MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4947: Does not have the odds of success

„Will chop suey, be so how extremely arrogant?” “一个杂碎,怎会如此狂妄?” I must make you experience today, the price of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth.” “我今日就非要让你见识一下,不知天高地厚的代价。” Chu Feng just stepped into, that Situ Gouyue then followed to tread. 楚枫刚刚踏入其中,那司徒鈎越便跟着踏了进去。 But was seeing with own eyes Situ Gouyue steps into, not to mention Princess Xiaoxiao as well as Taoist Niantian they, the Zhuge Family person, worries for Chu Feng. 而眼见着司徒鈎越踏入其中,莫说笑笑公主以及念天道人他们,就连诸葛家的人,都是为楚枫捏了一把冷汗。 Chu Feng just words, were extremely really extremely arrogant, but that Situ Gouyue not only very ruthless, and obviously is a small-minded person. 楚枫刚刚的话语,实在太过狂妄了,而那司徒鈎越不仅狠辣,且明显是一个小肚鸡肠之人。 They almost felt completely, Chu Feng such behavior, is immolates oneself at the ignition. 他们几乎全部都觉得,楚枫这样的行为,乃是在引火自焚。 But Chu Feng actually fights for Eastern Territory. 楚枫却又是为东域而战。 This point, they must acknowledge. 这一点,他们必须承认。 Therefore as the person of Eastern Territory, they also hope that Chu Feng can win. 所以身为东域之人,他们也都是希望楚枫能赢的。 Facing so tyrannical Situ Gouyue, how Chu Feng can win? They really cannot think of this point. 只是面对如此强横的司徒鈎越,楚枫要如何赢?他们实在想不到这一点。 Therefore not to mention Taoist Niantian they, Zhuge Family many people, after looking at Chu Feng to step into that palace, sighed again and again. 所以莫说念天道人他们,诸葛家的许多人,看着楚枫踏入那宫殿内后,都是连连叹息。 No matter what, they acknowledged the Chu Feng's talent. 不管怎样,他们都是承认楚枫的天赋的。 Such talent died, the itself/Ben is a matter pitifully. 这样的天才死了,本就是一件可惜的事。 Let alone Chu Feng he just, actually was also for his Zhuge Family over, they naturally do not hope that Chu Feng died. 更何况楚枫他刚刚,其实也算是替他诸葛家出头,他们自然不希望楚枫死。 „The previous custom is you decides, this custom must be decided by me.” “先前规矩是你定的,这次规矩应当由我来定。” Situ Gouyue just entered in the palace, Chu Feng then opens the mouth immediately. 司徒鈎越刚刚进入宫殿之内,楚枫便立刻开口。 You come to decide the custom to me, you have this qualifications, your what status?” “你来给我定规矩,你有这个资格吗,你什么身份?” Hearing Chu Feng must decide the custom, Situ Gouyue naturally is despising of face, in his eyes, Chu Feng simply does not have the qualifications to put forward the condition. 听到楚枫要定规矩,司徒鈎越自然是一脸的鄙夷,在他眼中,楚枫根本没有资格提条件。 But Chu Feng, has actually had long known that probably Situ Gouyue thinks, after being declined to satirize, he is not only unhurried, instead is contemptuous smiles. 楚枫,却好像早就知道司徒鈎越所想,被拒绝讽刺之后,他不仅不慌,反而是轻蔑一笑。 What's wrong, feared?” “怎么,怕了?” Is feared custom that I decide, aren't you my opponent?” “是怕我定的规矩,你不是我对手?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 fart, do you have to let the strength that this/Ben Young Master fears?” 放屁,你有让本少爷怕的实力吗?” The Situ Gouyue anger sound asked. 司徒鈎越怒声问道。 Since did not fear why you don't dare?” “既然不怕,你干嘛不敢?” If wants to show that you really strong, you must make me decide the custom, only then I lost like this, being sincerely convinced that can lose, otherwise if, I refuse to accept.” Chu Feng said. “若想证明你真的强,你就应当让我来定规矩,只有这样我输了,才会输的心服口服,如若不然,我不服。”楚枫说道。 You may really be interesting, good, makes you decide the custom, I have a look today, your small mixed up, can toss about what thing, whether you can escape from my hand.” “你可真是有点意思,好,就让你定规矩,我今日就看看,你这小杂碎,到底能折腾出什么东西,你是不是能够从我手中逃过一劫。” Situ Gouyue said. 司徒鈎越说道。 Custom is very simple, the half-stick of incense time was too just short, is unable to display my formation technique forcefully.” “规矩很简单,刚刚半柱香的时间太短了,无法发挥出我强力的阵法。” „The time of set up formation, is three burns a joss stick, after three burn a joss stick, your I fight.” Chu Feng said. “布阵的时间,为三炷香,三炷香之后你我进行交手。”楚枫说道。 Do three burn a joss stick? 三炷香? Hears this words, people look at each other in shock. 听闻此话,众人面面相觑 They are guessing the Chu Feng's idea. 他们都在猜测楚枫的想法。 Although World Spiritist arranges the formation technique time longer, the formation technique might will be indeed bigger, but will in fact have an upper limit. 虽说界灵师布置阵法的时间越久,的确阵法的威力就会越大,但实际上也是会有一个上限的。 Holds in in addition without treasure, formation technique that Chu Feng only depending on oneself, three burn a joss stick the time of arranges, possibly compares the two burning a joss stick time arrangement formation technique, the disparity will not be big. 在没有至宝的加持下,楚枫只凭自己一人,三炷香的时间所布置的阵法,可能比之两炷香时间布置的阵法,差距也不会太大。 However looks at Chu Feng that self-confident appearance, seems prepared early, although puzzled, but they were also some anticipations. 但是看楚枫那自信满满的样子,似乎早有准备,所以虽然不解,但他们也是有些期待了。 Perhaps Chu Feng, really has the law of dealing. 也许楚枫,真的有着应对之法。 Depends on you, three burning a joss stick time arrived, I make a move immediately, if died, do not blame me.” “就依你,三炷香时间到了,我会立刻出手,若是死了,可别怪我。” During the Situ Gouyue speeches, then starts to arrange formation technique immediately. 司徒鈎越说话间,便立刻开始布置阵法 His hand, the people are in the heart one tight. 他这一起手,众人便是心中一紧。 The way of hand set up formation from him can see, his transformation. 只是从他起手布阵的方式就可以看出,他的转变。 His time formation technique is more complex, the might inevitably is also stronger, if in this manner, the time that uses enough three to burn a joss stick arranges slaughtering formation, then this slaughtering formation might is quite inevitably fearful. 他这次的阵法更为复杂,威力也必然更强,若以这种方式,来用足足三炷香的时间布置一座攻杀阵法,那么这座攻杀阵法的威力必然极为可怕。 „The Situ World Spirit Sect person, is really fierce, such tyrannical formation technique, my Zhuge Family does not have.” 司徒界灵门的人,果然厉害,这样强横的阵法,我诸葛家可是没有。” Looks at the Situ Gouyue arrangement formation technique, had Zhuge Family people of anticipation to Chu Feng, felt again desperate. 看着司徒鈎越布置的阵法,原本对楚枫有了一点期待的诸葛家众人,再度感到了绝望。 How Chu Feng must defeat, such Situ Gouyue? 楚枫要怎么战胜,这样的司徒鈎越 „It is not right, you look quickly.” “不对,你们快看。” Chu Feng's set up formation method, is very simple.” 楚枫的布阵方法,好不简单。” But quick, the Zhuge Family people discovered, the Chu Feng's set up formation method, is also unusual. 但很快,诸葛家众人又发现,楚枫的布阵手段,同样非同一般。 At first sight there is no, but if carefully looked, then can discover, the way of Chu Feng set up formation is very exquisite, exquisitely to the situation that another difficult sees through, but is without a doubt, if in the so exquisite method, arranges complete formation technique, then this formation technique might, is quite inevitably good. 乍一看没什么,可若仔细看,便可以发现,楚枫布阵的方式十分精妙,精妙到另一种难以看穿的地步,可毋庸置疑,若是以如此精妙的手段,布置出一座完整的阵法,那么这座阵法的威力,必然极为不俗。 Chu Feng he, is really prepared early.” 楚枫他,果然早有准备。” Really worthily is Chu Feng young hero.” “真不愧是楚枫少侠。” Sees Chu Feng such set up formation, Taoist Niantian as well as Shengguang Baimei and others, on in short supply face, looked to wipe the happy expression finally. 看到楚枫这样布阵,念天道人以及圣光白眉等人,原本紧张的脸上,终于面露一抹喜色。 Although Situ Gouyue formation technique, is very indeed fierce. 虽然司徒鈎越阵法,的确很厉害。 But the Chu Feng such exquisite technique arranges formation technique, after becomes, the might inevitably is also extremely good. 可是楚枫这样精妙的手法来布置阵法,阵成之后,威力必然也是极为不俗。 In the time of although in three burning a joss stick, consistently maintains the set up formation method of so high level to be very difficult, but they have this self-confidence to Chu Feng. 虽说在三炷香的时间内,始终保持如此高水准的布阵手段很难,可是他们对楚枫却是有这个自信。 However, when Zhuge Family as well as Taoist Niantian and others looks the happy expression. 然而,在诸葛家以及念天道人等人面露喜色之际。 The Situ World Spirit Sect person, was actually somewhat nervous. 司徒界灵门的人,却是有些慌了。 Therefore, they in abundance the vision, going to are that Blue Gowned female of head. 于是,他们纷纷将目光,投向了为首的那名蓝袍女子。 They are also World Spiritist, naturally also saw Chu Feng's is not simple. 他们也是界灵师,自然也是看出了楚枫的不简单。 Sir......” “大人……” However, they just opened the mouth, the words have not said that that Blue Gowned female then took the lead to open the mouth. 然而,他们刚刚开口,话还未说出来,那蓝袍女子便率先开口了。 Indeed underestimated, this Ancestral Martial Galaxy little rascal.” “的确是小看了,这个祖武天河的小鬼了。” Do not fluster, at this level, maintains three to burn a joss stick very difficultly, at this level, within three burn a joss stick arranges formation technique more difficult, I do not believe that this little rascal can achieve.” “不过别慌,以这种水准,保持三炷香很难,以这种水准,在三炷香之内布置一座阵法更难,我不相信这个小鬼能够做到。” Even his real luck is good, really with such level, just arranges one to attack to kill great formation with the time that three burn a joss stick.” “就算他真的运气好,真的用这样水准,刚好用三炷香的时间布置出一座攻杀大阵。” He... not possible victory Young Master Gouyue.” “那他…也绝不可能胜的过鈎越少爷。” From the beginning, he lost.” “从一开始,他就输了。” Even if he really has the skill, but he actually does not know, facing Young Master Gouyue, he does not have the odds of success.” “就算他真的有本事,可是他却不知道,面对鈎越少爷,他根本就是毫无胜算。” Let alone he, comes ten his horizontal World Spiritist again, result is also the same.” “别说一个他,再来十个他这种水平的界灵师,结果也是一样的。” That Blue Gowned female said this words time, on the charming face is brimming with self-confidently extremely. 蓝袍女子说此话的时候,妩媚脸上洋溢着极度的自信。
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