MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#6062: Cooperation?

Does Chapter 6060 cooperate? 第6060章合作? - 唰- Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master searches the hand to grasp, grasped formation technique that Chu Feng hidden. 苍穹仙宗宗主探手一抓,将楚枫隐藏的阵法抓了出来。 Little Friend Chu Feng Spirit Formation technique is really wise.” 楚枫小友结界之术果然高明。” No wonder, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion does not have Ancestral Martial World Sect ruins of means that can be broken open by you.” “难怪,就连七界圣府都没办法的祖武界宗遗迹,能够被你破开。” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master spoke, the palm grasped, then pinched the smashing formation technique. 苍穹仙宗宗主说话间,掌心一握,便将阵法捏成了粉碎。 Where Long Xue is senior at?” Chu Feng asked. 龙雪前辈在哪?”楚枫问。 Chu Feng such remarks, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master smiled. 楚枫此话一出,苍穹仙宗宗主笑了。 senior?” 前辈?” Little Friend Chu Feng, you may really make friends widely.” 楚枫小友,你可真是交友广泛啊。” „The Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head children are your friend, never expected that Totem Dragon Clan rebel Long Lin(dragon scale), is the you friend?” 图腾龙族族长的儿女是你朋友,没想到图腾龙族的叛徒龙鳞,也是伱朋友?” The Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master eyes narrow the eyes, is sizing up Chu Feng earnestly. 苍穹仙宗宗主双眼微眯,认真打量着楚枫 May also be this action, making Chu Feng realize, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master possibly not knows. 可也是这个举动,让楚枫意识到,苍穹仙宗宗主可能并非什么都知道。 He possibly knows this place, but regarding Chu Feng and Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head matter, is not necessarily clear. 他可能只是知道此地,但对于楚枫以及图腾龙族族长的事,未必清楚。 Therefore he spoke these words, is probing. 所以他说这番话,也是在试探。 To probe Chu Feng and Long Lin(dragon scale), is what relations. 想试探楚枫龙鳞,到底是何关系。 I am acquainted with Long Xue senior.” Chu Feng said. “我只是与龙雪前辈相识。”楚枫道。 Oh, according to this logic you and that wasn't Long Lin(dragon scale), a friend?” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master asked. “喔,这样说来你与那龙鳞,并非朋友了?”苍穹仙宗宗主问。 How is, how is not, actually do you come here to have what goal?” Chu Feng asked. “是又如何,不是又如何,你来此处究竟有何目的?”楚枫问。 Old man comes to here, grasps Long Xue specially. “老夫来这里,是专门来抓龙雪的。 Therefore you do not need to worry that Long Xue was grasped by the old man, the old man has not injured her.” “所以你不用担心,那龙雪只是被老夫抓起来了,老夫并未伤她。” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master spoke, the palm turned, a transparent formation technique spheroid appeared, that inside is imprisoning person precisely Long Xue. 苍穹仙宗宗主说话间,掌心一翻,一颗透明的阵法球体出现,那里面囚禁着的人正是龙雪 But looked at one to Chu Feng, he then received. 但只是给楚枫看了一眼,他便又收了起来。 Afterward, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, then fell in front of Chu Feng. 随后,苍穹仙宗宗主,便落在了楚枫面前。 Little Friend Chu Feng, the old man heard.” 楚枫小友,老夫听闻了。” Age of Gods you also triggered the phenomenon, and exceeds jie Tianran, exceeds the Yuwen Yanri phenomenon.” 神之时代你也引发了异象,并且是超越界天染,超越宇文炎日的异象。” Your talent, really broke the cognition of old man.” “你的天赋,真的打破了老夫的认知。” Actually, the old man is also love person.” “其实,老夫也是爱才之人。” Matter that as for jie Tianran, the old man and he cooperates does not have the means that but his moral behavior old man is really unable to continue watching.” “至于界天染,老夫与他合作也是没有办法的事,但他的人品老夫是真的看不下去。” Actually the old man has urged him, so outstanding grandchild, at present, why must become the enemy.” “其实老夫劝过他,如此优秀的外孙,就在眼前,又何必非要成为敌人。” But he does not listen, according to the old man looked, he repels is not your status, but exactly is your talent.” “可他不听,依老夫看,他排斥的不是你的身份,而恰恰是你的天赋。” jie Tianran this person, is always conceited, he does not permit this vast martial cultivation world, has exists compared with he stronger person.” 界天染这个人,向来唯我独尊,他不允许这浩瀚修武界,有比他更强的人存在。” Your mother, is not willing to be the obedient puppet, he also meets under the pain the killer, eliminated your mother's Bloodline of king personally.” “就连你母亲,不甘愿做听话的傀儡,他也会痛下杀手,亲手剥夺了你母亲的王之血脉。” The Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master words to here, Chu Feng asked: „Did you see with own eyes?” 苍穹仙宗宗主话到此处,楚枫问道:“你亲眼见到了?” About jie Tianran eliminates the matter of Chu Feng mother Bloodline, was on the same day when Summit of Nine Heavens, jie Tianran said personally. 关于,界天染剥夺楚枫母亲血脉之事,乃是当日在九天之巅时,界天染亲口说的。 At first, Chu Feng is also the violent anger, even initiates Bloodline Rampage. 起初,楚枫也是暴怒不已,甚至引发血脉暴走 But Chu Feng actually more wants is not more right. 楚枫却越想越不对劲。 Thought that is jie Tianran, to enrage Chu Feng said intentionally. 觉得那是界天染,为了激怒楚枫故意说的。 He does not believe actually not, jie Tianran will strike a vicious blow to his mother. 他倒不是不相信,界天染会对他母亲下毒手。 He believes his mother. 他是相信他母亲。 Chu Feng thought that his mother's talent, will not be handled by jie Tianran at will is right. 楚枫觉得他母亲的天赋,不会被界天染随意处置才对。 However Chu Feng is also somewhat nervous, his mother's safety, in the Chu Feng heart throughout is a thorn. 但是楚枫也是有些慌的,他母亲的安危,于楚枫心中始终是一根刺。 Only if really sees his mother safely, otherwise this punctures then attacks in his at heart, so long as bumps into then can be painful. 除非真的见到他母亲安然,否则这根刺便一直插在他的心里,只要碰到便会痛。 This does not have, matter that but jie Tianran said on the same day, coming out that he indeed makes.” “这倒没有,不过界天染当日所说的事,他的确做的出来。” Moreover the old man hears, Jie Tian Bloodline of king, is actually your mother's Bloodline of king.” “而且老夫听闻,界天的王之血脉,其实就是你母亲的王之血脉。” Otherwise you think where this world does come Bloodline of so many kings?” “不然你想一想,这个世界哪来那么多王之血脉?” „Is the thing of this grade of legend, who can have?” “这等传说之物,是谁都能有的吗?” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master said. 苍穹仙宗宗主说道。 This rumor, Chu Feng has heard. 这个传言,楚枫早就听闻过。 Chu Feng have also guessed. 楚枫自己也有猜测过。 But the premise is, his mother Bloodline was really eliminated, can shift Bloodline of king to Jie Tian on. 可前提是,他母亲血脉真的被剥夺,才能将王之血脉转移到界天身上。 Otherwise if, that is untenable. 如若不然,那就根本不成立。 And, nine summit Grandmaster had once said to Chu Feng, according to his observations Jie Tian Bloodline of king is not indeed inborn then has. 并且,九巅大师曾对楚枫说过,据他观察界天的王之血脉的确并非天生便有。 But Jie Tian Bloodline of king, does not have the Chu Feng mother's aura. 界天的王之血脉,并没有楚枫母亲的气息。 You and I said these, there is what goal?” Chu Feng asked. “你与我说这些,又有何目的?”楚枫问。 This Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, the present is Heavenly God Realm, but this old thing, almost can determine that is not the good person. 苍穹仙宗宗主,如今乃是天神境,而这个老东西,几乎可以确定不是什么好人。 Said that he does not want Source of Chu Feng lineage/vein and other thing, kills Chu Feng, Chu Feng does not believe. 说他不想要楚枫身上的脉之本源等物,打死楚枫,楚枫都不信。 Properly speaking, he sees Chu Feng, should such as ferocious beast see the prey, definitely will reveal the fang directly. 按理来说,他见到楚枫,本该如猛兽见到猎物,必然会直接露出獠牙。 But his present behavior, is extremely unusual. 可他现在的行为,却极其反常。 The matter leaves must have the monster unusual, if the person must have the blade unusual. 事出反常必有妖,人若反常必有刀。 Little Friend Chu Feng, you do not need so to guard against the old man actually, because we have the common enemy.” 楚枫小友,你其实不用如此提防老夫,因为咱们有共同的敌人。” Old man told you on the truth, if you and old man cooperated, can move but actually jie Tianran absolutely.” “老夫就实话跟你说了吧,若是你与老夫合作,绝对能够搬倒界天染。” At the appointed time, you not only can rescue your mother, this vast martial cultivation world the position of Overlord, you and old man can also sit together.” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master asked. “到时,你不仅可以救出你母亲,这浩瀚修武界霸主之位,你与老夫也可以一起来坐。”苍穹仙宗宗主问道。 Old... old mixed wool, yourself take a look at the words that you spoke, do yourself believe?” “老老…老杂毛,你自己瞅瞅你说的话,你自己信吗?” Wang Qiang was unable to continue watching, despicable is sizing up Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master. 王强看不下去了,鄙夷的打量着苍穹仙宗宗主 Must make a move simply, he does not like this keeping guessing playing the old dog of Huahua intestines very much. 要出手就干脆点,他很不喜欢这种卖关子耍花花肠子的老狗。 Ha- 呜啊- However, his words just said that then plop lay on the ground, the strong impulse, making the land also present the boundless fissure. 然而,他此话刚刚说出,便噗通一声趴在了地上,强大的冲击力,使得大地也出现了无边裂痕。 Is the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master pressure. 苍穹仙宗宗主的威压。 Heavenly God Realm pressure, once were released, this vast space world was covered. 天神境的威压,一经释放,这片浩瀚的空间世界都被覆盖。 This is also Chu Feng sees him, does not have the reason that first chooses to run. 这也是楚枫见到他,并没有第一时间选择跑的原因。 In the face of this, only if the Divine Deer strength, the opportunity of otherwise simply not having run. 在这位面前,除非是神鹿的力量,否则根本没有跑的机会。 However that pressure, although covers surface area to be extremely broad, but actually only aimed at Wang Qiang, has not injured Chu Feng. 不过那威压,虽覆盖面积极广,但却只针对了王强,并未伤害楚枫 Wang Qiang, the old man has heard you, Divine Body Celestial Palace new homing talent.” 王强是吧,老夫听闻过你,神体天府新寻的天才嘛。” Your this little friend, how does not have the politeness, even your Divine Body Celestial Palace Mansion Lord, before the old man, does not dare to speak.” “不过你这小友,怎么如此没有礼貌,就算是你们神体天府府主,在老夫面前,也不敢如此说话。” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, pondered looks at Wang Qiang, he has not actually lost one's temper, but actually must teach Wang Qiang. 苍穹仙宗宗主,玩味的看着王强,他其实并未动怒,但却必须要教训一下王强 As the Heavenly God powerhouse, so-called talent in his eyes, ant that can also pinch conveniently. 身为天神强者,所谓天才于他眼中,也只是随手可以捏死的蚂蚁而已。 But how spoke with him? 怎可如此与他说话? Lets loose him.” Chu Feng said. “放开他。”楚枫说道。 Little Friend Chu Feng is not anxious, if not look in your face, he has died.” 楚枫小友莫急,若不看在你的面子上,他已经死了。” „The old man also knows, you do not trust the old man, therefore the old man does not have the means that can only want to be the intermediate with him.” “不过老夫也知道,你对老夫并不信任,所以老夫也没办法,只能想用他来做中间人了。” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master spoke, searched the hand to grasp, since Wang Qiang then flew from the ground, arrived in front of Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master. 苍穹仙宗宗主说话间,探手一抓,王强便从地上飞起,来到苍穹仙宗宗主面前。 Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master has not begun, but Wang Qiang actually floats in its front, both hands cover the neck, are staring, obviously his nape of the neck place that the both legs go all out came under the attack. 苍穹仙宗宗主没有动手,可王强却漂在其面前,双手捂着脖子,双腿拼命的瞪着,显然他的脖颈处受到了攻击。 How you actually want, might as well to have the words to speak frankly.” Chu Feng said. “你到底想怎样,不妨有话直说。”楚枫道。 Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master smiles lightly: 苍穹仙宗宗主淡淡一笑: Little Friend Chu Feng, the old man is the sincerity wants to cooperate with you, to show the sincerity, then told the facts.” 楚枫小友,老夫是真心想与你合作,为表诚意,便实话实说了。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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