MP :: Volume #43

#4251: Does not feel right

This last pass/test to continue compared with on the beforehand two closing difficult several times, but can step the third island is the natural talent intelligent generation, was actually small at the casualty rate, before set out several people safe and sound, almost soon arrived in center of the lake Palace. 这最后一关比起之前的两关难上数倍不止,不过能踏上第三座小岛的皆是天资聪颖之辈,是以伤亡率倒是小了很多,之前出发的几人都安然无恙,差不多快要抵达湖心宫殿所在了。 Also the tea time, that several people have almost arrived at island above that Palace is at simultaneously, each other looked at each other one, simultaneous threw toward that Palace, suddenly was missing. 又过盏茶功夫,那几人几乎是同时到达宫殿所在的小岛之上,彼此对视一眼,齐齐朝那宫殿扑了过去,眨眼不见了踪影。 Is left over that Pei Wenxuan only, turns the head, looked that to Yang Kai that in the blood lake walks. 独独剩下那裴文轩,转过头来,看向正在血湖上行走的杨开 four eyes look at each other, the Yang Kai heart sinks, did not shout secretly wonderfully, this fellow feared that wants to cause what Yin move. He previously when own just came wants to look for own to be troublesome, but was blocked at that time by Qu Huachang, now he on the center of the lake island, own in the lake surface, found the opportunity to him finally. 四目对视,杨开心头一沉,暗呼不妙,这家伙怕是想使什么阴招。他此前在自己刚来的时候就想找自己麻烦,只不过那个时候被曲华裳拦下,如今他在湖心小岛上,自己在湖面中,总算给他找到了机会。 The thought has just now transferred, then sees Pei Wenxuan to crack into a smile, then a fist to him gets hold, rumbles in the direction that Yang Kai was at ruthlessly. 念头才刚转过,便见裴文轩冲他咧嘴一笑,然后一拳握紧,狠狠地朝杨开所在的方向轰了过来。 Whole body Demon Qi and blood energy simultaneous turns wells up, runs out following the arm, changes to a threatening jet black demon dragon, pastes the lake surface long-range raid to come, the momentum is astonishing. 周身魔气血气齐齐翻涌,顺着手臂冲出,化作一条张牙舞爪的漆黑魔龙,贴着湖面奔袭而来,声势惊人。 If the common time, Yang Kai is also not necessarily able this to strike to place in the eye, however he is in the blood lake now, most mind must maintain the revolution of Blood Shine Scripture, resists the involving strength from blood lake, a strength can display less than 30%, really must be hit by this kind of attack, once the mind is lax, the Blood Shine Scripture revolution makes a mistake, must end by the tragedy surely. 若是寻常时候,杨开也未必会将这一击放在眼中,然而如今他身在血湖之中,大部分心神都得维持着血照经的运转,抵挡来自血湖的牵扯力,一身实力能发挥不到30%,真要被这样的攻击打中,一旦心神松懈,血照经运转出错,定要以悲剧收场。 Pei Wenxuan it can be said that chose a best making a move time. 裴文轩可以说是选择了一个最佳的出手时机。 Senior Sister Qu, is far from me!” Yang Kai drinks at the same time lowly, the vision is staring at that stubbornly toward the demon dragon that own throws, stimulates to movement oneself body strength preparation to resist secretly. 曲师姐,离我远些!”杨开低喝一声的同时,目光死死地凝视着那朝自己扑来的魔龙,暗暗催动己身力量准备抵挡。 However at this moment, departed less than the demon dragon of ten zhang (3.33 m) distance to receive pulling of what strength suddenly probably, sank to the blood lake to vanish all of a sudden does not see, a spray has not appeared. 然而就在这时,才飞出不到十丈距离的魔龙忽然像是受到了什么力量的牵引似的,一下子沉入了血湖之中消失不见,连个浪花都没有出现。 Yang Kai was startled, that Pei Wenxuan somewhat is also scared. 杨开怔了一下,那裴文轩也有些傻眼。 Frowns, does not believe rumbles wild attack, one such as just now, does not wait for that attack to throw to Yang Kai in front by the blood lake absorption completely. 皱了下眉头,不信邪地又轰出一记狂暴的攻击,一如方才,根本不等那攻击扑至杨开面前就被血湖吸收殆尽。 This makes the Pei Wenxuan complexion ugly, cold snort, stared at Yang Kai one wickedly: Calculates that your luck is good!” Turns around to throw toward Palace. 这让裴文轩脸色难看起来,冷哼一声,恶狠狠地盯了杨开一眼:“算你运气好!”转身朝宫殿扑去。 This blood lake can absorb attack unexpectedly, is his didn't expect, if this is not the case, he will not make Yang Kai feel better absolutely. Continuing to waste time is not cost-effective here, before that several fellows had entered Palace, he also wants to try the own chance impatiently. 这血湖居然连攻击都能吸收,是他没想到的,若非如此,他绝对不会让杨开好过。继续在这里浪费时间不划算,之前那几个家伙都已经进了宫殿,他也迫不及待想要去试试自己的机缘。 Stares the back that he is vanishing, in the Yang Kai eye wisp of murderous intention flashes through, clenches teeth secretly, calls Qu Huachang saying: Walks.” 凝视着他消失的背影,杨开眼中一缕杀机闪过,暗暗咬了咬牙,招呼曲华裳道:“走吧。” two people continues. 两人继续前行。 Spent time of difference not mostly many double-hour, arrives in the island that center of the lake Palace is, steps that island, Qu Huachang relaxes layer on layer/heavily, has been raising the heart tightly put finally. 花了差不多半个多时辰的时间,才堪堪抵达那湖心宫殿所在的小岛上,踏上那小岛,曲华裳重重地松了口气,一直紧提着心的总算放了下来。 Turned the head to look at all around, Qu Huachang said: Junior Brother Yang, this shut resembles has not rewarded.” 转头看了看四周,曲华裳道:“杨师弟,这一关好像没有奖励呢。” Yang Kai un, when Pei Wenxuan landed on the island with that Zhou Yi and the others, he discovered, before this place such as three islands same have not given Core as the reward. 杨开嗯了一声,早在裴文轩和那周毅等人登岛的时候,他就发现了,此地并没有如之前的三座小岛一样给出内丹作为奖励。 This disappoints him. 这让他很是失望。 According to his calculation, what the first island gives is 4-Rank Core, second 5-Rank, third 6-Rank, that this last central island, but there is a very big probability to present 7-Rank! 按他的推算,第一座小岛给的是四品内丹,第二座五品,第三座六品,那这最后一座中心小岛,可是有很大几率出现七品的! Now unexpectedly does not have the root hair. 如今居然连根毛都没有。 Evidently even in this Blood Monster Cave Heaven, 7-Rank Core is still the rare and precious thing, cannot take casually, when rewards, let alone, the Blood Principle inheritance of that Blood Monster Divine Monarch possibly hidden in this Palace, what reward can have this to inherit? 看样子即便是在这血妖洞天之中,七品内丹也是珍稀之物,不能随随便便地拿出来当奖励,更何况,那血妖神君血道传承就可能隐藏在这宫殿中,什么样的奖励能有这传承好? But Yang Kai comes this mainly for the high-rank practice resources, the present to here is actually harvestless, the nature is disappointed. 可是杨开来此主要就是为了上品修行资源,如今到了这里却是毫无收获,自然失望透顶。 Did not come to come , can only go to have a look, if inside really had what treasure. 不过来都来了,也只能进去看看了,万一里面真有什么宝贝呢。 Caught the eye to size up that Palace, Yang Kai and Qu Huachang two people takes a step to be an expert toward the palace gate. 抬眼打量了一下那宫殿,杨开曲华裳两人迈步朝殿门所在行去。 Later, then entered in the main hall, two people shivers with fright together, only felt that this place makes the person heart be scared gloomily. 不大一会,便入了大殿之中,两人都一起打了个冷战,只感觉此地阴森森地让人心头发毛。 Yang Kai this to suppose many tests for this reason, has a bigger bad risk, who knows to catch the eye to look, actually discovered that here is not quite same as some that own thinks, this main hall is not very large, as far as eyes can reach, inside the situation takes in everything at a glance. 杨开本以为此地会设下更多的考验,有更大的凶险,谁知抬眼望去,却发现这里跟自己想的有些不太一样,这大殿面积不大,一眼望去,内里情况一览无遗。 In the main hall anything does not have, only then the most middle location/position place has High Stage, on that High Stage, sits cross-legged to sit a pure white bleached bone, the bleached bone does not know that died many years, the flesh completely loses, but that skeleton is still pure white like the jade, disperses the hair silk intelligence. 大殿内什么都没有,只有最中间的位置处有一座高台,那高台上,盘膝坐着一具洁白的枯骨,枯骨也不知死去多少年,血肉尽失,但那骨骼却依然洁白如玉,散发丝丝灵性。 Yang Kai surprisedly , he although does not know that powerhouse Great Expert of which age Blood Monster Divine Monarch is, but absolutely tens of thousands years even were until now longer, the after person of that age dies, the skeleton can also preserve this, obviously this skeleton master before death cultivation level is powerful. 杨开惊讶不已,他虽然不知道血妖神君到底是哪个年代的强者大能,但迄今绝对有好几万年甚至更久了,那个年代的人死后,骸骨还能保存成这样,可见这骸骨主人生前的修为何等强大。 First several people that they come assemble at this moment by the skeleton, separates to sit respectively, the vision is staring at that skeleton scalding hot, as if that is an unsurpassed most precious object! 先他们而来的几人此刻都围聚在骸骨旁,各自分开而坐,目光灼热地盯着那骸骨,仿佛那是一件无上至宝! Detected that he and Qu Huachang arrive, the people look toward the entrance. 察觉到他和曲华裳到来,众人纷纷朝入口处瞧了一眼。 Person was uneven!” Pei Wenxuan hey hey smiles one lowly. “人齐了!”裴文轩嘿嘿低笑一声。 Yang Kai looks indifferently, murderous intention is copious, this fellow when he just came to the blood lake intends to look for trouble, just now wants to kill him in the blood lake, now says goodbye, Yang Kai naturally does not prepare leniently. 杨开冷眼望去,杀机沛然,这家伙在他刚来血湖的时候就有意找麻烦,方才又想将他害死在血湖上,如今再见,杨开自然不准备手软。 Brother Yang holds on a minute to begin!” When Yang Kai wants to act, that Great Thousand Blood Land Zhou Yi lifted the hand to shout one suddenly. 杨兄且慢动手!”正当杨开想要出手之时,那大千血地周毅忽然抬手喊了一声。 Yang Kai looked at one toward him, said lightly: „Does Brother Zhou have what granting instruction?” 杨开朝他看了一眼,淡淡道:“周兄有何赐教?” Zhou Yi polite saying: Does not dare, but this place is the place of Blood Monster Divine Monarch Blood Principle inheritance, if I and others attacked brutally here, will be very likely to destroy here inheritance, will also ask Brother Yang to appease anger by Zhou, temporarily resting battle.” 周毅客气道:“不敢,只是此地乃血妖神君血道传承之地,若我等在这里大打出手的话,极有可能会毁了这里的传承,是以周某还请杨兄息怒,暂歇争斗。” „Is here Blood Monster Divine Monarch the place of Blood Principle inheritance?” Yang Kai knits the brows slightly. “这里是血妖神君血道传承之地?”杨开微微皱眉。 Zhou Yi sincere nods said: Good!” Several other people also nod to echo. 周毅正色颔首道:“不错!”其他几人也都点头附和。 How do you know?” “你们如何知晓?” Zhou Yi puts out a hand a finger/refers of that skeleton saying: Brother Yang plunges this jade bone the mind apparent.” 周毅伸手一指那骸骨道:“杨兄将心神浸入这玉骨便知。” The Yang Kai doubt looked at his one eyes, the mind emitted, immerses in that jade bone, the quick then look inspired, the eyeful surprise, he from that jade bone, detected Great Evolution Inextinguishable Blood Shine Scripture other chapters unexpectedly. 杨开狐疑地瞧了他一眼,心神放出,沉浸那玉骨之中,很快便神色一振,满眼诧异,他竟从那玉骨之中,察觉到了大衍不灭血照经的其余篇章。 Before Their group passed three islands, in addition shore stele, altogether four stele, contained Blood Shine Scripture first four respectively, but these four were incomplete, can only be upper half. 之前他们一行人通过了三座小岛,加上岸边的石碑,总共有四个石碑,其中分别蕴藏了血照经的前四篇,但这四篇并不完整,只能算是上半部分。 Before Yang Kai, is thinking, in lower half this center of the lake Palace possibly has, only then the two unite, is true Great Evolution Inextinguishable Blood Shine Scripture! 杨开之前就在想,这湖心宫殿内可能有下半部分,只有二者合一,才是真正的大衍不灭血照经 But at this moment, he died from this unexpectedly does not know that in many years skeletons, nosed the lower half of Blood Shine Scripture! 而此时此刻,他竟从这死去不知道多少年的骸骨之中,查探到了血照经的下半部分! That this skeleton...... 那这骸骨…… Zhou Yi looks at him saying: „If not expect badly, this skeleton should be the Blood Monster Divine Monarch remains, he supposed this place test, inscribed Blood Shine Scripture next in own skeleton above, waited for the person of being predestined friends.” 周毅望着他道:“如果所料不差,这骸骨应该是血妖神君的遗骸了,他生前设下此地考验,将血照经的下篇铭刻在自己的骨骼之上,以待有缘之人。” Is this skeleton of Blood Monster Divine Monarch? Yang Kai felt faintly where is not right. 这是血妖神君的骸骨?杨开隐隐感觉哪里不对。 Did not say that the inheritance of Blood Monster Divine Monarch hidden in Blood Monster Divine Palace, but that Blood Monster Divine Monarch in Blood Monster Cave Heaven most deep place, how many days they then comes , will here be the Blood Monster Cave Heaven surrounding, the place of inheritance will appear here? 不是说血妖神君的传承都隐藏在血妖神殿之中吗,而那血妖神君更是在血妖洞天的最深处,他们这才进来几天,这里更是血妖洞天的外围,传承之地怎么会出现在这里? location/position is not right. 位置不对啊。 Although the test bad risk in that blood lake is also incomparable, but Yang Kai always feels somewhat improper. But under Blood Shine Scripture in this jade bone does not counterfeit...... the Blood Principle inheritance of Blood Monster Divine Monarch, the biggest foundation was Blood Shine Scripture, comprehended this Blood Shine Scripture mystery, with resulting in the Blood Principle inheritance of Blood Monster Divine Monarch had not distinguished. 虽说那血湖中的考验也凶险无比,但杨开总感觉有些不妥。可这玉骨之中的血照经下篇并非作假……血妖神君血道传承,最大的根基就是血照经了,参悟出这血照经的奥妙,与得了血妖神君血道传承没区别。 What's the matter? The Yang Kai brow tight wrinkle, is filled with the suspicion. 到底是怎么回事?杨开眉头紧皱,满心疑窦。 Zhou Yi said: „The Blood Monster Divine Monarch falls many years, this Blood Shine Scripture world is unique now, his skeleton seems like the preservation to be complete, but no one knows that can stand up to the wind and rain, if some people attack brutally in this place, will be very likely to destroy the bone of this inheritance, by before Brother Yang will arrive, I and others had reached an agreement, if who will act in this place, various Rengong will execute it!” 周毅道:“血妖神君陨落多年,如今这血照经天下独一无二,他的骸骨看起来保存完整,但谁也不知能不能禁得起风吹雨打,若是有人在此地大打出手的话,极有可能会毁了这传承之骨,是以在杨兄到来之前,我等已经达成了一个共识,谁若在此地出手,诸人共诛之!” Yang Kai is still thinking that they were ahead of time more than half double-hour, how also to sit here, spent some time to reach the agreement, the fluctuation that for fear that fought destroyed this jade bone, to dread respectively. 杨开还在想他们都提前来了半个多时辰,怎么还坐在这里,原来是花了些时间达成共识,唯恐打斗的波动毁了这玉骨,是以才各自忌惮。 Yang Kai vision gloomy and cold looks toward Pei Wenxuan, opposite party also fighting intent flaming looks like, a face is unruly, this lets other person brow dark wrinkles. 杨开目光阴冷地朝裴文轩望去,对方也战意熊熊地看来,一脸桀骜,这让其他人都眉头暗皱。 Zhou Yi passes on the sound said quietly: Brother Yang, enduring to be uneventful for a while, when this place matter, I and Brother Yang collaborated, executed this liao!” 周毅悄悄传音道:“杨兄,忍一时风平浪静,待此地事了,我与杨兄联手,共诛此獠!” He was bullied by Pei Wenxuan before, pays is not the opponent, can only the humiliation endure patiently, now had with the Yang Kai opportunity jointly, is not naturally willing to miss. 他之前被裴文轩欺负了一顿,自付不是对手,只能屈辱忍耐,如今有了与杨开联手的机会,自然不愿错过。 Thinks to pay one, Yang Kai nods said: But! Made him live is good a while.” 思付一阵,杨开颔首道:“可!就让他多活一阵子好了。” Pei Wenxuan sneers immediately: Is who were many have not said exactly certainly.” 裴文轩当即冷笑不已:“是谁多活还说不准呢。” The Zhou Yi great happiness holds the fist in the other hand: Many thanks Brother Yang, since everyone does not have the objection, that then starts.” So saying, closed the eye impatiently, in the mind immersion jade bone comprehended. 周毅大喜抱拳:“多谢杨兄,既然大家都没有异议,那便开始吧。”这般说着,迫不及待闭上了眼睛,心神沉浸玉骨之中参悟起来。 He pays the advantage to be giant, exerts its utmost to the Blood Principle inheritance of this Blood Monster Divine Monarch, by presenting in everyone, he most feared others anything conflicts, will otherwise not see that Yang Kai consoles him. 他自付优势巨大,对这血妖神君血道传承势在必得,是以在场所有人之中,他是最怕别人起什么冲突的,要不然也不会一看到杨开就劝解他。 Sees him so, others naturally also imitate. 见他如此,其他众人自然也纷纷效仿。 Yang Kai and Qu Huachang go forward several steps, arrived under that skeleton to seek location/position to take a seat, raises the head is looking at that jade bone. 杨开曲华裳上前几步,来到那骸骨之下寻了个位置落座,抬头望着那玉骨。 Thinks, passes message Qu Huachang saying: Senior Sister Qu, all things are careful, if not detect right, immediately protects oneself!” 想了想,传音曲华裳道:“曲师姐,万事小心,若是察觉不对,立刻自保!” Qu Huachang turns head to look at him: Junior Brother detected what was improper?” 曲华裳扭头望他:“师弟可是察觉到什么不妥了?” Yang Kai shakes the head: „The feeling is not a little right.” He cannot say, only thought that the inheritance of Blood Monster Divine Monarch should not appear on this location/position, but he cannot guarantee that guess of own is right, if this is really the Blood Principle inheritance of Blood Monster Divine Monarch? 杨开摇了摇头:“只是有点感觉不对。”他也说不上来,只觉得血妖神君的传承不应该出现在这个位置上,可他也不敢保证自己的猜测就是对的,万一这真的是血妖神君血道传承呢? Holds the breath with rapt attention, Yang Kai closes the eye, in the mind again immersion jade bone, immediately then one line of large characters leap forward in the mind: the one who obtain my inheritance, may inherit Blood Monster Cave Heaven!” 屏息凝神,杨开闭上眼睛,心神再一次沉浸玉骨之中,立刻便一行大字跃入脑海中:“得吾传承者,可继承血妖洞天!” Previously he glanced in a hurry, has not noticed this line of large characters, now saw that feeling of unease was even more strong. 先前他匆匆一瞥,还没注意到这一行大字,如今看到,那种不安的感觉愈发浓烈了。
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