MP :: Volume #43

#4244: Sees again Qu Huachang

The blood-color lake, lakeside stele, martial artist gets together, more people from rush to this place in all directions, should hear here news or detects here change accidentally. 血色湖泊,湖边石碑,武者齐聚,还有更多的人从四面八方赶赴此地,应该都是听到了这边的消息或者偶然间察觉这边的异动。 In addition, Yang Kai also discovers in that lake to have three islands, each was separated on thousand feet (333 m) from, is happen to situated near center of the lake Palace and lakeshore. 除此之外,杨开还发现那湖中有三座小岛,每一座都间隔了上百丈距离,正好坐落在湖心宫殿与湖岸边。 In other words , to go to that center of the lake Palace, can definitely take these three islands to borrow the strength as the foothold. 换言之,若想去那湖心宫殿,完全可以以这三座小岛为落脚点借力。 But gathers at the person of shore at this moment, although are many, actually no one attempts to go to that center of the lake Palace, most people gather under that stele, some people cross the hands behind the back to stand, some people sit cross-legged to sit down, but also some people assume an air of self approbation, does not know that is doing. 只不过此刻聚集在岸边的人虽然不少,却无一人尝试前往那湖心宫殿,大多数人都聚集在那石碑之下,有人负手而立,有人盘膝坐下,还有人摇头晃脑,也不知道在干什么。 ha ha ha, Blood Monster Divine Palace!” Laughs transmits suddenly, the distant tall and strong figure spreads together rapidly, does not stay to spread directly in that center of the lake Palace direction, to while clamored rampantly: This Blood Monster inheritance is some, you stand out of the way to me!” 哈哈哈,血妖神宫!”一声大笑忽然传来,远方一道魁梧身形迅速驰来,毫不停留直接朝那湖心宫殿方向驰去,一边冲一边嚣张叫嚣:“这血妖传承是某家的了,尔等都给我靠边站!” Yang Kai turns head to look, saw only that person of hurriedly passing over gently and swiftly blood-color lake surface, toward approached from the shore recent first island, however has not waited for him to depart the far distance, calm and composed, as if dead situation blood-color lake, has actually curled up the spray suddenly, the overhead overcomes toward that martial artist together. 杨开扭头望去,只见那人急匆匆地掠过血色湖面,直朝距离岸边最近的第一座小岛靠近,然而还不等他飞出多远的距离,一直古井无波,仿佛一潭死水般的血色湖泊,却是忽然卷起一道浪花,当头朝那武者打下。 That martial artist shouted angrily, immediately stimulates to movement the Emperor Yuan protection, the body shone the brilliant color, the fierce strength fluctuation spread. 武者怒喝一声,立刻催动帝元防护,身上亮起绚烂色彩,凶猛力量波动传出。 This fellow impressively was concise Half Open Heaven of 5-Rank strength, only missed one step to attempt to promote, background was also so good, if given time, so long as falls during the promotion, surely were not side hero. 这家伙赫然是个凝练了五品力量的半步开天,只差一步就可以尝试晋升了,如此底蕴也算不俗,假以时日,只要不在晋升之中陨落,必定是一方豪雄。 But this tall and strong martial artist under that blood-color spray, is the strength of least bit resistance does not have unexpectedly, the spray has thrown, his body surface locates the snow and ice under layer upon layer defense as if scorching sun, the rapid ablation, including one to breathe time not to insist radically. 可这位魁梧武者在那血色浪花之下,竟是半点抵抗之力都没有,浪花扑过,他体表处一层层防御仿佛骄阳下的冰雪,迅速消融,根本连一个呼吸时间都没有坚持。 That person has a big shock, has what movement without enough time again, was irrigated by the bloody water all over the head and face. 那人大惊失色,来不及再有什么动作,便被血水浇了一头一脸。 With the accident, how could it not be he to know own is so rash suddenly should touch what restriction? for a moment cold sweat drippings, stands still moves same place does not dare to move heedlessly. 忽遇变故,他岂不知自己这般冒失应该是触动了什么禁制一时间冷汗淋淋,静立原地动不敢乱动。 The spray subsides, the blood-color lake replied again tranquilly, as if a moment ago that was only the misconception of people. 浪花平息,血色湖泊再次回复了平静,仿佛刚才那一幕只是众人的错觉。 ha ha ha! I am all right!” That person laughs suddenly, only waited for the moment because of him, unexpectedly returns safe and sound, previously he thinks own touched what restriction, more unfortunate than fortunate, who knew is own wants in the end unexpectedly. 哈哈哈!我没事!”那人忽然又大笑起来,只因他等了片刻,居然毫发无伤,先前他以为自己触动了什么禁制,凶多吉少,谁知到头来竟是自己想多了。 Idiot!” Near the lakeshore, some people of coldly are looking at him, looks to disdain and ridicule. “白痴!”湖岸边,有人冷冷地望着他,面露不屑和讥讽。 Yang Kai also finds it strange, since that person by the bloody water pouring, how will be returned safe and sound? When is puzzled, only listens to that humanity: This place restriction is in disrepair after many years, perhaps had lost the effect, you and others still is so cautious, simply laughable laughable, when some took the Divine Monarch inheritance!” 杨开也觉得奇怪,那人既然被血水浇中,怎么会毫发无伤?正不解时,只听那人道:“此地禁制年久失修,恐怕早已失去了功效,你等却依然这般小心翼翼,简直可笑可笑,待某家去取了神君传承!” So saying , the rocking figure spreads toward that lake Nakakoshima. 这般说着,又晃动身形朝那湖中小岛驰去。 However him just had an action to perform, near the lakeshore then erupts screams, has not young female child to look frightened, put out a hand to cover up red lips, the beautiful pupil stared the circle, as if saw what extremely scary one. 然而他这边才刚刚有所动作,湖岸边便爆发出一阵惊呼声,更有不少女子面露惊悚,伸手掩住了红唇,美眸瞪圆,仿佛看到了什么极为骇人的一幕。 The Yang Kai also view shrinks, is staring at lake surface that person. 杨开也眼帘一缩,怔怔地盯着湖面那人。 As that person proceeds to spread, his flesh flakes unexpectedly rapidly, fell into the lake water, suddenly the time, a head then turned into the skeleton head , the flesh completely loses from top to bottom, the spacious clothing cover lives in the body, with his speeds along makes noise. 随着那人往前驰去,他身上的血肉竟迅速剥落下来,一块块掉进了湖水中,眨眼功夫,一颗脑袋便变成了骷髅头,浑身上下也血肉尽失,宽大的衣衫罩住身躯,随着他的飞驰呼啦啦作响。 That person does not seem to actually felt slightly general, still leads the way, making the people who see absolutely terrified. 那人却仿佛丝毫没感觉一般,依然前行,让看见的人都毛骨悚然。 After the moment, changes to that person of one bleached bone to break, falls into the blood lake, was swallowed silently completely, in the tranquil lake surface, as if all have not happened. 片刻后,化作一具枯骨的那人散了架,直直地掉进血湖中,无声无息地被吞噬殆尽,平静的湖面上,仿佛一切都没有发生过。 Blood Monster Divine Monarch is 8-Rank Open Heaven, restriction that planted was even in disrepair after many years, casual can any cat any dog disregard can it be that?” Before has scolded that person idiot martial artist sneered, obviously the first time was not saw this situation, definitely before some people, has suffered a loss in this blood lake, otherwise so many people were impossible to gather here, was aloof facing that center of the lake Palace. 血妖神君八品开天,生前种下的禁制就算年久失修,又岂是随便什么阿猫阿狗可以无视的?”之前骂过那人“白痴”的武者冷笑一声,显然不是第一次看到这种情况,肯定有人之前已经在这血湖上吃了亏,否则这么多人不可能聚集在这里,面对那湖心宫殿无动于衷。 Yang Kai turns head to look toward that side, the view shrinks, only because of him discovered that spoke this person of whole body Demon Qi to be dense, gave his feeling is quite familiar. 杨开扭头朝那边望去,不由地眼帘一缩,只因他发现说话这人浑身魔气森然,给他的感觉极为熟悉。 Carefully thinks, this type felt he once felt on Great Demon God has been. 认真想了一下,这种感觉他曾在大魔神身上感受到过。 Is this fellow Myriad Demons Heaven? In the Yang Kai heart thinks to pay, as far as he knows, that Great Demon God Mo Sheng, then extremely possible family background from Myriad Demons Heaven! 这家伙是万魔天的?杨开心中思付,据他所知,那大魔神莫胜,便极可能出身自万魔天 Perhaps detected that the Yang Kai's vision, that Myriad Demons Heaven disciple turned head to look, said with a smile ferociously: „Does boy, what look at? Courts death?” 许是察觉到了杨开的目光,那万魔天弟子扭头望来,狞笑道:“小子,看什么?找死吗?” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, turns away calmly, pours does not fear him, but is disinclined to have anything to conflict with the opposite party. 杨开微微一笑,不动声色地移开视线,倒也不是怕他,只是懒得与对方发生什么冲突。 Actually does not think that the opposite party is unforgiving unexpectedly, a pair of pupil sizes up Yang Kai up and down, reveals the look that has a relish, the figure rocks, suddenly arrives at Yang Kai beyond three zhang (3.33 m), feels the chin saying: Boy, I discovered you very look like a person.” 却不想对方居然不依不饶起来,一双眸子上下打量杨开,露出饶有兴致的神色,身形晃动,忽然来到杨开三丈外,摸着下巴道:“小子,我发现你挺像一个人的。” Yang Kai turns the head to look, said lightly: This does Senior Brother have what advice?” 杨开转头望去,淡淡道:“这位师兄有何指教?” That Myriad Demons Heaven disciple is looking at him earnestly, freely nods: Really is you!” Speaking of last character time, suddenly Demon Qi turned to well up, lifts the hand to pat toward Yang Kai, in that palm, the 6-Rank strength welled up crazily, changes to an vortex, resembling to pull Yang Kai, strangled to death crazily. 万魔天弟子认真地瞧着他,不住地颔首:“果然是你!”说到最后一个字的时候,忽然一身魔气翻涌,抬手就朝杨开拍了下来,那掌心之中,六品的力量狂涌,化作一个漩涡,似要将杨开拉扯进去,疯狂绞杀。 Yang Kai just wants to counter-attack, the Bu Lianzhong five people the simultaneous stimulation of movement strength, has killed from Yang Kai behind, five people of aura were close, resembles in the flash formed a marvelous battle formation, five people of strength gathered on Bu Lianzhong, lifted a hand palm to face forward to welcome. 杨开正想反击,步连忠五人已齐齐催动力量,从杨开身后杀出,五人气息紧密相连,似在一瞬间结成了一个奇妙的阵势,五人之力汇聚在步连忠身上,抬手一掌朝前迎去。 Bang, that Myriad Demons Heaven disciple Demon Qi inspires, in the future will back up stuffily several steps, Bu Lianzhong and the others simultaneous snort/hum, withdraws. 轰地一声,那万魔天弟子魔气一振,往后倒退了好几步,步连忠等人齐齐闷哼一声,退避开来。 This fights with all might, unexpectedly is evenly matched. 这一记拼杀,竟是势均力敌。 However Bu Lianzhong drew support from that marvelous battle formation, gathers the fellow apprentices five people of strength, but this Myriad Demons Heaven disciple is actually only one person alone one. Therefore, Bu Lianzhong and the others the strengths are well below this Myriad Demons Heaven disciple. 不过步连忠是借助了那奇妙阵势,汇聚师兄弟五人之力,而这万魔天弟子却只是孤身一个。由此看来,步连忠等人的实力是远远不如这个万魔天弟子的。 Great Battle Heaven?” That Myriad Demons Heaven disciple looks at Bu Lianzhong and the others indifferently: „Do you court death? Dares to meddle my matter, dares to begin again, butchered including you together!” 大战天?”那万魔天弟子冷眼瞧了瞧步连忠等人:“你们找死吗?竟敢插手我的事,再敢动手,连你们一块宰了!” Bu Lianzhong said solemnly: Had heard that Myriad Demons Heaven disciple hugely greatly I biggest, does not place in anybody the eye, this thinks that has exaggerated, now looks like really so! Senior Brother Pei, you, although, but my fellow apprentices spells to assign/life is not a vegetarian.” 步连忠沉声道:“早就听说万魔天弟子天大地大我最大,不将任何人放在眼中,本以为有所夸大,如今看来果然如此!裴师兄,你虽了得,但我师兄弟拼起命来也不是吃素的。” That Myriad Demons Heaven disciple crooked tilting the head: „Do you recognize me?” 万魔天弟子歪了歪头:“你认得我?” Bu Lianzhong stern saying: Myriad Demons Heaven Pei Wenxuan Senior Brother Pei, famous, how can I not recognize?” 步连忠正色道:“万魔天裴文轩裴师兄,鼎鼎大名,我又怎会不认得?” His saying sounds like answering the issue, in fact is explaining the origin of this person to Yang Kai. 他这话听起来像是在回答问题,实际上是在跟杨开解释此人的来历。 That Pei Wenxuan grins, reveals a snow white fang, the applause is looking at Bu Lianzhong: Recognizes me also to dare to speak to me, the Great Battle Heaven person really plants very much! However wanted to block me also depending on your skills to miss, traded your Eldest Senior Brother to come also almost, does not want dead goes away to me!” 裴文轩咧嘴,露出一口雪白獠牙,赞许地望着步连忠:“认得我还敢这么跟我说话,大战天的人果然都很有种!不过凭你们的本事想要拦我还差了点,换你们大师兄过来还差不多,不想死就给我滚开!” Bu Lianzhong and the others after all are Great Battle Heaven disciple, if can kill in secret might also as well, so long as the news does not walk the reveal becomes, but here so many looks at, killed Bu Lianzhong and the others he also to have the trouble, the Great Battle Heaven person was not affable. 步连忠等人毕竟是大战天弟子,若是私下里能杀的话也无妨,只要消息不走露就成,但这里这么多人看着,杀了步连忠等人他也有麻烦,大战天的人也不是好惹的。 If adds on me again?” A weak sound conveys, when the words fall, a fragrant wind store front, the pretty shadow flashed in front of Yang Kai together. “若是再加上我呢?”一个酥酥软软的声音传来,话落之时,一股香风铺面,一道靓影闪到了杨开面前。 Comes person figure graceful to be varied, the appearance is charming, the chest front annoys the person to look askance full, cyan ties with a red thread at will in behind the head, among beautiful pupil Gu Pan, resembling to bewitch to seize the mortal form, the frown and smile has the endless character and style, this female on such as a fresh flower in full bloom, making one be eye-catching. 来人身段婀娜多姿,容颜妩媚动人,胸前饱满惹人侧目,一头青色用一根红绳随意束在脑后,美眸顾盼间,似能勾魂夺魄,一颦一笑都散发无尽风情,此女就如一朵盛开的鲜花,引人夺目。 Surrounds many martial artist, in the heart calls out in alarm, is really seductress/evil spirit general female, the eye such as the leech bites generally on this female, swallows the saliva secretly. 围观不少武者,都心中惊呼,真是妖精一般的女子,眼睛如蚂蟥一般咬在这女子身上,暗暗吞咽口水。 Many martial artist were pinched the waist soft meat by own Junior Sister, stuffy snort/hum, puts aside the vision embarrasedly, holds the Junior Sister small hand honeyed words to apologize. 不少武者自己师妹掐了腰间软肉,不由闷哼一声,讪讪移开目光,抓住师妹的小手花言巧语赔罪。 Senior Sister Qu?” Yang Kai startled well. 曲师姐?”杨开惊咦一声。 His also didn't expect can also bump into the acquaintance in this place, although this time enters the Blood Monster Cave Heaven person to be a substantial number, entire 3000 Worlds was swept across, should have the person who he knows here, but Blood Monster Cave Heaven is too after all big, the probability that can meet was too small. 他也没想到在这种地方还能碰到熟人,虽说这一次血妖洞天的人为数不少,整个三千世界都被席卷,应该会有他认识的人在这里,但血妖洞天毕竟太大,能碰见的几率太小了。 Who would have thought saw one quickly. 哪知这么快就见了一个。 Yin-Yang Cave Heaven Qu Huachang! Has a vivid memory about this female Yang Kai, this is only one can with he discusses the Yin-Yang Union Cultivation discussion rationally, is serious, asked female of conscience. 阴阳洞天曲华裳!对这个女子杨开可是记忆犹新,这是唯一一个能与他探讨阴阳合修讨论的头头是道,偏偏还一脸严肃,问道本心的女子 Although Su Yan about cultivating are innumerable with him, but has not actually discussed the thing in this aspect with him, Yang Kai said that some talks between lovers she is shy, how to discuss these with him. 苏颜虽与他合修过无数次,但却从来没有与他探讨过这方面的东西,杨开说些情话她都害羞,岂会跟他讨论这些。 Qu Huachang!” Pei Wenxuan look one cold. 曲华裳!”裴文轩眼神一冷。 He did not know that Bu Lianzhong and the others, that is because Bu Lianzhong and the others, although is good, but has not been in his degree, Qu Huachang on different, since that Great Ruins Boundary comes out, then became Yin-Yang Cave Heaven Core Disciple, key training, can say that the future achievement will not be inferior in him. 他不认识步连忠等人,那是因为步连忠等人虽然不错,但还没到他这种程度,曲华裳不一样了,自那太墟境出来之后便成了阴阳洞天核心弟子,重点培养,可以说未来的成就不会逊色于他。 Senior Brother Pei!” Qu Huachang graceful good a ritual, many years do not see, Senior Brother Pei is such arrogant.” 裴师兄!”曲华裳盈盈行了一礼,“多年不见,裴师兄还是这么盛气凌人啊。” Pei Wenxuan cold snort, the vision and on her transferred the revolutions in Yang Kai, opens the mouth saying: You know that who he is? Worries for him over.” 裴文轩冷哼一声,目光在杨开和她身上转了转,开口道:“你知道他是什么人吗?就着急为他出头。” Qu Huachang said with a smile: I and Junior Brother Yang knew for more than ten years, naturally knows that who he was.” 曲华裳笑道:“我与杨师弟认识十多年了,自然知道他是什么人。” Pei Wenxuan could not bear scoff at one, suddenly probably remembered anything, grinned to smile: Interesting interesting, your Yin-Yang Cave Heaven played this trick, but you , to guarantee him, may result in favored carefully, wants to kill his person to continue my one.” 裴文轩忍不住嗤了一声,忽然像是想起了什么,咧嘴笑了起来:“有意思有意思,你们阴阳洞天又玩这种把戏了,不过你若想保他,可得仔细看好了,想杀他的人可不止我一个。” Qu Huachang with a smile by right, thought that your idiot feared has not seen Yang Kai's to dare such boasting shamelessly fiercely, is different from others, she has been together days in Great Ruins Boundary and Yang Kai, fully realized that Yang Kai's, even comes one of the 36 Cave Heaven, still has to acknowledge, in this level under Open Heaven Stage, takes a broad view at 3000 Worlds, few is his opponent. 曲华裳含笑以对,心想你这白痴怕是没见过杨开的厉害才敢这么大言不惭,不同于旁人,她在太墟境中与杨开相处过一段日子,深知杨开的了得,即便出身三十六洞天之一,也不得不承认,在开天境之下这个层次上,放眼三千世界,几乎没人是他的对手。 Even if this Pei Wenxuan, in Yang Kai fears at present hand/subordinate still the brace is about one move. 即便是眼前这个裴文轩,在杨开手下怕也撑不过一招。 . Today 10 : 00 draw, wish everyone good luck, I must pull out, that cup is very interesting, search attention „” can participate. 今天十点抽奖哦,祝大家好运,我也要去抽一下,那个杯子还是挺有意思的,搜索关注“莫默”就可以参与了。
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