他人。 Cannot seek help, matter that other Item Refining Expert have own is busy, no one has the time to help him. 也求助不到,其他炼器师都有自己的事要忙,谁也没功夫来帮他。 Troublesome Grandmaster caught the eye to look at Yang Kai one, was that meaning you comes or me? 麻烦大师抬眼瞧了杨开一眼,那意思是你来还是我来? Yang Kai thought over Evil-Breaking Divine Lance, opens the mouth saying: I come.” 杨开掂量了一下破邪神矛,开口道:“我来吧。” Troublesome Grandmaster nods, both hands magic arts transforms, in the secret room Formation transforms, the strength of fetter extinguishes without the trace suddenly. 麻烦大师点点头,双手法决变换,密室中阵法转变,束缚之力忽然消弭无踪。 Has been imprisoned the Black Ink Clan feudal lord on that pillar to struggle unceasingly, but there is a fetter of Formation, his struggling is doomed futile, after Troublesome Grandmaster relieved the strength of that fetter, the Black Ink Clan feudal lord responds immediately. 一直被禁锢在那柱子上的墨族领主一直在挣扎不断,不过有阵法的束缚,他的挣扎注定徒劳无功,不过在麻烦大师解除了那束缚之力后,墨族领主立刻反应过来。 This secret room cannot rush, therefore the Black Ink Clan feudal lord only has a choice, that throws toward Yang Kai and Troublesome Grandmaster. 这密室是闯不出去的,所以墨族领主只有一个选择,那就是朝杨开麻烦大师扑去。 Strength of the black ink surges crazily, changes to one group of black fog to cover him, during the actions rapid like the wind. 一身墨之力疯狂涌动,化作一团黑雾将他笼罩其中,行动间迅疾如风。 Seems to be the sound to get up air-splitting, along with a Black Ink Clan feudal lord's pitiful yell, faces forward the form that throws by a vigorously birthplace, hits toward the rear area. 似有破空声响起,伴随着墨族领主的一身惨叫,朝前扑来的身影被一股大力贯中,直朝后方撞去。 The abdomen transmits the severe pain, that Black Ink Clan feudal lord lowers the head to look, the view shrinks suddenly. 腹部传来剧痛,那墨族领主低头望去,眼帘骤缩。 When does not know, on the abdomen unexpectedly are many a lance, was before that in that two Human Race hands, the sharp lance passed through his entire body. 不知何时,腹部上竟已多了一根长矛,正是之前那两个人族手中的那件,锋锐的长矛将他整个身体贯穿。 The this kind of injury to the Black Ink Clan feudal lord, is heavy, but also insufficiently fatal, so long as the training is appropriate, can restore easily. 这样的伤势对墨族领主来说,已然不轻了,不过还不足以致命,只要修养得当,很容易就能恢复。 But in Black Ink Clan feudal lord eyes panic-stricken is actually rich can be seen in speech and appearance, because he detected that from that lance, a mysterious strength spreads suddenly, swamps into his body, melts rapidly his strength foundation. 墨族领主此刻眼中的惊骇却是浓郁的溢于言表,因为他察觉到从那长矛之中,一股神秘的力量忽然蔓延出来,涌入他的身体,迅速消融他的力量根基。 The Black Ink Clan feudal lord startles greatly, before the union , the scene that sees, how could does not know that mysterious strength does make him uneasy dazzling white light? 墨族领主大骇,结合之前所见的景象,岂能不知那神秘的力量正是让他感到不安的耀眼白光 Puts out a hand, is cruel-hearted, draws out from within the body the lance, carries over a piece of black ink blood. 伸出手,狠下心,将长矛从体内拔出,带出一片墨血。 He also wants to stimulate to movement the strength to prevent flowing of fresh blood, seals off the wound, however strength of the black ink is actually not able to stimulate to movement to the wound is, that mysterious strength is lingering in the wound place, such as the maggot of tarsal bone, driving is not loose, not only closing up of obstuction wound, is also nibbling his strength, lowers the head to look, even can see that the wound locates one group of dazzling white light to bloom. 他还想催动力量阻止自身鲜血的流淌,封堵伤口,然而一身墨之力却根本无法催动至伤口所在,那神秘的力量在伤口处萦绕着,如跗骨之蛆,驱之不散,不但阻扰伤口的合拢,也在蚕食他的力量,低头望去,甚至能看到伤口处一团耀眼白光在绽放。 Wins me, you can leave here!” Yang Kai drinks one lowly, rushes goes, pounds down toward a that Black Ink Clan feudal lord fist. “打赢我,你就可以离开这里!”杨开低喝一声,冲上前去,朝那墨族领主一拳砸下。 The Black Ink Clan feudal lord clenches teeth, rises spiritedly to counter-attack, with frequenting each other that Yang Kai hits. 墨族领主咬牙,奋起反击,与杨开打的你来我往。 He does not know what this Human Race said is real, how but regardless of is not willing to sit waiting for death, after all is practice to Black Ink Clan of feudal lord level, the disposition is also tenacious, any hope easily will not give up. 他不知道这个人族说的是不是真的,但无论如何也不愿坐以待毙,毕竟是修行至领主级的墨族,心性也算坚韧,任何一点希望都不会轻易放弃。 However own situation is worse, then under the corrosion of mysterious strength he thinks, his strength received the enormous suppression, how vertical to go all out again, is hard to display the strength of peak. 然而自身的情况却比他想的更加恶劣,那在神秘力量的侵蚀下,他一身实力受到了极大的压制,纵是再如何拼命,也难以发挥巅峰之力。 After less than half double-hour, the feudal lord falls in the place pantingly, the complexion unexpectedly strangely somewhat palely, the vast gap of strength, has made him unable to have the resistance the thought that but dies like this is really unwilling here, looks at Yang Kai to say indignantly: What strength is that?” 小半个时辰后,那领主气喘吁吁地跌坐在地,脸色竟诡异地有些苍白,实力的巨大差距,已经让他生不出反抗的念头了,只是就这样死在这里实在不甘,望着杨开愤愤道:“那是什么力量?” Yang Kai lowers the head overlook he, the look is calm: My Human Race innumerable years, in this similar situation with your Black Ink Clan battle, you are less powerful than us, what you take advantage is only the strength of black ink, did not have this taking advantage, your anything is not.” 杨开低头俯瞰他,神色波澜不惊:“我人族无数年来,就是在这种类似的情况下与你们墨族争斗,你们不比我们强大,你们所依仗的只是墨之力而已,没了这个依仗,你们什么都不是。”
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