MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4497: Same monster

This young girl, Chu Feng did not know, is on her body, actually felt a familiar feeling. 这个少女,楚枫并不认识,可是在她的身上,却感受到了一股熟悉的感觉。 Chu Feng starts to take a look at the young girl carefully. 楚枫开始仔细打量少女。 Therefore Chu Feng discovered, this time young girl is very painful, that appearance, falls ill probably. 于是楚枫发现,此时的少女很痛苦,那个样子,就好像生了病。 But the expression of this pain, Chu Feng is somewhat familiar. 而她这痛苦的表情,楚枫有些熟悉。 Therefore, Chu Feng then starts to observe her body, this discovered, in the head of this young girl, has a special object. 于是,楚枫便开始观察她的身体,这才发现,这少女的脑袋中,有着一种特殊的物体。 That is black liquid, on conceals in the head of young girl, has the life to be the same probably, has fused together with the young girl. 那是一个黑色的液体,就藏于少女的脑袋之中,就好像具有生命一样,已经与少女融为一体。 Few female student it lives, the young girl dies it dead. 少女生则它生,少女死则它死。 That is a parasitic body, an extremely fearful parasitic body. 那是一种寄生体,一种极为可怕的寄生体。 But such parasitic body, before Chu Feng, had seen. 而这样的寄生体,楚枫之前曾经见过。 The Blood Devouring Hall hall master grandson, within the body also has such parasitic body. 噬血堂堂主的孙子,体内也有这样的寄生体。 At that time Bai Liluo also discovered this parasitic body, but also told Chu Feng and others, was one compared with Black Haired Specter, the vicious tendencies must stronger fearful existence. 当时白篱落也发现了这个寄生体,还告诉楚枫等人,吧是一个比黑毛幽灵,戾气还要更强的可怕存在。 That is a genuine monster. 那是一个真正的怪物。 If it erupts, must slaughter. 若是它爆发开来,必会大开杀戒。 Initially, precisely because of Blood Devouring Hall hall master grandson's within the body, had such a monster. 当初,正是因为噬血堂堂主孙子的体内,有这样一个怪物。 Chu Feng Blood Devouring Hall hall master, as well as his grandson and others bleeds off. 楚枫才将噬血堂堂主,以及他的孙子等人放走。 But at that time, Chu Feng also inquired Blood Devouring Hall hall master, origin about that parasitic body. 而当时,楚枫也询问了噬血堂堂主,关于那寄生体的来历。 From the Blood Devouring Hall hall master mouth, Chu Feng also knew, his grandson within the body, why will have such thing. 噬血堂堂主口中,楚枫也是得知,他的孙子体内,为何会有这样一个东西 That is a mysterious organization does. 那是一个神秘的组织做的。 They that monster, put in the head of Blood Devouring Hall hall master forcefully. 他们强行将那怪物,放入了噬血堂堂主的脑袋之中。 The Blood Devouring Hall hall master grandson, is a martial cultivation talent. 噬血堂堂主的孙子,原本是一个修武天才。 Since by that mysterious organization, after pouring into that monster, then turned into a fool. 自从被那神秘组织,注入了那怪物之后,便变成了一个傻子。 And also once for a while suffering a relapse, continuously along with pain. 并且还会时不时的犯病,一直伴随着痛苦。 Blood Devouring Hall hall master, does not know where that organization came from. 噬血堂堂主,也不知道那个组织来自何地。 But their strength is extremely strong, Blood Devouring Hall hall master at all is not their opponents. 但他们实力极强,噬血堂堂主根本不是他们的对手。 As for their goals, Blood Devouring Hall hall master is not clear. 至于他们的目的,噬血堂堂主也不清楚。 However they, a martial cultivation talent, turned into a fool, it can be imagined, behind them has certain plot inevitably. 但是他们,将一个修武天才,变成了一个傻子,可想而知,他们背后必然有着一定的阴谋。 But thinks again, the fearfulness of that parasitic body, their back plots, inevitably are the extremely fearful plots. 而再想一想,那寄生体的可怕,他们背后的阴谋,必然是极为可怕的阴谋。 Sees this young girl, the parasitic body in within the body, Chu Feng knows, this young girl inevitably also suffered the violent treachery of that mysterious organization. 看到这个少女,体内的寄生体,楚枫就知道,这个少女必然也是遭受了那神秘组织的毒手。 Stop.” “住手。” Chu Feng loudly shouts. 楚枫大喝一声。 Does not know is the sympathy, does not know cannot get used to seeing, but Chu Feng decides to make an exception one time. 不知是同情,也不知是看不惯,但楚枫决定破例一次。 He must help this young girl. 他要帮助这个少女。 Minds others' business?” “多管闲事?” You do not have a look, who we are.” “你也不看看,我们是谁。” After Chu Feng appears, that several men, although stops beating the young girl, may look that is actually a face does not fear to Chu Feng's, and during the speeches revealed the token of waist. 楚枫出现之后,那几名男子,虽然停止殴打少女,可看向楚枫的却是一脸不惧,且说话间纷纷亮出了腰间的令牌。 But on the tokens of their waist, carves is locking the soul sect three characters. 而他们腰间的令牌上面,刻写着锁魂宗三个字。 They are so self-confident, this lock soul sect is is not very simple. 他们如此自信,想必这锁魂宗也是很不简单。 But pitifully, Chu Feng does not know where this lock soul sect is. 但可惜,楚枫并不知道这锁魂宗是什么地方。 Even if knows, Chu Feng will not fear. 就算知道,楚枫也不会惧怕。 I do not press you, lets loose that girl, this matter.” “我不难为你们,放开那个女孩,这件事就罢了。” The Chu Feng's tone, is actually relatively genial. 楚枫的语气,其实已是相对和善。 That several male strengths are not strong, strongest , is only First Rank Supreme Venerable, several other are Venerable Realm. 那几名男子实力不强,最强的一位,也只是是一品至尊,另外几个不过是尊者境而已。 Chu Feng copes with them is conveniently the matter, but Chu Feng has not begun directly, gives fully their face. 楚枫对付他们不过是随手之间的事,但楚枫并没有直接动手,就已是给足了他们面子。 Chu Feng is conservative. 楚枫还是留有余地的。 But who once thinks, Chu Feng such remarks, that several male faces color on being feeling well, is actually thicker. 可谁曾想,楚枫此话一出,那几名男子脸上的不爽之色,却是更浓。 „The young fellow who where comes, daring manages the matter that I lock the soul sect.” “哪来的毛头小子,竟敢管我锁魂宗的事。” That First Rank Supreme Venerable, this words saying, the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards but are actually then vertical. 那位一品至尊,此话说完,便剑眉倒竖。 Only listens to the loud sound of bang, he already pressure release within the body. 只听轰的一声巨响,他已是将体内的威压释放而出。 He has not displayed Martial Technique, without using armament, uses the pressure, directly to Chu Feng killing. 他都没有施展武技,也没有使用兵器,就用威压,直接向楚枫扑杀而来。 Although that pressure is invisible, may contain the strength, actually no small matter. 那威压虽是无形,可蕴含的的力量,却非同小可。 This is not simple lesson Chu Feng is so at all simple, if Chu Feng weak in him, this strikes lightly then makes Chu Feng carry the severe wound, the heavy possible life to fall in this. 这根本不是简单的教训楚枫那么简单,若是楚枫弱于他,此击轻则让楚枫身负重伤,重则可能命陨于此。 Pitifully, Chu Feng's cultivation realm, in its above. 只是可惜,楚枫的修为,远在其之上。 This pressure from Chu Feng in front , the blown Chu Feng hair chaotic dance, the blown Chu Feng clothing flap flap has made noise turbulently. 这威压自楚枫面前汹涌而过,吹的楚枫头发乱舞,吹的楚枫衣衫猎猎作响。 However Chu Feng, is the clothing is complete, returns safe and sound. 但是楚枫,却是衣衫完好,毫发未损。 Similar to breeze, passed over gently and swiftly general from its front, he is slightly not affected. 就如同一阵微风,自其面前掠过一般,他丝毫不受影响。 You!!!” “你!!!” Was seeing with own eyes Chu Feng returns safe and sound unexpectedly, disciple that several lock the soul sect, the complexion becomes ugly/difficult to look at. 眼见着楚枫竟然毫发未损,那几位锁魂宗的弟子,脸色变得难看起来。 They know, oneself annoy the hard to deal with fellow. 他们知道,自己是惹到难缠的家伙了。 Although cannot determine Chu Feng's cultivation realm, but they actually know, this inevitably is one, the existence of strength above them. 虽然不能确定楚枫的修为,但他们却知道,这必然是一个,实力在他们之上的存在。 However Chu Feng has not acted to them, but said a character to them. 不过楚枫并没有对他们出手,而是对他们说了一个字。 Go away.” “滚。” This character, let that several previously also very rampant lock soul sect disciple, frightened scared shitless, without delay, then runs to the inspection location deep place. 只是这一个字,就让那几名先前还十分嚣张的锁魂宗弟子,吓得屁滚尿流,二话不说,便向考核场地深处跑去。 Suddenly, that several disciple that locks the soul sect, then vanished in the Chu Feng's line of sight. 眨眼间,那几名锁魂宗的弟子,便消失在了楚枫的视线之中。 Actually trades to do usually, Chu Feng will not put them to walk simply. 其实换做平时,楚枫根本不会这么简单的放他们走。 Dares under so ruthless the hand to oneself, no matter they have what reason, Chu Feng definitely will make them pay the price. 胆敢对自己下如此狠的手,不管他们有何理由,楚枫都必然会让他们付出代价。 Today is different, Chu Feng arrives at this place, is to rescue Su Rou and Su Mei. 只是今日不同,楚枫来到此地,乃是为了解救苏柔苏美的。 Before then, Chu Feng does not want to cause the unnecessary trouble. 在此之前,楚枫并不想引起不必要的麻烦。 After all the gentleman revenges for ten years is not late. 毕竟君子报仇十年不晚。 If Chu Feng really wants to tidy up them, later has greatly opportunity, not eagerly for a while. 楚枫若真想收拾他们,以后有着大把的机会,并不急于一时。 After expelling that several lock soul sect disciple, before Chu Feng then arrives at the young girl body, his hand grasps elixir, wants to help the young girl therapy. 赶走那几名锁魂宗弟子后,楚枫便走到少女身前,他手握丹药,是想帮助少女疗伤。 Thanks the Big Brother!!!” “谢谢大哥哥!!!” But Chu Feng just approached, that lies in the young girl of ground, then sits to set out suddenly. 楚枫刚刚靠近,那趴在地上的少女,便猛然坐起身来。 She seems like, and is not affected much. 她好像,并无大碍。 This young girl, on the face stained the dust, the clothing is also dirty, made looks like a young beggar to be the same. 这少女,脸上沾满了灰尘,衣衫也是脏兮兮的,弄的就像是一个小乞丐一样。 No wonder, disciple of that several lock soul sects, will so not understand suffers this young girl who shows tender affection. 难怪,那几个锁魂宗的弟子,会如此不懂怜香惜玉的折磨这个少女。 Because of this young girl present condition, will not trade basically, showing tender affection of that evil person. 因为这少女现在的状态,基本不会换来,那种恶徒的怜香惜玉。 But actually, the careful observation, can saw from that fine five senses and facial features outline, this young girl is actually very beautiful long. 但其实,仔细观察,便可从那精致的五官以及面容的轮廓上看出,这少女其实长得非常标致。 Should be a rare beautiful woman semifinished product. 应该是一个少见的美人坯子。 But that pair of nimble and resourceful beautiful eyes, performs intelligently, absolutely does not have aura of fool obviously. 而那双灵动的美眸,尽显聪慧,根本就没有一丝傻子的气息。 She not silly? 难道,她没有傻? But in her head, indeed has, with Blood Devouring Hall hall master grandson's same monster. 可是她的脑袋之中,的确有着,与噬血堂堂主孙子一样的怪物啊。 You......” “你……” Chu Feng at once, is somewhat at a loss for words. 楚枫一时之间,有些语塞。 Properly speaking, within the body of this young girl, has this with the Blood Devouring Hall hall master grandson, same poison. 按理来说,这少女的体内,有这与噬血堂堂主孙子,一样的毒物。 Should also lose the reason, turning into a lunatic or the fool is right. 应该也丧失了理智,变成一个疯子或者傻子才对。 But the present, this young girl clearly is a normal person. 但现在来看,这少女分明就是一个正常人。 Big Brother, you how?” “大哥哥,你怎么了?” How you think so me , you knew that I am inadequate?” “你怎么这么看着我,难道,你认识我不成?” The young girls are blinking the nimble and resourceful big eye, asked to Chu Feng one after another. 少女眨巴着灵动的大眼睛,接连对楚枫问道。
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