MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4583: Failure!

Shengguang Xuanye becomes angry out of shame, not only frank and upright sends people to chase down Chu Feng, issues to capture the command, is starts to search for and Chu Feng concerned person in secret. 圣光悬夜恼羞成怒,不仅光明正大的派人追杀楚枫,发布追捕令,更是开始暗中搜寻与楚枫有关之人。 Spares nothing, to Chu Feng removing. 不惜一切代价,都要将楚枫给除掉。 But this matter spreads, immediately raised the great unrest. 而此事传开,立即掀起了轩然大波。 Although Shengguang Xuanye, fastened to Chu Feng robbed Saint Light Bloodline Water, and charge that massacred the Shengguang Clan clansman. 尽管圣光悬夜,给楚枫扣上了抢夺圣光血脉水,且杀掉圣光一族族人的罪名。 But most people, are very at heart clear, this is only Shengguang Clan wants the excuse that removes Chu Feng to find. 可大部分人,心里都很清楚,这只是圣光一族想要除掉楚枫而找的理由罢了。 Does with a wish to incriminate, have no lack of a pretext? 欲加之罪,何患无辞? As for Shengguang Clan, why removes Chu Feng, everyone is also well aware. 至于圣光一族,为何除掉楚枫,大家也同样心知肚明。 Naturally regards as the threat to be able Chu Feng so. 自然是将楚枫视为威胁才会如此。 But is so quick, had such big movement, proved threat of Chu Feng to Shengguang Clan is very huge. 而这么快,就有了这样大的动作,更是证明了楚枫圣光一族的威胁很是巨大。 Otherwise Shengguang Clan not so anxious begins to Chu Feng. 否则圣光一族不会如此急切的就对楚枫动手。 Although everyone some guesses, but actually feels indignant but not daring to speak out, can only hold is installing clearly muddled, sighed the Chu Feng cruel fate secretly. 只是大家虽都有猜测,但却是敢怒不敢言,只能揣着明白装糊涂,暗叹楚枫命苦。 Even if however Shengguang Clan, does utmost to capture Chu Feng, but actually also has achieved nothing. 不过哪怕圣光一族,竭尽全力追捕楚枫,但却也是一无所获。 Because of Chu Feng, had left Storm World...... 因为楚枫,已经离开了风暴世界…… Reason that can escape fast, is not the Chu Feng ability is dreadful, but is Divine Deer of Chu Feng within the body, is remarkable. 之所以能够快速逃脱,并非楚枫本领滔天,而是楚枫体内的神鹿,大显神威。 Originally Chu Feng suffers Shengguang Yu, wants to make him be afraid itself, thus a better control he, facing Shengguang Clan many expert, Chu Feng wants to leave the fingers/tiger mouth after all safely, can only take advantage of Shengguang Yu. 本来楚枫折磨圣光羽,就是想让他害怕自己,从而更好的掌控他,毕竟面对圣光一族诸多高手,楚枫想要安然离开虎口,只能依仗圣光羽了。 But who once thinks, when Chu Feng suffers Shengguang Yu, Divine Deer in within the body starts talking suddenly, she must bring Chu Feng to leave unexpectedly on own initiative. 可谁曾想,就在楚枫折磨圣光羽的时候,体内的神鹿忽然开口说话,她竟主动要带着楚枫离开。 Has Divine Deer to act, Chu Feng naturally has no more worries. 神鹿出手,楚枫自然高枕无忧。 Not only stops suffering Shengguang Yu, but also left behind that formation technique, leaves behind the formation technique goal, wants to make Shengguang Clan restrain. 不仅停止折磨圣光羽,还留下了那座阵法,留下阵法的目的,就是想让圣光一族有所收敛。 Chu Feng is not does not want to retaliate Shengguang Clan, Chu Feng is not open-minded, on the contrary Chu Feng is one has a grudge to report the person. 楚枫不是不想报复圣光一族,楚枫没那么豁达,相反楚枫是一个有仇必报之人。 In situation that however in own strength is insufficient, Chu Feng does not want to make the Shengguang Clan enmity is deeper. 不过在自己实力不足的情况下,楚枫不想把圣光一族的仇怨弄的更深。 He wants to wait , after oneself have the sufficient strength, looks for Shengguang Clan to do accounts again. 他想等到,自己有着足够的实力之后,再找圣光一族算账。 Therefore leaves behind formation technique, but warned Shengguang Clan, was not the provocation. 所以留下阵法,只是警告圣光一族,并非挑衅。 After leaving behind formation technique, Chu Feng through Divine Deer, left the Shengguang Clan camp. 留下阵法后,楚枫就通过神鹿,离开了圣光一族的营地。 And immediately through the Teleportation Formation method, leaves Storm World. 并且立刻通过传送阵法,离开了风暴世界 But Chu Feng does not run away blindly, he has the clear goal. 楚枫也不是盲目逃窜,他有着明确的目标。 After leaving Storm World, Chu Feng went to a named destiny Ordinary Realm place. 离开风暴世界后,楚枫来到了一个名为命运凡界的地方。 This destiny Ordinary Realm, is bleak place, cultivator that here settles down, is the cultivation realm weak person, the strength weak in cultivator to even Hundred Refinements Ordinary Realm was all inferior, and cultivator in destiny Ordinary Realm admits defeat few also. 这个命运凡界,乃是一个荒凉之地,在这里定居的修武者,皆是修为偏弱之人,实力弱到连百炼凡界内的修武者都是不如,并且命运凡界内的修武者认输也是非常的少。 But here, is Chu Feng within the body, place that then by the Niantian True Qi map, directs. 但这里,就是楚枫体内,那由念天真气地图,所指引的地方。 At present, a place bottom deep place of vast mountain range, the soil surges, the stone was shattered, together form fast shuttles back and forth to walk in the place bottom. 眼下,一片浩瀚山脉的地底深处,土壤翻腾,地石破碎,一道身影正快速的在地底之中穿梭行走。 This person, precisely Chu Feng. 此人,正是楚枫 He is away from that map the final end point, already very near. 他距离那地图的最终终点,已经非常的近。 But Chu Feng paces back and forth in this lands, has an enough more than ten days time. 楚枫徘徊在这片土地之中,已有足足十几日的时间。 That end point is very obviously near, but Chu Feng could not find. 明明那终点很近,可楚枫就是找不到。 In the , how not to have obviously?” “明明就在附近,怎么就是没有呢?” Chu Feng stopped, always Martial Power vigorous he, panted at this time unexpectedly, had the weak performance. 楚枫停了下来,向来武力浑厚的他,此时竟然气喘吁吁,有了体力不支的表现。 In order to find the end point of that map, Chu Feng making an effort skills, even if he, consumed the enormous strength. 为了找到那地图的终点,楚枫可谓使劲浑身解数,哪怕是他,也是耗费了极大的力量。 Does, he is unable to find that end point as before. 只是奈何,他依旧无法找到那终点。 Where is not right?” “到底是哪里不对?” This lands, I have basically explored, I almost covered all possibly am the end point place, why couldn't find that end point?” “这一片的土地,我基本都已经探索过了,我几乎覆盖了所有可能是终点的地方,为何还是找不到那终点?” Where isn't right? Where isn't right?” “到底哪里不对?到底哪里不对?” The Chu Feng brow tight wrinkle, always calm he, at this time the mood is becomes agitated. 楚枫眉头紧皱,向来沉稳的他,此时情绪已是变得烦躁起来。 But suddenly, the Chu Feng pupil shrinks, the vision is to also become bright. 可忽然,楚枫瞳孔一缩,目光也是变得明亮起来。 I knew.” “我知道了。” I may really be stupid!!!” “我可真是愚钝!!!” Chu Feng thought of anything, he who suddenly sees the light suddenly, although patted his head ruthlessly, grinning with ear to ear that but actually smiles. 楚枫似是想到了什么,忽然顿悟的他,虽狠狠的拍了一下他的脑袋,但却笑的合不拢嘴。 Chu Feng closes the eye unexpectedly, he oneself consciousness, projected oneself within the body unexpectedly. 紧接着,楚枫竟然闭上眼睛,他竟将自己的意识,投射到了自己体内。 Chu Feng is built on the world of own body, can clearer seeing, map that is formed by Niantian True Qi. 楚枫立于自己的身体的世界之中,可以更加清晰的看到,那由念天真气所形成的地图。 These days, Chu Feng is unclear, has observed this map many times. 这些日子,楚枫已经记不清,观察过这地图多少次了。 But at present, oneself in the ideology, the observation this map of short distance, the feeling were still somewhat different. 但眼下,自己以意识形态,近距离的观察这地图,感觉仍是有些不同。 Especially at present, after Chu Feng has seen through some thing, reads that map again, the mood of innermost feelings, is even more is different. 尤其是眼下,当楚枫已经看穿了一些东西之后,再看着那地图,内心的情绪,则是更加的不同。 …… Suddenly, Chu Feng figure one vertical, plundered unexpectedly to that map. 忽然,楚枫身形一纵,竟然掠向了那地图。 Crash-bang 哗啦啦 Strange happened. 紧接着,诡异的一幕发生了。 That obviously is only the map, but after the Chu Feng's consciousness contacts the map. 那明明只是地图,可当楚枫的意识接触到地图之后。 That map changes unexpectedly immediately, later has the turbulent magma to shoot up to the sky, brings Mist of that burning hot, and aura of destruction, encircles Chu Feng. 那地图竟然立刻变化,随后有汹涌的岩浆冲天而起,带着那炙热的气焰,以及毁灭的气息,将楚枫围剿而来。 The strength of this magma is terrifying, if Chu Feng contacts it, is melted immediately. 这岩浆的力量非常恐怖,若是楚枫接触到它,会被立刻融化掉。 At this time if Chu Feng escapes, actually can definitely run away, but to that fearful magma, oneself will actually wrap, does not have the meaning of escaping. 此时楚枫若逃,其实是完全可以逃走的,但却任由那可怕的岩浆,将自己包裹,却也没有逃脱之意。 Finally, the fiery red magma the Chu Feng thorough package, must swallow Chu Feng. 终于,火红的岩浆将楚枫彻底包裹,就要将楚枫吞噬。 But that magma has not only injured to Chu Feng, instead is around Chu Feng's, there is tremendous changes. 可那岩浆不仅没有伤到楚枫,反而是楚枫的周围,有了天翻地覆的变化。 That blots out the sky, the magma of oneself blockade, will vanish all round baseless. 那铺天盖地,将自己团团封锁的岩浆,凭空消失。 But floated in Chu Feng of midair, the both feet falls to the ground suddenly. 而原本浮在半空的楚枫,双脚忽然落地。 His under foot, presented a big stretch of verdant lawn. 他的脚下,出现了一大片青翠的草地。 In the distant place, has exceedingly high mountain peaks, rises straight from the ground. 在远处,有着一座座通天山峰,拔地而起。 From clouds above, but also has such as the silver dragon common waterfall, flies to fall under. 自云端之上,还有着一道道如银龙一般的瀑布,飞落而下。 This world, fine spring day, this world, tall and pleasing to the eye. 这个世界,鸟语花香,这个世界,美轮美奂。 But here, most attracts Chu Feng's, is actually a back. 但这里,最吸引楚枫的,却是一个背影。 Chu Feng is not this world's only life body, a person, has waited here. 楚枫并非这个世界唯一的生命体,还有一个人,早就在这里等候了。 But only looks at the back, Chu Feng also recognizes this person, that is... the Taoist Niantian back. 而只看背影,楚枫也认得此人,那乃是念天道人的背影。 Unexpectedly discovered late, end point in your mind.” “居然这么晚才发现,终点就在你的心中。” This a little disappoints the old man actually.” “这倒是有点让老夫失望啊。” Taoist Niantian, turns around, that profound vision looks to Chu Feng. 念天道人,转过身来,那深邃的目光看向楚枫 At this moment, Chu Feng then realized, Taoist Niantian strength, very fearful. 只是这一刻,楚枫便意识到,念天道人的实力,非常的可怕。 Although this map situated in own within the body, may in this world, Taoist Niantian give his feeling, is ordinary like the Spiritual God, ruler all. 虽然这地图位于自己的体内,可在这个世界之中,念天道人给他的感觉,却如同神灵一般,统治者一切。 At present, so long as a Taoist Niantian thought that can let him in the wink of an eye, flying ash annihilation. 眼下,只要念天道人一个念头,就可以让他瞬息之间,飞灰湮灭。 senior, you think of every means that introduces this place junior.” 前辈,您费尽心思,将晚辈引入此地。” „, Is the test on junior?” “难道,是对晚辈的考验吗?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Indeed tests.” “的确是考验。” Wants through the test, you will obtain a richer reward.” “只要通过考验,你将得到更为丰厚的奖励。” Was a pity very much, you estimate compared with me must late.” “不过很可惜,你比我预想的要晚了一些。” Therefore very unfortunate told you, this test, you were defeated.” “所以很不幸的告诉你,这场考验,你失败了。” Taoist Niantian said. 念天道人说道。
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