MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4463: Acting swiftly to get there first

Chu Hanxian?” 楚翰仙?” Hears these three characters, the Chu Feng innermost feelings shakes immediately. 听闻这三个字,楚枫内心顿时一震。 Even if he controls vigorously, but is unable to return to normal own mood. 哪怕他极力控制,可仍是无法平复自己的情绪。 Because of other, only is extremely not familiar because of this name. 不因别的,只因这个名字太过熟悉。 His grandfather, called Chu Hanxian. 他的爷爷,就叫楚翰仙 But Chu Feng has not displayed own excitement. 楚枫并未将自己的激动表现出来。 Big of the world, the person of the same name does not know many, Chu Feng is unascertainable, this Chu Hanxian, is own grandfather. 天下之大,同名之人不知有多少,楚枫不能确定,这个楚翰仙,就是自己的爷爷。 But still had certain possibility, is own grandfather. 但仍有一定的可能,是自己的爷爷。 After all in the past Chu Feng's Grandfather, after leaving Saint Light Galaxy, place that the place that first goes, possibly goes, should be Nine Souls Galaxy. 毕竟当年楚枫的爷爷,离开圣光天河后,最先来到的地方,最可能来到的地方,都应该是九魂天河 He in Nine Souls Galaxy, actually the possibility is very big. 他在九魂天河,其实可能性是很大的。 Therefore Chu Feng, will not let up this opportunity absolutely. 所以楚枫,绝对不会放过这次机会。 senior, what place is this?” 前辈,这是一个什么样的地方?” Clan Head of Chu Feng to Yu Celestial Clan asked. 楚枫虞氏天族族长问道。 Although has not expressed own mood, but actually also showed the enormous interest. 虽并未将自己的情绪表现出来,可却也表现出了极大的兴趣。 This place, he must go. 这个地方,他是一定要去的。 Sees Chu Feng to ask, Yu Celestial Clan Clan Head, has not spoken frankly, but first has in cosmos sack, took out a map. 楚枫问起,虞氏天族族长,并未直说,而是先出乾坤袋内,取出了一张地图。 This map, resembling is made by the external skin of some ominous beast, the time is remote, above unexpectedly gives out ancient times aura. 这张地图,似是由某种凶兽的表皮制成,时间久远,上面竟散发着远古气息。 And, Chu Feng can be faint to feel, this map, above should contain the Spirit Formation technique strength. 并且,楚枫能够隐隐间感受到,这张地图,上面应该是蕴藏着结界之术的力量。 The map has not opened, even Chu Feng, cannot see through, in the map records anything. 地图没有打开的时候,连楚枫,也是看不穿,地图内记载着什么。 His vision, is unable to penetrate this map. 他的目光,无法穿透这张地图。 But this also lets Chu Feng, is more curious. 可这却也让楚枫,更加好奇。 This thing, before is me, in Nine Souls Galaxy, at a special auction, pats at the high price.” “此物,乃是我之前,在九魂天河内,一场特殊的拍卖会上,以高价拍得的。” According to auctioneer, map above records secret place, secret within has the rare treasure.” “根据拍卖者所述,地图上面记载着一个秘地,秘地之内有秘宝。” Actually is what treasure, is unknown, but to cultivator, must helpful.” “究竟是何宝物,不得而知,但对修武者而言,必有帮助。” Everyone can look.” “大家可以看一看。” Yu Celestial Clan Clan Head, during the speeches, the map opens this originally is curling. 虞氏天族族长,说话间,将这张原本卷着的地图打开。 Opens descendants to discover, the map has no special place, but marked this place position. 打开后人们发现,地图没有任何特别之处,只是标记了此地的位置。 That position, in Nine Souls Galaxy Upper Realm. 那位置,是在九魂天河的一个上界内。 But those who made one sigh, the right bottom of that map, has a name. 而令人感叹的是,那地图的右下角,有着一个名字。 That precisely Chu Hanxian three characters. 正是楚翰仙三个字。 Sees that three characters, fluctuating of Chu Feng innermost feelings is more turbulent. 看到那三个字,楚枫内心的起伏更加汹涌。 „, On this map, only had the Chu Hanxian three characters.” “原本,这张地图上面,只有楚翰仙三个字。” According to auctioneer, that is the name of secret landlord person.” “根据拍卖者所述,那是秘地主人的名字。” At first, besides this secret master name, on map does not have any content, does not have the detailed road map of present.” “起初,除了这秘地主人名字外,地图上没有任何内容,也没有现在的这个详细的路线图。” According to auctioneer, the time that secret only then opening, can enter, in this map, will present the concrete position.” “根据拍卖者所述,那秘地只有到了开启,可以进入的时间,这张地图内,才会出现具体的位置。” However on a while ago, the map of this originally blank big piece, presented the detailed road map finally.” “而就在前段时间,这张原本空白大片的地图上面,终于出现了详细的路线图。” Yu Celestial Clan Clan Head said to the people. 虞氏天族族长对众人说道。 Is so mysterious?” “这么神奇?” The juniors exclaim. 小辈惊叹不已。 interesting.” 有点意思。” Such as Monster Horde Temple Hall Master and other powerhouses, shows a richer interest. 就连如群妖圣殿殿主等强者,也是表现出了更为浓郁的兴趣。 Yu Clan Head, when do we leave?” “虞氏族长,那我们何时动身?” Although Long Family Clan Head the words are tranquil, coming out that but people look, he is also becomes impatient. 龙氏族长虽话语平静,但人们都看的出来,他也是变得迫不及待。 After all, can let the place that Yu Celestial Clan Clan Head attaches great importance, had proven this place is not simple. 毕竟,能让虞氏天族族长重视的地方,就已经证明此地的不简单了。 Is cultivator, who is willing to miss such opportunity? 都是修武者,谁愿意错过这样的机会呢? everyone , if all right, I suggest now.” 诸位若是都没事的话,我建议现在就出发。” I suggested, we are disguise.” “不过我建议,我们还是乔装一下。” After all here is not Saint Light Galaxy, but is Nine Souls Galaxy, in this place, is the disguise one for good, so as to avoid makes the unnecessary trouble.” Yu Celestial Clan Clan Head said. “毕竟这里不是圣光天河,而是九魂天河,在这种地方,还是乔装一下为好,免得惹到不必要的麻烦。”虞氏天族族长说道。 Yu Clan Head, says is extremely.” “虞氏族长,所言极是。” The people said that does then does, not only received own token, wielded among the sleeves, may replace the clothing, the fluctuation facial features. 众人说做便做,不仅收起了自己的令牌,挥袖之间,就可更换衣衫,变幻面容。 Some people, for leakproof flaw, even uses treasure, takes the mask, changes own facial features, this was not seen through easily. 有的人,为了不漏破绽,甚至使用至宝,带上面具,来改变自己的面容,这样就更不容易被人看穿。 In an instant, those present, almost changed an appearance. 转眼间,在场的人们,几乎都变了一个模样。 May only have Chu Feng, is that appearance. 可唯有楚枫,还是那个样子。 Little Friend Chu Feng, your non- disguise?” 楚枫小友,你不乔装一下吗?” Sees plan that Chu Feng has not changed, some people of curious asking. 楚枫并没有改变的打算,有人好奇的问道。 everyone senior, I want to show by the appearance/portrait.” 诸位前辈,我还是想以真容示人。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 This......” “这个……” Little Friend Chu Feng has own consideration, we were not many urge.” “想必楚枫小友是有自己的考虑,那我们也就不多劝了。” Saw Chu Feng not to prepare to change the facial features seriously, the people have not said anything but actually. 楚枫当真不准备更改面容,众人倒也没说什么。 After all they have known, Chu Feng is not an idiot. 毕竟他们已经知道,楚枫可不是一个蠢货。 This is a very wise later generation, Chu Feng naturally has own idea. 这是一个非常有头脑的后辈,楚枫自然有自己的想法。 But what the people do not know, Chu Feng actually also wants to camouflage itself. 但众人不知道的是,楚枫其实也想伪装一下自己。 He does not dare, after all the mysterious people, kidnapped Zhao Hong. 只是他不敢啊,毕竟有一个神秘人,绑走了赵虹 Threatens Chu Feng by the Zhao Hong life, calling Chu Feng must show by the appearance/portrait. 赵虹的性命威胁楚枫,叫楚枫必须以真容示人。 Afterward, Monster Horde Temple, Yu Celestial Clan, Cloudy Sky Immortal Sect, as well as Long Family Clan Head, Long Xiaoxiao Chu Feng and others is then enormous and powerful, goes to the direction that map records. 随后,群妖圣殿,虞氏天族,云空仙宗,以及龙氏族长,龙晓晓楚枫等人便浩浩荡荡的,向那地图所记载的方向而去。 According to the map records, by this named Chu Hanxian, occupied secret place, situated in a human footmark rare mountain range. 根据地图所记载,被这个名为楚翰仙,占据的秘地,位于一座人迹罕见的山脉之中。 But after, they arrive at this place, has not seen that mountain range, actually difficult continues. 可是,当他们来到此地后,还未见到那山脉,却难以继续前行。 A giant white ray body, blocked the vast sky and land. 一座巨大的白色光芒体,封锁了一望无际的天空与大地。 The white ray body, is the translucent shape, resembling is formation, but probability body. 白色光芒体,为半透明状,似是结界,但又似实体。 A that is treasure, some people with the treasure, blocked that sky and land. 那乃是一件宝物,是有人用宝物,封锁了那片天空与大地。 The secret place that but, Chu Feng and others, must go, was just also sealed in middle. 可偏偏,楚枫等人,要去的秘地,刚好也被封在了当中。 What most made their puzzled was, beside this ray body, is gathering many troops unexpectedly. 最令他们不解的是,在这光芒体之外,竟然聚集着不少人马。 These people, do not come from the same influence, resembling is the person of surrounding, is surrounding anything. 那些人,并非来自同一势力,似是围观之人,在围观着什么。 Sees such battle formation, Chu Feng and others, is the brow slightly wrinkle, is worried. 看到这样的阵势,楚枫等人,皆是眉头微皱,心生担忧。 Is it possible that did some people act swiftly to get there first inadequately? 莫非,是有人捷足先登了不成?
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