MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4789: Monster that must face

The formation gate just opened, then two forms plunder into. 结界门刚刚开启,便有两道身影掠入其中。 Is Zouqiu Youyu and Song Qian, they tied up the Yin-Yang lock. 左丘幽雨宋倩,他们二人捆绑了阴阳锁。 Seeing that Chu Feng and Xia Yan are also, as well as Li Muzhi and Zhao Shi and others, is follows plundering to enter. 见状,楚枫夏妍也是,以及李牧之赵诗等人,也是紧随其后的掠入其中。 In an instant, stands numerous disciple in square, is Yu Kong, grazes to go to that Yin-Yang Withered Well World front door. 刹那间,站在广场上的众弟子,皆是御空而起,向那阴阳枯井界的大门飞掠而去。 That formation gate is very big, and ray shines, is really dazzling. 结界门很大,且光芒普照,甚是耀眼。 If from far ultra waits and sees, that dense and numerous disciple form, has the feeling of population moth fire-fighting actually. 若从远超观望,那密密麻麻弟子身影,倒是有种群蛾扑火之感。 After the formation gate, Chu Feng and others has not entered Yin-Yang Withered Well World immediately. 穿过结界门之后,楚枫等人并未立刻进入阴阳枯井界 They first entered in a formation channel. 他们先是进入了一个结界通道之中。 In the formation channel, is flooding a strange strength. 结界通道内,充斥着一股诡异的力量。 That strange strength, looks like one crowd of sharp noses invisible wild animal to be the same, regarding entering everyone of this formation channel. 那诡异的力量,就像是一群嗅觉灵敏的无形野兽一般,围绕着进入这结界通道的所有人。 That strength is seeking for the flaw, if who were found, that will then suffer the attack of this strange strength. 那力量在找寻破绽,若是谁被找到,那便会遭受这诡异力量的攻击。 Is good because , the Yin-Yang locks also starts to play the role, quotes Chu Feng and Xia Yan aura on own initiative, does not cause by that strange strength attack. 好在,阴阳锁也开始发挥作用,主动引用楚枫夏妍的气息,使得不被那诡异的力量攻击。 But quick Chu Feng discovered, a man and a woman, lock the bundle indeed to avoid this strange strength through the Yin-Yang the best method. 但很快楚枫就发现,一男一女,通过阴阳锁捆绑的确是可以避开这诡异力量的最好方法。 But in fact, if oneself can adjust within the body aura, achieves a Yin-Yang balanced condition own aura, even if a person , can definitely avoid by this strange strength attack. 可实际上,若是自己能够调节自己体内气息,将自己的气息达到一个阴阳平衡的状态,哪怕一个人,也是完全可以避免被这诡异力量攻击的。 Naturally such does very difficultly, but regarding Chu Feng and World Spiritist of Xia Yan this rank, is not difficult. 当然那样做很难,但是对于楚枫夏妍这种级别的界灵师来说,并不难。 What is main, Chu Feng judges, this strange strength, is more like a strength of screening. 最主要的是,楚枫判断出,这诡异的力量,更像是一种筛选的力量。 It is screening, should only use through the person of screening, is qualified for Yin-Yang Withered Well World. 它在进行筛选,应该只用通过筛选的人,才有资格进入阴阳枯井界 As the matter stands, they use the Yin-Yang lock, although can guarantee through screening, that have some influences on oneself safely? 这样一来,他们使用阴阳锁,虽然能够保证自己安然通过筛选,那是否会也会对自己造成一些影响? If oneself rely on the true skill through screening, whether can benefit? 若是自己凭借真正的本事通过筛选,是否能得到好处? According to the normal logic calculated, inevitably is the meeting. 按正常逻辑推算,必然是会的。 Chu Feng, did you also discover?” 楚枫,你也发现了吗?” Xia Yan looks to Chu Feng. 夏妍看向楚枫 It seems like you also discovered.” “看来你也发现了。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Yes.” “是啊。” Wants, unties to try this?” “要不要,把这个解开试试?” Your I, should not be a problem in any case.” “反正你我,应该都不成问题。” Xia Yan grinning looks to the Yin-Yang lock. 夏妍笑嘻嘻的看向阴阳锁。 I am optional.” “我随意啊。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Saw Chu Feng saying that Xia Yan untied the Yin-Yang lock on hand directly, simultaneously picked up the speed. 楚枫如此说,夏妍直接将手上的阴阳锁解开,同时更是加快了速度。 Sees that Chu Feng also picked up the speed, with the past. 见状,楚枫也是加快了速度,跟了过去。 Because the person in formation channel, is one-to-one to flight. 因为结界通道内的人,都是一对一对的飞行。 When sees Chu Feng and Xia Yan, after distinguishing the nonformation flight, this also immediately brings to the attention of people. 当看到楚枫夏妍,分别单独飞行之后,这也是立刻引起了人们的注意。 They, how did they untie the Yin-Yang lock?” “他们,他们怎么解开了阴阳锁?” Why untied the Yin-Yang to lock did not have the matter?” “为何解开了阴阳锁还没有事?” The people look the puzzled color. 众人面露不解之色。 Air/Qi of adjustment Yin-Yang, if can within the body aura achieve the balance, does not need with the Yin-Yang lock, can pass through here safely.” “阴阳之气调节,若能体内气息达到平衡,就无需用阴阳锁,也可以在此处安然通行。” „But if cannot control the equilibrant, brings the Yin-Yang lock, otherwise by here strength attack, I am not known what happened.” “但若是自身不能掌控平衡者,还是将阴阳锁带好,不然被此处力量侵袭,我也不知道会发生什么事情。” Chu Feng feared that the people imitate rashly, therefore reminded to the people. 楚枫怕众人贸然效仿,于是对众人提醒道。 But Chu Feng these words, actually also gave the people an explanation, that is strength enough, actually does not need to depend upon the Yin-Yang lock, can pass through. 楚枫这番话,其实也是给了众人一个解释,那就是自身实力足够者,其实是无需依靠阴阳锁,可以独自一人通行的。 Therefore after Chu Feng reminder, Zouqiu Youyu and Song Qian, untied the Yin-Yang lock. 所以楚枫提醒之后,左丘幽雨宋倩,也是解开了阴阳锁。 their two people, lives in peace with each other. 他们二人,也是相安无事。 More and more people start to imitate. 紧接着,越来越多人开始效仿。 Especially Hidden Dragon Disciple and True Disciple, they want to prove itself. 尤其是卧龙弟子真传弟子,他们都很想证明自己。 However quick, then some people look the color of pain. 但是很快,便有人面露痛苦之色。 On for example Li Muzhi and Zhao Shi. 就比如李牧之赵诗 Li Muzhi can actually the adjustment, but Zhao Shi actually appears somewhat lacks the ability to do what one would like. 李牧之倒是可以自我调节,但是赵诗却显得有些力不从心。 Saw with own eyes that the situation is not right, Li Muzhi then tied the Yin-Yang lock with Zhao Shi again. 眼见情况不对,李牧之便再度与赵诗系上了阴阳锁。 But in fact, the Zhao Shi situation has calculated well. 可实际上,赵诗的情况已经算好的了。 The situations of some people are worse. 有些人的情况更糟糕。 But sees, these strength strong disciple, after being able difficult to support, most disciple are stops attempting. 而见到,那些实力较强的弟子,都会难以支撑后,大部分弟子都是停止尝试。 But always some do not fear death, even if oneself strength is insufficient, is willing to attempt. 但总有一些不怕死的,哪怕自身实力不足,还是愿意尝试。 Therefore then, then has a more frigid matter to happen. 所以接下来,便有更为惨烈的事情发生。 After having disciple to untie the Yin-Yang locks, because within the body aura is unable to move balanced, is attacked by that strange strength immediately thoroughly. 弟子解开阴阳锁后,因为体内气息无法调到平衡,便立刻被那诡异力量彻底侵袭。 The blood vessel inflates, blood flowing from every orifice, quick bang, the bloody water such as the rainwater sprays generally, but also ties the Yin-Yang lock without enough time, is explodes the body to perish. 血管膨胀,七孔流血,很快嘭的一声,血水如雨水一般喷洒开来,还来不及重新系上阴阳锁,便已是爆体而亡。 After seeing some people actually died, people who these imitate carelessly, the consciousness risk, do not dare to attempt finally again rashly. 当见到有人竟然死去后,那些胡乱效仿的人们,才总算意识危险性,不敢再贸然尝试。 Hence, the formation channel was also returned to but actually normal. 至此,结界通道倒也算是恢复了平静。 In the formation channel, after flying the double-hour of probably burning a joss stick, in the front of formation channel, saw another giant formation gate finally. 结界通道内,飞行了大概一炷香的时辰后,在结界通道的前方,终于看到了另外一道巨大的结界门。 They graze from the formation gate, then entered a completely new world. 他们自结界门内飞掠而出,便进入了一个全新的世界。 This is a fine spring day, tall and pleasing to the eye world. 这是一个鸟语花香,美轮美奂的世界。 The under foot fresh flower piles up the sea, the top of the head is the sky deep blue. 脚下鲜花堆积成海,头顶更是天空湛蓝。 Because of Hidden Dragon Martial Sect, was covered by the great misfortune for a long time, people have not seen the blue sky for a long time. 因为卧龙武宗,被大劫笼罩已久,人们已经许久没有看到青天。 Sees here beautiful scene, numerous position disciple are the mood is also joyful. 看到此处美景,众位弟子也是心情愉悦。 This Yin-Yang Withered Well World, ominous illustrious, but at this time the scene, seeming like not dangerous. 阴阳枯井界,凶名赫赫,但是此时景象,看上去却并不危险。 However also some people suspected, at present sees is the false appearances, therefore was still around discrete sizing up. 不过也有人怀疑,眼前看到的都是假象,所以仍是谨慎的打量四周。 Everyone does not dare to act rashly, is waiting and seeing. 所有人都不敢贸然行动,都在观望着。 Bang But the sudden loud sound transmits from the distant place, the land also starts to sway fiercely. 可突然一声巨响自远处传来,紧接着大地也开始剧烈摇晃。 Bang Bang Bang Thunders resounds one after another, and follows thunders to transmit, that sways is also even more intense. 轰鸣接连响起,并且伴随轰鸣传来,那摇晃也是越发强烈。 Waits and sees following the distant place, can see the dust to fly upwards, but in that dust, is faint can see that huge Phantom is approaching. 顺着远处观望,能够看到尘土飞扬,而在那尘土之中,隐隐间可以看到一个巨大的虚影正在靠近。 The distant place mountain peak, the highest place is ten thousand meters, is that huge Phantom, actually must reach as high as several times compared with the mountain peak. 远处山峰,最高处有万米,可是那巨大的虚影,却比山峰还要高达数倍。 As it is getting more and more near, can see its appearance. 随着它越来越近,能够看到它的容貌。 That is a giant, the appearance is strange, the skin is dark, the stature is fat, the eyes are cut-throat. 那是一个巨人,长相怪异,皮肤黝黑,身材较胖,双眼凶狠。 But a pair such as elephant common fang, extends from its. 而一双如大象一般的獠牙,也是自其口中延伸而出。 Said that it is a person, rather it is a giant monster. 说它是人,不如说它是一个巨大的怪物。 This monster is extremely high, reaches as high as ten thousand meters mountain peak continually, will be stepped on by it in the under foot. 此怪物极高,连高达万米的山峰,都会被它一脚踩在脚下。 Cloud layer that floats , can only float under his leg. 就连漂浮的云层,也只能在其腿下漂浮。 The rough estimate, this giant has hundred thousand meter high at least. 粗略估计,此巨人起码有十万米之高。 It leaves can also see clearly its appearance, if it, feared that is raises head to wait and see , can only see its knee. 它离的远还能看清它的模样,若是它靠近以后,怕是仰头观望,也只能看到它的膝盖了。 Perhaps its leg wool, is higher than the big tree. 恐怕它一根腿毛,都比大树还要高。 But people simply do not have the thoughts to think its appearance and volume. 可人们根本没心思去想它的容貌和体积。 Because people discovered that giant monster, is approaching to the direction that they are, is rushes to them to come. 因为人们发现,那巨大的怪物,正在向他们所在的方向靠近,乃是奔着他们来的。 What thing that... is that?” “那…那是什么东西?” Many disciple are trembling that frightens, during many people fell into were flurried. 许多弟子都是吓的瑟瑟发抖,许多人都陷入了慌乱之中。 Arrived their realm, the colossus saw are too many. 到了他们这种境界,庞然大物见过太多。 But this giant monster, too is at present terrorist. 可眼前这个巨人怪物,实在太恐怖了。 Although cannot feel its cultivation realm, but it gives the constriction of person, is actually full. 虽然感受不到它的修为,可是它给人的压迫感,却是十足。 That constriction, making people feel oneself are very tiny. 那种压迫感,让人们感觉自己十分渺小。 Thought that opposite party spit, can be drown to death, sneezes casually, can probably make them be split up. 就觉得对方一口吐沫,都能将自己淹死,随便打个喷嚏,好像都能让他们四分五裂。 At this time, had timid disciple to turn around then to run away. 这个时候,有胆小的弟子转身便要逃窜。 Do not move heedlessly.” “不要乱动。” Chu Feng detected that was not right, Chu Feng rushes to drink one high. 楚枫察觉到了不对,楚枫赶忙高喝一声。 But so grave as to affect a human life, when so threatens close, no one pays attention to Chu Feng radically, these people of escaping, still grazed to go to the distant place. 可是人命关天,在如此威胁靠近之际,根本没有人理会楚枫,那些逃脱之人,仍是向远处飞掠而去。 But they just did not depart far, then have several a light beam, since just they entered here in the formation gate to graze, is ordinary just like the rope, its bundle, then draws in the formation gate. 可是他们刚刚飞出没有多远,便有数道光束,自刚刚他们进入此处的结界门内飞掠而出,宛如绳索一般,将其捆绑,然后拖入结界门之内。 Their forms, disappeared like this. 他们的身影,就这样消失了。 No one knows where they went. 没人知道他们去了哪里。 But regardless of result is good is bad, disciple that these escape from, seemed to have been eliminated. 但无论结果是好是坏,那些逃脱的弟子,似乎都已经被淘汰出局了。 Sees this, people realize right, have not run away the far person to hurry. 见到这一幕,人们才意识到不对,还未逃远的人赶忙回来。 These want to escape from the person, eliminated in the heart the idea. 那些想要逃脱之人,也是打消了心中想法。 Junior Brother Chu Feng, what did you see?” 楚枫师弟,你看出什么了吗?” The people look to Chu Feng. 众人纷纷看向楚枫 After all first, Chu Feng advises, they felt, perhaps Chu Feng saw anything. 毕竟第一时间,楚枫就进行劝阻,他们觉得,也许楚枫是看出了什么。 Cannot determine its goal, but I felt that in that formation gate had formation technique to lock us, therefore we cannot escape, can only wait.” “不能确定它的目的,但我感觉到了那结界门内有阵法锁定了我们,所以我们不能逃,只能等。” It, should be we must face.” “它,应该是我们必须面对的。” Chu Feng looks the giant who that is approaching said. 楚枫看着那正在靠近的巨人说道。 Must face, facing such monster?” “必须面对,面对这样的怪物吗?” Difference that but this and these senior told.” “可是这与那些前辈讲述的不一样啊。” Although the first time is entered Yin-Yang Withered Well World, but many people to senior, have inquired the matter about Yin-Yang Withered Well World. 的虽然是第一次进入阴阳枯井界,但是许多人都向前辈们,打探过关于阴阳枯井界的事情。 But before these had once entered here person, has not experienced such a. 而之前那些曾进入过此处的人,根本不曾经历过这样一幕。
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