MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4464: Does not want to miss

This treasure that blocked the mountain range, pouring is not tyrannical, I can easily its crushing.” “这件封锁了山脉的宝物,倒并不强横,我可以轻易将其击碎。” everyone, do we stronger to rush?” 诸位,我们要强闯吗?” Monster Horde Temple Hall Master, looks at that to block the treasure of that stretch of the world, in secret the sound transmission way, with Long Family Clan Head, Cloudy Sky Immortal Sect Supreme Elder, as well as Yu Celestial Clan Clan Head and others is communicating. 群妖圣殿殿主,看着那封锁着那片天地的宝物,以暗中传音的方式,与龙氏族长,云空仙宗太上长老,以及虞氏天族族长等人沟通着。 What is worth mentioning is, in the junior also some people received his sound transmission in secret. 值得一提的是,小辈之中也有人收到了他的暗中传音 But receives this in secret sound transmission, naturally is Chu Feng. 而收到这个暗中传音的,自然便是楚枫 Treasure that this is used to block, indeed is not specially tyrannical.” “这件用来封锁的宝物,的确不是特别强横。” „But if crushes directly, must alert the enemy.” “但若直接击碎,必会打草惊蛇。” Little Friend Chu Feng, you look, with Spirit Formation technique, quiet, opens together the gap on this treasure, do we go in quietly?” 楚枫小友,你看,能否用结界之术,悄无声息的,在这宝物上打开一道缺口,我们悄悄进去?” Long Family Clan Head asked to Chu Feng. 龙氏族长楚枫问道。 everyone senior, junior has observed, this treasure, Spirit Formation technique cannot break, and already to recognize as master, if the solution, only has two methods.” 诸位前辈,晚辈已经观察过了,这件宝物,结界之术不可破,并且已经认主,若要解,只有两种方法。” Either is a master, receives on own initiative it, either is the external force, its crushing.” “要么是主人,主动将其收起,要么就是外力,将其击碎。” But you carefully look there.” “可是你们仔细看那里。” During the Chu Feng speeches, aimed at a that treasure position. 楚枫说话间,指向了那至宝的一个方位。 That is a common place, but people looked, is in the heart is actually startled. 那本是一个不起眼的地方,可人们一看,却皆是心中一惊。 In there, has four characters, that four characters are very small, although seal above treasure, but actually not because of the expansion of treasure, but makes the typeface expand. 在那里,有着四个字,那四个字很小,虽印在宝物之上,可却并没有因为宝物的扩大,而使得字体扩大。 In addition is away from is very far, if not Chu Feng can point out, people have not really noticed that four characters. 再加上距离很远,若非楚枫可以指出,人们还真没注意到那四个字。 But that four characters, writes, actually yes: Nine Souls Saint Clan!!!! 可那四个字,所写的,却是:九魂圣族!!!! What Nine Souls Saint Clan is, is the Nine Souls Galaxy ruler. 九魂圣族为何物,乃是九魂天河的统治者。 The strength, above Shengguang Clan. 其实力,远在圣光一族之上。 could it be that, occupies this place, is the Nine Souls Saint Clan person?” 难道说,占据此地的,是九魂圣族的人?” After seeing the Nine Souls Saint Clan four characters, Monster Horde Temple Hall Master, eliminated crushed the plan of this thing forcefully. 看到九魂圣族四个字后,就连群妖圣殿殿主,也是打消了强行击碎此物的打算。 Although he is overbearing, but is actually not a boorish fellow, facing powerful existence, he is not willing to offend. 他虽霸道,但却不是莽夫,面对比自己强大的存在,他也不愿得罪。 Front gathered so many people, they know anything inevitably.” “前面聚集了那么多人,他们必然是知道什么。” We inquire one.” “我们还是打探一番吧。” Perhaps the situation, without us thinks is so bad.” “也许情况,没有我们想的那么糟糕。” Yu Celestial Clan Clan Head said. 虞氏天族族长说道。 But his proposition, obtained everyone's unanimous approval. 而他的这个提议,也是得到了大家的一致认同。 Monster Horde Temple Hall Master, after all is the character of keeping aloof, he always the style is overbearing incomparable, therefore his first idea, acts directly, snatches the struggle. 群妖圣殿殿主,毕竟是高高在上的人物,他向来行事风格就是霸道无比,所以他的第一想法,就是直接出手,与人去抢去争。 But when is unable to determine, actually after the opposite party is . 但当无法确定,对方究竟是谁之后。 Obviously, first inquires the situation, is the most correct choice. 显然,先打探情况,才是最正确的选择。 Therefore, the people then start to inquire the situation, but this inquiry, they relax actually. 于是,众人便开始打探情况,而这一打探,他们倒是松了一口气。 The good news, that occupies the person of this place, did not discover that secret place. 有一个好消息,那就是占据此地的人,并不是发现了那个秘地。 But because of a special spirit beast conceals in this place, blocks here, to catch that only spirit beast. 而是因为一只特殊的灵兽藏于此地,封锁这里,是为了抓到那只灵兽 But also the bad news, that occupies the person of this place, although is not the person of Nine Souls Saint Clan, but is deep a favor of Nine Souls Saint Clan princess. 但却也有一个坏消息,那就是占据此地之人,虽不是九魂圣族之人,但却深得九魂圣族一位公主殿下的青睐。 News has it that once had the influence on offend this person, but extermination of the clan. 据传闻,曾有势力得罪此人,而惨遭灭族。 Therefore, this person, although is not the person of Nine Souls Saint Clan, but also has Nine Souls Saint Clan to make Leaning Mountain. 所以,此人虽不是九魂圣族之人,但却也是有着九魂圣族靠山的。 Treasure that blocks this stretch of the world, likely is the Nine Souls Saint Clan princess donates. 那件封锁这片天地的宝物,很可能就是九魂圣族的公主殿下赠予的。 At present, reason that so many people gather here, that has the hearsay, the Nine Souls Saint Clan princess, before long, will arrive at this place. 眼下,之所以这么多人聚集此处,那是有传闻,九魂圣族的公主殿下,过不了多久,就会来到此地。 People, actually want to look, Nine Souls Saint Clan that princess. 人们,其实是想看一看,九魂圣族的那位公主殿下。 In this case, managed booing, since they do not come for secret, but seizes spirit beast, will catch spirit beast to leave.” “这样的话,倒好办了,他们既然不是为了秘地而来,而是抓捕灵兽,想必抓到灵兽就会离开。” We and other was OK.” “我们等一下就可以了。” Yu Celestial Clan has Elder to say. 虞氏天族有位长老说道。 You are like this stupid, how to make the Elder position?” “你这样愚蠢,是怎么做上长老位置的?” But that Elder this words just left, then encountered reprimanding of Monster Horde Temple Hall Master. 可是那位长老此话刚出,便遭到了群妖圣殿殿主的斥责。 They drag in lots of people grasps this spirit beast, explained that this spirit beast is not good to grasp, otherwise does not absolutely need there blockade.” “他们兴师动众的来抓这灵兽,说明这灵兽并不好抓,否则根本没必要将那里封锁。” They to grasp that spirit beast, definitely will turn that mountain range upside down, secret will expose sooner or later, perhaps, has exposed now.” “他们为了抓那灵兽,必然会将那山脉翻个底朝天,秘地迟早会暴露,说不定,现在已经暴露了。” Monster Horde Temple Hall Master said. 群妖圣殿殿主说道。 Hiss “嘶” Hears this words, many people hold breath cold air, the anxiety in heart is heavier. 听闻此话,许多人都倒吸一口凉气,心中的忧虑情绪更重。 They felt, Monster Horde Temple Hall Master said that is reasonable. 他们都觉得,群妖圣殿殿主所说,非常的有道理。 I look on the scene, not top expert.” “我看在场之中,并没有顶尖高手。” We the disguise, had been inferior in any case we rush forcefully, then enters secret to be good?” “反正我们都已经乔装了,不如我们强行闯进去,然后进入秘地可好?” The Monster Horde Temple Hall Master proposition said. 群妖圣殿殿主提议道。 Improper.” “不妥。” That secret place, but recorded situated in the mountain range, but the exact location has not recorded, even if we can enter the mountain range, must seek is good, if during this period, what to do the Nine Souls Saint Clan person did come?” “那秘地,只是记载了位于山脉之中,可具体位置并未记载,就算我们能进入山脉,也要寻找才行,若在此期间,九魂圣族的人来了怎么办?” Let alone, we are also unascertainable, this place does not have martial cultivation expert seriously hidden in the hidden place.” “何况,我们也不能确定,此地就当真没有修武高手隐于暗处。” I suggested that waits, do not act rashly.” “我建议,还是等一等,不要贸然出手。” „The Nine Souls Saint Clan person, we not provoke to well.” 九魂圣族的人,我们还是不要招惹为好。” But Long Family Clan Head, actually insisted vigorously, may not recklessly the unseemly behavior. 龙氏族长,却极力坚持,不可肆意妄为。 But, his suggestion, obtained everyone's consistent approval. 可偏偏,他的建议,也是得到了大家的一致赞成。 Everyone chose, quite safe way. 大家都还是选择了,较为安全的方式。 It seems like, can only meet one's fate with resignation.” “看来,只能听天由命了。” Yu Celestial Clan Clan Head spoke these words time, is seems very helpless. 虞氏天族族长说这句话的时候,也是显得非常无奈。 everyone senior, you in such me.” 诸位前辈,你们在此等我。” But at this moment, Chu Feng actually opens the mouth suddenly. 可就在这时,楚枫却是忽然开口。 Said that this words, he then walks toward that mountain range place. 说完此话,他便向那山脉处走去。 Chu Feng, what do you want to make?” 楚枫,你要做什么?” Sees that Long Family Clan Head rushes to stop. 见状,龙氏族长赶忙阻拦。 junior does not want to sit waiting for death, I want to try.” 晚辈不想坐以待毙,我想去试一试。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 You how trial, does that treasure have the means to break open with formation?” “你怎么试,那宝物不是没办法用结界破开吗?” However that entrance, some people guard.” “而那入口,也有人把守。” Long Family Clan Head said. 龙氏族长说道。 „Very simple, they do not want to look for spirit beast, I am World Spiritist, should be able to help.” “很简单,他们不是想找灵兽吗,我是界灵师,应该可以帮忙。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Little Friend Chu Feng, yourself go , was really dangerous.” 楚枫小友,你自己进去,实在是太危险了。” Moreover the matter about that secret place, I also hears that auctioneer to tell, is really false, is unable to confirm.” “况且关于那秘地的事,我也只是听闻那拍卖师讲述,到底是真是假,也无法确认。” You because of such a secret adventure, are not worth.” “你因为这样一个秘地冒险,不太值得。” Yu Celestial Clan Clan Head is also opens the mouth to urge. 虞氏天族族长也是开口劝道。 All expert on the scene, dissuade. 紧接着,在场的所有高手,都是纷纷劝阻。 They do not hope, Chu Feng takes risk. 他们都不希望,楚枫去冒险。 But Chu Feng actually shows a faint smile, said: everyone senior felt relieved, junior own discretion.” 可是楚枫却微微一笑,说道:“诸位前辈放心,晚辈自有分寸。” Said that this words, Chu Feng then approaches that mountain range the entrance place line. 说完此话,楚枫便向那山脉的入口处行去。 Others can sit waiting for death, at the worst misses this opportunity. 旁人可以坐以待毙,大不了错过这个机会。 But Chu Feng is not good. 楚枫却不行。 This is he since birth, possibly contacts his grandfather's opportunity for the first time. 这可是他有生以来,第一次可能接触到他爷爷的机会。 Chu Feng does not want to miss. 楚枫不想错过。
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