MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#6061: The important matter is not wonderful

Chapter 6059 important matter is not wonderful 第6059章大事不妙 Leads me to see him.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. “带我去见他。”图腾龙族族长道。 Tomorrow, he said that... the present wants to leave half of time to accompany Long Xue every day.” Chu Feng said. “明日吧,他说…现在要每天留一半的时间陪龙雪。”楚枫道。 He is sick, if this matter is true, will concern my Totem Dragon Clan in the future, does he also want to accompany the woman unexpectedly?” “他有病吧,若此事属实,关乎我图腾龙族未来,他居然还要陪女人?” Hears this words, many Elder look the angry look. 听闻此话,不少长老面露怒色。 Person and person are different, to him, Long Xue is more important than Totem Dragon Clan.” Chu Feng said. “人和人是不一样的,对于他而言,龙雪图腾龙族重要。”楚枫道。 Then discussed on tomorrow again.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. “那就明日再谈。”图腾龙族族长道。 Chu Feng has not gone back to look for Long Lin(dragon scale), but keeps above the warship. 楚枫没有回去找龙鳞,而是留在战船之上。 Returned to the room, Chu Feng to grasp Jia Lingyi, used several formation technique, had a look whether to cure Jia Lingyi. 回到房间,楚枫贾令仪抓了出来,用了几种阵法,看看能否将贾令仪治好。 The stimulation that but Jia Lingyi receives is very big, Chu Feng's formation technique, is unexpectedly invalid to her. 贾令仪受的刺激很大,楚枫的阵法,居然对她无效。 By the next morning, Long Lin(dragon scale) then came. 到了次日清晨,龙鳞便如约而至。 Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, has not pressed Long Lin(dragon scale). 图腾龙族族长,也没有难为龙鳞 Evidently, the Little Friend Chu Feng words, are very substantive, you believed me.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said with a smile. “看样子,楚枫小友的话,还是很有分量的,你们相信我了。”龙鳞笑道。 If you said are true, can not go into one's past.” “若是你所言属实,可以既往不咎。” But you , if there is conspiracy, I am impolite.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, the hand grasps that token to say. “但你若有阴谋,我绝不客气。”图腾龙族族长,手握那令牌说道。 Long Lin(dragon scale) smiles, then Yu Kong, but brings Chu Feng, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head and others, arrived in Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land. 龙鳞笑了笑,便御空而起带着楚枫,图腾龙族族长等人,来到了祖龙禁地之内。 They enter the forbidden land deep place. 他们直入禁地深处。 Chu Feng this time, finally saw Zulong remains true body. 楚枫这一次,也终于见到了祖龙遗骸真身。 Zulong remains basically only had the skeleton, few spots, but also has scales. 祖龙遗骸基本只剩下了骨骼,只有很少的部位,还存在着鳞片 But its volume, was still let Wang Qiang, Bai Yunqing, felt to open mind including Chu Feng. 而它的体积,仍是让王强,白云卿,包括楚枫都感到开了眼界。 Even if the distance is extremely far, but it highly actually also covering the sky and blocking the sun. 哪怕距离极远,可其高度却也遮天蔽日 As for its body length, was unable to use the specific digit weight, according to Chu Feng guessed, its body length, passes through Ancestral Martial Lower Realm sufficiently. 至于其身体长度,已无法用具体数字衡量,根据楚枫猜测,它的身体长度,足以贯穿祖武下界 So huge thing, really really really... is really first seeing, is it possible that is this one really really... True Dragon?” Wang Qiang stares in the round eye to shock completely. “如此庞大的东西,真真真…真是第一次见,这莫非是一条真真…真龙?”王强瞪圆的眼中满是震撼。 This thing , if living, perhaps blows the one breath, can destroy many world?” “此物若是活着的,恐怕吹一口气,就能毁灭诸多世界吧?” Bai Yunqing also received enormous shock. 白云卿同样受到了极大的震撼。 True Dragon, looked appearance that you that has not seen the world.” “一条真龙而已,看伱们那没见过世面的样子。” In the meantime, a sound resounds, is Heaven Swallowing Qilin, turned into the true body from the badge, fell on the ground. 就在此时,一个声音响起,乃是吞天麒麟,从徽章化成了真身,落在了地上。 My my Damn ......” “我我我擦……” Where comes a pig?” “哪来一头猪啊?” Wang Qiang asked. 王强问道。 You are the pig, your entire family is the pig, your dead stutter, you blind you?” “你才是猪,你全家都是猪,你个死结巴,你瞎了你?” Your which eye looked that this Sir looks like the pig, believes this Sir to gnaw off your tongue?” “你哪只眼睛看本大爷像猪,信不信本大爷咬掉你舌头?” Heaven Swallowing Qilin reveals the sinister aspect to Wang Qiang. 吞天麒麟冲着王强露出凶相。 But Wang Qiang actually did not fear, instead the gathering near, held the Heaven Swallowing Qilin head to raise: 王强却一点也不怕,反而凑到近前,一把抓住吞天麒麟脑袋提了起来: Little Brother, this... this is the pet that you raise, so to be how ugly?” 兄弟,这这…这是你养的宠物吗,怎么这么丑的?” Dissolute, lets loose this Sir, your dead stutter.” “放肆,放开本大爷,你个死结巴。” Heaven Swallowing Qilin struggles angrily, but has no egg to use. 吞天麒麟愤怒挣扎,但却没什么卵用。 Oh, to the respect, if is really Qilin?” “唉,给点尊重,万一真是麒麟呢?” Chu Feng from Wang Qiang, seized Heaven Swallowing Qilin. 楚枫王强手里,将吞天麒麟夺了回来。 „... It?” “就就就…就它?” You believe it are Qilin, letter/believes the letter/believes letter/believes... to believe me is actually a woman?” Wang Qiang asked. “你信它是麒麟,还是信信信…信我其实是个女人?”王强问。 I rather believe that it is Qilin.” “那我宁愿相信它是麒麟。” At least is not disgusting.” Chu Feng said. “最起码没那么恶心。”楚枫道。 „.” Wang Qiang flips the supercilious look. “靠。”王强翻了翻白眼。 Chu Feng looks to Heaven Swallowing Qilin: Therefore this Zulong remains, are True Dragon, is Divine Beast in legend?” 楚枫则看向吞天麒麟:“所以这条祖龙遗骸,原本是条真龙,是传说中的神兽?” Right.” “对的。” Small maple tree, does not need to make much ado about nothing, Divine Beast.” “小枫子,不必大惊小怪,一只神兽而已。” The Heaven Swallowing Qilin surface is very extremely arrogant. 吞天麒麟表面十分狂妄。 But secretly, actually already sound transmission in Chu Feng: Small maple tree, got rich, Divine Beast.” 可暗地里,却已经传音楚枫:“小枫子,发财了,神兽啊。” Can feel, even if is only left over the remnant body, the gives out pressure is also unequalled.” “能感受到吗,哪怕只剩下残躯,所散发的威压也是无与伦比。” In its this remnant body also has good thing inevitably, finding the way to do, this Sir helps you refine.” “它这残躯内必然还有好东西,想办法搞出来一些,本大爷帮你炼化啊。” Chu Feng has not managed it, this Heaven Swallowing Qilin is not the good bird, all day is thinking makes Chu Feng do to be unfair to the matter of Little Brother. 楚枫没理它,这吞天麒麟不是好鸟,整天就想着让楚枫做对不起兄弟之事。 After observing Chu Feng and others also determined, Long Lin(dragon scale) indeed formation technique has improved, is prepares to ambush the person of non- Totem Dragon Clan. 经过观察楚枫等人也是确定,龙鳞的确已经对此地阵法进行改良,是准备伏击非图腾龙族之人。 Therefore the Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head choice believes Long Lin(dragon scale), prepares to cooperate with him. 于是图腾龙族族长选择相信龙鳞,准备与他合作。 After all in the final analysis, actually Totem Dragon Clan this rebellion, the chief criminal is Heavenly Dome Immortal sect. 毕竟说到底,其实图腾龙族此次叛乱,罪魁祸首是苍穹仙宗 Was these betrayed his clansman and attached influence. 是那些背叛了他的族人以及附属势力。 Long Lin(dragon scale) is only a puppet, even without him, will still have others to be this puppet. 龙鳞只是傀儡,就算没有他,也会有其他人来做这个傀儡。 As for Long Lin(dragon scale), he is truly guilty. 至于龙鳞,他确实有罪。 But he has not truly harmed them. 可他也确实没有伤害他们。 If trades to make others to be this puppet, possibly Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head they, have really died. 若是换做其他人来做这个傀儡,可能图腾龙族族长他们,真的就已经死了。 Therefore must say, Long Lin(dragon scale) this person, is not unforgiving. 所以非要说起来,龙鳞这个人,并非不能原谅。 At present for the Totem Dragon Clan consideration. 眼下为了图腾龙族考虑。 Cooperation, naturally also yes. 合作,自然也是可以。 Chu Feng after the Chu Feng observation, this takes advantage of formation technique that Zulong remains build, what are more is prevents outsider to approach. 只是楚枫经过楚枫观察,这依仗祖龙遗骸打造的阵法,更多的是阻止外人靠近。 Even if they improve slaughtering formation, coping with True God is actually easy, but regarding Heavenly God, possibly also has the disparity. 就算他们改良成攻杀阵法,对付真神倒是容易,但是对于天神,可能还有差距。 senior , you stimulate to movement with all due respect even jointly, but this formation technique is not necessarily able to strike fatally Heavenly God.” 前辈,恕我直言,就算你们联手催动,可这阵法未必能将天神一击致命。” If escaped by Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, then the disaster is infinite.” “若是被苍穹仙宗宗主逃了,则祸患无穷。” Related to the people safety, Chu Feng said own observation discovery. 事关众人安危,楚枫将自己的观察发现说了出来。 Chu Feng, do you have the means to strengthen this formation technique?” Long Chengyu asked. 楚枫,你有办法增强这阵法吗?”龙承羽问。 At this moment, they have believed the Long Lin(dragon scale) words. 事到如今,他们已经相信了龙鳞的话。 But this Zulong remains, are must preserve in any event, they not possible to give outsider Zulong remains. 而这祖龙遗骸,是无论如何都要保住的,他们不可能将祖龙遗骸交给外人 This thing, discards the life, must protect. 此物,舍弃性命,也要守护。 Here formation technique, according to Zulong remains residual bloodline power arrangement, I cannot meddle.” “这里的阵法,是根据祖龙遗骸残留的血脉之力布置而成,我插不了手。” Chu Feng shakes the head, he truly has no alternative. 楚枫摇头,他确实无可奈何。 If Heavenly Dome Immortal sect that old bastard, really must come, leeway that we have not flinched, even if cannot kill him in this, at least must make him peel a skin.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. “若苍穹仙宗那老畜生,真的要来,我们也没有退缩的余地,就算不能将他杀死于此,至少也要让他脱一层皮。”图腾龙族族长道。 Regarding this Chu Feng cannot set otherwise. 对此楚枫不可置否。 He reminded them, but also knows that they were actually roadless may draw back. 他只是提醒他们,但也知道他们其实无路可退了。 Relax, has the everyone boost, so long as he dares to come to die without doubt.” Compares in others, Long Lin(dragon scale) is actually self-confident. “放心,有诸位助力,他只要敢来必死无疑。”相比于他人,龙鳞却是自信满满。 Little Friend Chu Feng, here you, if cannot help busily.” 楚枫小友,这里你若帮不到忙。” Might as well for me, to accompanying Xue Er, has a look to help her be stable while convenient again.” Long Lin(dragon scale) grinning saying. “不如代我,对陪陪雪儿,顺便看看再帮她稳固稳固。”龙鳞笑嘻嘻的说道。 But Long Lin(dragon scale) this words just left, Heaven Swallowing Qilin sound transmission in secret then reflects the hearing curtain. 龙鳞此话刚出,吞天麒麟的暗中传音便映入耳帘。 Do not walk, keeps this taking the opportunity of observation, looked that can dig point(s) dragon marrow to come out.” “别走啊,留在这借着观察的机会,看能不能挖点龙髓出来。” But Chu Feng has not actually paid attention to Heaven Swallowing Qilin, but is should decisively under: Good, I have a look at Long Xue senior.” 楚枫却没有理会吞天麒麟,而是果断应下:“好,那我去看看龙雪前辈。” My my I... I also go.” Wang Qiang said. “我我我…我也去。”王强道。 Walks, together.” “走吧,一起。” Afterward, Chu Feng then with Wang Qiang the place that returns to Long Xue to be. 随后,楚枫便与王强回到了龙雪所在的地方。 Returns to that institute, actually discovers Long Xue not here. 只是回到那院内,却发现龙雪并不在这里。 „It is not a little right.” Chu Feng said to Wang Qiang in secret. “有点不对劲。”楚枫王强暗中说道。 How how...? What discovered?” Wang Qiang asked in secret. “怎怎…怎么了?发现什么了?”王强暗中问道。 No, is only this time, Long Xue senior should be able here.” Chu Feng said. “没有,只是这个时间,龙雪前辈应该会在这里。”楚枫道。 „... This, possibly went to other places, after all always treated in the room , also... also strange stuffy.” Wang Qiang said. “就就…就这啊,可能去其他地方了呗,毕竟总待在屋子里,也也也…也怪闷的。”王强道。 Chu Feng has not spoken again, he also has to plant not the good intuition, nothing according. 楚枫没再说话,他也只是有种不好的直觉,没有任何根据。 Therefore arranged formation technique, hid in this courtyard. 于是布置了一座阵法,藏在了这院子之中。 Little Friend Chu Feng, what did you hide?” 楚枫小友,你藏了什么啊?” But, the old person sound resounds in the meantime together suddenly. 可就在此时,一道老者的声音忽然响起。 Waits and sees along the sound, sees only void above is standing together the form. 顺声观望,只见虚空之上站着一道身影。 This person of height three meters, keep the old man of ten meters white beard, wears White-Cloak, divine poise and sagelike features just like the hidden world immortal. 此人身高三米,留着十米长白色胡须的老头,身穿白袍,仙风道骨宛如隐世仙人。 May see him, Chu Feng actually knows that the important matter is not wonderful. 可看到他,楚枫却知道大事不妙。 Because of this person, is Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master. 因为此人,乃是苍穹仙宗宗主 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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