MP :: Volume #37

#3647: Confused space-time

The Four Seasons Land season transforms Wu Chang, Yang Kai one step then can tread season scenery, if usually meets this scene, when Yang Kai will be wild with joy, after all this grade of unusual happening is not the commonplace can meet, calms the mind to realize that the sensibility must be able to harvest. 四季之地季节变换无常,杨开一步便能踏出一季景色,若是平时遇到这种情景,杨开当会欣喜若狂,毕竟这等奇事不是等闲能遇上的,静下心来体会感悟必能有所收获。 But has the important matter now, Yang Kai where has the thoughts to sense anything, only spreads in low spirits in the direction that Passing of Time Temple is. 可如今身有要事,杨开哪有心思去感悟什么,只闷着头朝岁月神殿所在的方向驰去。 With the time passage, the Yang Kai's complexion is dignified. 随着时间推移,杨开的脸色凝重起来。 He detected unexpectedly own life essence is passing! From making a debut since practice, the extraordinary for hundred years the scene, the person of practice seizes the world good fortune, seeks the universe destiny, in the face has the technique, therefore the Yang Kai seemingly ersanshi-year-old youth, perhaps in hundred years, the millenniums, his appearance will not have the big change. 他竟察觉到自己寿元在流逝!自出道修炼至今,了不起百年来光景,修行之人夺天地造化,谋乾坤气运,驻颜有术,所以杨开看起来不过二三十岁的青年,或许再过百年,千年,他的模样也不会有多大改变。 Generally speaking, a normal condition next person, regardless of is not how impossible to feel own life essence to pass, only if this passing speed is quick! 一般来说,正常情况一下一个人无论如何也不可能感受到自己寿元在流逝,除非这种流逝的速度很快! Yang Kai at this moment is this situation. 杨开此刻就是这种处境。 With a that boundary, as he proceeds to speed along, he divides the intelligent apprehension to realize that the time flows on own. 随着那一步一境,随着他往前飞驰,他分明察觉到时光在自己身上流淌。 running quickly is about dozens li (0.5 km), unexpectedly living dozens years of feeling. This is not an misconception, Yang Kai is certain at that time light/only truly had ground for dozens years on own, in other words, own flew dozens li (0.5 km) in Four Seasons Land, on for no reason for no reason old dozens years old! 奔驰不过几十里地,竟有一种活了几十年的感觉。这并非是一种错觉,杨开可以肯定那时光确实在自己身上碾过了几十年,换句话说,自己不过是在四季之地中飞了几十里地,就平白无故地老了几十岁! This feeling makes in his heart sink, does not know that is Four Seasons Land now the unusual circumstance, own was really dashing for dozens years. 这层感受让他心中一沉,不知是四季之地如今异常情况所至,还是自己真的在不知不觉间飞奔了几十年。 But no matter which reason, his step cannot stop, therefore detected even if the years pass, he also still rapid vanguard. 但不管是哪种原因,他的步伐都不能停,所以纵然察觉到岁月流逝,他也依然迅速前行。 Calms the mind with rapt attention, not for external force. 静心凝神,不为外力所动。 How long also has not known, when the front presents huge Palace suddenly, Yang Kai settles down. 也不知过了多久,当前方忽然出现一座巨大宫殿之时,杨开驻足。 raises the head looks up to Palace, the aura front surface of ancient vicissitudes throws, the Yang Kai's mind is somewhat absent-minded, that flash, his unexpectedly some do not remember that own arrived here for anything, even own is who somewhat cannot think. 抬头仰望宫殿,古老沧桑的气息迎面扑来,杨开的心神有些恍惚,那一瞬间,他竟有些不记得自己到底是为了什么来到这里,甚至连自己是谁都有些想不起来。 The place of thousand li (500 km), thousand th time, in dashing rapidly, no matter outside world how, during Yang Kai's feels, has truly crossed of millennium. In 1000 did not think does not think, but the instinct sped along, somewhat was naturally vacant to the end. 千里之地,千岁光阴,于飞奔之中急速趟过,不管外界如何,在杨开的感受之中,确实已过千年之久。一千年不思不想,只是本能飞驰,到了尽头自然有些茫然。 However after that Passing of Time Temple four large characters iron the view, the Yang Kai confused double pupil gradually shone, the chaos thought quickly restores clear and bright! 不过当那“岁月神殿”四个大字烙进眼帘后,杨开迷茫的双眸逐渐亮了起来,混沌的思维迅速恢复清明 Who he remembered own is, remembered came here goal. 他想起了自己是谁,也想起了来这里的目的。 The temple front door opens wide, Yang Kai takes a step to go forward. 神殿大门洞开,杨开迈步上前。 Steps into the flash of front door, then has entered in Passing of Time Temple. 踏进大门的一瞬间,便已入岁月神殿之中。 Also without sizes up the temple situation with enough time, the front surface flies together the form, Yang Kai complexion one cold, the Demon Yuan secret stimulation of movement, prepares at any time manual. But when he sees clearly that front surface spreads the appearance of person, the eyeball stares. 还没来得及打量神殿内部的情况,迎面就飞来一道身影,杨开面色一凛,魔元暗暗催动,随时准备手动。但当他看清那迎面驰来之人的模样时,眼珠子不禁一瞪。 Only dresses up from the wear because of that person, to the appearance manner, is just the same as own unexpectedly, if the front has a mirror, he must certainly think that own is looking in a mirror. 只因那人从穿着装扮,到模样神态,竟都跟自己一模一样,若是面前有一面镜子的话,他肯定要以为自己是在照镜子。 However sizes up again carefully, pouring is not nondistinctive. The facial features of opposite party as if be older than several years old own . Moreover the corners of the mouth overflowing blood, is obviously injured. 不过再仔细打量一下,倒也不是毫无区别。对方的面容似乎要比自己老个几岁,而且嘴角溢血,明显受了点伤。 Yang Kai saw him, the opposite party naturally also saw Yang Kai. 杨开看到了他,对方自然也看到了杨开 Under four eyes look at each other, that person did not wait for Yang Kai to say anything, opened the mouth to say directly: Do not be wordy, hurries to look for your son!” 四目对视下,那人不等杨开说些什么,直接开口道:“别啰嗦,赶紧找你儿子!” The voice falls, gust has spread from the side, throws into a crack, vanishes does not see. 话音落下,一阵风似的从身旁驰过,一头扎进一道裂缝之中,消失不见。 Until at this moment, Yang Kai discovered in this main hall to cover entirely the Void crack, cracks or long or short, just like big mouth that invisible beast of prey split, wanting to select the person to bite, fierce fearsome. 直到此刻,杨开才发现这大殿中布满了虚空裂缝,一条条裂缝或长或短,犹如一张张无形的猛兽裂开的大口,欲要择人而噬,狰狞可怖。 Yang Kai by the bewilderment that person said that although he had madame several, but still does not have the heir, where came what son? 杨开被那人说的莫名其妙,他虽有夫人好几位,但至今没有子嗣,哪来什么儿子? However the adopted son has one actually, is Dragon Clan. The Yang Kai itself thinks, so long as the temple can bump into that brat, whose friendship arrives unexpectedly is such a bewildered scene. 不过干儿子倒是有一个,还是个龙族杨开本以为只要进了神殿就能碰到那臭小子,谁知遇到的竟是这么一个莫名其妙的场景。 However no matter what, presents one suddenly with own exactly the same person, Yang Kai always somewhat cares, therefore he does not have hesitates, followed closely that form to pursue in Space Crack. 不过不管怎样,忽然出现一个跟自己一模一样的人,杨开总是有些在意的,所以他没有迟疑,紧随着那身影追进了空间裂缝中。 Next flickers, the universe inverts, the world transforms, the whole person appears in the main hall. 下一瞬,乾坤颠倒,世界变换,整个人又出现在大殿之中。 Is just now almost the same as the main hall situation, seems like does not seem to move, all around still covered entirely said the Void crack innumerably, before that person was also missing, this let a Yang Kai brow wrinkle, came in him obviously about the same time, why will lose the trail? 与方才所处的大殿情形相差无几,看起来就好像没有移动过,四周依然布满了无数道虚空裂缝,之前那人也不见了踪影,这让杨开眉头一皱,明明是跟他前后脚进来的,为何会失了踪迹? When is puzzled, in the side Void crack has the fluctuation together suddenly, Yang Kai turns head to look, sees only in that crack to jump out together the form suddenly, impressively is own. 正不解时,旁边一道虚空裂缝中忽起波动,杨开扭头望去,只见那裂缝中蓦然窜出一道身影,赫然又是一个自己 The wound that this own receives seems to be more serious, from top to bottom full is the golden bloodstain, a clothing is total wreck, pale like paper, sharply sharply toward this direction spreads. 这个“自己”受的伤似乎更严重一些,浑身上下满是金色的血迹,一身衣衫都破烂不堪,脸色苍白如纸,急急朝这个方向驰来。 Yang Kai look one cold, before saw first own time he has not responded, although surprised difference, but too many ideas, had not only thought that possibly is an illusion or anything, however works as this second own appearance, he noses immediately carefully a opposite party, the obtained result makes him panic-stricken! 杨开神色一凛,之前见到第一个“自己”的时候他没反应过来,所以虽然惊讶差异,但也没太多想法,只觉得那可能是一种幻觉或者什么,但是当这第二个“自己”出现的时候,他立刻仔细查探了一下对方,得到的结果让他惊骇莫名! That unexpectedly is really own! Clothes aura is incessantly exactly the same, is undifferentiated including strength fluctuation and Spiritual Mind, this, is all over the world impossible to have exactly the same person, even the twin will still have some slight differences, but around this two own is really exactly the same as Yang Kai, in young old several years old except for appearance. 那竟然真的是自己!不止穿着打扮气息一模一样,连身上的力量波动和神念都毫无差别,这普天之下,不可能存在一模一样的人,就算是双胞胎也会有一些细微的差别,但这前后两个“自己”真的就与杨开一模一样,除了容颜上年轻苍老几岁而已。 But these -year-old appearance differences, but incessantly after several years is so absolutely simple, before Yang Kai sped along in Four Seasons Land, the sense has gotten up of millennium, the passing millenniums of strength of years on him, in the appearance the sweeping change , without wanted him to age several years old, the merit of that absolutely incessantly millennium, perhaps were 2,000 years, perhaps was 3,000 years...... 可这几岁的容颜差别,可绝对不止过了几年这么简单,之前杨开四季之地中飞驰,感官上过了千年之久,岁月之力在他身上流逝千年,容颜上都没多大变化,想要他变老几岁,那就绝对不止千年之功,或许是两千年,或许是三千年…… Moreover two own, if distinguishes carefully, in the appearance also has some fine distinctions. 而且前后两个“自己”如果仔细分辨的话,容颜上也是有一些细微差别的。 own may be unable to start to own, Yang Kai quickly greeted one: stay!” 自己自己可下不了手,杨开急忙招呼一声:“留步!” Second own turned head to look at his one eyes, cracked into a smile: Runs! Stupidly stands is courting death?” 第二个“自己”扭头看了他一眼,咧嘴一笑:“跑啊!傻站着找死吗?” Listens to own to say these words to own, felt that on really quite strange, Yang Kai for a moment does not know how unexpectedly should do right after something else, in his hesitates, before that second own already such as, that is the same, throws into Space Crack to vanish together does not see. 自己自己说出这句话,感觉上是真的好奇怪,杨开一时间竟不知道该如何接茬,就在他迟疑间,那第二个自己已经如之前那个一样,一头扎进一道空间裂缝中消失不见。 But next flickers, own runs in the crack that from that second, the form pursues to come together, the Confucian scholar dresses up, mild-mannered and cultivated, who isn't Wind Monarch is? 而下一瞬,从那第二个“自己”跑出来的裂缝之中,一道身影追击而来,儒士打扮,温文尔雅,不是风君又是谁? Before Wind Monarch repeatedly mouth ** the blood, stimulated the Great Emperor remains strength of divine ability, oneself harmed greatly, in the appearance also suddenly dark green Old Second 30 years old, turned into a man old before his time from about a 30 person. 之前风君屡次口**血,激发大帝遗骸中的神通之力,自身损害巨大,容貌上也骤然苍老二三十岁,从一个三十左右的人变成了一个小老头。 But at this moment sees again, Wind Monarch restored the original appearance unexpectedly, moreover aura was vigorous, has restored unexpectedly such as beginning, not only restored, even before imposing manner . 但此刻再见,风君竟又恢复了本来的模样,而且气息雄浑,竟是已然恢复如初,不但恢复了,甚至气势更甚之前。 Yang Kai was startled, somewhat thinks that does not understand how he achieves, must know when beforehand Wind Monarch stimulates Great Emperor divine ability damages blood essence, that loss 180 years have not sat in meditation calmly cultivate/repair are impossible to get back, even if there is talent Emperor Treasure to reduce time, are impossible to restore quickly. 杨开被惊到了,有些想不明白他是怎么做到的,要知道之前风君激发大帝神通时可是自损精血,那种损耗没有百八十年打坐静修是不可能恢复过来的,就算有天才帝宝可以缩短时间,也不可能这么快就恢复。 Before although ran of millennium in Four Seasons Land, but that is only in the own impression, should not really cross the millenniums. 之前虽然在四季之地中跑了千年之久,但那只是自己观感上的,应该并非真的过了千年。 This also does! In the Yang Kai heart cursed, his one person alone pursues Four Seasons Land, has not made Embodiment follow, one is the principle needs to keep outside damage control, two are also because is confident to own. 这还搞个屁!杨开心中大骂,他之所以孤身追进四季之地,没让法身跟随,一则是法则需要留在外面善后,二则也是因为对自己有信心。 Wind Monarch harms oversized, own is perfect, moreover in Passing of Time Temple also has Liu Yan Winged Tiger, Wind Monarch does not know that fierce enter without permission, own only needs to call Liu Yan Winged Tiger, on everyone child, how can Wind Monarch shoulder to shoulder the enemy? 风君损害过大,自己完好无损,而且岁月神殿中还有流炎穷奇,风君不知厉害擅闯此间,自己只需要招呼一声流炎穷奇,大家并肩子上,风君如何能敌? But this situation is Liu Yan Winged Tiger disappears at present, own cannot feel their existences and aura from the start, on the contrary is the Wind Monarch potential like the fierce tiger. 可眼下这情况是流炎穷奇不见踪影,自己压根就感受不到他们的存在和气息,反倒是风君势如猛虎。 This...... is not quite the same as imagination some! 这……跟想象的有些不太一样啊! Among thoughts turns around quickly, Wind Monarch saw him, unexpectedly has not begun immediately, but is laughed: Yang Kai where you come?” 心思急转间,风君看到了他,居然没有立刻动手,而是呵呵一笑:“你是哪来的杨开?” Yang Kai knits the brows does not answer, mainly does not know how should answer. 杨开皱眉不答,主要不知道该怎么答。 Wind Monarch also said: It doesn't matter, kills anyone to be the same in any case.” During the speeches, lifts the hand, lifts the palm, pats toward the Yang Kai overhead. 风君又道:“无所谓,反正杀谁都一样。”说话间,抬手,举掌,朝杨开当头拍下。 Demon Yuan gets up, Yang Kai sinks to drink one, Mountains and Rivers Bell revolves rapidly, the front surface flushes away. 魔元起,杨开沉喝一声,山河钟飞转而出,迎面冲去。 When bang a loud sound, on Mountains and Rivers Bell rays of light flashes crazily, was wasted directly, the great strength instead shakes to come, the Yang Kai chest place vitality tumbles, does not wait to get back one's composure, sees only that side Wind Monarch to lift the hand to turn suddenly, the palm place comes out a fine hour glass. 轰隆一声巨响时,山河钟光芒狂闪,直接被打飞了回来,巨力反震而来,杨开胸口处气血翻滚,不等回神,只见那边风君忽然抬手一翻,掌心处多出来一个精致的沙漏。 The hour glass is seemingly common, but Yang Kai is actually the complexion changes, the instinct felt dangerous aura. 沙漏看起来毫不起眼,但杨开却是脸色一变,本能地感觉到了一股危险的气息 The unknown that hour glass is mysterious, verifies the Wind Monarch strength to be strong, regarding this situation is confused, which Yang Kai can also make anything to pester with him, quickly received Mountains and Rivers Bell, does not wait for him to urge to send the prestige energy of that hour glass, then the figure from vanishes in a flash same place, crashed in neighbor together in Space Crack directly. 不明那沙漏玄妙,又探明风君实力强劲,对此地情形更是一头雾水,杨开哪还会与他做什么纠缠,急忙收了山河钟,不等他催发那沙漏的威能,便身形一晃从原地消失,直接冲进了附近一道空间裂缝中。 When comes again, appears in fully is in the crack main hall, as if all returned to the zero point. 再现身时,又出现在满是裂缝的大殿中,仿佛一切又回到了原点。 Returns to normal the vitality that under the chest tumbled, about Yang Kai waits and sees, waits with rapt attention! 平复了下胸口翻滚的气血,杨开左右观望,凝神以待! After a little while, in a crack has the fluctuation to transmit, Yang Kai will quickly look. 少顷,其中一道裂缝中有波动传来,杨开急忙望去。 Sure enough, after the moment, third own runs out, sees to see, a Yang Kai brow wrinkle, only own also is more distressed than first two because of this third unexpectedly, in the appearance had not changed actually, 30-year-old appearance, but that hair, unexpectedly many some Yin Si (silver silk)...... 果不其然,片刻后,第三个“自己”从中冲出,入目所见,杨开眉头一皱,只因这第三个“自己”竟比前两个还要狼狈一些,容貌上倒是没怎么变化了,30多岁的样子,只不过那一头头发,竟多了一些银丝…… This how old, even was the hair how white? 这得多大年纪了,怎么连头发都白了? After third own comes, immediately to/clashes toward Yang Kai, to did not give the opportunity of Yang Kai speech then urgently urgently saying: You are I, I am also you, this place space-time is confused, you see now, is soon after you, understood?” 第三个“自己”现身之后,立刻朝杨开冲来,到了近前不给杨开说话的机会便急急道:“你是我,我也是你,此地时空已然错乱,你现在看到的,是不久之后你,懂了吗?” Yang Kai does not know that this/should nod should shake the head, by the present he cannot affirm that front this is own, if the words, is that future own and present own meets in this place? 杨开不知道该点头还是该摇头,到现在他都不敢肯定面前这个到底是不是自己,若是的话,那就是未来的自己与现在的自己于此地碰面了? However if this place space-time really confused, but also really has this possibility. 不过此地时空若真的错乱的话,还真有这种可能。
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