MP :: Volume #42

#4110: Dawn

Treachery! 临阵倒戈! In the world of this sword, all existences are the long swords of scale varying, although did not have the loyal saying, but Yang Kai led the army to go on an expedition for a half year, but also has never come across this matter. 在这剑之世界中,所有的存在都是档次不一的长剑,虽然没有忠心一说,但杨开率领大军征战半年,还从未碰到过这种事。 The own subordinate army revolted unexpectedly! 自己麾下的大军居然叛变了! All by the subordinate who that Gold Sword sword halo covered, simultaneous is transferred the spearhead, under killer toward original companion pain. 所有被那黄金剑剑晕覆盖的手下,齐齐调转了矛头,朝原本的同伴痛下杀手。 Originally is the lopsided situation, because of appearance of Gold Sword, suddenly becomes a hopeless mess randomly. 本是一面倒的局势,因为黄金剑的横空出世,一下子乱成一锅粥。 Lang Qingshan didn't expect will clearly have such accident, the emergency dispatch, stabilizes the situation finally slowly. The long sword of revolting does not calculate too, after all that Gold Sword sword halo coverage scope, only then surrounding area thousand zhang (3.330m), exceeds this range was not affected by anything. 浪青山显然也没想到会有如此变故,紧急调度,总算慢慢稳住局势。叛变的长剑不算太多,毕竟那黄金剑剑晕覆盖范围只有方圆千丈而已,超过这个范围的并不受什么影响。 However even if so, several thousand long swords become the rebel, those who make Lang Qingshan distressed incomparable is, in these long swords has 78 Silver Sword impressively! 不过纵然如此,也有数千柄长剑成为了叛徒,更让浪青山痛心无比的是,这些长剑之中赫然有七八把白银剑 Has not waited for him to find out the countermeasure, a that Gold Sword sword blade revolution, golden sword qi cuts suddenly together across the sky, cut in the army directly. 还不等他想出对策,那黄金剑忽然剑身一转,一道金黄色的剑气横空斩出,直接斩进了大军之中。 That golden sword qi as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, sweeps away all obstacles, does not have the thing not to destroy, the long sword that all was touched all disrupts, even Silver Sword is still so, cannot resist the moment. 金色剑气一路摧枯拉朽,所向披靡,无物不摧,所有被触碰到的长剑皆都碎裂开来,即便是白银剑也是如此,根本抵挡不住片刻。 Gold Sword cuts several sword qi continually, under the army to Yang Kai causes the huge damage. 黄金剑连斩几道剑气,给杨开麾下大军造成巨大的损伤。 Even if there is then the Lang Qingshan overall plan dispatch were also inadequate, existence of Gold Sword, as if there is inborn deterrent to all long swords, the army hesitates, and what is more goes toward retreat unceasingly. 这下纵有浪青山统筹调度也不成了,黄金剑的存在,似乎对所有的长剑都有天生的威慑,大军踌躇不前,更有甚者不断地往后退去。 Scene chaos! 场面大乱! Lang Qingshan sees that knows in the heart has been unable to save the situation, can only draw in the soldier line, gradually withdraws. 浪青山见状,心知已无力回天,只能收拢兵线,逐渐后撤。 After burning a joss stick, battlefield is tranquil, the fragment chip breaking everywhere, is under Yang Kai the army remains, but under that Gold Sword had Ten Thousand Swords, this moment quantity has not reduced many unexpectedly. 一炷香后,战场平静下来,满地的碎片断屑,皆是杨开麾下大军所留,而那黄金剑麾下原本有万剑,此刻数量竟也没有减少多少。 Its although hand/subordinate was cut to kill, but also drew in Yang Kai part of military, at this moment also has 7,000-8,000 numbers impressively. 它的手下虽然被斩杀很多,但也收拢了杨开手下的一部分兵力,此刻赫然还有7,000-8,000之数。 Yang Kai this fights the income eyeground, looked at present shines, the vision brilliant is staring at that Gold Sword, is supposing own, if the present to/clashes to fight to the death with it, odds of success big. 杨开将这一战收入眼底,看的眼前发亮,目光灼灼地盯着那黄金剑,估摸着自己若是现在冲下去与它决一死战,胜算有多大。 Is thinking time, that Gold Sword sword blade lifts suddenly, in sword surface, a dignified face to Yang Kai's vision. 正这么想的时候,那黄金剑忽然剑身一抬,剑面上,一张威严的面孔对上杨开的目光。 The Yang Kai heart one, the secretly thought is not suddenly good. 杨开心头一突,暗道不好。 Next flickers, that Gold Sword flies high cuts, the Golden Sword Qi bolt of white silk kills to come together, cuts toward the Yang Kai overhead, bang, Yang Kai the Lishan peak cleft in two directly, the windblown dust rises from all directions, the mountain peak falls toward both sides. 下一瞬,那黄金剑凌空一斩,一道黄金剑气匹练般袭杀而来,朝杨开当头斩下,轰地一声,杨开所立山峰直接被劈成两半,尘烟四起,山峰朝两旁倾倒。 Brushes, that Gold Sword flying comes, to be built on the midair, the vision searches for the Yang Kai trace, the good long time to have achieved nothing, this turns around to fall in the camp. 刷,那黄金剑飞身而来,立于半空之中,目光四下搜寻杨开踪影,好半晌一无所获,这才转身落回己方阵营中。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The mountain peak collapses, the Gold Sword army sets out slowly, gradually goes far away. 山峰倒塌,黄金剑的大军徐徐开拔,逐渐远去。 After half double-hour, under the mountain peak of collapse, white light rushes ahead together, the gloss is gloomy, sword surface above, is the Yang Kai's face, complexion Yin clear uncertain. 半个时辰后,倒塌的山峰之下,一道白光冲杀出来,光泽暗淡,剑面之上,正是杨开的面孔,面色阴晴不定。 It is not the opponent, is completely not the opponent, although has not contacted directly, but only looked that Golden Sword Qi Yang Kai knows together, own possibly is not that Gold Sword opponent, really must independent combat, own cannot insist 5 minutes time absolutely. 不是对手,完全不是对手,虽然没有正面接触,但只看那一道黄金剑气杨开就知道,自己不可能是那黄金剑的对手,真要单打独斗,自己绝对坚持不住半盏茶时间 The human wave attack is also inadequate, that existed, can deter to surrender compared with its rank lower existence, the multi- swords do not have the means to cause the least bit damage to it again. 人海战术也不成,那等存在,能威慑降服比它等级更低的存在,再多剑也没办法给它造成半点伤害。 Lang Qingshan draws in the remnants of defeated troops to return, sees this place one piece in confusion, has a scare, looks on the Yang Kai sword blade the gloss to be gloomy again, is startled. 浪青山收拢残部归来,见到此地一片狼藉,不禁吓了一跳,再看杨开剑身上光泽暗淡,也是吃了一惊。 Sir, are you all right?” Lang Qingshan nervously asked. “大人,你没事吧?”浪青山紧张地问道。 The Yang Kai's eye shines, looks at he said: Qingshan (azure mountain), you saw, that sword!” 杨开的眼睛却是发亮,看着他道:“青山,你看到了吗,那把剑!” Lang Qingshan forced smile constantly: That Gold Sword prestige can unparalleled, the humble officer management is disadvantageous, but also asked the Sir to punish!” This war lost in a big way, he took inventory under the quantity a moment ago slightly, the 100,000 army only has 70,000 now, a war loses 30,000 to be many . Moreover the Silver Sword buckle more than ten, the Yang Kai subordinate strength shrank 30% all of a sudden, this let remorse that he was filled with. 浪青山苦笑不迭:“那黄金剑威能无双,卑职办事不利,还请大人责罚!”这一战损失大了,他刚才稍稍清点了下数量,十万大军如今只剩下七万,一战损失三万多,而且白银剑都折损了十几把,杨开麾下的力量一下子缩水30%,这让他满心的自责。 Yang Kai said: „The defeat of match, the antiwar crime, was that Gold Sword is extremely maneating, but...... it can fly unexpectedly, interesting!” 杨开道:“此役之败,非战之罪,是那黄金剑太过凶悍,不过……它居然能飞,有意思!” Even if Yang Kai already practice to the Silver Sword peak, impossible long time to maintain the flight, rises with a spring at most, but that Gold Sword not only sword glow terrifying, but can also Controlling Air Flight. 纵然杨开已经修炼到了白银剑的巅峰,也不可能长时间保持飞行,顶多不过是一跃而起,但那黄金剑不但剑芒恐怖,还能御空飞行 As for subordinate buckle, a Yang Kai point does not care. 至于麾下的折损,杨开一点都不在意。 This is the world of sword, most does not lack is the military, the 100,000 army is the quantity that he desirably maintains, if he wants, in the half year goes on an expedition, his army can save to 500,000 at least and even more. 这是剑的世界,最不缺的就是兵力,十万大军是他刻意保持的数量,若是他愿意的话,这半年征战,他的大军最起码能积攒到五十万甚至更多。 What was a loss military considered as? Quick can supplement, actually existence of Gold Sword, making Yang Kai see bit of dawn in the darkness! 损失点兵力又算得了什么?很快就能补充回去,倒是黄金剑的存在,让杨开在黑暗之中看到了一丝曙光! Also there is Gold Sword, that explained that he can also promote to that level, but after promotion to that level, can perhaps spy on to decode the mystery of this world. 既有黄金剑,那就说明他也能晋升到那个层次,而晋升到那个层次之后,说不定就能窥探破解这个世界的奥秘。 How is the key...... can promote? What mystery has? 关键是……如何才能晋升?这其中有什么玄机 He has tried, cuts to kill the same rank Silver Sword, does not have the least bit effect on him, since by this method promotion, what could it be that do not perceive through meditation? 他已经试过了,斩杀同等级的白银剑,对他没有半点效果,既然不是靠这种方法晋升,难道还要参悟什么? Can as a sword, what ghost thing be able to comprehend? 可身为一把剑,能参悟出来什么鬼东西? Several days later, the army occupied a foothold, the scale of this foothold was really big, 20,000 military, had existences of more than ten Silver Sword ranks fully. 数日之后,大军占据了一处据点,这一处据点的规模实在不小,足有两万兵力,更有十几把白银剑级别的存在。 Is of head, already is similar to Yang Kai and Lang Qingshan, already practice to the Silver Sword peak. 为首的一把,已经跟杨开浪青山差不多,都已修炼到了白银剑的巅峰。 A war, this foothold was broken through, Yang Kai and Lang Qingshan collaborate, the leader will defeat, does not have to cut to kill anxiously. 一场大战,这处据点被攻破,杨开浪青山联手,将那首领击败,却是没有急着斩杀。 In the sword surface of leader, appears a face of middle-aged man, is very terrified. 那首领的剑面上,浮现出一张中年男子的面孔,很是惶恐不安。 Asked your matter.” Yang Kai is looking at it lightly, „, if you can reply, I do not kill you.” “问你个事。”杨开淡淡地望着它,“如果你能回答出来,我就不杀你。” That Silver Sword was the person of drowning grabbed a straw, hurried say/way: You said!” 白银剑似是溺水之人抓住了一根稻草,急忙道:“你说!” How can promote Gold Sword?” The Yang Kai vision brilliant is looking at it. “如何才能晋升黄金剑?”杨开目光灼灼地望着它。 That Silver Sword is startled, resembles didn't expect Yang Kai to ask such a question unexpectedly, but replied honestly: Had the golden fluid to promote Gold Sword.” 白银剑一怔,似没想到杨开居然问出这样一个问题,不过还是老实答道:“有黄金液就可以晋升黄金剑了。” Golden fluid?” The Yang Kai doubt, what „is that? Where looks?” “黄金液?”杨开狐疑,“那是何物?去哪里找?” That Silver Sword said: In gold ore possibly has the golden fluid.” 白银剑道:“黄金矿中就可能有黄金液。” gold ore?” Yang Kai is startled, the vision swept a nearby ore, stunned for a long time, this laughs in spite of trying not. 黄金矿?”杨开一怔,目光扫了一下附近的矿石,愕然许久,这才失笑不已。 Originally all keys here, unexpectedly are continuously by the place that he neglects. 原来所有的关键都在这里,竟是一直被他忽视的地方。 He somewhat was curious, why these Silver Sword have occupied the each and everyone foothold, makes the own subordinates mine the mineral unceasingly, if to promote the own strength, this efficiency rather also lowered. 他本来还有些好奇,那些白银剑为何一直占据着一个个据点,不断地让自己的手下们开采矿物,若只是为了提升自己的力量,这效率未免也太低了一些。 Now looks like, this approach not just single to promote strength, but to promote Gold Sword in the future will prepare ahead of time! That gold ore surely and scarce, otherwise Yang Kai led the army to seize so many footholds, was insufficient not to discover together. 如今看来,这种做法不单单只是为了提升力量,而是为日后晋升黄金剑提前做准备啊!那黄金矿必定及其稀少,否则杨开率领大军抢占了那么多据点,不至于一块都没有发现。 At present this Silver Sword, time gradually in this level should be particularly long, otherwise is also insufficient to know these things, but Yang Kai these Silver Sword, promote step by step from the black iron sword, where can know these top secrets? 眼前这把白银剑,在这个层次上浸淫的时间应该特别长,否则也不至于会知道这些东西,而杨开手下的那些白银剑,都是从黑铁剑一步步提升上来的,哪能知道这些秘辛 Ravelled , to promote the Gold Sword key, is in these minerals! 弄明白了,晋升黄金剑的关键,还是在那些矿物上! Qingshan (azure mountain)!” Yang Kai called one. 青山!”杨开唤了一声。 Lang Qingshan leaps immediately spatially cuts, cut broken on Captain Silver Sword who the fissure proliferates that at the scene. 浪青山当即跃空一斩,将那原本就裂痕遍布的白银剑首领斩碎当场。 Yang Kai has turned around, is looking under the giant mine, cracks into a smile: Makes them mine.” 杨开转过身,望着下方巨大的矿场,咧嘴一笑:“让它们采矿去吧。” Lang Qingshan complied with one, immediately transmitted orders, instant time, in the mine dingdong the sound is lingering on faintly. 浪青山应了一声,立刻传令下去,霎时间,矿场之中叮叮当当的声响不绝于耳。 Yang Kai has not been idling, leaves behind Lang Qingshan to assume this place, divides Ten Thousand Swords, leading them to seize other foothold. 杨开也没闲着,留下浪青山坐镇此地,分割出一万剑,率领着它们去抢占别的据点。 gold ore is scarce, this mine not necessarily can unable to find, Yang Kai naturally must prepare. 黄金矿稀少,这个矿场不一定就能找得到,杨开自然是要多做准备。 Goes on an expedition, foothold attacks a everywhere, grows stronger with the fight, the army makes a snowman expands generally, every time will capture a foothold, Yang Kai will leave behind Silver Sword to assume personal command to guard. 一路征战,一处处据点攻打下来,以战养战,大军滚雪球一般壮大,每攻下一处据点,杨开都会留下一柄白银剑坐镇看守。 A month of time, Yang Kai has controlled six footholds, each foothold several tens of thousands armies, mine the mineral day and night continuous. 一个月的时间,杨开已经掌控了六处据点,每一处据点都有数万大军,日夜不休地开采矿物。 Yang Kai assumes one, Lang Qingshan presents his life, inspects in these footholds back and forth, once discovered that has news that gold ore reveals itself, immediately returns to the incoming telegram! 杨开坐镇一处,浪青山奉他之命,在这些据点之间来回巡视,一旦发现有黄金矿出世的消息,立刻就回来报! These Silver Sword, Yang Kai is under untrustworthy, if mines gold ore to be digested by them, that may on the gain does not equal the loss, only be able to make Lang Qingshan more laborious. 手下那些白银剑,杨开信不过,万一开采出来黄金矿被它们自行消化,那可就得不偿失了,只能让浪青山多辛苦一些。 The day passes by day-by-day, every day has the countless ore to be mined, gold ore that but Yang Kai must look for does not have the trace. 日子一天天过去,每日都有数之不尽的矿石被开采出来,可杨开要找的黄金矿却是毫无踪影。 He has long known that gold ore is scarce scarcely, actually didn't expect to this degree. 他早就知道黄金矿稀少至极,却没想到稀少到这种程度。 He under has the 300,000 army now at least, divides six mining, cannot search unexpectedly. 他如今麾下最起码有三十万大军,分六处开采,竟也寻觅不得。 Enough four months later, some, Lang Qingshan brought the news on the 1st excitedly, informed Yang Kai to have a foothold to search gold ore. 足足四个月之后,某一日,浪青山才兴奋地带来好消息,告知杨开有一处据点寻觅到了一块黄金矿 The Yang Kai great happiness, quickly goes with him. 杨开大喜,急忙跟他前去。 After arriving in that foothold, really saw that the golden light shining ore is placed in an open area together, all around deploys troops for defense with large army, any sword can not easily approach. 抵达那据点之后,果然见到一块金光灿灿的矿石摆在一块空地上,四周重兵布防,任何剑都不得轻易靠近。 Yang Kai suppresses the heart to be excited, walks up, discovered that this gold ore wash bowl size, the surface is uneven, is exuding the charming gloss. 杨开压制住心头激动,走上前去,发现这黄金矿不过脸盆大小,表面凹凸不平,泛着迷人光泽。 Yang Kai looked for a long time, calls his one until Lang Qingshan, this sighed: Nearly one year, hopes that will have a good result.” 杨开怔怔地望了许久,直到浪青山唤他一声,这才叹息道:“快一年了,希望等会有个好结果吧。” So saying, figure one vertical, inserted in that gold ore directly. 这般说着,身形一纵,直接插进了那黄金矿之中。 A pure strength floods into Yang Kai within the body following the sword blade, Yang Kai clearly feels, this gold ore has other things, it is estimated that was that so-called golden fluid. 一股精纯的力量顺着剑身涌入杨开体内,杨开分明感觉到,这黄金矿内部有一些别的东西,估计就是那所谓的黄金液了。 Heart one happy, knows that then promotes should 98 not leave ten. 心头一喜,知道这下晋升应该九八不离十。 Sure enough, as the strength in gold ore floods into, Yang Kai clearly detected that the own strength is expanding rapidly, the Silver Sword bottleneck is loudly stave. 果不其然,随着黄金矿内的力量涌入,杨开清楚地察觉到自己的力量正在迅速壮大,白银剑的瓶颈轰然破碎。 But sword blade above, was exuding the silver luster sword surface, at this moment was also replaced by golden light, sword blade above, golden rings of light starts to past. 而剑身之上,原本泛着白银光泽的剑面,此刻也被一道道金光所取代,剑身之上,金色光晕开始流转。
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