MP :: Volume #36

#3555: The heart movement might as well act

, The cold, was quite uncomfortable. 啊啊啊啊,感冒了,好难受。 ...... …… Ha.” Yang Kai Cuts The Soul Blade anti- on the shoulder, another feels the chin to say again: That is also the this Young Master luck has good luck ever after greatly, trades to be others, only feared that has been frightened out of one's wits.” “哈。”杨开重新将斩魂刀抗在肩膀上,另一手摸着下巴道:“那也是本少福大命大,换做旁人,只怕早已魂飞魄散了。” Xuan Bing is silent, the look transforms, does not know that is thinking anything. 玄冰沉默不语,神色变换,也不知道在想些什么。 About Yang Kai waits and sees one, opens the mouth to say in an unquestionable tone: „ Two roads, 杨开左右观望一阵,以一种不容置疑的语气开口道:“两条路,我一刀把你们砍死,或者我一刀刀把你们砍死,两位自己选吧。” During the speeches, Cuts The Soul Blade raises high slowly, when Spiritual Mind surges, the blade glow turnover is uncertain, just like a poisonous snake in the turnover the snake core. 说话间,斩魂刀缓缓高抬,神念涌动时,刀芒吞吐不定,犹如一条毒蛇在吞吐着蛇芯。 Xuan Bing and Bei Limo changes countenance, two female didn't expect development will turn into such a scene slightly finally unexpectedly, they as incompatible as fire and water that puts together here, life and death, unexpectedly called Yang Kai picking up a bargain. 玄冰北璃陌都微微变色,两女怎么也没想到局势发展到最后居然会变成这么一副光景,她们在这边拼的水火不容,你死我活的,居然叫杨开给捡了便宜。 No hesitates, Bei Limo then looks at Xuan Bing saying: My several three, your I remove the hand together!” this time, only then she and Xuan Bing reach the compromise temporarily, simultaneously receives the hand, may break out of the crisis, otherwise really Yang Kai this blade blade cuts, even if she is Demon Saint must die here. 没有任何迟疑,北璃陌便望着玄冰道:“我数三下,你我一起撤手!”这个时候,只有她和玄冰暂时达成妥协,同时收手,才有可能摆脱危机,否则真叫杨开这一刀刀砍下来,就算她是魔圣也得死在这里。 The word, then counted rashly. 言罢,不由分说便数了起来。 Yang Kai sneers in the one side constantly, aura that on Cuts The Soul Blade sends out was even more dangerous. 杨开在一旁冷笑不迭,斩魂刀上散发出来的气息愈发危险了。 Did not wait for Bei Limo really to count to three, Cuts The Soul Blade had cut toward Bei Limo loudly, was relentless. 不等北璃陌真的数到三声,斩魂刀已经轰然朝北璃陌斩了过去,毫不留情。 To Yang Kai, Bei Limo without doubt be more dangerous than Xuan Bing, the words that must therefore kill also first massacre this Demon Saint, Xuan Bing Divine Soul Spirit Body exhibits the translucent condition now, radically nothing to be afraid. 杨开来说,北璃陌无疑要比玄冰更危险一些,所以要杀的话也是先杀掉这个魔圣,玄冰如今神魂灵体都呈现出半透明的状态,根本不足为惧。 Bright Moon falls is less than one month, own, if can get rid of Demon Saint, that was also revenges for him. 明月陨落不到一个月,自己这边若是能干掉一个魔圣,那也算是为他报仇了。 Saw that blade light cuts, the Bei Limo complexion big change, then wants not to count self damage also to remove the hand. 眼看那刀光斩下,北璃陌脸色大变,便欲不计自身损伤也要撤手。 wait a moment!” Xuan Bing shouts suddenly, I had the words to say!” 等一下!”玄冰忽然喊道,“我有话说!” The blade glow in the Bei Limo top of the head, the sharp strength cuts on this female Demon Saint Divine Soul Spirit Body, making her feel the piercing ache, being startled her complexion was pale, Divine Soul vibrated. 刀芒顿在北璃陌头顶上,锋锐的劲气切在这位女魔圣神魂灵体上,让她感受到了刺骨的疼痛,惊得她面色苍白,神魂震动。 Yang Kai looks at Xuan Bing, coldly was saying: Idle talk do not say, I have no patience.” 杨开偏头望着玄冰,冷冷道:“废话就不要说了,我没什么耐心。” Xuan Bing spoke frankly: You want one to always follow to you, for Demon Saint that you devote life to? If thinks, had better be able listen to me to say.” 玄冰直言不讳道:“你想要一个对你言听计从,为你效命的魔圣吗?如果想的话,最好能听一听我说的话。” What?” The Yang Kai brow raises, face accidental/surprised said: What do you mean?” “什么?”杨开眉头一扬,一脸意外道:“什么意思?” „The meaning in wording.” “字面上的意思。” Yang Kai hesitated, turns head to have a look at Bei Limo, coldly said: Do not tell me, you can help me receive her.” To subdue a person, nothing but plants the own Divine Soul brand mark in others' Consciousness Sea, or forces others to hand over the own Divine Soul mark, thus controls others' life and death in instant. 杨开沉吟了一下,扭头看看北璃陌,冷声道:“你可不要告诉我,你能助我收了她。”想要收服一个人,无非就是在别人的识海中种下自己神魂烙印,或者逼迫别人交出自己神魂印记,从而在一念之间掌控别人的生死。 This matter Yang Kai has done more than once, but that premise is own Divine Soul cultivation level compared with Fang Qiang great ability line, this can break through the Divine Soul defense of opposite party, Bei Limo is Demon Saint, Yang Kai may not have this confidence to control her life and death. 这种事杨开干过不止一次,但那前提是自己神魂修为要比对方强大才行,这样才能突破对方的神魂防御,北璃陌魔圣,杨开可没这个信心能够左右她的生死。 Xuan Bing laughs at one: Your two people of power gap such big, even if there are me to assist, how you can subdue her!” paused, her corners of the mouth check: this Palace Master has the ingenious plan.” 玄冰嗤笑一声:“你二人实力差距如此之大,纵然有我相助,你又如何能收服她!”顿了一下,她嘴角一勾:“不过本宫自有妙计。” Yang Kai narrowed the eye, the hesitation moment said: Even if for the time being you have this skill, what advantage but does this to you have?” 杨开眯了眯眼,沉吟片刻道:“姑且就算你有这个本事,可是这样做对你有什么好处?” Naturally does not have the advantage to me!” Xuan Bing sneers, „, not only does not have the advantage, instead the fault is many, but this Palace Master said that even if this Palace Master dies, will not make this slut feel better!” “对我当然没有好处!”玄冰冷笑一声,“不但没有好处,反而还坏处多多,但本宫说了,本宫就算是死,也不会让这贱人好过!” Bei Limo heard that said said solemnly: Boy, this woman is crafty, you may not do her snare.” 北璃陌闻言沉声道:“小子,这女人诡计多端,你可休要中了她的圈套。” Yang Kai presses Cuts The Soul Blade immediately downward, was saying to her with the chin: „ Before I have not permitted you spoke, you again dare to say a character, 杨开立刻把斩魂刀往下压了点,拿下巴对着她道:“在我没允许你说话之前,你再敢说一个字,我一刀劈了你!” The whole body of Bei Limo air/Qi trembles, look hatred. 北璃陌气的浑身发抖,眼神怨毒。 Seeing her is calm and steady, Yang Kai then shifts to Xuan Bing: Said carefully how you must help me.” Has to acknowledge, Xuan Bing that words have the enormous attraction to Yang Kai, with subduing compared with Demon Saint, killing Demon Saint, although is also good, that but can benefit may too be small. 见她安稳下来,杨开这才转向玄冰:“仔细说说,你要如何助我。”不得不承认,玄冰那话对杨开有极大的吸引力,与收服一个魔圣相比较,杀一个魔圣虽然也还不错,但能得到的好处可就太小了。 Naturally plants the Divine Soul brand mark.” “自然是种下神魂烙印。” „Are you joking with me?” The Yang Kai's complexion sank all of a sudden, one types the deceived feeling, making his mood very not good. “你在跟我开玩笑吗?”杨开的脸色一下子沉了下来,有一种被人欺骗的感觉,让他心情很不好。 Xuan Bing said with a smile lightly: Naturally does not crack a joke, I know that you are worrying anything, nothing but is this slut Divine Soul cultivation level is more powerful than you, you are unable to break through her Divine Soul defense. But if do some people coordinate on own initiative?” 玄冰轻笑道:“自然不是开玩笑,我知道你在顾虑些什么,无非就是这贱人神魂修为比你强大,你无法突破她的神魂防御罢了。可若是有人主动配合呢?” The Yang Kai complexion is uglier: She is the fool is inadequate, will coordinate this matter!” During the speeches, had lost the patience, aura becomes the danger. 杨开脸色更难看许多:“她是傻子不成,会配合这种事!”说话间,已经失去了耐心,身上的气息变得危险起来。 She will certainly not coordinate, but this Palace Master will coordinate.” Xuan Bing Hehe smiled, on the face has a crazed insane condition. “她当然不会配合,可是本宫会配合啊。”玄冰呵呵笑了起来,脸上有一种丧心病狂的疯态。 Bei Limo had not cared her words, after may listen she said that suddenly probably thought of anything, the complexion changes, is looking angrily at Xuan Bing, in the beautiful pupil gushed out one to fear intent unexpectedly. 原本北璃陌也没把她的话太放在心上,可听她这么说之后,忽然像是想到了什么,脸色一变,怒视着玄冰,美眸之中竟涌出了一丝惧意。 Her facial expression change cannot hide the truth from Yang Kai, pouring has made Yang Kai think that the word of Xuan Bing had several points of credibility. 她的神情变化没能瞒得过杨开,倒让杨开觉得玄冰之言有了几分可信。 Xuan Bing then said: You can plant the brand mark in this Palace Master Divine Soul, then, the this Palace Master life and death then receives you to control, then......” her vision cold faint shoots a look at to Bei Limo, this Palace Master will try to seize shed slut, if successful, my life and death still in you in an instant, if failed......” 玄冰接着道:“你可以在本宫神魂中种下烙印,如此一来,本宫的生死便受你掌控,然后……”她目光冷幽幽地瞥向北璃陌,“本宫会试着去夺舍这贱人,若是成功的话,我的生死依然在你一念之间,而若是失败……” How failed can?” Yang Kai narrows the eye to ask. “失败了会怎样?”杨开眯眼问道。 This slut will swallow this Palace Master Divine Soul, that Divine Soul brand mark will certainly also pass the burden, affects on her.” Xuan Bing smiled crazily, regardless, therefore this Palace Master is becomes the defeat, you will subdue Demon Saint unsuspensefully, how this does buy and sell?” “这贱人会吞噬本宫神魂,那神魂烙印当然也会转嫁过去,作用在她身上。”玄冰疯狂地笑了起来,“所以无论本宫是成是败,你都会毫无悬念地收服一位魔圣,这笔买卖如何?” The voice falls, Yang Kai pupil suddenly expands, if really such as Xuan Bing said that this was one does not have a business, will receive the enormous return, was really continues beckoningly. But the word of Xuan Bing, how he can readily believe. 话音落下,杨开瞳孔猛地扩张,如果真如玄冰所言,这可是一笔无本的买卖,而且会获得极大的回报,实在是让人心动不止。但玄冰之言,他又如何能够轻信。 Saw that Bei Limo complexion is anxious, some words want to say the appearance that actually does not dare saying that Yang Kai said immediately: „Do you have what words to say?” 眼看北璃陌面色焦急,一副有话想说却又不敢说的样子,杨开当即道:“你有何话讲?” Bei Limo urgently urgently said: Do not believe her, she is deceiving you.” 北璃陌急急道:“别信她,她不过是在骗你罢了。” Yang Kai turns head to look to Xuan Bing, Xuan Bing sneers saying: My said that were true, boy you, if had the resolution right and wrong to be able naturally to know that I could not deceive you at this matter.” 杨开扭头望向玄冰,玄冰冷笑道:“我之所言,句句属实,小子你若有分辨是非之能自然知道在这种事上我是骗不了你的。” Bei Limo snort/hum said: Right? Your my whoever swallowed anyone finally, Divine Soul strength he cannot compare, how even if there is a Divine Soul brand mark diversion to have? Only must spend some time naturally to decode.” 北璃陌哼道:“是吗?你我最后无论谁吞噬了谁,神魂力量都非他所能比,纵然有神魂烙印牵制有如何?只需花费一些时间自然能够破解。” Xuan Bing said: You also said that needs to spend some time to decode, if his period of time then reinforces every other intensity of that Divine Soul brand mark.” 玄冰道:“你也说了,需要花费一些时间才能破解,若是他每隔一段时日便加固一下那神魂烙印的强度呢。” The Bei Limo complexion big change, clenches teeth saying: You are digging one's own grave!” 北璃陌脸色大变,咬牙道:“你这是在自掘坟墓!” Xuan Bing laughs: Feared? Feared good, this Palace Master is also reporting all that you made in the past, how can you know these for tens of thousands years to live through for the master? If not wants to avenge a grievance, for master from falling.” Turns the head suddenly, clenches teeth to say to Yang Kai: Boy, if the heart movement on fast helps my helping hand, otherwise really she withdraws, then on wasted effort.” 玄冰大笑:“怕了吗?怕了就好,本宫不过是在还报你当年所做的一切,你可知这几万年来为师是如何熬过来的?若非想要报仇雪恨,为师早就自陨了。”霍地转头,冲杨开咬牙道:“小子,若是心动的话就速速助我一臂之力,否则真叫她脱身,那就竹篮打水一场空了。” How to help you?” The Yang Kai sinking sound asked that Yang Kai in this extremely short time has considered clear, the proposition of Xuan Bing he not to have no way excited, at this moment , can only take risk to wrestle, if successful, that may really be able to subdue Demon Saint. “如何助你?”杨开沉声问道,在这极短的时间杨开已经考虑清楚,玄冰的提议他没法不心动,事到如今,也只能冒险一搏了,若是成功,那可就真的能收服一位魔圣 Stimulates to movement the strength of Mild Soul Lotus, is this Palace Master supplements the Divine Soul strength to be able.” Xuan Bing clenches teeth to drink lowly. “催动温神莲之力,为本宫补充神魂力量便可。”玄冰咬牙低喝。 Yang Kai is unambiguous, immediately such as she says, stimulates to movement the Mild Soul Lotus strength, seven pink clouds light bloom, covers her, could not bear moan one with Xuan Bing that Bei Limo refuses to compromise, the translucent body concentrates to be solid unexpectedly at the visible speed, in addition, in that body the multi-colored sunlight is unexpectedly radiant, looks extremely mysterious. 杨开也不含糊,立刻如她所言,催动温神莲的力量,七彩霞光绽放,将她笼罩起来,一直与北璃陌僵持不下的玄冰忍不住呻吟一声,半透明的身躯居然以肉眼可见的速度重新凝实起来,不但如此,那身躯内居然还霞光璀璨,看起来极为玄妙。 Bei Limo complexion gloomy almost can drop to launch. 北璃陌的脸色阴沉的几乎能滴下水来。 Opens wide Divine Consciousness!” Yang Kai drinks one lowly. “敞开神识!”杨开低喝一声。 Xuan Bing hesitated slightly, is such as the word action. 玄冰稍稍犹豫了一下,还是如言行动。 Under Yang Kai Spiritual Mind wells up crazily, chains appear suddenly strangely, twines on Xuan Bing Divine Soul Spirit Body, is hidden her within the body to vanish does not see. 杨开神念狂涌之下,一道道锁链忽然诡异出现,缠绕在玄冰神魂灵体上,然后隐没进她体内消失不见。 Meanwhile, in the Yang Kai heart has a marvelous feeling, has not waited for him to feel to understand, Xuan Bing then opens the mouth saying: You can go out, then was I and her fight.” 与此同时,杨开心中生出一种奇妙的感受,还不等他感受个明白,玄冰便开口道:“你可以出去了,接下来便是我与她的战斗了。” When the voice falls, strength of the huge repel wells up in all directions, pushed aside this Divine Soul battlefield Yang Kai directly. 话音落下时,一股巨大的排斥之力四面八方地涌来,直接将杨开排挤出了这个神魂战场 Yang Kai only scolded one with enough time, at present is a flower, Divine Soul re-enters the body. 杨开只来得及骂了一声,眼前便是一花,神魂重回躯体。 The front fragrant wind caresses the face, light bloody air/Qi, catches the eye to look, own is also maintaining the beforehand posture, Dragon Claw inserts in the Bei Limo chest place, is gripping that beat Demon Heart. 面前香风扑面,还有一丝淡淡的血腥气,抬眼望去,自己还保持着之前的姿势,一只龙爪插在北璃陌的胸膛处,攥着那颗跳动的魔心 Embodiment has induced, immediately flies to flee, buzz sound said: What's the matter?” 法身有所感应,立刻飞窜过来,嗡声道:“怎么回事?” Is a long story!” Yang Kai Spiritual Mind surges, in that Divine Soul battlefield changes to the information and Embodiment matter of own shares. “一言难尽!”杨开神念涌动,将自己在那神魂战场中发生的事情化作信息与法身共享。 After the moment, a Embodiment eye of reveal is surprised: Unexpectedly can also so?” 片刻后,法身目露惊奇:“居然还能如此?” Yang Kai gets angry saying: Now looks like, I feared by that Xuan Bing deceiving.” 杨开黑着脸道:“现在看来,我怕是被那玄冰给骗了。” Finally moment, when he plants the brand mark in Xuan Bing Divine Soul Spirit Body, that marvelous feeling that he has makes him have little clearly becomes aware-, even if really planted the Divine Soul brand mark, perhaps own is unable to control a Demon Saint life and death, the Divine Soul cultivation level disparity was too big. 最后关头,当他在玄冰神魂灵体内种下烙印时,他生出的那奇妙的感受让他有一点点明悟-纵然真的种下了神魂烙印,自己恐怕也无法掌控一个魔圣的生死,彼此间神魂修为的差距太大了。 „To give...... Embodiment to stare her now front motionless, Bei Limo of some complexion pains, put out a hand to make movement that wiped the neck. “要不要现在把她给……”法身凝视着面前一动不动,面色有些痛楚的北璃陌,伸手做了个抹脖子的动作。 Now will be to truly strike to kill the Bei Limo best time, the opposite party will not revolt completely, Yang Kai can chop pile of muddy fleshes her casually, but if if it's going to be like this, all before that wasted the time. 如今确实是击杀北璃陌最好的时机,对方完全不会反抗的,杨开随随便便就能把她剁成一堆肉泥,可若是这样做的话,那之前的一切都白费功夫了。 Hesitated slightly, Yang Kai said: Waits to look again.” 稍稍沉吟了一下,杨开道:“再等等看。” Although has no way to control a Demon Saint life and death, the Divine Soul brand mark that but that plants does not have the function, now looks that role was much big. 虽然没法掌控一个魔圣的生死,但那种下的神魂烙印并非毫无作用,如今就看那作用有多大了。
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