MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4948: The complexion is unattractive

The time passes, in an instant has passed by the time of having burnt a joss stick. 时间流逝,转眼间已经过去了一炷香的时间。 But was burning a joss stick time just arrived, on the way of Chu Feng's set up formation, then coming out issue. 可就是一炷香时间刚到,楚枫的布阵途中,便出来问题。 Bad.” “糟了。” Because everyone is always staring at Chu Feng, therefore Chu Feng just had the problem, everyone then looked. 因为大家始终盯着楚枫,所以楚枫这边刚出现问题,大家便都看了出来。 Taoist Niantian and others, and Zhuge Family people, all are become anxious. 念天道人等人,以及诸葛家众人,皆是变得紧张起来。 formation technique that Chu Feng placed present, reason that makes everyone surprised, even the Situ World Spirit Sect people feared. 楚枫眼下所布置的阵法,之所以让大家如此吃惊,甚至连司徒界灵门的人都怕了。 Not everyone understood, what Chu Feng must arrange is what formation technique, is surprised. 并不是大家了解,楚枫要布置的是什么阵法,才惊讶。 Actually everyone does not know, this formation technique arranges, can be what shape, what attack method can be. 其实大家都不知道,这座阵法布置出来,会是什么形态,会是什么样的攻击方式。 However coming out that everyone actually looks , the method of Chu Feng set up formation is exquisite, then has the extremely high request to World Spiritist, the short time, maintains this exquisite method to arrange formation technique for a long time, is a very difficult matter, even if they are also difficult achieve. 但是大家却看的出来,楚枫布阵的手段非常精妙,那对界灵师有着极高的要求,短时间可以,长时间保持这种精妙的手段布置阵法,是一件很难的事,哪怕他们也是难以做到。 So long as can achieve, by formation technique that this exquisite method completes, the might is inevitably good. 但只要能够做到,以这种精妙手段完成的阵法,威力必然不俗。 But difficulty also in this. 可偏偏难点也就在此。 Thinks to maintain this exquisite technique for a long time, was too difficult. 想长时间保持这种精妙的手法,太难了。 If the middle appears laxly, that formation technique will also be affected. 若是中间出现松懈,那阵法也会受到影响。 But now, Chu Feng was difficult maintained, his Spirit power started the dispersion, the set up formation also starts somewhat roughly, this way this formation technique quality, definitely will be affected. 而现在,楚枫就是难以保持了,他的精神力开始分散,布阵也开始有些粗糙,这样下去这阵法的质量,必然会受到影响。 If Chu Feng can stand firm promptly, that is also but actually hopeful. 若是楚枫能够及时稳住,那倒也还是有希望。 But, Chu Feng flustered, he wants to recover, is very impatient, because of so, is actually also making a mistake one after another. 可是偏偏,楚枫慌了,他很想补救,十分心急,却也正因如此,接连出错。 Even following set up formation method, it can be said that without methodicalness. 甚至后面的布阵手段,可以说是毫无章法可言。 But the essential requirements of Spirit Formation technique, are then linked together, cannot present a slight defect. 可是结界之术的基本要求,便是环环相扣,不可出现一点瑕疵。 Why this is, will control the strong person to formation power, a Spirit Formation technique more excellent reason. 这便是为何,对结界之力掌控强的人,结界之术会更为高超的原因。 But at present, Chu Feng then makes the mistake that World Spiritist most should not make. 而眼下,楚枫便是犯了界灵师最不该犯的错误。 Although, Chu Feng's is very high in starting point, he arranges formation technique on the by exquisitest method from the beginning, even if behind makes a mistake can still understand, is present Chu Feng is obvious, has been thrown into confusion, does not know how should make up. 虽说,楚枫的起点很高,他一开始就以最为精妙的手段布置阵法,就算后面出错也能理解,可是现在楚枫显然,已是手忙脚乱,都不知该如何弥补了。 Now Chu Feng most should do, arranges formation technique, but he does not have, instead is continues to recover, but result, is more and more wrong. 现在楚枫最应该做的,就是重新布置阵法,可是他偏偏没有,反而是继续补救,但结果,就是越来越错。 Naturally, no one reminded Chu Feng to come. 当然,也没有人去提醒楚枫重新来过。 Because was useless, Chu Feng has come even, but obviously is not the Situ Gouyue opponent. 因为没用了,楚枫就算重新来过,但显然也不是司徒鈎越的对手。 Situ Gouyue formation technique was too strong, is bright eye obvious. 司徒鈎越阵法太强了,是明眼可见的强。 The time that only if Chu Feng can in that exquisite method, with three burn a joss stick arranges complete attacking to kill great formation, otherwise if, the hope that he has not all won. 除非楚枫能以那精妙的手段,用三炷香的时间布置出完整的攻杀大阵,如若不然,他皆是没有胜的希望。 But obviously, Chu Feng not that ability. 但显然,楚枫没有那个能力。 „......” “呵……” I really am muddled, before unexpectedly also thinks was I underestimates this little rascal.” “我真是糊涂,之前居然还以为是我小看这小鬼了。” Blamed me, unexpectedly had the expectation to the Ancestral Martial Galaxy later generation.” “怪我了,居然对祖武天河的后辈抱以期望。” Looks the appearance that Chu Feng that is thrown into confusion, the Blue Gowned female smiles charmingly, although smiles is very beautiful, but during the spoken languages is completely the meaning of satire. 看着楚枫那手忙脚乱的样子,蓝袍女子妩媚一笑,虽然笑的很美,可言语之间尽是讽刺之意。 But her behind Situ World Spirit Sect people, are also sending out the ridicule the laughter. 而她身后的司徒界灵门众人,同样也在发出讥讽的笑声。 Oh......” “唉……” Sees this situation, the Zhuge Family people heaves a deep sigh. 见此情形,诸葛家众人长叹一声。 They also felt, Chu Feng makes the so big mistake, does not have the odds of success. 他们也都觉得,楚枫出现如此大的失误,已是毫无胜算可言。 Although the showdown has not formally started, but result, has actually set. 虽然对决还未正式开始,但是结果,却已然定下。 Grandmaster Yin Ren, if Chu Feng does not beat, can have the method to rescue it?” 殷韧大师,若是楚枫不敌,可有方法将其救出来?” As for Princess Xiaoxiao, is seeks help from Grandmaster Yin Ren directly. 至于笑笑公主,更是直接向殷韧大师求助。 She naturally does not hope, Chu Feng was killed. 她自然不希望,楚枫丧命于其中。 But Grandmaster Yin Ren actually shakes the head. 殷韧大师却是摇了摇头。 Princess Sir, chooses to challenge starting from that Situ Gouyue that moment from Little Friend Chu Feng, his life is not we can control.” “公主大人,从楚枫小友选择挑战那司徒鈎越的那一刻开始,他的命就已经不是我们能掌控的了。” not to mention he lost must die without doubt, even if he won, this Situ World Spirit Sect will let off him?” 莫说他输了必死无疑,就算他赢了,难道这司徒界灵门就会放过他吗?” Little Friend Chu Feng, was too impulsive.” 楚枫小友,太冲动了。” Grandmaster Yin Ren said. 殷韧大师说道。 Is impulsive, but also is the courage and uprightness.” “是冲动,但也是血性。” If the person of my Eastern Territory, all has such courage and uprightness, is insufficient to be looked down upon by vast martial cultivation world.” “若我东域之人,皆有如此血性,也不至于被浩瀚修武界看不起。” Shengguang Buyu is also the opens the mouth, he spoke has not looked to Grandmaster Yin Ren, but obviously refutes Grandmaster Yin Ren. 圣光不语也是开口,他说话并未看向殷韧大师,但明显是反驳殷韧大师 Grandmaster Yin Ren also looked at Shengguang Buyu, but the chuckle shaking the head, he is actually not approving of the view of Shengguang Buyu obviously. 殷韧大师也看了一眼圣光不语,但却轻笑着摇头,显然他也不赞同圣光不语的说法。 The following time, regarding Princess Xiaoxiao and others, is unendurable, even despairs. 接下来的时间,对于笑笑公主等人来说,是难熬的,甚至是绝望的。 They have been anticipating Chu Feng, can create the miracle, can change the course of events, looks at made a mess formation technique arrange/cloth good that making everyone shock. 他们一直期待着楚枫,能够创造奇迹,能够扭转乾坤,将那看着已经乱作一团的阵法布好,让所有人都大跌眼镜。 But this miracle has not appeared, even to three burning a joss stick time to that moment, Chu Feng's formation technique has not arranged. 可是这种奇迹始终没有出现,甚至到了三炷香时间到了的那一刻,楚枫的阵法还没有布置完毕。 …… 嗷呜 Follows one to angrily roar to resound, the entire palace is trembling fiercely. 伴随一声怒吼响起,整座宫殿都在剧烈震颤。 Flame huge beast, stood from the Situ Gouyue front. 一个火焰巨兽,从司徒鈎越的前方站了起来。 This flame huge beast, is quite fearful, not only the height was ten thousand meters, it the gives out aura is also the terrifying. 这只火焰巨兽,极为可怕,不仅身高达到了万米有余,它所散发的气息也是恐怖。 Its terrifying to what degree? 它恐怖到了什么程度? For example, if such formation technique, loses to such as Ancestral Martial Lower Realm that place, within the short time, it then can ruin entire Ancestral Martial Lower Realm. 举例来说,若将这样的阵法,丢到如祖武下界那种地方,短时间之内,它便可以毁掉整个祖武下界 Its appearance, regarding the person of Lower Realm, is the true end!!! 它的出现,对于下界之人来说,是真正的末日!!! In fact, not to mention places Ancestral Martial Lower Realm, even if places like Taoist Niantian, as well as Grandmaster Yin Ren, Zhuge Family Patriarch and other in the eyes of top World Spiritist, this formation technique is also impeccable. 实际上,莫说是放在祖武下界,哪怕是放在如念天道人,以及殷韧大师,诸葛家家主等顶尖界灵师的眼中,这阵法也是无可挑剔。 Naturally, this formation technique arrangement difficulty is also extremely high, but Situ Gouyue completes nearly perfect. 当然,这种阵法布置难度也是极高,可偏偏司徒鈎越完成的近乎完美。 This highlighted fierce of Situ Gouyue again. 这再一次凸显了司徒鈎越的厉害。 However what is worth mentioning, Situ Gouyue formation technique has formed, but has not actually acted to Chu Feng directly. 不过值得一提的是,司徒鈎越阵法已然成形,可却并未直接对楚枫出手。 Hey, Ancestral Martial Galaxy small chop suey.” “喂,祖武天河的小杂碎。” „The time that three burn a joss stick had arrived, are you doing?” “三炷香的时间已经到了,你在干嘛?” „Before your body what is what ghost thing, how should you not arrange formation technique unable?” “你身前的是什么鬼东西,你该不会连怎么布置一座阵法都不会吧?” Situ Gouyue sneers is looking at Chu Feng, originally he does not have to act slowly, wants to look at the Chu Feng joke. 司徒鈎越冷笑着看着楚枫,原来他没有迟迟出手,就是想看楚枫笑话。 Time, although, but outcome is undecided.” “时间虽到,可胜负未定。” How are you on the knowledge, my formation technique, inferior your?” “你怎就知,我这阵法,不如你的?” Chu Feng said this words time, on the face is brims with wipe extremely self-confidently, that appearance, is similar he to have victory in the hand. 楚枫说此话的时候,脸上更是洋溢出一抹极度的自信,那个模样,就仿佛他已经胜券在握。 …… And finishes speaking, the Chu Feng's method seal has changed suddenly. 且话音刚落,楚枫的法印忽然有所变化。 Bang formation technique before its, release extremely boundless Mist. 紧接着,其身前的阵法,释放出了极为磅礴的气焰 Young Master Gouyue, acts quickly.” 鈎越少爷,快出手。” Sees that in Situ World Spirit Sect, rushes some people to urge. 见状,司徒界灵门内,赶忙有人催促起来。 They felt oneself were mistaken, formation technique of Chu Feng arrangement, looks not much, Mist that but releases at this time is extremely fearful, if this formation technique really becomes, that inevitable no small matter. 他们都觉得自己看走眼了,楚枫布置的阵法,看着不怎么样,可此时所释放的气焰太过可怕,这阵法若是真成,那必然非同小可。 In order to avoid the daily dream are many, naturally cannot give Chu Feng the time that it completes. 为了避免日常梦多,自然是不能给予楚枫将它完成的时间。 Small mixed up.” “小杂碎。” Suffers to death.” “受死吧。” Situ Gouyue naturally knows fiercely, therefore he does not neglect, immediately stimulates to movement that flame huge beast to attack to go to Chu Feng. 司徒鈎越自然知道其中厉害,所以他也不怠慢,立刻催动那火焰巨兽楚枫冲击而去。 Bang The suddenly time, that flame huge beast then Chu Feng, the place that was just at embezzles thoroughly. 眨眼的功夫,那火焰巨兽便将楚枫,刚刚所在的地方彻底吞没。 The place that Chu Feng previously stood, was swallowed by the dreadful sea of fire. 楚枫先前所站立的地方,被滔天火海所吞噬。 But that flaming roaring flame, actually cannot tunnel the vision of everyone World Spiritist. 但那熊熊烈焰,却挡不住诸位界灵师的视线。 Therefore they can see, in that flaming roaring flame, the Chu Feng's mortal body in a short time, was then burnt down completely, Chu Feng arrangement formation technique, was burnt down. 所以他们能过看到,在那熊熊烈焰之中,楚枫的肉身在短时间内,便被焚烧殆尽,就连楚枫布置的阵法,都被焚烧掉了。 That flame huge beast was too strong. 那火焰巨兽太强了。 Chu Feng......” 楚枫……” Looks at Chu Feng helplessly, dies in that raging fire, Princess Xiaoxiao is eyeful. 眼睁睁看着楚枫,死于那烈火之中,笑笑公主满眼伤感。 Not is only she, Taoist Niantian as well as Shengguang Buyu similarly are eyeful moved. 不仅是她,念天道人以及圣光不语同样是满眼伤感。 Even before is, to Chu Feng complaint quite deep Shengguang Baimei, is the double fist of air/Qi grips tightly at this time, clenches jaws, wicked is staring at that Situ Gouyue, in the eye full is killing intent. 哪怕是之前对楚枫怨念颇深的圣光白眉,此时也是气的双拳紧握,咬牙切齿,恶狠狠的盯着那司徒鈎越,眼中满是杀意 Although before, he indeed regarded Chu Feng is the threat, the matter that but behind experiences, making him start to appreciate Chu Feng gradually, as the person of Saint Light Galaxy, he even is also proud because of Chu Feng. 虽说之前,他的确视楚枫为威胁,可后面经历的事情,让他开始渐渐欣赏楚枫,身为圣光天河之人,他甚至也因楚枫而感到骄傲。 But is such a talent, unexpectedly died like this, was killed by people of the other Galaxy, he naturally hates. 可就是这样一位天才,居然就这样死了,被一个其他天河之人所杀,他自然恨。 Oh......” “唉……” Even Zhuge Family many people, are sigh woefully again and again, some people do not endure to look again. 甚至就连诸葛家的许多人,都是哀叹连连,有人不忍再看。 No matter how said that but Chu Feng is Eastern Territory fights. 不管怎么说,楚枫可是为东域而战的。 Such talent, ends in such place way, they also feel a pity. 这样的天才,以这样地方方式收场,他们也都觉得可惜。 Hehe......” “呵呵……” Eastern Territory, is the joke.” 东域,皆是笑话罢了。” The Blue Gowned female, saw that general situation has decided that then swept the vision to Zhuge Family, that look so contemptuous and taunt. 蓝袍女子,眼看那大局已定,便将目光扫向了诸葛家,那种眼神是如此的轻蔑与嘲讽。 …… 呃啊 But suddenly, a pitiful yell transmits. 可突然之间,一声惨叫传来。 Hears this pitiful yell, the Blue Gowned female immediately the complexion one stiffly, rushes to look to that palace. 听得这个惨叫,蓝袍女子顿时脸色一僵,赶忙看向那座宫殿。 But this looked, in her eye emerges difficult believing the color of shock. 而这一看,她眼中更是涌现出难以置信的震惊之色。 Is Chu Feng. 楚枫 Chu Feng has not only died, but also sent the appearance of unscathed in front of Situ Gouyue. 楚枫不仅没死,还毫发无损的出现在了司徒鈎越面前。 His left hand grasps the formation blade, the right hand takes one to break the arm. 他左手握着结界刀刃,右手则是拿着一只断臂。 But that breaks the arm, the arm of precisely Situ Gouyue. 而那断臂,正是司徒鈎越的手臂。 Situ Gouyue, reason that will send out the pitiful yell, precisely because in just, Chu Feng suddenly appears, by the formation blade, cut off his arm!!! 司徒鈎越,之所以会发出惨叫,正是因为就在刚刚,楚枫突然出现,凭借结界刀刃,斩断了他的一只手臂!!! Yo, Situ Young Master, is your complexion, not quite probably attractive?” “哟,司徒少爷,你这脸色,好像不太好看啊?” In the palace, broadcasts the Chu Feng's sound. 宫殿内,传来楚枫的声音。 Today 1 chapter, do not wait, tomorrow will come to see again . 今日一章,别等了,明天再来看吧,么么。
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