MP :: Volume #48

#4771: Why you must come back

This team of 6-Rank Open Heaven had seven people, but was previously seized two by Yang Kai one after another, therefore is only left over five people now. 这一队六品开天原本是有七人的,只不过此前被杨开陆续擒走两个,所以如今只剩下五人了。 The leader is 6-Rank Open Heaven named Deng Chi, cultivation level is good, Small Universe background is vigorous. 领头者乃是一位叫邓池六品开天,修为不俗,小乾坤底蕴雄浑。 When five people of divine ability Secret Technique bloom, the figure goes toward retreat rapidly, hoping can get rid of Yang Kai's to pursue. However under the Yang Kai's form attempts to break through in all directions, unexpectedly quick rushes ahead from that piece of Secret Technique divine ability package. 五人神通秘术绽放之时,身形急速朝后退去,以期能摆脱杨开的追击。然而杨开的身影左冲右突之下,竟很快从那一片秘术神通的包裹中冲杀出来。 The figure rocks, compels toward one line of five people. 身形晃动间,直朝一行五人逼去。 Five people have a big shock. 五人大惊失色。 Deng Chi clenches teeth to bellow: Junior Brother walks quickly, I block him!” 邓池咬牙大吼:“诸位师弟快走,我拦住他!” Then, honour does not allow one to glance back reverse rushes over toward Yang Kai, he also knows that cannot block Yang Kai relied on the own strength, so many cultivation level also want profound fellow apprentices to suffer the Yang Kai's violent treachery compared with him, how he can be exceptional. 说罢,义无反顾地反向朝杨开冲了过去,他也知道凭自己的实力根本拦不住杨开,那么多修为比他还要高深的师兄师姐都已经惨遭杨开的毒手,他又如何能够例外。 But he did not count on that really blocks Yang Kai or defeats him, but to give four people in own team delays some time. 但他并不指望真的拦下杨开或者将他击败,只是为了给自己队伍中的四人拖延一些时间 So they some hopes of escaping, are insufficient done being annihilated. 如此他们才有逃生的希望,才不至于被搞的全军覆没。 His renouncing and makes other four people change countenance decisively, a person of grief and indignation bellows: Senior Brother Deng!” 他的决绝和果断让其他四人动容,一人悲愤大吼:“邓师兄!” Walks!” Deng Chi drinks severely: Do not make my sacrifice does not have the significance!” “走!”邓池厉喝:“不要让我的牺牲变得毫无意义!” The person of that frontline propaganda also wants to fold to help Deng Chi helping hand, after may listen he said that also can only turn head, as other three people go far away rapidly. 那喊话之人原本还想折身助邓池一臂之力,可听他这么说了之后,也只能一扭头,随着其他三人急速远去。 Deng Chi is built on the midair proudly, puts out a hand to grasp in Void, a section of lance then appears in palm, his look is looking dignifiedly toward Yang Kai that the own oppression comes, grins to grin fiendishly: This mountain is I opens, this tree is I plants, if wants...... wait/etc., I not to say henceforth...... I fought you!” 邓池傲然立于半空中,伸手在虚空中一握,一截长矛便出现在手心中,他神色凝重地望着朝自己压迫而来的杨开,咧嘴狞笑:“此山是我开,此树是我栽,若想从此……等等,我还没说完……我跟你拼了!” Rumbling...... 轰轰轰…… World mighty force each collision, Deng Chi felt own vitality tumbling is uncertain, Small Universe is unstable. 世界伟力每一次碰撞,邓池都感觉自身气血翻滚不定,小乾坤更是动荡不安。 In 6-Rank this boundary, he immerses for many years, Small Universe background is vigorous, takes a broad view at entire Langya, with is the 6-Rank strength can exceed his quantity is not many. 六品这个境界,他沉浸多年,小乾坤底蕴雄浑强大,放眼整个琅琊,同为六品实力能超过他的数量都不多。 Before then, he listens to status Token these pass on message, each and everyone fellow apprentices to be seized by Yang Kai, defeats, eliminates, facing this named Yang Kai's fellow, Sect 6-Rank probably is the lamb that one crowd treats butchers, does not have the strength of least bit resistance unexpectedly. 在此之前,他听着身份令牌里那些传讯,一个个师兄弟杨开擒走,击败,淘汰,面对这个叫杨开的家伙,宗门六品好像就是一群待宰的羔羊,竟是没有半点反抗之力。 He has suspected very much, this Yang Kai unexpectedly really so powerful? With is 6-Rank, even again strong, can have a limit? 他一直很怀疑,这个杨开竟真有如此强大?同为六品,就算再强,总该有个极限吧? He has also considered, how if own did bump into Yang Kai to deserve? Running definitely cannot run away, others are skilled in Space Principle, disregards the space impediment, how to run? This point, several hundreds were eliminated fellow apprentices to use their disastrous defeat and fresh blood has confirmed. 他也考虑过,若是自己碰到了杨开该当如何?跑是肯定跑不掉的,人家精通空间法则,无视空间阻隔,怎么跑的过?这一点,数百被淘汰出局的师兄弟们已经用自身的惨败和鲜血验证过了。 Since cannot run away, that only war! Perhaps own is not the Yang Kai's opponent, but goes all out always to give other party to become chose/point to puzzle. 既然跑不掉,那就唯有一战!或许自己不是杨开的对手,但拼了命总能给他造成点困扰。 He thinks...... 他是这么想的…… When this moment own really facing the Yang Kai's time, he discovered, own was too naive. 然而当此刻自己真的面对杨开的时候,他才发现,自己太天真了。 That terrifying strength makes him have one type facing the 7-Rank misconception, the strength of but on others unconstrainedly coming out fluctuates, truly is only 6-Rank without doubt! 恐怖的力量让他生出一种面对七品的错觉,但人家身上跌宕出来的力量波动,确实只是六品无疑! 6-Rank can Open Heaven, unexpectedly powerful to this degree? 六品开天,竟能强大到这种程度? Until was punched to pour by Yang Kai on the ground, Deng Chi does not want to understand this point, he somewhat suspected, own past laborious practice, where has problems. 直到被杨开揍倒在地上,邓池也没想明白这一点,他不禁有些怀疑,自己以往的辛苦修行,是不是哪里出了什么问题。 No wonder so many also wanted powerful fellow apprentices also to be defeated by Yang Kai compared with him, no wonder Yue Mang Eldest Senior Brother was not his opponent. 怪不得那么多比他还要强大的师兄师姐们也被杨开击败了,怪不得连乐莽大师兄也不是他的对手。 So the strength, in 6-Rank who endures the rival? 如此实力,六品之中谁堪敌手? This Senior Brother......” Yang Kai squats before him, can inquire a matter with you?” “这位师兄……”杨开蹲在他面前,“能不能跟你打探个事?” Deng Chi spits blood while is looking at Yang Kai: What matter?” 邓池一边吐血一边望着杨开:“什么事?” two people that like a raging fire just now also hits, can the calm ground opposite talk, Deng Chi still spit blood in the big mouth at this moment unexpectedly especially, how this scene sees how strangely. 方才还打的如火如荼的两人,此刻竟能心平气和地面对面谈话,尤其邓池还在大口吐血,这场面怎么看怎么诡异。 Has saying that Langya Open Heaven is truly good, even if they were beaten to injure by Yang Kai, without the hearts of many enmities, majority only admires of Yang Kai's strength. 不得不说,琅琊开天确实不错,他们纵然被杨开击败打伤,也没有多少怨怼之心,大多数都只敬佩杨开的实力之强。 The own strength is inferior to the person , there is nothing to complain that although they are somewhat crooked in Chengchang Road, but the disposition is quite good, the this time failure will only become the power that continues to try hard, sooner or later can look for the gathering place. 自己实力不如人,没什么好埋怨的,他们虽然在成长路上有些歪,但心性却都极为不俗,这一次失败只会成为继续努力的动力,早晚有一天能把场子找回来。 I saw many Senior Brother to go in a direction, was this must do?” Yang Kai is asking, while put out a hand to fish out Healing Pill to give Deng Chi. “我见许多师兄都朝一个方向去了,这是要干什么?”杨开一边问着,一边伸手摸出了一枚疗伤丹递给邓池 Deng Chi looks at one, brings to force in the mouth, bites to swallow gets into the stomach, shakes the head saying: Cannot say unspeakable!” 邓池瞧一眼,拿来塞进口中,咯嘣一声咬碎咽下肚中,摇头道:“不可说不可说!” Although he was beaten by Yang Kai, was eliminated, but the plan of Yue Mang Eldest Senior Brother he is actually not willing to disclose. 他虽被杨开击败,算是出局了,但乐莽大师兄的计划他却是不愿透露的。 He also wants to notice that Yang Kai was captured by fellow apprentices surrounding, then ascends the sky enters the impossible appearance roadless! So, can avenge a grievance. 他也想看到杨开被诸位师兄弟包围擒拿,然后上天无路入地无门的样子!如此,方能报仇雪恨。 During the speeches, he takes out one pile of value 6-Rank resources the commodity to give Yang Kai. 说话间,他取出一堆价值六品资源的物资来交给杨开 From beginning to end, two people has not talked about the matter of any Healing Pill and commodity, is the first time meets, but as if has a speechless tacit understanding. 从头到尾,两人没有谈及任何疗伤丹和物资的事情,也是头一次见面,但彼此之间仿佛已有一种无言的默契。 Yue Mang Eldest Senior Brother has subpoenaed, if were really defeated by Yang Kai, spends to eliminate the risk, do not struggle, useless. 乐莽大师兄可是传讯过了,真要是被杨开击败了,就花钱消灾吧,也别挣扎了,没用的。 Yang Kai compatible say/way: Senior Brother, you, if can tell me, Healing Pill hits the 20% discount, what kind of?” 杨开亲和道:“师兄,你若能跟我说说,疗伤丹打八折,怎么样?” Deng Chi turns the face away: Deng that type betrays a friend can it be that the person of seeking personal glory, you gave up any idea of that inquires any news from my mouth.” 邓池一扭脸:“邓某岂是那种卖友求荣之人,你休想从我口中打探到任何消息。” Yang Kai nods: Senior Brother is really the moral behavior is noble and pure, Junior Brother admire!” 杨开点点头:“师兄真是人品高洁,师弟佩服佩服!” Deng Chi grins to smile, affects the wound, the smiling face is quite reluctant: I am the Langya juniors!” 邓池咧嘴想笑,牵动伤口,笑容极为勉强:“我可是琅琊子弟!” , Deng Chi cried with a smile, catches the eye to look toward Yang Kai behind, was at that time insane: Why did you come back?, Why you must come back!” 笑着笑着,邓池就哭了,抬眼朝杨开身后望去,当时就疯了:“你们为什么又回来了?啊啊啊啊,你们为什么要回来!” Actually before is in his team, four people that flees, go to return unexpectedly! 却是他队伍中之前逃离的四人,居然去而复返! Expression that four people of all one has no alternative, before wanted to fold the body to assist Deng Chi that Junior Brother dejectedly saying: We do not want to come back Senior Brother Deng, but that side Headmaster transmitted orders, said that we formed the squad, to bully little, if gathers together again, ahead of time under arrange/cloth Formation, even if so won in his surface not to have the light, our shameless, he was concerned about face, therefore transmitted orders, making us turn over to its respectively, can not do the matter that these nonsense had a stroke of bad luck again, wanted us to take Junior Brother Yang by the strength!” 四人皆都一副无可奈何的表情,之前想要折身相助邓池的那位师弟沮丧道:“我们也不想回来啊邓师兄,只是掌教那边传令下来,说咱们本就结成小队,以多欺少了,若是再汇聚一堂,更提前布下大阵,如此就算赢了他面上也无光,咱们不要脸,他老人家还是要脸的,所以传令下来,让咱们各归其位,不得再搞这些狗屁倒灶的事情,要咱们凭借实力将杨师弟拿下!” Deng Chi one dull: „Did Headmaster transmit orders?” 邓池一呆:“掌教传令?” Hastily nosing own status Token, just now he and Yang Kai spoke, in Token really had the news to transmit, but he did not have time to nose, now looks, really so! 连忙查探自己的身份令牌,方才他与杨开说话的时候,令牌里确实有讯息传来,不过他也没时间查探,如今一瞧,果然如此! Deng Chi face raises the head is looking at Yang Kai speechless, the heart said that our Langya Headmaster is your father? Is partial to you! 邓池一脸无语地抬头望着杨开,心说咱们琅琊掌教是你爹吧?这么偏向着你! The Yue Mang Eldest Senior Brother that side arrange/cloth got down Formation with great difficulty, finds out such a absolutely safe method, the light that wins shortly will soon arrive, finally a Headmaster order hands down, bright was camouflaged by the haze instantaneously! 好不容易乐莽大师兄那边布下了大阵,又想出这么一个万无一失的法子来,眼瞅着胜利的光明即将到来,结果掌教一道命令传下,光明瞬间被阴霾遮蔽! Takes...... the strength Yang Kai by the strength , if useful, Yue Mang Eldest Senior Brother so will not handle affairs! 凭借实力将杨开拿下……实力若是有用的话,乐莽大师兄也不会这般行事了! However Deng Chi also has to acknowledge, Headmaster said right, Langya so many 6-Rank had been eliminated by Yang Kai, if the remaining people cannot draw this game frankly and uprightly, that this trial were also little significance. 不过邓池也不得不承认,掌教说的没错,琅琊这么多六品已被杨开淘汰出局,剩下的人若不能正大光明地扳回这一局,那这一场试炼也没多大意义了。 Waits for gains without pains to win a person by remaining numerous 6-Rank, is truly no interesting. 靠剩下的众多六品守株待兔去打赢一个人,确实没什么意思。 You and others unexpectedly is so attentively dangerous!” Yang Kai opens the mouth in one side suddenly. “你等用心居然如此险恶!”杨开在一旁忽然开口。 He did not know so many 6-Rank Open Heaven toward a direction gathering because of anything, although somewhat guessed faintly, finish does not dare to affirm. 他原本也不知道那么多六品开天朝一个方向汇聚到底是因为什么,虽然隐隐有些猜测,毕竟不敢肯定。 Now listened to Deng Chi and another person of dialogue, which is not clear. 如今听了邓池和另外一人的对话,哪还不明白。 Some this person where cloths got down Heaven-Sealing Earth-Lock Formation obviously, then surplus Langya Open Heaven will gather at one, own, if also wants to have capture, must walk into a trap, when the time comes Space Principle did not have taking advantage, again how can his strength? 这显然有人在什么地方布下了封天锁地大阵,然后将剩余的琅琊开天聚集在一处,自己若还想有所斩获的话,就非得自投罗网,到时候空间法则没了依仗,他实力再强又能如何? Deng Chi smiles awkwardly: This has the means......” 邓池尴尬地笑了笑:“这不是没办法嘛……” Senior Li wise principle of righteousness!” Yang Kai cups one hand in the other across the chest in the direction that Lord Spirit Province is at distantly, an appearance that flatters to endure gladly. “还是李前辈英明大义!”杨开朝主灵州所在的方向遥遥拱手,一副拍马屁甘之如饴的样子。 Deng Chi seizes the chance to fiercely attack the meaningful glance toward the own four same side! 邓池趁机朝自己的四位同门猛打眼色! Next flickers, the world mighty force comes unconstrainedly, continuously, when four people of figure organize, offers a sacrifice to Secret Treasure respectively, covers with the aid of Secret Technique divine ability rays of light, covers to kill toward Yang Kai! 下一瞬,世界伟力跌宕开来,此起彼伏,四人身形腾挪时,各祭秘宝,借助秘术神通光芒掩盖,朝杨开掩杀而来! Now comes face to face, only has life-and-death wrestles! 如今狭路相逢,唯有殊死一搏! rays of light collects, when the fluctuation of energy extinguishes, the people decide the eye to look, Yang Kai in it place the nobody left, the people have not known when unexpectedly he disappears does not see. 光芒敛去,能量波动消弭时,众人定眼望去,杨开原本所在之地已经空无一人,众人竟不知他是什么时候消失不见的。 Junior Brother Ding was grasped!” A person calls out in alarm. 丁师弟被抓了!”一人惊叫。 About other two people takes a look, really does not see that Junior Brother Ding trace, they also had four people, but only has three now. 其他两人左右瞧瞧,果然不见那丁师弟的踪影,他们原本还剩下四人,可是现在只有三个了。 A Deng Chi sigh: Junior Brother Ding was eliminated!” 邓池一声叹息:“丁师弟出局了!” Where was seized to have any good end by Yang Kai, nothing but was beaten severely, was compelled to buy Healing Pill, then forfeits the qualifications of participation trial. 杨开擒走哪有什么好下场,无非就是被痛打一顿,然后被逼着买一枚疗伤丹,接着丧失参与试炼的资格。 Almost everyone is the same, these pretty Senior Sister Junior Sister so. Before Deng Chi and the others heard that after Gu Ling'er Junior Sister Yang Kai injured, simply cannot believe that ear of own, this is Yang Kai also a man, unexpectedly even Junior Sister Gu such person also punched, the thoughts that the least bit showed tender affection did not have. 几乎每个人都一样,就连那些娇滴滴的师姐师妹们都如此。之前邓池等人听说古灵儿师妹都被杨开打伤了之后,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵,这杨开还是不是男人,居然连古师妹那样的人儿也揍,半点怜香惜玉的心思都没有。 Before Gu Ling'er was injured by Yang Kai, many Senior Sister Junior Sister mentalities are very good, always thought that own as some female many advantages, even if will fall into the Yang Kai's evil clutches not to eat were lucky, at the worst will be suffering unexpected financial losses eliminating the risk. 古灵儿杨开打伤之前,诸多师姐师妹们心态还是很不错的,总觉得自己身为女子多少有些优势,纵然落入杨开的魔掌中也不会吃太多亏,大不了就是破财消灾。 However after the matter of Gu Ling'er leaves, Senior Sister Junior Sister could not stand firm, if this as pretty as a flower cheek got a fist by Yang Kai, where in the future will have a face to see the person? 然而古灵儿之事出后,师姐师妹们就稳不住了,这要是如花似玉的脸蛋被杨开打上一拳,日后还哪有脸出来见人? However makes them feel what rejoices, although Yang Kai the men and women treat impartially, starts also heavily, but confronts female time, has not been acting to the face after all, therefore still has no Senior Sister Junior Sister to disfigure, this is also unfortunate lucky. 不过让她们感到庆幸的是,杨开虽然男女一视同仁,下手也不轻,但对阵女子的时候,总归没有对着脸出手,所以至今倒没有哪一位师姐师妹破相的,这也是不幸中的万幸。 However at this moment, a little makes Deng Chi and the others the doubts puzzled actually. 不过此时此刻,倒是有一点让邓池等人疑惑不解。 In three people that has not been eliminated an old say/way: Did not say this Yang Kai by an enemy three, by an enemy four easy? What does he run?” 还未出局的三人中一个年纪稍大的道:“不是说这杨开以一敌三,以一敌四轻而易举吗?他跑什么?”
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