MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4496: Familiar young girl

Hears them to talk, Chu Feng knows account. 听闻他们交谈,楚枫已是得知事情经过。 Matter stems from, named, a Tyrant Star Mountain Village place. 事情起源于,一个叫做,霸星山庄的地方。 Tyrant Star Mountain Village, generation inheritance, it is said also has cultivation treasure. 霸星山庄,世代传承,据说其中还有着一件修炼至宝 Named Tyrant Star Immortal Herb!!! 名为霸星仙草!!! But that Tyrant Star Immortal Herb, this conceals in Tyrant Star Mountain Village cultivation forbidden land, that is even if Tyrant Star Mountain Village later generation, place that also cannot enter. 而那件霸星仙草,本藏于霸星山庄修炼禁地,那是哪怕霸星山庄的后辈,也不能擅入的地方。 But is one so tightly guards the place, was not only intruded, that Tyrant Star Immortal Herb, was stolen. 可就是一个如此严加看守的地方,不仅被人闯入,那霸星仙草,更是被人盗走。 The good Tyrant Star Mountain Village person discovered promptly, in that person of stealing, has not fled cultivation forbidden land the time, then using the formation technique strength, was stranded that person of stealing in Tyrant Star Mountain Village cultivation forbidden land. 还好霸星山庄的人及时发现,在那偷盗之人,还未逃离修炼禁地的时候,便运用阵法力量,将那偷盗之人困在了霸星山庄修炼禁地之中。 Properly speaking, the Tyrant Star Mountain Village Village Master strength is not weak, is a Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse. 按理来说,霸星山庄庄主实力不弱,乃是一位武尊境强者。 Since stealing, had been surrounded by formation technique, holding him is the logical matter. 既然偷盗者,已被阵法困住,抓住他便是顺理成章的事情。 Does, that cultivation forbidden land, only then the junior can enter. 只是奈何,那修炼禁地,只有小辈可以进入其中。 The Tyrant Star Mountain Village powerhouse, is unable to enter, let alone held that stealing. 霸星山庄的强者,根本无法进入其中,就更别说抓住那偷盗者了。 And that formation technique, is unable long-term surrounding that stealing. 并且那阵法,也无法长时间的困住那偷盗者。 But Tyrant Star Mountain Village junior, does not have one, has the strength to enter that cultivation forbidden land to hold that stealing. 霸星山庄的小辈,也是没有一个,具有实力进入那修炼禁地去抓住那个偷盗者。 Therefore, Tyrant Star Mountain Village Village Master, then issues the heroic placard, invited various group of real men, went the Tyrant Star Mountain Village support. 于是,霸星山庄庄主,便广发英雄帖,邀请各路好汉,前去霸星山庄支援。 If who can hold that stealing, will then give the generous recompense. 若是谁能够将那偷盗者抓住,便会给予重赏。 These cultivator that at present Chu Feng meets, then go to Tyrant Star Mountain Village , helping hold that stealing. 眼下楚枫遇到的这些修武者,便是前往霸星山庄,帮忙去抓住那偷盗者的。 But that stealing, is Su Rou and Su Mei. 而那偷盗者,便是苏柔苏美 Accurate, is Moon Immortal. 准确来说,乃是月仙 „Is Tyrant Star Mountain Village, so fierce?” 霸星山庄,如此厉害吗?” Even was Moon Immortal surrounded?” “连月仙都被困住了?” Knows account, the Chu Feng brow wrinkles slightly. 得知事情经过,楚枫眉头微微皱起。 Regarding Moon Immortal, steals Tyrant Star Mountain Village cultivation treasure, Chu Feng is not accidental/surprised. 对于月仙,去偷盗霸星山庄修炼至宝,楚枫并不意外。 Because of this matter, before Moon Immortal, had once done, to promote cultivation realm, Moon Immortal sometimes, will resort to all means. 因为这种事情,月仙之前也曾做过,为了提升修为,月仙有的时候,也会不择手段。 The Moon Immortal talent different reported, promotes the cultivation realm very rapidness. 只是月仙天赋异禀,提升修为非常之快。 Initially Chu Feng and Moon Immortal time of separation, Moon Immortal strength above Chu Feng. 当初楚枫月仙分别之时,月仙的实力远在楚枫之上。 Chu Feng felt, even if now, oneself compared it initially, has the enormous progress, but the speed of Moon Immortal cultivation realm improvement, should still be also right above oneself. 楚枫觉得,哪怕是如今,自己比之当初,已有了极大的进步,但是月仙修为提升的速度,应该也仍在自己之上才对。 Even Chu Feng felt, at the Moon Immortal cultivation realm progressive speed , to promote Martial Venerable Realm cultivation realm now even, is not not possible. 甚至楚枫觉得,以月仙修为进步的速度,如今就算将修为提升到了武尊境,也并非不可能。 Because of knowing Moon Immortal is fierce, Chu Feng so will be sigh with emotion, feels this Tyrant Star Mountain Village, inevitably is not the common place. 正因知道月仙厉害,楚枫才会如此感慨,觉得这霸星山庄,必然也不是寻常的地方。 At present, Chu Feng had changed the mind. 眼下,楚枫已经改变了主意。 He must first go to Tyrant Star Mountain Village to walk. 他要先去霸星山庄走一趟。 Even no matter Moon Immortal life, but actually still has no alternative but to manage Su Rou and Su Mei safety. 就算不管月仙的死活,可却也不能不管苏柔苏美的安危。 That is the Chu Feng's lover, to Chu Feng, in this world, one of the most important several people. 那可是楚枫的爱人啊,对楚枫而言,这个世界上,最重要的几人之一。 But Tyrant Star Mountain Village, in this world, therefore Chu Feng hurries along fast, does not have the too long time actually, arrived at that Tyrant Star Mountain Village territory. 霸星山庄,就在这个世界,所以楚枫一路快速赶路,倒是也没有太久的时间,就来到了那霸星山庄的领地。 Tyrant Star Mountain Village, situated in Tyrant Star Mountain Range above. 霸星山庄,位于霸星山脉之上。 The mountain range is vast, covering land surface area is very broad. 山脉辽阔,覆盖土地面积很广。 In addition, is the Tyrant Star Mountain Village territory, usually here sparsely inhabited, besides the Tyrant Star Mountain Village person, rarely can see other cultivator forms. 再加上,是霸星山庄的领地,平日里这里人烟稀少,除了霸星山庄的人外,很少能看到其他修武者的身影。 But today different in those days, outside this Tyrant Star Mountain Village, can see the cultivator form everywhere. 可今日不同往日,这霸星山庄外,随处可以看到修武者的身影。 They, are collecting to go to Tyrant Star Mountain Village, and majority is a junior. 他们,都在向霸星山庄汇集而去,并且大部分都是小辈。 They, naturally come for Su Rou and Su Mei. 他们,自然都是为了苏柔苏美而来。 Their goals, actually unlike Chu Feng completely. 只是他们的目的,却与楚枫完全不同。 The Chu Feng's goal, is to rescue Su Rou Su Mei. 楚枫的目的,乃是为了救苏柔苏美 But the goals of these people, actually must hold Su Rou Su Mei. 但这些人的目的,却是要抓住苏柔苏美 For this reason, Chu Feng regards everyone, has a hostility. 正因如此,楚枫看待所有人,都有着一种敌意。 However do not look like the person of this place to be many, but can enter Tyrant Star Mountain Village truly, is actually not many. 不过别看来到此地之人很多,但是真正能够进入霸星山庄的,却是不多。 Tyrant Star Mountain Village, although issued the heroic placard, but also has some limits. 霸星山庄,虽然发出了英雄帖,可却也有着一些限制。 They, outside the Tyrant Star Mountain Village front door, set up an inspection location. 他们,在霸星山庄的大门外,设立了一个考核场地。 Only then through the person of inspection, can smoothly enter in Tyrant Star Mountain Village. 只有通过考核的人,才能够顺利进入霸星山庄之内。 But is unable through the person of inspection, then not to have the qualifications to enter Tyrant Star Mountain Village. 而无法通过考核的人,便没有资格进入霸星山庄 Reason that sets up such inspection location, person who naturally wants without skill, filters. 之所以设立这样的考核场地,自然是想将没本事的人,过滤掉。 However Tyrant Star Mountain Village, consideration also very understand. 不过霸星山庄,考虑的也很周全 They possibly are fear to offend the person, therefore wants to be able through the person of inspection, can reward for services rendered. 他们可能是怕得罪人,所以只要能够通过考核的人,就可以得到酬劳。 This reward, is the Tyrant Star Mountain Village unique treasure, Tyrant Star Dew. 这酬劳,便是霸星山庄的特有宝物,霸星露水 It is said that Tyrant Star Dew, is in cultivation treasure by Tyrant Star Mountain Village, Tyrant Star Immortal Herb preparation, regarding the junior, can make its comprehension strengthen. 据说那霸星露水,是由霸星山庄内的修炼至宝,霸星仙草酝酿而出的,对于小辈而言,可以使其领悟力增强。 However Tyrant Star Dew is quite precious, even through the inspection, everyone will still only reward drop of Tyrant Star Dew. 不过霸星露水较为珍贵,就算通过考核,每个人也只会奖励一滴霸星露水 But if can kill stealing, will then reward 70 drops of Tyrant Star Dew. 但若是能够杀死偷盗者,便会奖赏七十滴霸星露水 If can capture alive stealing, will reward 100 drops of Tyrant Star Dew. 若是能够活捉偷盗者,更是会奖赏一百滴霸星露水 Therefore , Tyrant Star Mountain Village meaning, must capture alive stealing as far as possible, if really cannot capture alive, that kills it. 所以说,霸星山庄意思,尽量还是要活捉偷盗者,若是实在不能活捉,那就将其杀死。 This to Chu Feng, actually a good news. 这对楚枫而言,倒是一个好消息。 At least the Tyrant Star Mountain Village first starting point, is to capture alive Su Rou Su Mei. 至少霸星山庄的第一出发点,是想要活捉苏柔苏美 ...... …… At present, Chu Feng had entered in that inspection location. 眼下,楚枫已经进入了那考核场地之中。 Here, is actually one, becomes the space that by the special treasure refinement. 这里,其实就是一个,由特殊宝物炼制而成的空间。 In the space is a long palace, the end of palace, is the exit|to speak. 空间内乃是一个长长的宫殿,宫殿的尽头,便是出口。 Naturally, in this palace set up many checkpoints, but regarding Chu Feng, these checkpoints, exists in name only. 当然,这宫殿内设置了许多关卡,但是对于楚枫而言,这些关卡,形同虚设。 Chu Feng overcomes an obstacle, the speed is extremely fast, then arrived at the terminal in this inspection location quickly. 楚枫一路闯关,速度极快,很快便来到了这考核场地的末端。 Girl?” “那丫头?” Suddenly, Chu Feng stopped. 忽然,楚枫停了下来。 He discovered, several male cultivator from same influence, is ganging up to surround and beating up another cultivator. 他发现,有几个来自同一势力的男修武者,正在围殴另外一个修武者 Has the cultivator place, has the battle. 修武者的地方,就有争斗。 In this inspection location, Chu Feng walks, met the scenes of many cultivator battles. 只是这考核场地内,楚枫一路走来,就遇到了许多修武者争斗的场面。 Light is disabled, some heaviness people were even killed directly. 轻者伤残,重者甚至有人直接被杀。 This, is the cultivator world, the law of the jungle, brutal. 这,便是修武者的世界,弱肉强食,残酷至极。 But Chu Feng walks, has not actually minded others'business, after all these people, are seize Su Rou and Su Mei person. 楚枫一路走来,却并未多管闲事,毕竟这些人,都是来捉苏柔苏美的人。 In other words, they are the Chu Feng's enemy, Chu Feng will certainly not care about their lives. 换句话说,他们都是楚枫的敌人,楚枫当然不会在乎他们的死活。 But the present aspect, is actually somewhat different. 可眼下的局面,却是有些不同。 He discovered, several cultivator, ganging up to surround and beating up, is a young girl. 他发现,有几个修武者,正在围殴的,乃是一名少女。 The young girl, the 15 or 16 years old appearance, lies on the ground at this time, holds to beg for mercy. 那少女,十五六岁的样子,此时趴在地上,抱头求饶。 But that several people, is not only not willing to call a halt, instead crazy stepping in her body. 但那几个人,不仅不肯停手,反而疯狂的踩在她的身上。 Although is not fatal, but can actually the sound of bone disruption. 虽然并不致命,但却能够骨头碎裂的声音。 They, are suffering this young girl intentionally. 他们,是在故意折磨这个少女。 Chu Feng most cannot get used to seeing, is the man hits the woman. 楚枫最看不惯的,就是男人打女人。 Let alone, how many men is, hits a young girl together? 更何况,还是几个男人,一起打一个少女? This behavior, made Chu Feng very uncomfortable. 这种行为,本就让楚枫很是不爽。 But, Chu Feng stops, and not only because of these. 但,楚枫停下来,并不仅仅是因为这些。 Chu Feng stops, is Chu Feng discovered, the body of this young girl, familiar feelings. 楚枫停下来,是楚枫发现,这个少女的身上,有一种熟悉的感觉。 ps: Sorry, today three chapters, have not given me again for the last time the opportunity, tomorrow, bright Tianyi decides in addition, moreover is not three chapters, but is five chapters. ps:抱歉,今天没有三章,再给我最后一次机会吧,明天,明天一定加更,而且不是三章,而是五章。 Tomorrow if lower than five chapters, my to seal/confer Bi, withdraws from writing since then. 明天要是低于五章,我就封笔,从此退出写作界。 Little Brother, believe me, bright Tianyi has five chapters, certainly has certainly, I pledged at my literary occupation!!! 兄弟们,相信我,明天一定有五章,一定一定有,我以我的写作生涯发誓!!!
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