MP :: Volume #43

#4252: Also is Divine Monarch

Blood Monster Divine Monarch was skilled in Blood Principle and Controlling Beast Principle, this point has extremely obvious manifestation in entire Blood Monster Cave Heaven, that blood lake was showing of Blood Principle, but here Monster Beast of all forms was manifestation of Controlling Beast Principle. 血妖神君生前精通血道驭兽之道,这一点在整个血妖洞天内都有极为明显的体现,那血湖便是血道的彰显,而这里形形色色的妖兽便是驭兽之道的体现。 Why to result in the inheritance of Blood Principle to inherit entire Blood Monster Cave Heaven? 凭什么得了血道的传承就能继承整个血妖洞天 Also a little makes Yang Kai feel puzzled, that is location/position of this blood lake is not covert, in Proprietress gives on his map, contains the region that this blood lake was. 还有一点让杨开感到不解,那就是这血湖的位置并不算隐蔽,在老板娘交给他的那一份地图上,也包含了这个血湖所在的区域。 In other words, before definitely had the senior ancestors to pass through this region. 换句话说,之前绝对有前辈先人走过这个区域。 But on that map does not have obvious labelling! 可那地图上却没有明显的标注! If before this blood lake, some words, why for these years, some people have never mentioned? After all the matter no small matter of this Blood Principle inheritance, the casual news spreads, well-known that will make. 若这血湖以前就有的话,为何这么多年来,从未有人说起过?毕竟这血道传承的事非同小可,随便一点消息流传出来,都会闹的人尽皆知。 In fact, opens except for this time Blood Monster Cave Heaven, but also no one had heard has such a blood lake, had not heard that has an inheritance of such Blood Principle. 事实上,除了这一次血妖洞天开启,还没人听说过有这么一个血湖,也没听说有这么一份血道的传承。 Then, only then an explanation, that is this blood lake and Blood Principle inheritance, recently appeared, before had never appeared, therefore these have entered the Blood Monster Cave Heaven senior ancestors, knows nothing about this matter, on that map has not labelled. 如此一来,只有一种解释,那就是这血湖和血道传承,就是最近才出现的,以前从未出现过,所以那些进入过血妖洞天的前辈先人们,才对此事一无所知,那地图上才没有标注。 martial artist that this time comes, is the first batch has the contacted person with this Blood Principle inheritance. 这一次进来的武者,是第一批与这血道传承有所接触的人。 But if, somewhat could not convince. 可若是如此的话,就有些说不通了。 Blood Monster Divine Monarch supposes to test here, the desire passes to the person of being predestined friends Blood Principle, without the truth hid so many years, opens until recent Blood Monster Cave Heaven obviously before the person. 血妖神君在此设下考验,欲将自身血道传给有缘之人,没道理隐藏了这么多年,直到最近一次血妖洞天开启才显于人前。 He wants to look for the legacy successor sincerely, this blood lake should appear in the eyes of the world is right, conceals is too deep, the most possible result is legacy is then lost. 他真心想要寻找衣钵传人,这血湖早就应该出现在世人的视野中才对,藏的太深,最可能的结果便是衣钵失传。 Cannot think through unable to think through...... Yang Kai to shake the head, comprehends that Blood Shine Scripture second half. 想不通啊想不通……杨开晃晃脑袋,参悟那血照经的下半篇。 No matter how, this Blood Shine Scripture absolutely is the genuine article, so exquisite Cultivation Technique whole world is difficult to seek, Yang Kai also can only walk one step to look at one step. 不管如何,这血照经绝对是真货,如此精妙的功法举世难寻,杨开也只能走一步看一步了。 time passes, sits in a circle the blood fog lingers on bleached bone all around people, immerses is unable to extricate oneself in the profound mystery of Blood Shine Scripture. When everyone has not detected, since dim light is suddenly bright from the eye socket of that skeleton, that dim light is very dim, resembles the wick that will soon extinguish, flutters silently from the hollow eye socket, wandered regarding the skeleton, then fluttered in front of Qu Huachang. 时间流逝,围坐在枯骨四周的众人身上血雾萦绕,沉浸在血照经的玄奥之中无法自拔。在所有人都没有察觉的时候,一点幽光忽然自那骸骨的眼眶之中亮起,那幽光很是昏暗,似即将熄灭的灯芯,无声无息地从凹陷的眼眶之中飘荡出来,围绕着骸骨转悠了一圈,然后飘到了曲华裳面前。 The dim light vicissitudes, resemble are searching anything, how long has not stayed in front of Qu Huachang, then rushes to next martial artist, in Qu Huachang right side not far away is the diminutive man who that once hid one's incompetence by remaining silent, the dim light as if has own spiritual wisdom general, observed his moment slightly, then left. 幽光浮浮沉沉,似是在寻觅着什么,在曲华裳面前并没有停留多久,便奔向下一个武者,在曲华裳右侧不远处的便是那曾藏拙的矮小男子,幽光仿佛有自己灵智一般,稍稍观察了他片刻,便又离开了。 each and everyone martial artist noses, the dim light arrived in front of Zhou Yi, resembles had discovered, stay time is also longest, but it flutters finally to Zhou Yi another person. 一个个武者查探下来,幽光来到了周毅面前,似是有所发现,停留的时间也最长,不过最终它还是飘向周毅身边的另外一人。 Quick, the dim light then transferred, arrived next to front of Qu Huachang Yang Kai. 很快,幽光便转了一圈,来到了紧挨在曲华裳身边的杨开面前。 Dim dim light rays of light puts suddenly greatly, seemed a beast of prey to seek for most delicious food, without hesitation, hit toward the Yang Kai mind, imitated obviously, if the fire of remaining years of life, was actually hindered slightly, vanished suddenly does not see. 昏暗的幽光陡然光芒大放,好似一头猛兽寻找到了最可口的食物,毫不犹豫,直直地朝杨开脑海中撞来,明明仿若残烛之火,却是丝毫没有受到阻碍,瞬息间消失不见。 Yang Kai is perceiving through meditation that Blood Shine Scripture second half with all one's heart, suddenly the body inspires, a cool feeling spreads the whole body, has not waited for him to respond that exactly had anything, then felt that own Consciousness Sea defends is broken, resembles has anything to crash in Consciousness Sea , a gloomy and cold sound resounds in the mind: Junior, hands over your body!” 杨开正一门心思地参悟那血照经的下半篇,忽然身躯一振,一种阴凉的感觉遍及全身,还不等他反应过来到底发生了什么,便感觉自己识海防御被破,似是有什么东西冲进识海,紧接着,一个阴冷的声音在脑海之中响起:“小辈,交出你的身躯!” The Yang Kai big quake, in mind immersion Consciousness Sea, melts Divine Soul Spirit Body hastily, saw one group of illusory shadow throw toward own, that illusory shadow obviously looks very weak, actually gives him the extremely powerful feeling, illusory shadow explodes instantaneously, changes to one group of grey mist, the desire wraps him. 杨开大震,心神连忙沉浸识海之中,化出神魂灵体,一眼就看到了一团虚影自己扑来,那虚影明明看起来很虚弱,却偏偏给他极为强大的感觉,虚影瞬间爆开,化作一团灰色的雾气,欲将他包裹。 Hurried retreat, avoids that grey mist, Yang Kai explodes drinks one: Seizes the shed?” 匆忙后退,避开那灰色的雾气,杨开爆喝一声:“夺舍?” That crashes in illusory shadow in own Consciousness Sea, clearly is together Divine Soul! 那冲进自己识海中的虚影,分明是一道神魂 He panic-stricken simply in the extreme, previously he, although is perceiving through meditation Blood Shine Scripture with all one's heart, but to guard against Pei Wenxuan possibly sneak attacks own, to have branched out a wisp of mind attention outside world, may before this Divine Soul crashes in own Consciousness Sea, he not detected unexpectedly. 他内心之惊骇简直无以复加,此前他虽然一门心思在参悟血照经,但为了防备裴文轩可能偷袭自己,是以一直分出一缕心神关注外界,可在这神魂冲进自己识海之前,他竟是毫无察觉。 Will present the this kind of result, the only explanation, is Divine Soul of this person is then more powerful than own are too many, can deceive the own sensation. 会出现这样的结果,唯一的解释,便是此人的神魂自己强大太多,能骗过自己的感知。 Who is this? 这是谁? Yang Kai immediately associates to the jade bone that sits cross-legged, the for a moment ghost all braves. 杨开立刻联想到那盘膝的玉骨,一时间亡魂皆冒。 Should this not be Blood Monster Divine Monarch Divine Soul? If really so, that today ended. But Blood Monster Divine Monarch before death 8-Rank Open Heaven, even if dead innumerable years, the strength of Divine Soul is not he can contend. 这该不会是血妖神君神魂吧?若真如此,那今天就完了。血妖神君生前可是八品开天,纵然死去无数年,神魂之力也不是他能抗衡的。 Saw with own eyes that mist approaches toward own unceasingly, Yang Kai clenches teeth, puts out a hand a finger/refers to explode shouts: Cuts!” 眼见那雾气不断朝自己逼近,杨开一咬牙,伸手一指爆喝道:“斩!” A blade light cuts quietly, is continuously Cuts The Soul Blade of warm and nourish in Consciousness Sea, before supplementing with Tian Yan, Heavens Breaker Strike that teaches, this one move is Earthshaking. 一记刀光悄无声息地斩下,正是一直温养识海之中的斩魂刀,辅以天衍之前传授的破天一击,此一招可谓是惊天动地 However what makes Yang Kai desperately incomparable is, under the Cuts The Soul Blade light, that mist dispersed the moment merely, then gathers, was unforgiving to pursue. 然而让杨开绝望无比的是,斩魂刀光之下,那雾气仅仅只是散开了片刻,便又重新聚集起来,不依不饶地追了过来。 Yang Kai several want to spit blood! 杨开几欲吐血! Cuts The Soul Blade is Emperor Treasure, although present Rank could not have kept up with his practice rhythm, having indication that must be eliminated, but it specifically aims at Divine Soul after all, was so long with Heavens Breaker Strike Secret Technique warm and nourish, can say, even low-rank Open Heaven unexpected this move, must have a dizzy spell, this mist was not obstructed unexpectedly, obviously pure and great strength of its Divine Soul. 斩魂刀帝宝,虽然如今的品阶已经跟不上他的修炼节奏,有要被淘汰的征兆,但它毕竟是专门针对神魂的,又用破天一击秘术温养了这么久,可以说,即便是下品开天猝不及防中了此招,也得头晕目眩一下,偏偏这雾气竟是不受阻扰,可见其神魂的精纯和强大。 „Does junior also want to revolt?” In that mist broadcasts the old sound, Old Man waits for several tens of thousands years, now finally results in the good opportunity, you can contend can it be that obediently gives Old Man the body, may be short by some pains.” “小辈还想反抗?”那雾气之中传来苍老的声音,“老夫等待数万年,如今终于得了良机,又岂是你能抗衡,乖乖将身躯交给老夫,也可少受一些痛楚。” Cuts!” Yang Kai does not pay attention, stimulates to movement Cuts The Soul Blade unceasingly, changes to the innumerable blade light to cut, the strength of own Divine Soul also such as the tide passes generally. “斩斩斩!”杨开不加理会,不断催动斩魂刀,化作无数刀光斩下,自身的神魂之力也如潮水一般流逝。 Every one strikes the blade light to be able that mist to scatter, but quick gathers, how although does not seem like the opposite party, was Yang Kai welcomed extremely precious escape time. 每一击刀光都能将那雾气打散,但很快又重新聚集,虽然看起来没将对方怎么样,却为杨开迎来了极为宝贵的逃亡时间 Otherwise once by this mist to the package, that were really ended. 否则一旦被这雾气给包裹的话,那就真的完了。 Dozens attack get down one after another, the Yang Kai heart decided much. Now looks like, although this Divine Soul powerful incomparable, but time was too after all long, already no longer the boundary of peak, living where otherwise he can resist? 接连几十道攻击下来,杨开心定了不少。如今看来,这神魂虽然强大无比,但毕竟时间太久了,早已不复巅峰之境,否则他哪能抵挡的住? Moreover Cuts The Soul Blade attack does not have the effect, this series of attack hit, that gray mist was slightly gloomy was so little, although was not very obvious, but here after all was Yang Kai's Consciousness Sea, his sensation? 而且斩魂刀攻击并非没有效果,这一连串攻击打下来,那灰色雾气稍稍暗淡了那么一点点,尽管很不明显,可是这里毕竟是杨开的识海,他又如何感知不到? Junior is dissolute, after Old Man seized your flesh body, surely your Divine Soul detention, calling you dead like a dog!” In that fog broadcasts the breathless sound. “小辈放肆,待老夫夺了你肉身之后,定将你神魂拘禁,叫你不得好死!”那灰雾之中传来气急败坏的声音。 Yang Kai even more felt at ease, copes with him with Cuts The Soul Blade at a moderate pace, while asked: Blood Monster Divine Monarch?” 杨开愈发安心了,一边用斩魂刀不紧不慢地对付他,一边问道:“血妖神君?” Fog paused that throws, transmits shouting of violent anger: Must in Old Man surface premise that old ordinary man, Old Man be unable to co-exist with him not!” 扑来的灰雾顿了一下,紧接着传来暴怒的嘶吼:“莫要在老夫面前提那老匹夫,老夫与他势不两立!” Yang Kai is surprised. 杨开惊愕不已。 Isn't this fellow unexpectedly Blood Monster Divine Monarch? 这家伙居然不是血妖神君 According to his speculation, before this Divine Soul, should hide in that bleached bone, such being the case, how can also not be Blood Monster Divine Monarch, moreover seems like this fellow also to have the appearance of bitter hatred with Blood Monster Divine Monarch. 按他的推测,这神魂之前应该是隐藏在那枯骨之中的,既然如此,又怎么会不是血妖神君,而且看起来这家伙跟血妖神君还有深仇大恨的样子。 In the Yang Kai mind the miraculous glow flashes, thinks of a possibility. 杨开脑海中灵光一闪,想到一个可能。 Only if...... that bleached bone is not the Blood Monster Divine Monarch remains, but is others! 除非……那枯骨并非血妖神君的遗骸,而是旁人的! Your excellency who? Also asked in the report to come.” Yang Kai strikes Cuts The Soul Blade to cut, obstructed his offensive slightly, this place is his Consciousness Sea, here with the person battle, he has the exceptional superiority. “尊驾何人?还请报上名来。”杨开又是一击斩魂刀斩下,稍稍阻扰了他的攻势,此地乃是他的识海,在此与人争斗,他有得天独厚的优势。 By, only if each other Divine Soul strength disparity is very big, will otherwise seize the shed not to succeed generally. 是以除非彼此的神魂力量差距很大,否则一般夺舍是不会成功的。 Fog cold snort said: Old Man is Black Crow Divine Monarch!” 灰雾冷哼道:“老夫乃是黑鸦神君!” Yang Kai is flabbergasted secretly, this is Divine Monarch! Only has high-rank Open Heaven to have the qualifications with the Divine Monarch title, this Black Crow Divine Monarch before death high-rank Open Heaven? No wonder died so many years, the Divine Soul strength is so strong, but can also find the way to seize the shed rebirth. 杨开暗暗咋舌,这又是一个神君!唯有上品开天才有资格冠以神君的称号,这黑鸦神君生前岂不是上品开天?怪不得死了这么多年,神魂力量还这么强大,还能想办法夺舍重生。 Let Yang Kai feel what is curious, this Black Crow Divine Monarch in Blood Monster Cave Heaven? 杨开感到好奇的是,这黑鸦神君怎么会在血妖洞天之中? „The Blood Monster old ordinary man dares to imprison Old Man, ha ha ha, so many years passed by, that old ordinary man died without the burial ground, Old Man actually lived, was really laughable.” Fog throws toward Yang Kai unceasingly strikes, while laughs wildly. 血妖老匹夫敢囚禁老夫,哈哈哈,这么多年过去了,那老匹夫死无葬身之地,老夫却活了下来,真是可笑。”灰雾一边不断地朝杨开扑击,一边猖狂大笑。 Yang Kai only knows, originally this fellow was imprisoned in Blood Monster Cave Heaven. Blood Monster Divine Monarch was also, unexpectedly imprisoned high-rank Open Heaven in own Small Universe World, then, this Black Crow Divine Monarch might be 7-Rank Open Heaven, otherwise was insufficient is not the Blood Monster Divine Monarch opponent. 杨开这才知道,原来这家伙是被囚禁在血妖洞天之中的。血妖神君也是了得,生前居然将一位上品开天囚禁在自己小乾坤世界里,这么说来,这黑鸦神君极有可能是七品开天了,否则不至于不是血妖神君的对手。 Old Man consumed the infinite years, more than 100 years ago, broke that damn restriction finally, pitifully, Old Man also life essence completely, flesh body destruction, only will only have remained a wisp of remnant soul at that time, was good leaves behind the inheritance of Blood Principle because of the Blood Monster old ordinary man, Old Man what kind of aptitude, Blood Principle inherited with ease then comprehends thoroughly, can the junior, how know Blood Principle Cultivation Technique of Blood Monster old ordinary man to call makes Great Evolution Inextinguishable Blood Shine Scripture?” 老夫耗费了无穷岁月,直到一百多年前,才总算破了那该死的禁制,只可惜,那个时候老夫也已经寿元将尽了,肉身毁灭,只剩一缕残魂,好在血妖老匹夫留下了血道的传承,老夫何等资质,血道传承轻松便参悟透彻,小辈,可知血妖老匹夫的血道功法何以唤作大衍不灭血照经?” Also does not know that was lonely the innumerable years, this Black Crow Divine Soul kept saying wordy, Yang Kai was also glad to socialize with him, heard saying: Also asked the senior to dispel doubt.” 也不知是不是孤单了无数年,这黑鸦神魂罗里吧嗦说个不停,杨开也乐得与他周旋,闻言道:“还请前辈解惑。” Black Crow Divine Monarch hey hey said with a smile lowly: Great Evolution Inextinguishable Blood Shine Scripture, with emphasis then in the Indestructible two characters, free of birth and death, does not live Indestructible, Blood Shine Scripture practice to the pinnacle, but the drop blood rebirth, takes a broad view at the entire world, this Cultivation Technique is Cultivation Technique extremely, in the past when this Cultivation Technique present world, carved caused good Reign of Terror, finally was the Blood Monster old ordinary man goes well.” 黑鸦神君嘿嘿低笑道:“大衍不灭血照经,重点便在不灭二字上,无生无死,不生不灭,血照经修行到极致,可滴血重生,放眼寰宇,此功法可是绝顶的功法,当年此功法现世之时,刻是引起了好一场腥风血雨,最终为血妖老匹夫得手。” Yang Kai strange saying: But the drop blood rebirth, why that did Blood Monster Divine Monarch also die?” 杨开奇道:“既可滴血重生,那血妖神君为何还死了?” Black Crow Divine Monarch cold snort: Longevity has the limit, he passed away. The strength of time is brutal, since ancient times innumerable heroes, who can get rid?” 黑鸦神君冷哼:“寿有极限,他老死了罢了。光阴之力何等残酷,古往今来无数豪杰,又有谁能摆脱?” Yang Kai draws back while starts very ruthless, the nod said: „, Blood Principle inheritance of Blood Monster Divine Monarch for senior obtained? All sorts of tests before that is also the senior supposes?” 杨开一边退一边下手狠辣,点头道:“如此说来,血妖神君血道传承是为前辈所得?那之前的种种考验,也是前辈所设?”
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