MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4788: Yin-Yang Withered Well World

Yu Sha, I know that you are good for me, but this I must go time.” 羽纱,我知道你是为了我好,可是这一次我一定要去。” Hidden Dragon Martial Sect Sect Master, what person is, but also does not know.” 卧龙武宗宗主,到底是什么样一个人,还并不知晓。” „To rescue Zi Ling, perhaps cannot the pure prospect, making this Sir Sect Master satisfy about me, what are more is must try to find the solution by me.” “想要解救紫铃,恐怕不能单纯的指望,让这位宗主大人对我满意,更多的还是要靠我自己想办法。” However this Yin-Yang Withered Well World, likely is an opportunity.” “而这阴阳枯井界,很可能是一次机会。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Actually I know unable to convince you, but you must be careful.” “其实我知道劝不动你,不过你还是要小心一点。” Yu Sha said. 羽纱说道。 In a while, was relieved Li Muzhi Song Qian and others that shuts tightly, was inquires to find Chu Feng. 没过多久,被解除紧闭的李牧之宋倩等人,也是问询来找到楚枫 Knows Chu Feng, now after having Duan Liufeng supports, they naturally also relax, prepares to plan for following Yin-Yang Withered Well World. 得知楚枫,如今有段柳峰撑腰后,他们自然也是松了一口气,纷纷为接下来的阴阳枯井界做准备计划。 But in Yin-Yang Withered Well World, unpredictable, everyone has not entered, therefore prepares, is unable to prepare. 阴阳枯井界之内的事情,变化莫测,大家又都没有进入过其中,所以说是准备,也是无从准备。 Can prepare, finds ahead of time, person who the bundle Yin-Yang locks together. 能准备的,也就只是提前找好,一同捆绑阴阳锁的人而已。 The following time, Chu Feng has not been idling, he continues to seek to decode the Hidden Dragon Soul Armor method. 接下来的时间,楚枫也没有闲着,他继续寻求破解卧龙魂甲的方法。 May be behind, is more difficult. 可越是后面,越难。 By oneself, Chu Feng is unable to decode, but requires the long time. 凭借自身,楚枫并非无法破解,只是需要较长的时间。 In a short time, feared that is very difficult to decode. 短时间内,怕是很难破解。 But in an instant, arrives at the day that Yin-Yang Withered Well World opened. 而转眼间,就到了阴阳枯井界开启的日子。 Yin-Yang Withered Well World opens, all juniors can enter. 阴阳枯井界开启,所有小辈都可以进入其中。 Can make to tie up the object who the Yin-Yang locks, without making, Elder will also arrange randomly. 可以自己约好捆绑阴阳锁的对象,若是没有约好的,长老也会随机安排。 Naturally, if approximately good to be voluntarily better. 当然,若是自行约好更好。 Therefore, above the Yin-Yang Withered Well World square, is not only fully occupied, multitude, is the sound is noisier. 因此,阴阳枯井界的广场之上,不仅人满为患,人山人海,更是声音嘈杂。 Before these , the person who has not made the object, is seeking, discussing. 那些之前没有约好对象的人,都在寻找着,商量着。 Here, is an extremely realistic scene. 这里,又是一个极为现实的场景。 Females, if much longer, can have some advantages actually. 女子,若是长得好看,倒是还能占些优势。 But man, at this time, semblance not, no matter what what intention righteousness. 但男子,在这个时候,外表没有任何意义。 The females almost only choose cultivation realm to be strong. 女子几乎都只选择一修为较强的。 After all then they must enter, is Hidden Dragon Martial Sect most wrapped in a shroud of obscurity Yin-Yang Withered Well World, there has the opportunity, but also probably encounters the risk. 毕竟接下来他们要进入的,可是卧龙武宗最神秘莫测的阴阳枯井界,那里有机遇,但也可能遇到风险。 But at this time, the powerful man, can take to the woman the security sense. 而这个时候,强大的男人,更能带给女人安全感。 Looks quickly, is Li Muzhi Senior Brother, Xia Yan Senior Sister.” “快看,是李牧之师兄,夏妍师姐。” Chu Feng, Chu Feng also.” 楚枫,楚枫也在。” Although this place is fully occupied, but after Chu Feng and others accompanies the arrival, in the crowd raised the great unrest. 虽然此地人满为患,可当楚枫等人结伴到来后,还是在人群之中掀起了轩然大波。 Especially Chu Feng, can be said as in Hidden Dragon Martial Sect now simply, most signs man of the hour of sound. 尤其是楚枫,如今简直可以说是卧龙武宗内,最具名声的风云人物。 He first is breaks Sir Dugu Lingtian to record, latter achieves the matter that Sir Dugu Lingtian are unable to achieve. 他先是打破独孤凌天大人记录,后是做到了独孤凌天大人都无法做到的事情。 What is main, after homicide Nangong Yuliu, not only moves out, but also makes Nangong Chunyue be closed into the prison cell to accept the severe punishment. 最主要的是,他杀了南宫雨流之后,不仅全身而退,还让南宫春月被关入牢房之中接受严惩。 But makes Chu Feng move out, naturally is Hidden Dragon first Duan Liufeng. 而让楚枫全身而退的,自然便是卧龙之首段柳峰 Own talent is unusual, now also has under Sect Master, the head of strength strongest Hidden Dragon supports, everyone felt that Chu Feng will skyrocket in the future inevitably, feared that is no one can keep off. 自身天赋超凡,如今又有宗主之下,实力最强的卧龙之首撑腰,所有人都觉得,楚枫日后必然扶摇直上,怕是无人能挡。 Really does not know, is who and Chu Feng goes hand in hand.” “真是不知道,是谁与楚枫结伴而行。” If can be I am good.” “若能是我就好了。” Female disciple look at Chu Feng, casts the vision that yearned for in abundance. 弟子们看着楚枫,纷纷投去了向往的目光。 „Is this Yin-Yang Withered Well World?” “这就是阴阳枯井界吗?” Chu Feng has not paid attention to people's discussion, but also not before, has started to observe this square. 楚枫并未理会众人的议论,而是还未靠近前,就已经开始观察这座广场。 But the discovery, this square does not have special part, looks ordinary, nearly looks does not have specially. 但却发现,这广场并没有特殊之处,远看平凡,近看也无特别。 Looked quickly, left mound Senior Brother they also came.” “快看,左丘师兄他们也来了。” At this moment, calls out in alarm resounds. 就在这时,又有一阵惊呼响起。 Waits and sees along the sound , the pair of troops arrive. 顺声观望,又有一对人马到来。 That has the familiar form, for example Zuoqiu Yanliang and Song Qian and others. 那其中有熟悉的身影,比如左丘颜良宋倩等人 But actually also one, is the Chu Feng first seeing form. 但却也有一位,是楚枫第一次看到的身影。 That is one is quite handsome, facial features indifferent man. 那是一个极为英俊,面容冷漠的男子。 His appearance, has several phase splitting shapes with Zuoqiu Yanliang. 他的面相,与左丘颜良有着几分相像。 Does not need others to introduce, Chu Feng can also guess correctly who this person is, he inevitably is Zouqiu Youyu. 不用旁人介绍,楚枫也能猜到此人是谁,他必然就是左丘幽雨 If not for Sir Sect Master, leads a mysterious fellow. 若不是宗主大人,带回来一个神秘的家伙。 This Zouqiu Youyu, is the first person in today's junior disciple. 左丘幽雨,便是当今小辈弟子之中的第一人。 Zouqiu Youyu is very arrogant. 左丘幽雨很是高傲。 After Zuoqiu Yanliang and others appears, looked at Chu Feng one subconsciously. 就连左丘颜良等人出现之后,也是下意识的看了楚枫一眼。 But Zouqiu Youyu, knows Chu Feng obviously there, but his vision, has not approached to Chu Feng this direction from beginning to end. 左丘幽雨,明明知道楚枫就在那里,可从始至终他的目光,都未曾向楚枫这个方向靠近。 Incessantly is Chu Feng, everyone he on the scene has not looked specially. 不止是楚枫,在场的所有人他都没有特意去看。 Just like the person of presence, does not match to enter his eye to be the same. 就宛如,在场之人,根本不配进入他的眼睛一般。 Actually regarding Zuoqiu Yanliang and arrival of Song Qian and others, Chu Feng is not accidental/surprised. 其实对于左丘颜良宋倩等人的到来,楚枫并不意外。 On the same day was unfair to the Chu Feng's person to be many, they were punished, should not arrive at such situation. 当日冤枉楚枫的人很多,他们本来都被惩罚,不该来到这样的场合。 But considering, Yin-Yang Withered Well World rare opening, if this time misses, will then be in the future chanceless. 可是考虑到,阴阳枯井界难得开放,若是此次错过,日后便无机会。 Therefore Sir Sect Master makes an exception, gave a Zuoqiu Yanliang and others opportunity, after participate this Yin-Yang Withered Well World, they must go back to subject to a penalty. 所以宗主大人破例,给了左丘颜良等人一个机会,参加过此次阴阳枯井界后,他们还是要回去受罚。 After Zouqiu Youyu they arrive, guards here Elder, puts out the Yin-Yang lock, distributes to Chu Feng and Zouqiu Youyu and others respectively. 左丘幽雨他们来到后,驻守在此处的长老,才拿出阴阳锁,分别分发给楚枫左丘幽雨等人 What is worth mentioning is, only then Chu Feng and others, is Elder delivers on own initiative the Yin-Yang lock, others must after assigning the object of good peer, lines up to receive. 值得一提的是,只有楚枫等人,是长老主动将阴阳锁送过来的,其他人都要在分配好同行的对象后,排队去领取。 Then, Chu Feng and others is the face is also full. 说起来,楚枫等人也算是面子十足。 As for this Yin-Yang lock, said is the lock, rather is a vine. 至于这阴阳锁,说是锁,倒不如说是一根藤蔓。 Because of the touch or the appearance, it looks like a vine, but this vine has the intelligence, Chu Feng received it, its then direct winding in the Chu Feng's wrist/skill. 因为无论是触感还是模样,它都更像一根藤蔓,只不过这藤蔓具有灵性,楚枫接过它,它便直接缠绕在了楚枫的手腕上。 Then, it receives Chu Feng to control, Chu Feng can control it, ties up another person. 接下来,它就受楚枫所控,楚枫可以操控它,去捆绑另外一个人。 After the Yin-Yang locked the distribution to finish, then waited. 阴阳锁分发结束之后,便是等待。 Because of opening of Yin-Yang Withered Well World, is unable to operate artificially, therefore they can only wait. 因为阴阳枯井界的开启,人为无法操作,所以他们只能等待。 Originally when is the sunrise then gathers here people, has waited till the night. 本来是日出之时便聚于此处的众人,一直等到了深夜。 However, when a wisp of radiance, bestows on after void, people become excited. 不过,当一缕光华,赋于虚空之后,人们都变得兴奋起来。 Looks void above, then just like the tomorrow's general giant circular formation gate. 看着虚空之上,那宛如明日一般的巨大圆形结界门。 The Chu Feng's innermost feelings are to also become excited. 楚枫的内心也是变得兴奋起来。 He thinks, Yin-Yang Withered Well World, to entrance that downward goes. 他本以为,阴阳枯井界,是向下行去的入口 Has not actually thought, this such as the well head general giant formation gate, is the float above void. 却不曾想,这个如井口一般的巨大结界门,是漂浮于虚空之上的。 What is main, is only this formation gate, made Chu Feng fill to Yin-Yang Withered Well World yearned. 最主要的是,只是这道结界门,就让楚枫阴阳枯井界充满了向往。 Chu Feng since enters Hidden Dragon Martial Sect, has experienced over many powerful formation technique. 楚枫自打进入卧龙武宗,已经见识过诸多强大的阵法 If not but must say, at this time this formation entrance, is actually Chu Feng sees, most profound, most touches the unreachable formation strength. 可若非要说起来,此时这道结界入口,却是楚枫所见到,最为高深,最为触不可及的结界力量。 Sees this formation gate, Chu Feng believes why Yin-Yang Withered Well World, in Hidden Dragon Martial Sect, had the so high appraisal. 只是看到这结界门,楚枫就相信,为何阴阳枯井界,在卧龙武宗内,拥有如此高的评价了。
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