MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4582: Selfish King

The formation technique smooth revolution, the quick double-hour then passes. 阵法顺利运转,很快一个时辰便过去。 But Shengguang Yunyue as well as numerous position Elder, have not actually opened the door to enter immediately. 圣光云月以及众位长老,却并没有立刻开门而入。 But by neat being situated in palace gate, waiting. 而是整齐的立于殿门两侧,等候着。 greets Sir Clan Head.” 拜见族长大人。” Arrives along with the form together, many Shengguang Clan powerhouses including Shengguang Yunyue, neat serves with the big ritual. 伴随着一道身影到来,连圣光云月在内的诸多圣光一族强者,齐刷刷的施以大礼。 Because of them and others, is this Sir Clan Head, Shengguang Xuanye. 因为他们等的,就是这位族长大人,圣光悬夜 Hasn't gone in?” “还没进去吗?” Shengguang Xuanye sees the front door that shuts tightly, actually has guessed correctly result. 圣光悬夜看到那紧闭的大门,其实就已经猜到了结果 Asked Sir Clan Head to open the door personally.” “请族长大人亲自开门。” Numerous position Elder return said. 众位长老回道。 But Shengguang Xuanye, has not blamed these Elder, instead wear a look of happy expression. 圣光悬夜,并没有责怪这些长老,反而面带笑意。 Although on their mouths said, cannot certain guarantee, the Shengguang Yu sickness be able to treat. 虽然他们嘴上说,不能一定保证,圣光羽的病可以医治好。 But in fact, they have the enormous assurance. 可实际上,他们却有着极大的把握。 In their opinion, so long as found the medicine to direct, in addition this formation technique strength, even is not successful, are still most not to treat thoroughly, but definitely will have the function. 在他们看来,只要找到药引,再加上这阵法的力量,就算不成功,也最多是没有彻底医治好,但肯定会有作用。 Let alone, has Chu Feng such a now, the so outstanding medicine directs. 更何况,如今还有楚枫这样一个,如此优秀的药引。 Opens.” “打开吧。” Shengguang Xuanye beckons with the hand, hints to open the door. 圣光悬夜摆了摆手,示意开门。 His wear a look of happy expression, is an anticipation of face. 他面带笑意,也是一脸的期待。 Has in situation that the medicine directs, his grandson's sickness can to recover completely. 有药引的情况下,他孙子的病就能痊愈 But Chu Feng's talent, then exceeds the request standard that the medicine directed, in his opinion, his grandson likely through this formation technique, inherits the Chu Feng's talent. 楚枫的天赋,则是超出了药引的要求标准,在他看来,他的孙子很可能通过这阵法,继承楚枫的天赋。 At present, in this, may not only be healthy Shengguang Yu. 眼下,这门内的,可不仅仅是一个健康的圣光羽 Very possibly is one, will become the talent of Shengguang Clan strongest later generation.!!!! 很可能会是一个,将成为圣光一族最强后辈的天才。!!!! After that palace gate opens, the person of presence, is in the heart one tight. 只是,当那殿门打开之后,在场之人,无一不是心中一紧。 In that palace gate, without them estimates Shengguang Yu, had not been extracted Source and soul, should change to the dry corpse Chu Feng. 那殿门内,没有他们预想中的圣光羽,也没有被抽取本源与灵魂,本该化作干尸的楚枫 Has, is only the big piece bloodstain...... 有的,只是大片的血迹…… Person?” “人呢?” Person?” “人呢?” Which feather did go?” “羽儿去哪了?” Shengguang Xuanye was somewhat anxious, previously also he of over the face happy expression, started to get angry the sound to interrogate. 圣光悬夜有些急了,先前还满面笑意的他,开始怒声质问。 No, hasn't seen Young Master Yu to come out?” “没,没见到羽少爷出来啊?” Numerous position Elder also flustered, regarding this situation, they is also helpless. 众位长老也慌了,对于这个情况,他们也是不知所措。 Sir Clan Head, bad......” 族长大人,糟了……” But at this time, Shengguang Yunyue has entered in the palace, the blood of nosing ground. 而此时,圣光云月早已进入殿内,去查探地上的血液。 This result, makes in her heart sink. 只是这结果,却让她心中一沉。 „, Is this feather blood?” “难道,这是羽儿的血?” Shengguang Xuanye rushes to closely examine, the complexion becomes even more ugly/difficult to look at. 圣光悬夜赶忙追问,脸色变得越发难看。 Indeed is the blood of Saint light Young Master Yu.” “的确是圣光羽少爷的血。” Shengguang Yunyue said. 圣光云月说道。 Damn.” “该死。” Hears this words, Shengguang Xuanye, rushes to step into the palace, noses that bloodstain. 听闻此话,圣光悬夜,也赶忙踏入殿内,去查探那血迹。 When determined, after that indeed is the blood of Shengguang Yu, his complexion becomes exceptionally gloomy. 当确定,那的确是圣光羽的血液后,他的脸色变得异常阴沉。 Such volume of blood, even if Shengguang Yu has not died, still explained that suffered brutal suffering. 这样的血量,就算圣光羽没有死,也说明遭受了残酷的折磨。 Buzz But in the meantime, in this main hall, is actually appeared by formation technique. 而就在此时,在这大殿之内,竟然由一座阵法浮现。 formation technique appears, immediately changes to two forms. 阵法浮现,立刻化作两道身影。 That form is Chu Feng and Shengguang Yu. 那身影乃是楚枫圣光羽 Although Shengguang Yu the facial features are complete, on the form fitting has actually covered entirely the blood hole, the body can be said as the hole of hornet's nest are more. 圣光羽虽然面容完好,可身上却早已经布满了血窟窿,身躯可以说是比马蜂窝的窟窿还要多。 But Chu Feng not only complete unscathed, he like raising the chicken is the same, raises has been fainting past Shengguang Yu. 楚枫不仅完好无损,他更是如同提着小鸡一样,提着已经昏死过去的圣光羽 And, his also wear a look of happy expression looks at the palace gate direction. 并且,他还面带笑意的看着殿门的方向。 Shengguang Clan, is really despicable, I fight for Galaxy, you are not only ungrateful, instead wants my life.” 圣光一族,真是卑鄙,我为天河而战,你们不仅不感激,反而想要我的性命。” But you rather too underestimated my Chu Feng.” “但你们未免太低估我楚枫了。” You want to rescue Shengguang Yu with my life, but now his life in my hands.” “你们想用我的命救圣光羽,但现在他的命在我手里。” I warned you.” “我警告你们。” If thinks that he is living, you best law-abiding.” “若想他活着,你们最好安分一点。” Chu Feng this words saying that formation technique then dissipates, two forms also dissipate. 楚枫此话说完,那阵法便消散开来,两道身影也随之消散。 Useless waste!!!” “没用的废物!!!” Suddenly, Shengguang Xuanye sends out to angrily roar, his angry roaring, making entire forbidden land shiver. 忽然,圣光悬夜发出怒吼,他的这声怒吼,使得整个禁地都为之颤动起来。 Meanwhile, he uses his method, investigates the Chu Feng's trail. 与此同时,他更是施展他的手段,去侦查楚枫的踪迹。 But has no discovery!!! 但却没有任何发现!!! Chu Feng's escaped firmly, and escaped where, they were unknown. 楚枫的确逃了,并且逃到了何处,他们都是不得而知。 This makes Shengguang Xuanye angrier, his eyes, soon spout the fire simply. 这让圣光悬夜更加愤怒,他的双眼,简直快要喷出火来。 After Chu Feng suffers Shengguang Yu, leaves behind this formation technique. 楚枫折磨圣光羽之后,又留下这座阵法 In his opinion, this is not the warning, but is the provocation, is provocation that his difficult endures!!! 在他看来,这不是警告,而是挑衅,是他难以忍受的挑衅!!! Sir Clan Head, is subordinate incompetent, please forgive.” 族长大人,是属下无能,请恕罪。” At once, Elder on the scene, besides Shengguang Yunyue, knelt completely, they scared. 一时之间,在场的长老,除了圣光云月外,全部跪了下来,他们都吓坏了。 They know, Shengguang Xuanye has loves Shengguang Yu. 他们知道,圣光悬夜有多疼爱圣光羽 Now Shengguang Yu suffers unexpectedly so suffered, and was seized by Chu Feng. 如今圣光羽竟遭受了如此折磨,并且被楚枫抓走。 This makes them feel, they very possible to be faced with imminent disaster. 这让他们觉得,他们很可能是要大难临头。 At this time, actually Shengguang Yunyue opens the mouth. 在这个时候,倒是圣光云月开口了。 Sir Clan Head, this forbidden land, only then an exit|to speak, but I have persevered here, this has not opened, he was impossible to leave.” 族长大人,这禁地只有一个出口,而我一直坚守此处,这门都没有打开过,他本不可能离开。” But he indeed ran away, ran away under our noses.” “可他的确逃走了,在我们眼皮底下逃走了。” He utilized the unusual method inevitably, or is......” “他必然是运用了不寻常的手段,或者是……” Sir Clan Head, can we be annoy......” 族长大人,我们会不会是惹……” The Shengguang Yunyue words have not said that but in his eyes, actually emerged to wipe the fear unexpectedly. 圣光云月的话没有说完,但是在他的眼中,却竟涌现出了一抹恐惧。 What annoys?” “惹什么?” You want to say that we did annoy the person of not being able to be provoked?” “你是不是想说,我们是不是惹到了惹不起的人?” The Shengguang Xuanye straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards are but actually vertical, the congealing sound asked back. 圣光悬夜剑眉倒竖,凝声反问。 Subordinate cannot conclude, but this Chu Feng leaves, solid fishy......” “属下不敢断定,只是这楚枫离开的,实在蹊跷……” Shengguang Yunyue speech time, is trembling with fear, afraid to say a word. 圣光云月说话的时候,也是战战兢兢,吞吞吐吐。 Although expensive/noble is Shengguang Clan Supreme Elder, may regarding this Sir Clan Head, she also be unusual fearing. 虽然贵为圣光一族太上长老,可对于这位族长大人,她也是非常的惧怕。 stupid , he if really has such background, escaping will not be he, but will be we.” 愚钝,他若真有如此背景,逃的就不会是他,而是我们。” Shengguang Xuanye is very firm saying. 圣光悬夜则是非常坚定的说道。 He did not feel, Chu Feng has the fearful background, otherwise if, he not possible under this violent treachery to Chu Feng. 他并不觉得,楚枫有可怕的背景,如若不然,他也不可能对楚枫下此毒手。 Sir Clan Head said in the principle, was subordinate stupid.” 族长大人所言在理,是属下愚钝。” But Shengguang Yunyue also felt but actually, the Shengguang Xuanye words in the principle, therefore asked: Sir Clan Head, now what to do should we?” 圣光云月倒也觉得,圣光悬夜的话更为在理,于是问道:“族长大人,那我们现在该怎么办?” Shengguang Xuanye does not have the direct reaction, after he closes the eye pondered a meeting, suddenly opens the eye. 圣光悬夜没有直接回答,他闭上眼睛沉思了一会后,才突然睁开眼睛。 „The announcement world, this Chu Feng wants to steal Saint Light Bloodline Water to be discovered, kills my clansman, seizes feather, the crime may not, executes summarily.” “公布天下,这楚枫欲要盗取圣光血脉水被发现,杀我族人,抓走羽儿,罪不可恕,格杀勿论。” If some people can capture alive Chu Feng, or killed Chu Feng, may obtain my clan generous recompense!!!” “若有人能活捉楚枫,或者杀了楚枫,都可得到我族重赏!!!” Saying that Shengguang Xuanye clenches jaws. 圣光悬夜咬牙切齿的说道。 Sir Clan Head, if so, I fears Young Master Yu he......” 族长大人,若是这样,我怕羽少爷他……” Shengguang Yunyue was actually worried very much, she is worried to enrage Chu Feng, will make Shengguang Yu lose the life. 圣光云月却很是担心,她担心激怒楚枫,会使得圣光羽丢了性命。 What do you think?” “你想什么?” My solemn can Shengguang Clan, be threatened by a later generation?” “难道我堂堂圣光一族,要被一个后辈威胁?” You want the old man, becomes the puppet of that later generation?” “难道你要老夫,成为那个后辈的傀儡?” As for Shengguang Yu, he was directed to seize by own medicine, this is his ability is not only insufficient, is my Shengguang Clan shame.” “至于圣光羽,他被自己的药引抓走,这不仅仅是他的能力不足,更是我圣光一族的耻辱。” If that Chu Feng, really becomes angry out of shame, fight in which both sides perish the homicide, that was also he gets what one deserves.” “如果那楚枫,真的恼羞成怒,鱼死网破的将他杀了,那也是他活该。” Defers to doing that I said that sends to me, chases down that Chu Feng full power, dead or alive.” “就按照我说的做,给我派人,全力追杀那楚枫,活要见人死要见尸。” Moreover, investigates this Chu Feng to me, with his related person and others, so long as relates unusual with Chu Feng, is steadfast.” “另外,给我调查这楚枫,与他相关人等,只要与楚枫关系非同一般,皆是不可放过。” Shengguang Xuanye said. 圣光悬夜说道。 Compliant.” “遵命。” Shengguang Yunyue as well as numerous position Elder should with one voice under. 圣光云月以及众位长老齐声应下。 The vision actually is somewhat complex. 只是目光却皆是有些复杂。 Shengguang Xuanye, even if sacrificed Shengguang Yu, is not willing to compromise to Chu Feng. 圣光悬夜,就算牺牲掉圣光羽,也不肯对楚枫妥协。 Even if Chu Feng has not put forward any condition, but called them law-abidingly, may be afraid by him of Chu Feng control, actually the choice sacrificed Shengguang Yu. 哪怕楚枫没有提出任何条件,只是叫他们安分一点,可害怕被楚枫控制的他,却还是选择牺牲掉圣光羽 This very ruthless behavior, is actually not their first experience. 这种狠辣的行为,其实不是他们第一次见识。 But Shengguang Xuanye, to the affection of Shengguang Yu, they actually very clear. 圣光悬夜,对圣光羽的喜爱,他们却非常的清楚。 In order to help Shengguang Yu treats the condition, Shengguang Xuanye spends the enormous strength, prepared this formation technique, and carried this formation technique along, after wants to find the opportunity, stimulates to movement formation technique immediately, was Shengguang Yu treats an illness. 为了帮助圣光羽医治病情,圣光悬夜花费极大的力气,才准备好了这座阵法,并且将这阵法随身携带,就是想找到机会后,就立刻催动阵法,为圣光羽治病。 But this is also, making the people so surprised reason be. 而这也偏偏是,让众人如此吃惊的原因所在。 They are how regardless of not to have thought that for face countenance and dignity, for was not controlled by others, even if might endanger the Shengguang Yu life, he will also decide and Chu Feng tears to pieces the facial skin. 他们是无论如何也没有想到,为了颜面和威严,为了不受他人控制,哪怕有可能会危及圣光羽的性命,他也还是决定与楚枫撕破脸皮。 This is the selfish performance, who to is not willing to be appointed to threaten and control selfishly. 这乃是自私的表现,自私到不愿受任何人威胁和控制。 Even if sacrificed the family member, he also refuses to balk. 哪怕牺牲掉亲人,他也在所不惜。 But this, is the Saint Light Galaxy King. 而这,便是圣光天河的王者。
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