MP :: Volume #37

#3648: Three broad-ax

four directions up and down as the (宇) space, past and future as the (宙) time, secret of the universe is Space-Time Secret, is pregnant the big mystery, is greatly mysterious. Yang Kai on Space Principle, although has the attainments, but also only involves space of Space-Time, in time of Space-Time also only then Time Flies Seal peeped the access initially. 四方上下为宇,古往今来为宙,宇宙之秘便是时空之秘,其中孕有大玄虚,大奥妙。杨开空间法则上虽有造诣,但也只涉及时空之空而已,于时空之时也只有岁月如梭印初窥了门径。 This place scene, involves universe space-time, his for a moment is unable to distinguish true and false. 此地情景,牵扯宇宙时空,他一时间也无法分辨真假。 That third own said, suddenly turns head to look, complexion changes shouts lowly: Wind Monarch came, walks quickly!” 那第三个“自己”说完之后忽然扭头回望,面色一变低喝道:“风君来了,快走!” During the speeches, rashly, grasps the Yang Kai's arm, then runs away toward nearby crack, when will soon enter the crack, that third own urgently urgently said: On Wind Monarch that hour glass, the prestige can measure not, absolutely careful......” 说话间,不由分说,抓起杨开的胳膊,便朝附近一处裂缝遁去,即将进入裂缝之时,那第三个“自己”急急道:“风君手上那沙漏,威能莫测,万万小心……” Crashes in the crack, Yang Kai turns into all alone, own to/clashes obviously together with that third, but after entering here, he is missing unexpectedly. 冲进裂缝中,杨开又变成孤身一人,明明与那第三个“自己”一起冲进来的,但进了这里之后他居然不见了踪影。 However when turns head four to look, the Yang Kai actually look inspires. 不过扭头四看时,杨开倒是神色一振。 Finally became because of this main hall was not quite only the same as before, before several times arrived at this main hall, this place was crack full arrange/cloth, the main hall that but this time arrived at did not have so many strange scenes. 只因这大殿总算变得跟之前不太一样了,之前数次来到这个大殿,此地都是裂缝满布,但这一次来到的大殿却没那么多诡异场景。 Yang Kai aspirates slightly, if just now that scene endlessly repeats, he has really not known to be right, now had the change should better. 杨开微微吐了一口气,若是方才那情景不断地重复的话,他还真不知该应对,如今有了变化最好不过。 The main hall is empty, does not find live person, does not see what fighting trace, both sides have the side gate to open wide respectively, Yang Kai Spiritual Mind finds out to nose, does not have to attain, sought a direction to have the main hall at will. 大殿空荡荡的,不见活人踪影,也不见什么打斗痕迹,两旁各有侧门洞开,杨开神念探出查探一番,毫无所获,随意寻了个方向出了大殿。 Outside the main hall connects a corridor, by the corridor has the side building respectively, the corridor is very long, one end, on the under foot floor is flowing the transformation inexplicable color shortly, seems grotesque and gaudy. 大殿外连通一条走廊,走廊两旁各有厢房,走廊很长,一眼看不到尽头,脚下地板上流淌着变换莫名的色彩,显得光怪陆离。 Yang Kai arrives at a recent side building, waits with rapt attention, pushes the door to enter, noses carefully, in the side building is empty, naturally does not have half person's shadow. 杨开来到最近的一间厢房,凝神以待,推门而入,细细查探一番,厢房内空无一物,自然也没有半个人影。 Side buildings examine, all has achieved nothing. 一间间厢房查看下去,俱都是一无所获。 Moreover with nosing, Yang Kai discovered that in this place own could not feel passing of time, said that was dozens over a hundred years, said that was time stagnates flowed. 而且随着查探,杨开发现在这地方自己根本感觉不到时间的流逝,说是过了几十上百年也可以,说是时间停滞了流淌也可以。 The tour of this time Passing of Time Temple, unlike the previous time is completely. 这一次岁月神殿之行,与上次可是完全不同。 Also does not know that nosed many houses, when Yang Kai shoves open again the when door of some side building, at present one bright. 也不知查探了多少间房屋,当杨开再次推开其中某一间厢房的房门时,眼前不禁一亮。 In this side building finally is not spatial, inside is lying face downward unexpectedly a fierce giant beast, at first sight probably a fierce tiger, the head grows two horns, on the back grows pair of wings. 这厢房内总算不是空的了,里面居然俯卧着一只狰狞巨兽,乍一看像是一头猛虎,头生双角,背生双翼。 This giant beast knows nothing about the Yang Kai's arrival, heavenshaking sound that the snoring sound hits, probably is thunderous, who isn't Winged Tiger is? 此巨兽对杨开的到来一无所知,呼噜声打的震天响,好像雷鸣,不是穷奇又是谁? Yang Kai goes forward joyfully, calls: Old Qiong, Old Qiong!” 杨开欣喜上前,招呼道:“老穷,老穷!” Shouted one after several other, Winged Tiger had not responded, Yang Kai knits the brows, Winged Tiger this and other ominous thing good and evil are also Holy Spirit . Moreover the strength and great strength, don't said that in the deep sleep, is then closing up practice, if some people of enter without permission come, only feared that must awaken immediately. 接连喊了几声,穷奇也没有反应,杨开不禁皱眉,穷奇这等凶物好歹也是圣灵,而且实力及其强大,莫说只是在沉睡,便是在闭关修炼,若有人擅闯进来,只怕也要立刻惊醒。 But own shouted it several had not responded unexpectedly! This somewhat was strange. 可偏偏自己喊了它几声居然也没有反应!这就有些古怪了。 Yells uselessly, Yang Kai goes forward immediately, tapped its head, still without the effect, Winged Tiger really rested to be the same probably, that snoring sound moment has not stood still. 喊叫无用,杨开立刻上前,拍了拍它的脑袋,依然没有效果,穷奇就好像真的睡死了过去一样,那呼噜声一刻不曾停歇。 Several, Yang Kai was beating several fists to its head, the strength is not heavily heavy, will not make it be injured actually awakens from the deep sleep it sufficiently. But the fact made Yang Kai be startled, eats own several fists, Winged Tiger did not have the least bit sound unexpectedly as before. 咣咣几下,杨开对着它的脑袋捶了几拳,力道不轻也不重,不会让它受伤却足以将它从沉睡中叫醒。但事实却让杨开大吃一惊,吃了自己几拳,穷奇居然依旧没有半点动静。 This made Yang Kai somewhat frightened, even the this kind of way is unable to awaken Winged Tiger, was it? 这就让杨开有些惊悚了,连这样的方式都无法唤醒穷奇,它到底是怎么了? Moreover Winged Tiger is leading Liu Yan obviously, Four Seasons Land that Yang Xiao Yang Xue enters together, now only then its one person alone here, Yang Xiao Yang Xue and Liu Yan are actually missing, which did they go? 而且穷奇明明是领着流炎,杨霄杨雪一道进的四季之地,如今只有它孤身在此,杨霄杨雪流炎却是不见了踪影,他们都去哪了? Cannot awaken Winged Tiger, Yang Kai wants to take in Mysterious Boundary Bead it, but attempt not to succeed several times unexpectedly, the fault of non- Yang Kai, but on Winged Tiger this fellow has the 1-layer invisible strength package, making Yang Kai Spiritual Mind basic nowhere start, does not break open that 1-layer invisible strength, is unable it taking in Mysterious Small Boundary. 唤不醒穷奇,杨开想将它收进玄界珠中,但几次尝试下来居然也没有成功,非杨开之过,只是穷奇这家伙身上有一层无形的力量包裹,让杨开神念根本无处下手,不破开那一层无形的力量,就无法将之收进小玄界中。 Tossed about some little time, helpless Yang Kai shakes the head, gives up. 折腾了好一会,杨开无奈摇头,放弃。 Although Winged Tiger is sleeping soundly, but itself does not have the difference, pours does not need extremely to be worried. 穷奇虽然在熟睡,但本身并没有异样,倒也不用太过担心。 Moreover this place can find Winged Tiger, that should also be able to find Liu Yan they, Yang Kai picked up the speed of search immediately, side buildings nose. 而且此地既能找到穷奇,那就应该也能找到流炎他们,杨开当即加快了搜寻的速度,一间间厢房查探下去。 In this Passing of Time Temple, time passes is an extremely fuzzy concept, is better than Yang Kai unable to distinguish, has not known how long, he found Liu Yan in another side building finally. 在这岁月神殿之中,时间流逝是一个极为模糊的概念,强如杨开也无法分辨,也不知过了多久,他终在另一间厢房中找到了流炎 Liu Yan has no change, is still an appearance of little girl, but just like Winged Tiger, fell into the deep sleep, rolls up on ground of side building, fragrance that rests. 流炎没什么变化,依然是一副小女孩的模样,不过跟穷奇一样,都陷入了沉睡之中,蜷缩在一间厢房的地上,睡的香甜。 Attempted diligently, Liu Yan is not really able to awaken, it and Winged Tiger situation was exactly the same. 努力尝试了一番,流炎果然也是无法唤醒的,其与穷奇的处境一模一样。 First is Winged Tiger, latter is Liu Yan, really does not know after they entered Four Seasons Land, encountered anything. 先是穷奇,后是流炎,真不知道他们进了四季之地之后到底遭遇了什么。 The Yang Kai itself thinks that can also find a Yang Xiao and Yang Xiao liangs little fellow again, who knows until to search this all side buildings, does not find two babies. 杨开本以为还能再找到杨霄个小家伙,谁知直到将这所有的厢房都搜索完,也不见两个小娃娃的踪影。 The end of long corridor, is connecting another main hall. 长长走廊的尽头,连通着另外一座大殿。 Entered, the Yang Kai mind is absent-minded, is only exactly the same before the place because of this main hall, done he thinks that own returned same place. 入了此间,杨开心神又是一阵恍惚,只因这大殿与之前所处的地方一模一样,搞的他以为自己又回到了原地。 But has the person! 但此间却有人! The Confucian scholars dress up, seems like a teaching Mister person. 儒士打扮,看起来像是一个教书先生的人。 Demon Heavenly Law, said that the seat of honor next four fathers cause it one, Wind Monarch. 魔天道,道主座下四大君使之一,风君 This Wind Monarch is condition complete Wind Monarch, the injury of before receiving has restored such as beginning, at this moment sat cross-legged to sit on High Stage of main hall, on High Stage had restriction to cover, assumes translucent light barrier to buckle to be one of them him. 这个风君是状态完好的风君,之前所受的伤势都已经恢复如初,此刻就盘膝坐在大殿的一处高台上,高台上有禁制笼罩,呈半透明的光幕将他扣在其中。 The fluctuation of extremely obvious Time Principle flows from that light barrier. At this moment, Wind Monarch closed pupil, should in healing, know nothing about the Yang Kai's arrival. 极为明显的时间法则的波动从那光幕之中流淌出来。此时此刻,风君闭眸,应该是在疗伤,对杨开的到来一无所知。 When narrowed the eye to look at his a while, Yang Kai inspired gently, aspirated, Demon Yuan tumbles, fighting intent thrived. 眯眼瞧了他一会儿,杨开轻轻地吸了口气,吐气之时,魔元翻滚,一身战意勃发。 Although bumps into three own by stampede that Wind Monarch pursues, although own called own to hurry to look for Yang Xiao, but the situation in Passing of Time Temple was so inexplicably strange, words that now wants to collapse, started from Wind Monarch is the only choice. 尽管前后碰到三个“自己”都被风君追的狼狈逃窜,尽管其中一个“自己”叫自己赶紧去找杨霄,但岁月神殿内的情况如此诡异莫名,如今想要破局的话,从风君身上下手是唯一的选择。 Therefore Yang Kai acts decisively. 所以杨开果断出手。 Figure in place in a flash, vanishes instantaneously does not see, when comes again has thrown to the Wind Monarch top of the head above, 1 Million Sword coerces whole body cultivation level, chops to fall ruthlessly. 身形在原地一晃,瞬间消失不见,再现身时已扑至风君头顶上方,百万剑裹挟全身修为,狠狠劈落。 Covers restriction light barrier on High Stage is Great Emperor handiwork, can Yang Kai eradicate can it be that? When a that Lei Ting (thunder) extremely heavy sword chops falls, restriction light barrier immediately downward is hollow a curve, actually tenacious. 笼罩在高台上的禁制光幕大帝手笔,岂是杨开能破除?那雷霆万钧般的一剑劈落时,禁制光幕立刻往下凹陷一个弧度,却坚韧不开。 However was alarmed by this, sits in meditation healing Wind Monarch to open the view suddenly. 不过受此惊扰,正在其中打坐疗伤风君霍地睁开眼帘。 four eyes look at each other, Wind Monarch grins to grin fiendishly: Heaven has group of you not to walk, the hell is impossible you to be bent on having to rush, come good!” 四目对视,风君咧嘴狞笑:“天堂有路你不走,地狱无门你偏要闯,来的好!” Raises hand to lift up high, when across that light barrier restriction, was held 1 Million Sword unexpectedly, Emperor Yuan urged crazily, the fierce strength instead shakes. 举手高擎,穿过那光幕禁制,竟是一把抓住了百万剑,帝元狂催时,凶猛力量反震而来。 Yang Kai let go directly, abandons 1 Million Sword not to want, when Spiritual Mind surged, the left eye place changed to together dignified golden vertical eye, absorbed the person soul, lasing of a being in bud lotus flower from the eye, crashed in Wind Monarch Consciousness Sea. 杨开直接撒手,弃了百万剑不要,神念涌动涌动时,左眼处化作一道威严的金色竖仁,摄人心魂,一朵含苞待放的莲花从眼中激射而出,冲进风君识海 Life Lotus, the Wind Monarch body inspires, although his strength is strong, but actually must be not as good as Yang Kai on Divine Soul cultivation level, this carelessly then already move. 生莲一出,风君身子一振,他实力虽强,但在神魂修为上却要稍逊杨开,这一着不慎便已中招。 The clean White Lotus flower takes root in Wind Monarch Consciousness Sea blooms, derives the strength of his Divine Soul, Wind Monarch is stuffy, in Consciousness Sea the sea water tumbling howls, resists the prestige of Secret Technique. 白莲花在风君识海中扎根绽放,汲取他的神魂之力,风君闷哼,识海中海水翻滚呼啸,抵挡秘术之威。 The lotus flower blooms to half, then again helpless, is not the fruit cake that can rub to pinch casually, although unexpectedly, actually still cannot the completely entire merit. 莲花开至一半,便再无能为力,到底不是什么随便可以揉捏的软柿子,虽然出其不意,却依然未能尽全功。 Wind Monarch sneers, when is wanting to ridicule, the complexion changes. 风君冷笑,正欲讥讽时,脸色又是一变。 Only inflates unexpectedly suddenly because of that blooming half of lotus flowers, in his impression, that lotus flower is huge, wraps unexpectedly his whole person, then closes up rapidly! 只因那绽放一半的莲花竟忽然膨胀开来,在他的观感之中,那莲花巨大无匹,竟将他整个人都包裹起来,然后迅速合拢! Life Lotus completely end Angry Lotus reveals, two big Divine Soul Secret Technique you sang me to arrive, Yang Kai acted, very ruthless was resolute. 生莲尽末怒莲显,两大神魂秘术你方唱罢我登场,杨开出手,狠辣果决。 Broken!” When Wind Monarch Spiritual Mind wells up crazily, angrily roars, breaks open the lotus flower blockade, gets out of trouble. “破!”风君神念狂涌,怒吼之时,破开莲花封锁,从中脱困而出。 Unexpected, a blade light overhead cuts! 猝不及防,一记刀光当头斩下! Cuts The Soul Blade, Heavens Breaker Strike! 斩魂刀,破天一击 Not only has Life Lotus Angry Lotus, how and little to result in the prestige of Cuts The Soul Blade? 既有生莲怒莲,又怎少得了斩魂刀之威? This Wind Monarch kept off is irreversible, to be cut by Cuts The Soul Blade forcefully. Divine Soul was cut to be possible no taste, the facial features to twist immediately, a Emperor Yuan landslide tsunami jumps generally to the four-pole. 这一下风君挡无可挡,硬生生被斩魂刀斩了一记。神魂被斩可没什么好滋味,面容顿时扭曲起来,一身帝元山崩海啸一般迸向四极。 The universe trembles, Yang Kai was inspired to fly. 乾坤战栗,杨开被振飞出去。 In in the midair, Yang Kai complexion slightly one white, but urges Space Principle, plunges Wind Monarch again. Simultaneously both hands pinch finger joints with the thumb rapidly, when turning round revolving, Mountains and Rivers Bell appears, overhead toward the Wind Monarch cover under. 身在半空中,杨开脸色微微一白,不过还是强催空间法则,再次扑向风君。同时双手迅速掐诀,滴溜溜旋转时,山河钟浮现,当头朝风君罩下。 In the Yang Kai mouth drinks again lowly: Dragon Transformation!” 杨开口中再一声低喝:“龙化!” When soaring Dragon Roar makes a sound, golden light puts greatly, in bang, Dragon Scales covers the whole body, forehead grows two horns, both hands changes to sharp Dragon Claw, the build grows slightly three chi (0.33 m), the back a dragon tail moves. 高昂龙吟响时,金光大放间,噼里啦一阵,龙鳞覆盖全身,额生双角,双手化作尖锐龙爪,体型微微长高三尺有余,背后一条龙尾甩动。 Among moment, Yang Kai already Half Dragon body. 须臾之间,杨开已化半龙之躯 Wind Monarch is at short absent-minded, Yang Kai that Cuts The Soul Blade injures has thrown to him in front, two Dragon Claw held his arm, covers him stubbornly, next one flickers, Mountains and Rivers Bell from has covered spatially! 风君还处在被斩魂刀所伤的短暂失神中,杨开已扑到他面前,两只龙爪抓住了他的臂膀,死死将他扣住,下一瞬,山河钟已经从空罩了下来! Puts together cultivation level, Yang Kai estimated that own is not the Wind Monarch opponent, three own the fate learns from another's mistakes, therefore Yang Kai had not planned discussed the height from the beginning with Wind Monarch by the cultivation level boundary. 修为,杨开估计自己不是风君对手,前后三个“自己”的下场就是前车之鉴,所以杨开一开始就没打算跟风君修为境界论高低。 He has own excelling Domain. 他有自己的擅长的领域 That is Half Dragon body, this point is Wind Monarch how, regardless of unable to compare. So long as can limit battlefield in a narrow and small range, fights hand-to-hand personal, not necessarily cannot win this fellow. 那便是半龙之躯,这一点是风君无论如何也比不了的。只要能将战场限制在一片狭小范围,贴身肉搏,未必就不能赢了这家伙。 Therefore Mountains and Rivers Bell covered, Yang Kai planned him and own is stranded together in Mountains and Rivers Bell, previous time cut to kill Half Saint Yin Si (silver silk) in Demon Territory is this method, although own also went to half life afterward, but always felt better to the opportunity of Wind Monarch comprehensive display. 所以山河钟罩了下来,杨开打算将他和自己一起困在山河钟内部,上次在魔域中斩杀半圣银丝便是这种方法,虽然事后自己也去了半条命,但总好过给风君全面发挥的机会。 The Yang Kai method emerges one after another incessantly, suffers the accident suddenly, Wind Monarch also suffers a loss, moreover name of Wind Monarch Mountains and Rivers Bell has hearing early, this was the life treasure of Yuan Ding Great Emperor past years, really wanted the bedding bag to live, only feared that he really has not fled. 杨开手段层出不穷,突遭变故,风君也吃了点亏,而且山河钟之名风君早有耳闻,这可是元鼎大帝当年的本命宝物,真要被罩住了,只怕他还真走脱不了。 Therefore looked at that the great antiquity rare treasure from day cover, Wind Monarch apparent Yang Kai is hitting what wicked scheme. 所以一看那从天罩下的洪荒异宝,风君便知杨开在打什么鬼主意了。
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