MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#6067: Having made up mind of Long Lin(dragon scale)

Having made up mind of Chapter 6065 Long Lin(dragon scale) 第6065章龙鳞的决意 Therefore the wicked vision, looks to Long Lin(dragon scale): Long Lin(dragon scale), the old man has said that will make you be in deep sorrow!!!” 于是恶狠狠的目光,望向龙鳞:“龙鳞,老夫说过,会让你痛不欲生!!!” The words fall, his big sleeve wields, the form appears in together its side, precisely Long Xue. 话落,他大袖一挥,一道身影出现在其身旁,正是龙雪 Long Xue just made an appearance, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master that old big hand, then held the Long Xue nape of the neck. 只是龙雪刚刚露面,苍穹仙宗宗主那苍老的大手,便抓住了龙雪的脖颈。 Sees Long Xue, Long Lin(dragon scale) no longer is also calm, the endless panic appears on his face. 见到龙雪,龙鳞也不再淡定,无尽的恐慌出现在其脸上。 Long Xue fell into the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master hand unexpectedly. 龙雪竟落入了苍穹仙宗宗主手中。 This unexpected, but he can think of the consequence. 这出乎意料,但他能够想到后果。 He knows, this price, is he is unable to withstand. 他知道,这个代价,将是他无法承受的。 Incessantly is he, everyone felt. 不止是他,所有人都觉得完了。 All ended. 一切都完了。 Bloodline formation technique is far from meeting the expectation, even bound lives in Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master not to achieve. 血脉阵法远远没有达到预期,连束缚苍穹仙宗宗主都没有做到。 Must die may incessantly be Long Xue, they are difficult to escape a tribulation. 要死的可不止是龙雪了,他们都是难逃一劫。 Wa Wa- 呜哇- However at this moment, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, is actually big mouth one, the black blood such as the column spews out generally. 然而就于此刻,苍穹仙宗宗主,却是大嘴一张,黑色的血液如柱一般喷涌而出。 Meanwhile, both hands cover the dantian place, reveals the incomparable painful the expression. 与此同时,双手捂住丹田处,露出无比痛苦的表情。 Bang- 轰- Afterward, the land tears, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, not only lay on the ground, as if had the invisible nail to pass through his body, by nail stubbornly there, could not be moved. 随后,大地撕裂,苍穹仙宗宗主,不仅趴在了地上,更是仿佛有无形的钉子穿过了他的身躯,被死死的钉在了那里,动弹不得。 This sudden change, everyone feels puzzled, but the innermost feelings are actually wild with joy. 这突如其来的变化,所有人感到不解,但内心却是狂喜。 Because they know, Bloodline formation technique has an effect finally. 因为他们知道,血脉阵法终于起了作用。 This is Bloodline formation technique, that should perform. 这才是血脉阵法,应该发挥出的力量。 But Long Lin(dragon scale) can ignore the outcome what's the matter, arrives at the Long Xue near directly, wants to carry off Long Xue. 龙鳞也顾不得究竟怎么回事,直接来到龙雪近前,想将龙雪带走。 Long Lin(dragon scale) senior.” 龙鳞前辈。” But, the Chu Feng's sound resounds in the meantime, waits and sees that two person of long gown along the sound lies on the ground, takes off the hood, unexpectedly is Chu Feng and Wang Qiang. 可就在此时,楚枫的声音响起,顺声观望那两个趴在地上的长袍之人,已是摘下兜帽,竟是楚枫王强 Sees that Long Lin(dragon scale) hurries Chu Feng and Wang Qiang, carried off together, brings the safe place. 见状,龙鳞则是赶忙将楚枫王强,一同带走,带到了安全的地方。 My my my I... Damn , this Bloodline formation technique was also too strong, a meeting, I may probably unable to shoulder again late.” “我我我我…我擦,这血脉阵法也太强了,再晚一会,我可就要扛不住了。” Wang Qiang pants, looks deathly pale, that pressure, really was extremely a moment ago terrorist. 王强气喘吁吁,脸色惨白,刚才那股压力,实在太过恐怖了。 If not for his Divine Body is strong enough, at this moment feared already soul destroyed/terror-stricken. 若不是他的天赐神体够强,此刻怕是已经魂飞魄散了。 Little Friend Chu Feng, what's all this about, can you two, how with Heavenly Dome Sect Master in the same place?” 楚枫小友,这是怎么回事啊,你们两个,怎么会与苍穹宗主在一起?” Long Lin(dragon scale) puzzled asking. 龙鳞不解的问道。 Chu Feng!!!” 楚枫!!!” You dare the Yin old man!!!” “你敢阴老夫!!!” May not need Chu Feng to reply, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master then sent out roaring of exceedingly indignant. 可还不待楚枫回答,苍穹仙宗宗主便发出了无比愤怒的咆哮。 Reason that will lose the strength of resistance suddenly, the strength of precisely within the body elixir changed. 之所以会忽然丧失抵抗之力,正是体内丹药之力发生了变化。 The bloodline power dissipation that not only camouflages, instead changes to a powerful strength, invades his dantian, causes his strength to reduce greatly. 不仅伪装的血脉之力消散,反而化作一股强大的力量,侵入他的丹田,引得他战力大减。 Yin you how.” “阴伱怎么了。” Stupid thing, you think that the young master is so good to use?” “蠢东西,你以为小爷是那么好利用的?” Chu Feng is also the complexion is freely unsatisfactory, but actually bright smiling. 楚枫尽管也是脸色不佳,可却灿烂的笑着。 Afterward, looks to Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head and others. 随后,看向图腾龙族族长等人 everyone senior, kills this old thing.” 诸位前辈,弄死这老东西。” Sees this situation, the people did not ask that also knows probably had anything. 见此情形,众人不问也大概知道发生了什么。 The transformation of Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, is inevitably related with Chu Feng. 苍穹仙宗宗主的转变,必然与楚枫有关。 Little Friend Chu Feng, it seems like and owed you one.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said to Chu Feng. 楚枫小友,看来又欠了你一个人情。”龙鳞楚枫说道。 He is very clear, if not for the Chu Feng's method, Long Xue the necessity met with a disaster today. 他很清楚,若不是楚枫的手段,龙雪今日必要遭殃。 immediately he looks to Long Xue: Xue Er, in such me.” 旋即他又看向龙雪:“雪儿,在此等我。” The words, Long Lin(dragon scale) is also arrives in Formation Aperture, along with the people, stimulates to movement the Bloodline formation technique strength to suppress Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master together. 话罢,龙鳞也是来到阵眼之中,随众人,一同催动血脉阵法的力量压制苍穹仙宗宗主 This moment dragon howls to resound through, Heaven Flooding Golden Light, as if this side space world, was swallowed by the strength of True Dragon. 此刻龙啸响彻,金光漫天,仿佛这方空间世界,都被真龙之力所吞噬。 Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master this Heavenly God, absolutely does not have the slight resistance, the painful facial features distortion, wails again and again. 苍穹仙宗宗主这位天神,也是完全没有丝毫抵抗能力,痛的面容扭曲,哀嚎连连。 At first, the Totem Dragon Clan people also feel wild with joy, thought that Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master must die without doubt. 起初,图腾龙族众人还感到狂喜,觉得苍穹仙宗宗主必死无疑。 But, they again are over time scared. 但随着时间流逝,他们却再度恐慌起来。 Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master was truly getting more and more weak, but he has not been in the situation of endangering life. 苍穹仙宗宗主确实越来越虚弱了,可是他还没有到危及生命的地步。 But they stimulate to movement Bloodline formation technique, has a limit. 但他们催动血脉阵法,却也是有一个限度。 Continues, perhaps Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master has not died, they had then reached the limit. 继续下去,恐怕苍穹仙宗宗主还没死,他们便已经到了极限。 If makes Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master regain the freedom, that unlucky may be they. 若是让苍穹仙宗宗主恢复自由,那倒霉的可就是他们了。 The realm disparity is unable to make up, even if there is one breath, tidying up them is also relaxed. 境界差距无法弥补,哪怕只有一口气,收拾他们也是轻轻松松。 Clang- 锵- In the meantime, follows sound air-splitting, Gold Light passes through together void. 就在此时,伴随破空之音,一道金芒贯穿虚空。 The place visited, the land tears, space smashing. 所过之处,大地撕裂,空间粉碎。 Divine Weapon long spear, was puncturing to the head of Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master. 一把神兵长枪,对着苍穹仙宗宗主的头颅刺了过去。 Was Long Lin(dragon scale) acts. 龙鳞出手了。 And this not simple loses Divine Weapon, but is a several powerful method. 并且这不是简单的丢出神兵,而是一种几位强大的手段。 May have the destruction prestige to be able Divine Weapon long spear, after the head contact of Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, was shot to fly away unexpectedly. 可具有毁灭威能的神兵长枪,在与苍穹仙宗宗主的头颅接触后,竟被弹飞开来。 Sees this one, the Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head and others brow wrinkles is deeper. 见此一幕,图腾龙族族长等人眉头皱的更深。 Heavenly God maintains the consciousness time, even if he is weak, but is actually not True God can shake. 天神保持意识的时候,哪怕他再虚弱,可却也不是真神能够撼动的。 Long Lin(dragon scale)!!!” 龙鳞!!!” How was your formation technique strength weaken slowly?” “你这阵法力量怎么慢慢减弱了?” formation technique that your Totem Dragon Clan ancestor leaves behind, is mediocre.” “你图腾龙族先祖留下的阵法,也不过如此啊。” You were flustered, therefore began simply, wants to seize the chance to kill the old man.” “你急坏了吧,所以干脆动手,想趁机杀了老夫。” But you rather too underestimated Heavenly God Realm strength, the old man is Heavenly God, your trivial True God can injure can it be that?” “但你未免太低估了天神境的力量,老夫乃是天神,岂是你区区真神能够伤的了的?” No rush, the strength of formation technique when your ancestor leaves behind dissipates, the old man makes all of you feel well, the Heavenly God Realm strength.” “别急,待得你祖先留下的阵法之力消散,老夫让你们所有人都好好感受一下,天神境的力量。” No, the person is an exception, I cannot let his happy death.” “不,有一个人除外,我不能让他痛快的死。” The words to here, his raise one's head look to standing in Chu Feng and Wang Qiang Long Xue. 话到此处,他抬头看向站在楚枫王强身旁的龙雪 Your woman, I will suffer slowly, making her be in deep sorrow.” “你的女人,我会慢慢折磨,让她痛不欲生。” Hears this words, the Totem Dragon Clan people clenches jaws, but they have no means. 听闻此话,图腾龙族众人咬牙切齿,可他们却也没有任何办法。 They from the beginning already whole-heartedly. 他们从一开始就已经全力以赴了。 Now, then can only expect that the miracle appears. 现在,便只能奢望奇迹出现。 But compares in them, Long Lin(dragon scale) actually not extremely flustered, since Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, after formation technique suppresses, he then displays was very calm. 但相比于他们,龙鳞倒是没有太过慌张,自从苍穹仙宗宗主,被阵法压制之后,他便表现的十分淡定了。 At present, after hearing Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master that threat the words, in his eye actually emerged strong killing intent. 只是眼下,听闻苍穹仙宗宗主那番威胁的话语后,他的眼中却涌现出了浓烈的杀意 He stops stimulating to movement formation technique, stood up, looked at Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head and others. 他停止催动阵法,站起身来,看了一眼图腾龙族族长等众人。 Was first exhausted you.” “先劳烦你们了。” The next quarter, leaves Formation Aperture unexpectedly, arrived at side Chu Feng. 下一刻,竟离开阵眼,来到了楚枫身旁。 cosmos sack, gave Chu Feng. 一个乾坤袋,递给了楚枫 senior, are you?” Chu Feng is puzzled. 前辈,你这是?”楚枫不解。 This is Totem Dragon Clan treasure, precious incomparable, in the clan the person do not dare to enjoy, but your words, they should not have the opinion.” “此乃图腾龙族至宝,珍贵无比,族内之人都不敢享用,但你的话,他们应该也没有意见。” Let alone, I now or Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, this lord me to do.” “何况,我现在还是图腾龙族族长,这个主我能做的了。” Originally wants to process this matter to give you again.” “本来想处理完此事再给你的。” But the present situation, can only first give you.” “但现在的局势,只能先给你了。” During Long Lin(dragon scale) speeches, forcefully the cosmos sack stopper to the Chu Feng bosom. 龙鳞说话间,强行将乾坤袋塞到了楚枫怀中。 senior.” Chu Feng realized that the matter is not right. 前辈。”楚枫意识到事情不对。 But Long Lin(dragon scale) actually smiles: I know, my actions are not this trivial resources can compensate.” 龙鳞笑了笑:“我知道,我的所作所为不是这区区资源能够补偿的。” Also my limit , can only so, wants also to have next life that the life can do, if there is a next life, my Long Lin(dragon scale) makes the cow to make the horse also to compensate you.” “我大限将至,此生能做的也只能如此了,希望还有来世,若有来世,我龙鳞做牛做马也会补偿你。” As for Long Xue, gave you.” “至于龙雪,就交给你了。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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