MP :: Volume #48

#4772: imposing manner like rainbow

Just now four people make a move decisively , because Yang Kai had once had by an enemy four, then all extinguishes the score of opposite party. 方才四人之所以那么果断出手,就是因为杨开曾有过以一敌四,然后全灭对方的战绩。 According to the truth, Yang Kai just now can definitely give full play, then eliminates them completely. 按道理来说,杨开方才完全可以大展身手,然后将他们全部淘汰。 He does not have to do, instead seized Junior Brother Ding to walk! 偏偏他没有那么做,反而擒了丁师弟就走! A person of eye shines: Can it be that he strength has fallen short!” 一人眼睛发亮:“莫不是他已力有不逮!” Another person heard that the word nods: Has this possibility!” 另一人闻言颔首:“有这种可能!” This trial from starting still almost to have for half a month time, but such long time gets down, Yang Kai continuously all alone combat, even if his strength is strong, Small Universe background is vigorous, long time consumes, the strength decides has also dropped. 这一场试炼从开始至今已经差不多有半个月时间了,而这么长时间下来,杨开一直孤身一人作战,纵然他实力再强,小乾坤底蕴再雄浑,长时间消耗下来,实力定也有所跌落。 Perhaps present he, does not have by enemy four skills! 或许如今的他,已没了以一敌四的本事! This news must transmit!” First opens the mouth the person of look speech to rouse, until now, this trial they feel the incomparable despair, Langya Open Heaven, although overwhelms with numerical strength, but Yang Kai is skilled in Space Principle, can hit to escape, once for a while sneak attacks suddenly, seizes the person then to walk, done they are virtually impossible to guard against. “这个消息要传递出去!”最先开口说话之人神色振奋,一直以来,这一场试炼他们都感到无比的绝望,琅琊开天虽人多势众,可杨开精通空间法则,能打能逃,时不时地就突然偷袭,擒人便走,搞的他们防不胜防。 However now, this desperate aspect had dawn of victory finally. 然而如今,这绝望的局面终于有了一线胜利的曙光。 This Yang Kai...... is not iron, he is unable long time to maintain that terrifying battle strength! 杨开……也不是铁打的,他也无法长时间保持那种恐怖战力 But all these, are these eliminated fellow apprentices, trades with the innumerable resources and fresh blood, their sacrifices cannot waste, the victory will belong to Langya finally! 而这一切,都是那些被淘汰的师兄弟们,拿无数资源和鲜血换来的,他们的牺牲绝不会浪费,胜利终将属于琅琊 Quick, here news then transmitted to each survival Langya Open Heaven, for a moment, the outstanding heroes was also roused to action! 很快,这边的消息便传递给了每一位还幸存的琅琊开天,一时间,群雄激奋! In fact their suspicions not wrong, commonplace 6-Rank at the experience so long time outstanding battle, even if inferior to the own enemy facing one crowd of strengths, will consume surely greatly, finally the potentiality uses up to defeat. 实际上他们的猜想并没有错,等闲六品在经历如此长时间高强度的争斗,纵然面对一群实力不如自己的敌人,也必定会消耗巨大,最终可能力竭而败。 During this, no doubt can through building up Open Heaven Pill restores the strength, how many but can that restore? How Langya Open Heaven to time that he does restore? 这期间固然可以通过炼化开天丹来恢复力量,可那又能恢复多少?琅琊开天又岂会给他恢复的时间 Yang Kai different, he has realized now earnestly reared in a pen the advantage of life in own Small Universe. 杨开不一样,他如今已经切实体会到了在自身小乾坤内圈养生灵的好处。 Life that moves from Pear Flower Cave Heaven, now has reached several ten million/countless, is always providing massive world mighty force to him , to promote Small Universe background. 梨花洞天中迁徙进去的生灵,如今已多达几千万,无时无刻不在给他提供大量天地伟力,提升小乾坤底蕴 That large quantities of Small Stone Race, the Small Stone Race quantity multiplication speed is extremely fast, moreover benefit that under equal number of premises, Small Stone Race can provide to Yang Kai, is ten times of ordinary life! 还有那大批小石族,小石族的数量繁衍速度极快,而且同等数量的前提下,小石族能给杨开带来的好处,可是普通生灵的十倍! In addition in his Small Universe the time speed of flow and outside world are different, fully two times of disparities, therefore a moment rest, has not been keeping the battle even if for half a month, Yang Kai does not have the least bit exhausted sign, instead continuously vivid, own consumption and growth of Small Universe background compares, is not worth mentioning simply. 再加上他小乾坤时间的流速与外界不同,足有两倍的差距,所以纵然这半个月没有一刻休息,一直在不停地争斗,杨开也没有半点疲惫的迹象,反而一直生龙活虎,自身的消耗与小乾坤底蕴的增长比较起来,简直不值一提。 The battle of this intensity, Yang Kai can continue in ancient times! 这种强度的争斗,杨开可以持续到天荒地老! But he by an enemy four, has not all extinguished the Deng Chi squad, instead seized a person to go out, mainly had consideration of black ink melting to be one of them. 而他之所以没有以一敌四,全灭邓池的小队,反而擒了一个人出去,主要是有墨化者的考虑在其中。 If some Langya Open Heaven is black ink melting, person many mixed, will not disclose anything with him. 若其中某一位琅琊开天是墨化者的话,人多眼杂之下,根本不会跟他透露什么。 If before Gu Ling'er such is together alone, may nose to some traces, and even inquires the status of opposite party black ink melting. 如跟古灵儿之前那样单独相处,才有可能查探到一些蛛丝马迹,乃至打探出对方墨化者的身份。 By time that in then less than burns a joss stick, sits in meditation healing Deng Chi then looks at Yang Kai to go to return same place helplessly unceasingly, Junior Brother will seize one after another! 是以在接下来不到一炷香的时间内,原地打坐疗伤邓池便眼睁睁地看着杨开不断地去而复返,将一位又一位师弟擒走! That several Junior Brother quick were insane, without the order of Li Yuanwang, they can also escape other Spirit Province, why however does not know, Headmaster issued unexpectedly turned over to its position's order respectively, how therefore they escaped again, can only run away in this side Spirit Province. 那几个师弟都快疯了,若没有李元望的命令,他们还可以逃亡别的灵州,然而也不知道为什么,掌教居然下达了各归其位的命令,所以他们再怎么逃,都只能在这一方灵州中逃遁。 Even before such as such, requests reinforcements to other squad cannot achieve. 甚至如之前那样,向别的小队求援也做不到。 Because other squad is unable the disobey orders to be separated from own respective Spirit Province to come to support them. 因为别的小队也无法违抗命令脱离自己所属的灵州前来支援他们。 Headmaster this clearly gives the opportunity that Yang Kai defeated one by one! No one knows why this is, only the guess is that side Headmaster expects too much, squad so many people take Yang Kai not to have the means that somewhat loses face to the words that other squad requests reinforcements again. 掌教这分明是给了杨开逐个击破的机会啊!没人知道这是为什么,只猜测是掌教那边恨铁不成钢,一支小队那么多人都拿杨开没办法,再向别的小队求援的话有些丢脸。 Under an order of Li Yuanwang, situation unexpectedly toward Yang Kai advantageous side development. 李元望的一道命令之下,局势竟朝着杨开有利的一面发展。 Only some Yang Kai understand the plan of Li Yuanwang, is coordinating diligently. 唯有杨开明白李元望的打算,也正在努力配合着。 The flames of war are burning Langya Spirit Province, Yang Kai everywhere one visit, that guards Open Heaven squad destruction on Spirit Province, each was seized by Yang Kai, punched black and blue, but so, still no Langya Open Heaven opens the mouth to admit defeat even. 战火燃烧着琅琊的一座座灵州,杨开所到之处,那镇守在灵州上的开天小队一支支覆灭,每一个被杨开擒走的,都被揍的鼻青脸肿,不过即便如此,也没有一个琅琊开天开口认输。 After Deng Chi that team the information transmit, their resistances was instead more intense, each was eliminated, all uses up with Yang Kai games to the strength, does not have strength of again war. 邓池那支队伍将消息传递出去之后,他们的反抗反而更加激烈了,每一个被淘汰出局的,皆都是与杨开至力竭,没有再战之力者。 Naturally, then, compared with most starts to be eliminated, punched is more miserable. 当然,如此一来,比较最开始被淘汰的,被揍的更惨一些。 However they actually endure gladly, own elimination has the significance, so long as can consume the Yang Kai's strength, can catch some opportunities for remaining fellow apprentices. 然而他们却甘之如饴,自身的淘汰不是没有意义,只要能消耗掉杨开的力量,就可以为剩下的师兄弟们多争取一些机会。 They are anticipating, always the person can stand, defeats Yang Kai, then wins is the victory of Langya. 他们期待着,总有一人能够站出来,将杨开击败,然后赢的属于琅琊的胜利。 As this anticipation passing of time, evolved slowly again desperately. 这份期待随着时间的流逝,慢慢再度演变成了绝望。 Was eliminated Open Heaven Stage, although the fellow apprentices contact with participation trial, will not notify what information again, but can exchange. 被淘汰出局的开天境们虽然不会再与参与试炼的师兄弟联系,通报什么信息,但彼此之间还是可以交流的。 At this moment, many eliminated Open Heaven Stage are then drawing support from own status Token, is chatting crazily. 此时此刻,诸多被淘汰的开天境们便借助着自己的身份令牌,在疯狂聊天。 Obtains the positive news, before the Senior Sister Zhou squad half double-hour, by staring surnamed Yang!” “得到确切消息,周师姐的小队半个时辰前被姓杨的盯上了!” Situation how?” “情况如何?” Four people have been eliminated, in the team only have Senior Sister Zhou and Junior Brother Jia two people now!” “至今已有四人被淘汰出局,如今队伍中只剩下周师姐贾师弟两人了!” Wish Senior Sister Zhou and Junior Brother Jia military transports/fortunes Longchang, that execution surnamed Yang under palm!” “祝周师姐贾师弟武运隆昌,将那姓杨的毙于掌下!” „...... I was also eliminated, asked that Senior Brother is good!” That Junior Brother Jia pass on message said. “咳咳……我也被淘汰了,问诸位师兄好!”那贾师弟传讯道。 A people silence. 众人一阵沉默。 After the moment , some people of bush telegraphs: Senior Sister Zhou was more unfortunate than fortunate!” 片刻后才有人传递讯息:“周师姐凶多吉少了啊!” Before Senior Sister Zhou had then defeated one time by Yang Kai, that is before the trial formally started, therefore everyone knows that Senior Sister Zhou was not the Yang Kai's opponent, now Yang Kai coerces the postures of several hundred victory, when was imposing manner such as the rainbow, how can Senior Sister Zhou be an opponent? 之前周师姐便被杨开打败过一次,那还是在试炼正式开始之前,所以大家都知道周师姐不是杨开的对手,如今杨开裹挟数百胜之姿,正是气势如虹时,周师姐又如何能是对手? Here news transmits, another news then transmitted: Senior Sister Zhou was also eliminated!” 这边讯息才传递完,另外一道讯息便又传递了过来:“周师姐也被淘汰了!” Quite quick! This surnamed Yang what's the matter, why felt that his strength takes uses drainless not, did not say that the manpower is poor sometimes? could it be that Honored Master deceives me!” “好快!这姓杨怎么回事,为何感觉他的力量取之不竭用之不尽,不是说人力有时穷?难道师尊又骗我!” Senior Sister Zhou? Senior Sister Zhou in?” 周师姐周师姐在吗?” Go away! Do not manage me, does not want to speak!” “滚!不要理我,不想说话!” Good good, Senior Sister Zhou heals from a wound safely, Junior Brother disturbs.” “好的好的,周师姐安心养伤,师弟打扰。” ...... …… Meanwhile, on Spirit Province that the Senior Sister Zhou squad guards, Yang Kai stands side look dispirited Senior Sister Zhou, looks far into the distance. 与此同时,周师姐小队镇守的灵州上,杨开站在神色萎靡的周师姐身旁,举目远眺。 The Senior Sister Zhou corners of the mouth have faint trace fresh blood, is coughing gently, the vision is looking at side man complex. 周师姐嘴角边有一丝丝鲜血,轻轻地咳着,目光复杂地望着身边这个男人。 With beats her to compare previous time, Yang Kai strength at this moment actually does not have many changes, but Senior Sister Zhou actually obviously felt that on this man were many imposing manner. 与上一次击败她比较起来,杨开此刻的实力其实没有多少变化,但周师姐却明显感觉到这个男人身上多了一种气势 That is invincible invincible imposing manner, this imposing manner cannot see unable to feel, Senior Sister Zhou actually feeling clearly, after this is Yang Kai defeats Langya several hundred Open Heaven Stage, imposing manner that step by step saves, such as great sun is magnificent, such as the stars are dazzling. 那是攻无不克战无不胜的气势,这气势看不见摸不着,周师姐却感受的清清楚楚,这是杨开战胜琅琊数百开天境之后,一步步积攒下来的气势,如大日般辉煌,如星辰般耀眼。 Senior Sister Zhou has an misconception, by Yang Kai condition at this moment, even if as if front is standing 7-Rank, can still win. 周师姐不由生出一种错觉,以杨开此刻的状态,仿佛即便面前站着一个七品,也能战而胜之。 Langya Open Heaven Stage is numerous, is abundance of capable people, especially those ranking 6-Rank near the top, which placing outside will not be the star of dazzling tomorrow. 琅琊开天境众多,人才济济,尤其是那些排名靠前的六品,放在外面哪一个不是耀眼的明日之星。 However compares at present with this man, actually instantaneous gloomy. 然而与眼前这个男人比较起来,却都瞬间黯淡无光。 Has never seen the this kind of man...... 从未见过这样的男人…… Without how many people?” Yang Kai opens the mouth to ask suddenly. “没多少人了吧?”杨开忽然开口问道。 Senior Sister Zhou actually knows that he is asking anything, slightly hesitates saying: Only was left over the squad that Yue Mang Eldest Senior Brother led, if you can win, this trial then ended.” 周师姐却知道他在问什么,略一沉吟道:“只剩下乐莽大师兄所率的小队了,你若能胜,这一场试炼便结束了。” Yang Kai nods gently: Yue Mang is good.” 杨开轻轻点头:“乐莽还是不错的。” He has also fought with Yue Mang, knows that the Eldest Senior Brother strength in this Langya 6-Rank is truly out of the ordinary. 他也与乐莽交手过,知道这位琅琊六品之中的大师兄实力确实非同凡响。 Senior Sister Zhou hears word shows the whites of the eyes, only then Yang Kai can appraise Yue Mang Senior Brother superficially, however she is incapable of refuting anything radically. 周师姐闻言不禁翻了个白眼,也只有杨开能这么轻描淡写地评价乐莽师兄了,然而她根本无力反驳什么。 „Can you hit formally one time, do not do these dishonest ways!” Some Senior Sister Zhou angry say/way. “你能不能正儿八经地打一次,别搞那些邪门歪道!”周师姐有些气恼道。 Yang Kai laughs in spite of trying not to: Your team little 56 people, to 78 to gather at one, same rank cultivation level, do you want me to hit formally one time? I depending on the person who the skill seizes, how was the dishonest ways.” 杨开失笑:“你们一支队伍少则五六人,多则七八位聚集在一处,同品阶修为,你要我如何正儿八经地打一次?我凭本事擒的人,怎么就是歪门邪道了。” Senior Sister Zhou blushes slightly, somewhat had nothing to say in reply. 周师姐微微脸红,有些无言以对。 To a certain extent, each opponent who Yang Kai defeats, wins formally, without the least bit is gaudy, this point Senior Sister Zhou has confirmed. 从某种程度上来说,杨开战胜的每一个对手,都是正儿八经打赢的,没有半点花里胡哨,这一点周师姐已经亲身验证过了。 However what makes Senior Sister Zhou some not be convinced, she simply has not displayed the complete strength to be defeated by Yang Kai! 然而让周师姐有些不服气的是,她根本没有发挥出全部的实力就被杨开打败了! Without displaying the complete strength, is equal to without means to display, the fight ended was too quick! 没有发挥出全部实力,就等于是没办法发挥,战斗结束的太快了! In other words , the power gap is too big, this point, Senior Sister Zhou, even if not convinced also has to acknowledge. 换言之,彼此间的实力差距太大,这一点,周师姐纵然不服气也不得不承认。 Ok, this trial also truly should end! Senior Sister healing, I first walk quite one step!” Yang Kai said, one step faces forward to tread, the form desalinates rapidly. “好了,这一场试炼也确实该结束了!师姐好生疗伤,我先走一步!”杨开说完,一步朝前踏出,身影迅速淡化。 Senior Sister Zhou turns head to lead Flowerless Spirit Province that the squad guards to look toward Yue Mang Senior Brother, this war, the result is Langya preserves the face countenance reluctantly, Yang Kai smiles the arrogant outstanding heroes, no one knows. 周师姐扭头朝乐莽师兄所率小队镇守的无华灵州望去,这一战,结局到底是琅琊勉强保住颜面,还是杨开笑傲群雄,没人知道。 However many Langya Open Heaven status Token news actually transmit rapidly. 但是诸多琅琊开天身份令牌的讯息却是急速地传递起来。 Quickly, that Yang Kai has killed in a big hurry to Flowerless Spirit Province, this was fought finally, we also had a look, cheered to Eldest Senior Brother!” “快快快,那杨开已杀向无华灵州,这是最后一战了,咱们也去看看,给大师兄助威!” Yue Mang Senior Brother must win, Langya must win!” 乐莽师兄必胜,琅琊必胜!” ...... …… When the world mighty force is unconstrained, flowing light shoot up to the sky, simultaneous rushes to go toward Flowerless Spirit Province, they in respective healing, now are the last war, is not naturally willing to miss, leaves in abundance. 世界伟力跌宕之时,一道道流光冲天而起,齐齐无华灵州奔赴而去,他们原本都在各自疗伤,如今既已是最后一战,自然不愿错过,纷纷动身。 By Yang Kai rushed to Flowerless Spirit Province the time, this place sky has gathered several hundred Open Heaven Stage, that each and everyone Open Heaven Stage powerhouse mostly injury has not recovered, many faces glance on the extravasated blood to disappear, seemingly has the happy feeling. 是以等杨开赶到无华灵州的时候,此地上空已经汇聚数百位开天境,那一个个开天境强者大多都伤势未愈,许多脸上眼上淤血微消,看起来极具喜感。
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