MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#6066: Comes prepared, falls into a trap

Chapter 6064 comes prepared, falls into a trap 第6064章有备而来,落入陷阱 When Chu Feng and Wang Qiang stand firm the figure, has placed in Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land entrance. 楚枫王强稳住身形之时,已是身处于祖龙禁地入口 Although this side world, compared with the martial cultivation world biggest these world, is tiny existence. 尽管这方世界,与修武界最大的那些世界相比,也是渺小的存在。 But its territory surface area, actually also holds innumerable Ancestral Martial Lower Realm sufficiently. Is many cultivator, does not use under the Teleportation Formation premise, consumes the vast world that its life is unable to go all over. 但其领土面积,却也足以容纳无数个祖武下界。是许多修武者,不使用传送阵的前提下,耗其一生也无法走遍的辽阔世界。 But is such vast world, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, can actually arrive in such a short time, place that any he wants to go. 可就是这样辽阔的世界,苍穹仙宗宗主,却能够在如此短的时间内到达,任何他想到达的地方。 This is Heavenly God Realm, once legend realm. 这便是天神境,曾经的传说境界 The True God peak powerhouse, pays a price existence that displays strikes full power can destroy, he only needs a thought then. 真神巅峰强者,付出代价施展全力一击才能够毁灭的存在,他只需要一个念头即可。 But at present, Chu Feng and Wang Qiang sighed without enough time. 但眼下,楚枫王强都来不及感叹。 Because in their not far away, an old form stands there is waiting. 因为在他们的不远处,一个苍老的身影站在那里等候着。 Long Lin(dragon scale). 龙鳞 Normal, should inform Long Lin(dragon scale) immediately, told the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master matter. 正常来说,应该立即通知龙鳞,告诉苍穹仙宗宗主的事。 May because of that long gown, they unable sound transmission, naturally not to dare to make other movements in secret rashly. 可因为那件长袍,他们根本无法暗中传音,自然也不敢贸然做其他动作。 As for Long Lin(dragon scale), he naturally does not know that is Wang Qiang and Chu Feng, only thought that is helper who Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master brings. 至于龙鳞,他自然也不知道那是王强楚枫,只觉得是苍穹仙宗宗主带来的帮手。 Therefore he sized up one at will, then condenses the vision on Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master. 所以他只是随意打量了一眼,便将目光凝聚在苍穹仙宗宗主身上。 Sir Sect Master, how did you come?” 宗主大人,您怎么来了?” You not in Age of Gods?” “您不是在神之时代吗?” Long Lin(dragon scale) all smiles, is not only attentive, the vision was disclosing is base and low and fears. 龙鳞满面笑容,不仅殷勤,目光更是透露着卑微与恐惧。 What's wrong, saw the old man to fear?” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master smiles lightly. “怎么,见到老夫怕了?”苍穹仙宗宗主淡淡一笑。 Long Lin(dragon scale) just about to speaks, but the words have not said that then listens to one of the bang. 龙鳞刚要说话,可话未说出,便听轰的一声。 The boundless pressure drops from the clouds, Long Lin(dragon scale) lay on the ground directly. 磅礴的威压从天而降,龙鳞直接趴在了地上。 Although expensive/noble is the solemn True God peak. 尽管贵为堂堂真神巅峰。 But his time pitiful condition, compared with previous Wang Qiang, actually almost not too many differences. 可他此时的惨状,与先前的王强相比,却几乎没有太多差别。 In front of Heavenly God, treats impartially. 天神面前,一视同仁。 The True God peak and Half God peak, almost have no difference. 真神巅峰与半神巅峰,几乎也没什么差别。 Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master arrives at the near, stepped in the head of Long Lin(dragon scale). 苍穹仙宗宗主走到近前,一脚踩在了龙鳞的脑袋上。 Long Lin(dragon scale), you were really the wing were hard, the old man helped you mount the position of Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, you were not grateful, looked for jie Tianran to make Leaning Mountain unexpectedly, in turn coerced the old man?” 龙鳞,你真是翅膀硬了,老夫助你登上图腾龙族族长之位,你不感恩戴德,竟找界天染靠山,反过来要挟老夫?” The Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master vision is cold, killing intent fills the air. 苍穹仙宗宗主目光冷冽,杀意弥漫。 Sir Sect Master, I do not have the means that I eventually am the Totem Dragon Clan clansman, does not want to be this criminal.” 宗主大人,我也是没有办法,我终究是图腾龙族族人,不想做这个罪人。” Was I was muddled, I had regretted, even if actually the Sir did not look for me, I still had decided, gave to the Sir Zulong remains.” Long Lin(dragon scale) rushes to admit mistakes. “是我糊涂了,我早已后悔,其实就算大人不来找我,我也已经决定,将祖龙遗骸献给大人。”龙鳞赶忙认错。 He has the strength of spirit, but should not have the strength of spirit now, he must introduce Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land to be good Heavenly Dome immortal trace Sect Master. 他不是没有骨气,只是现在不该有骨气,他必须将苍穹仙踪宗主引入祖龙禁地才行。 Oh?” “喔?” Hears this words, the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master facial features transforms, not only puts aside Long Lin(dragon scale) on the foot, receives the pressure. 听闻此话,苍穹仙宗宗主面容转变,不仅把脚将龙鳞头上移开,更是收起了威压。 He did not have the plan really to massacre Long Lin(dragon scale). 他本来就没打算真的杀掉龙鳞 The plan first came a demonstration of authority, then combined threats with inducements, making Long Lin(dragon scale) obey itself. 本打算先来个下马威,再威逼利诱,让龙鳞服从自己。 Never expected that Long Lin(dragon scale), has this consciousness unexpectedly. 没想到龙鳞,竟已有此觉悟。 Long Lin(dragon scale), did you say is true?” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master asked. 龙鳞,伱所言属实?”苍穹仙宗宗主问。 Sir Sect Master, I can lead you to enter Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land now.” Long Lin(dragon scale) raise one's head said. 宗主大人,我现在就可以带你进入祖龙禁地。”龙鳞抬头道。 Long Lin(dragon scale), trades to make others to dare so to betray the old man, he has died.” 龙鳞,换做其他人敢如此背叛老夫,他已经死了。” But the old man truly appreciates you very much, therefore then gives you an opportunity.” “但老夫确实很欣赏你,所以便给你一次机会。” But you, if dares to play to cheat to the old man again, old man guarantee, decides will make you be in deep sorrow.” “但你若是敢再对老夫耍诈,老夫保证,定会让你痛不欲生。” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master spoke, supported by the arm Long Lin(dragon scale). 苍穹仙宗宗主说话间,将龙鳞搀扶了起来。 many thanks Sir Sect Master, gives me this opportunity.” 多谢宗主大人,给我这个机会。” Sir Sect Master, I have prepared, you come along with me.” 宗主大人,我早就准备好了,您随我来吧。” After Long Lin(dragon scale) sets out, pinches the law secret art, the space of front neutral, then presented a formation gate. 龙鳞起身之后,捏动法诀,前方原本空挡的空间,便出现了一道结界门。 Sees this formation gate, the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master vision burning hot. 看到这道结界门,苍穹仙宗宗主目光炙热。 Although Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master is Heavenly God, having strength that can destroy this side world. 苍穹仙宗宗主虽已是天神,拥有可以毁灭这方世界的力量。 But not all thing, can destroy. 可并不是所有东西,都能够毁灭。 He can destroy this side world even, may actually unable to destroy Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land. 他就算能毁灭这方世界,可却毁灭不了祖龙禁地 Because, the Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land formation technique strength exceeds First Rank Heavenly God. 因为,祖龙禁地阵法力量超越一品天神 Otherwise Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, will not so dread, early on order Taishi Xingzhong and others, refines that to camouflage Totem Dragon Clan Bloodline elixir. 不然苍穹仙宗宗主,也不会如此忌惮,早早的就命令太史星中等人,炼制那伪装图腾龙族血脉丹药 Even before elixir has not built up, he does not dare to approach this place. 甚至丹药没有炼成之前,他都不敢靠近此地。 Under plan of having own axe to grind. 在各怀鬼胎的打算下。 Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, entered in Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land. 苍穹仙宗宗主,也是进入了祖龙禁地之中。 And under the leadership of Long Lin(dragon scale), finally saw Zulong remains true body. 并且在龙鳞的带领下,也是终于见到了祖龙遗骸的真身。 When that volume crosses the Ancestral Martial Lower Realm monster to appear sufficiently at present. 当那体积足以横穿祖武下界的巨物出现在眼前。 Even if has entered Heavenly God, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master , is subject to shocks, expand my horizon. 纵使已入天神的,苍穹仙宗宗主,也是倍受震撼,大开眼界 What kind of strength no matter he has, may stand in front of that Zulong that huge remains, he also from the heart felt tiny. 不管他拥有怎样的力量,可站在那祖龙那庞大的遗骸面前,他也发自内心的感受到了渺小。 The strength of True Dragon, Heavenly God was also well below. 真龙之力,天神也是远远不如。 Hahaha haha......” 哈哈哈哈哈……” After short shock, he laughs. 短暂的震惊后,他不由大笑起来。 That is extremely excited and joyful. 那是极度的兴奋与喜悦。 He is the person of martial cultivation, fully realized that this thing is fierce. 他乃修武之人,深知此物厉害。 Even non- dragon clan descendant, so long as can use. 就算非龙族后裔,但只要能加以利用。 Perhaps becomes, he exceeds a jie Tianran opportunity. 也许会成为,他超越界天染的一个机会。 Sir Sect Master, around Zulong remains has Bloodline formation technique that the ancestor leaves behind, may have some effects to you.” 宗主大人,祖龙遗骸周围有先祖留下的血脉阵法,对您可能会有一些影响。” You first wait here, I relieve formation technique, you may the short distance observe Zulong remains.” “你先在此等候一下,我去解除阵法,您方可近距离观察祖龙遗骸。” Long Lin(dragon scale) this words saying, then leaves directly, flies to the distant place. 龙鳞此话说完,便直接动身,向远处飞去。 Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master has not stopped, because elixir has dissolved in within the body, he does not fear Long Lin(dragon scale) to play tricks. 苍穹仙宗宗主也未阻拦,因为丹药早已溶于体内,他并不惧怕龙鳞耍手段。 - 嗷- But Long Lin(dragon scale) just walked, then the land trembles, the unexpectedly dragon roar deep place transmits arrogantly. 龙鳞刚走,便大地震颤,竟有一声龙吼自大地深处传来。 The next quarter, the world changes color, the vision institute and place, world all living things is completely covered by the golden ray. 下一刻,天地变色,目光所及之处,世间万物尽被金色光芒所覆盖。 all living things has not changed. 万物没有变化。 May have the terrifying strength, covers Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master and Chu Feng three people of institutes. 可却有恐怖的力量,将苍穹仙宗宗主以及楚枫三人所笼罩。 At this moment, Chu Feng and Wang Qiang, felt that the strong pressure drops from the clouds, two people on the ground can be moved by lying that strength pressed directly. 这一刻,楚枫王强,都感觉强大的压力从天而降,二人直接被那力量压的趴在了地上动弹不得。 Meanwhile, the invisible strength floods into within the body, that feeling must tear up their souls. 与此同时,无形的力量涌入体内,那感觉是要将他们的灵魂生生撕毁。 May compare in Chu Feng and Wang Qiang, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master actually stands in as in same place, although some facial features also distortions, but has not come under the too tremendous impact obviously. 可相比于楚枫王强,苍穹仙宗宗主却依旧站在原地,尽管面容也有些许扭曲,可显然并没有受到太大的影响。 This, causing the Totem Dragon Clan people complexion is pale, is only the flash, then cold sweat directing current. 这一幕,引得图腾龙族众人面色惨白,只是一瞬间,便冷汗直流。 Obviously this effect, is far from meeting their expectations. 显然这个效果,远远没有达到他们的预期。 They realized, the important matter is not wonderful. 他们都意识到,大事不妙。 Full power stimulation of movement.” “全力催动。” Long Lin(dragon scale) looks to the Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head and others direction. 龙鳞看向图腾龙族族长等人的方向。 At this time, the Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head and others of the forms have reappeared. 此时,图腾龙族族长等众人的身影已经浮现。 Because they are afraid have the accident/surprise, from the beginning, has been displaying is stimulating to movement Bloodline formation technique full power. 因为他们害怕出现意外,从一开始,就已经在施展全力在催动血脉阵法 Because is stimulating to movement full power, makes formation technique also expire to their hideaways. 正因全力催动,才使得阵法对他们的隐藏也是失效。 Everyone, including Formation Aperture, appeared in the line of sight of Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master. 所有人,包括阵眼,都出现在了苍穹仙宗宗主的视线之中。 Good, what originally waits for the old man is a trap.” “好啊,原来等待老夫的是一个陷阱。” Sees this, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, naturally also understood all. 看到这一幕,苍穹仙宗宗主,自然也是明白了一切。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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