MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4288: Mysterious man

The pressure came from the distant place, if invisible tsunami, place visited void disruption, a chaos piece. 威压自远处而来,如无形的海啸,所过之处虚空碎裂,混沌一片。 If, here is a cemetery, was quite terrifying. 假如说,此处乃是坟场,本就极为恐怖。 But at present came from the distant place, is more like the hell, that hell changes to invisible huge beast, is swallowing here all. 但眼下自远方而来的,更像是地狱,那地狱化作无形的巨兽,正在吞噬这里的一切。 And the speed is extremely fast, quick then swallows this cemetery thoroughly. 并且速度极快,很快便将这坟场彻底吞噬。 The space of this entire cemetery disrupted thoroughly, changed to jet black one side Endless Abyss!!! 这整个坟场的空间都彻底碎裂,化作了漆黑一边的无尽深渊!!! Facing this change, that void on great eye, had the enormous change. 面对这种变化,就连那虚空上的巨目,也是有了极大的变化。 He stares at the direction that pressure is sweeping across to come, suddenly sent out feeling relaxed smiling. 他盯着那威压席卷而来的方向,忽然发出了一声释然的笑。 No wonder.” “难怪。” No wonder, these three ants, have such guts, dares to excel at rushing to the main body territory.” “难怪,这三只蝼蚁,有如此胆量,胆敢擅闯本尊领地。” Originally also has Leaning Mountain behind.” “原来是身后还有靠山。” „Are you then that so-called Xianhai Yu Clan person?” “你便是那所谓仙海鱼族的人?” Not is only the person of kin, why does not come directly, but must run metal into cracks their three Human Taboo.” “既是同族之人,为何不直接现身,还要将他们三人禁锢。” You do not want to make them know, was you saved them in secret?” “你是不想让他们知道,是你暗中救了他们?” The terrifying exists to ask. 恐怖存在问道。 He has seen, now the Xianhai Shaoyu three people, are the static condition. 他已经看出,现在仙海少禹三人,属于静止状态。 The matter that under this condition, has at present, the Xianhai Shaoyu three people, will all not have detected slightly. 这种状态下,眼下所发生的事情,仙海少禹三人,皆不会有丝毫察觉。 But makes this matter, is not it, but is that comes to rescue Xianhai Shaoyu three people of that. 而做出这种事的,可不是它,而是那个前来解救仙海少禹三人的那位。 I am not the person of Xianhai Yu Clan.” “我并非仙海鱼族之人。” The distant place, broadcasts together the voice of man. 远处,传来一道男子的声音。 He is away from here to be extremely far, but the sound actually may the twinkling but. 他距离此处极远,可声音却可瞬息而至。 That sound is tranquil, not like the sound that the terrifying has, thunderous is more grating, each character resounds the land to be able such as the earthquake general fierce tremor. 那声音非常平静,不像恐怖存在的声音,比雷鸣都要刺耳,每个字响起大地都会如地震一般剧烈颤动。 The voice of man, looks like the ordinary dialogue, mild-mannered and cultivated, but also does not have base and low. 那男子的声音,就像是平常的对话,温文尔雅,但又没有一丝卑微。 Do not look at that sound, does not have the strength of shock and awe, but is quite clear. 别看那声音,不具备震慑之力,可却极为清晰。 Comes from the distant place, can actually let the clarity that you listen. 自远方而来,却可以让你听的清清楚楚。 This... needs the extremely strong skill!!! 这…需要极强的功力!!! Why do you want to help them?” “那你为何要帮他们?” The terrifying exists to ask. 恐怖存在问道。 Is that three girls, me knew that the person is concerned.” “是那三个姑娘,与我认识之人有关。” The distant place, the voice of man resounds again. 远处,那男子的声音再度响起。 Only because of this minor matter, drags in lots of people?” “只因为这件小事,就兴师动众?” The terrifying exists to ask. 恐怖存在问道。 Itself/Ben is the minor matter, what dragging in lots of people are you.” “本就是小事,兴师动众的是你。” The man in distant place said. 远方的男子说道。 I, if isn't willing to put their three people to leave?” “那我若不愿放他们三人离开呢?” The terrifying exists to ask. 恐怖存在问道。 You can want.” “你会愿意的。” The man in distant place said. 远方的男子说道。 This simple, what disclosed was the absolute self-confidence. 这简单的一句,透露出的乃是绝对的自信。 Although, the master of this place, is this covers void, changes the unceasing terrifying to exist. 虽然,此地的主人,乃是这遮盖虚空,变化不断的恐怖存在。 But the man, actually as if controlled all, exists including this terrifying from Ancient Era. 但男子,却仿佛主宰了一切,包括这位来自远古时期的恐怖存在。 Extremely arrogant.” “狂妄。” Suddenly, the terrifying existed to exude one to angrily roar. 猛然间,恐怖存在发出了一声怒吼。 In an instant, the world shakes, this jet black space, starts to change unexpectedly. 刹那间,天地震荡,这漆黑一片的空间,竟然开始变化。 The space of disruption starts to restore, in an instant, this stretch of the world, restored again, everywhere white bones, the strange scene of everywhere dark cloud. 碎裂的空间开始恢复,转眼之间,这片天地,就再度恢复成了,满地白骨,漫天乌云的诡异景象。 All, all restore such as beginning. 一切,全都恢复如初。 Main body must make you know, who is the control of this place!!!” “本尊要让你知道,谁才是此地的主宰!!!” The terrifying has this words saying that the dark cloud of that everywhere then also had the change. 恐怖存在此话说出,那漫天的乌云便又有了变化。 Everywhere dark cloud, becomes jet black, during is jet black is infiltrating the blood light. 漫天乌云,变得漆黑,漆黑之中又渗透着血光。 What is strangest, that is doping blood light black flame, not only surges above void. 最诡异的是,那掺杂着血光的黑色气焰,不仅在虚空之上涌动。 If such strange Mist , also infiltrates arrogantly unexpectedly unceasingly. 如这样诡异的气焰,自大地之中,竟也不断渗透而出。 However Mist of this terrifying, only exists in the terrifying condenses behind. 不过这恐怖的气焰,只在恐怖存在身后凝聚。 Meanwhile, destructive aura, is even more rich. 与此同时,一股毁灭性的气息,也是越发浓郁。 That feeling, seems this terrifying to exist, is conducting some type to gather the strength, wants to the distant place, launches the destructive attack. 那种感觉,就好像这恐怖存在,正在进行着某种蓄力,欲对远方,进行毁灭性的攻击。 I do not want to begin.” “我不想动手。” Wants forced me “非要逼我吗” The distant place, the voice of man resounds again. 远处,那男子的声音再度响起。 In the sound, has unexpectedly wipes reluctantly. 声音之中,竟有着一抹无奈。 Hahaha......” 哈哈哈哈……” But at this moment, the terrifying existed sent out laughing that infiltrated the person. 而这一刻,恐怖存在则是发出了渗人的大笑。 In that laughter, is proud extremely arrogant overbearing, there is a pride of if I can not do it , who can, simultaneously has the anger of sweeping across the world. 那笑声之中,乃是自负狂妄的霸道,也有舍我其谁的骄傲,同时更是有着席卷天地的愤怒。 Extremely arrogant later generation, the main body knows your some methods.” “狂妄的后辈,本尊知道你有些手段。” But your being proud, enraged the main body.” “但你的自负,激怒了本尊。” Main body must make you know, anything is the true strength!!!” “本尊要让你知道,什么才是真正的力量!!!” …… 嗷呜 Finishes speaking, that gathers strength black flame as before, then goes to the direction oppression that the man is. 话音刚落,那蓄力依旧的黑色气焰,便向男子所在的方向压迫而去。 Black air/Qi everywhere, covering the sky and blocking the sun, in front of this black flame, as if all can destroy, even if a side world, does not have the resistance. 黑气漫天,遮天蔽日,在这黑色气焰面前,仿佛一切都可以毁灭,哪怕是一方世界,也是没有招架之力。 But black flame of this terrifying, this is smuggling blood light black flame, without destroying any object, it directly soars the direction of that man to go. 但这恐怖的黑色气焰,这夹带着血光的黑色气焰,没有毁灭任何物体,它直奔那男子的方向而去。 That feeling, seems like it not to waste a strength, actually other destruction things. 那种感觉,就好像是它不愿浪费一丝力量,却毁灭其他事物。 It wants to the most complete strength, is used to punish the man in distant place completely. 它欲要将最完整的力量,全部用来惩罚远处的男子。 滋啦啦 But, that black flame has not arrived at the direction that the man is. 可是,那黑色气焰还未到达男子所在的方向。 In distant place that the man is, then the ray emerges suddenly. 在男子所在的远方,便突然光芒涌现。 The dazzling ray, came from the distant place, raises just like the rising sun, but is bright several times compared with the rising sun, gorgeous several times. 耀眼的光芒,自远方而来,宛如初日升起,但比初日明亮数倍,绚丽数倍。 that is nine color rays. 那乃是九色光芒。 Nine rays, such as the crazy demon chaotic dance is ordinary, came from the distant place. 九种光芒,如狂魔乱舞一般,自远方而来。 Follows to come, grating roaring. 伴随而来的,还有刺耳的咆哮。 Carefully looks, originally that is the thunder, everywhere thunder, covers the world of distant place, covering the sky and blocking the sun, overbearing incomparable. 仔细一看,原来那是雷霆,漫天的雷霆,覆盖远方的世界,遮天蔽日,霸道无比。 That everywhere nine-colored lightning, not only gives out sacred aura, and has the strength of destruction, such as the sharp blade of control world, from the distant place chops to cut. 那漫天的九色雷霆,既散发神圣气息,又具备毁灭之力,如主宰天地的利刃,自远方劈斩而来。 Heaven rank bloodlines?!!!” 天级血脉?!!!” Main body knew, you indeed do not come from Xianhai Yu Clan, you are the person of that boy.” “本尊知道了,你的确不是来自仙海鱼族,你是那个小子的人。” Cannot think that boy has people like you to support unexpectedly.” “想不到,那个小子竟有你这样的人来撑腰。” The terrifying exists to say. 恐怖存在说道。 Regarding these words, the man in distant place has not responded, but said: Now calls a halt with enough time, I do not want to injure you.” 对于这番话,远方的男子没有回应,而是说道:“现在停手来得及,我不想伤你。” Doesn't want to injure me?” “不想伤我?” Big tone.” “好大的口气。” Camouflages the void great face, sent out one to sneer. 遮蔽虚空的巨脸,又发出了一阵冷笑。 So, but also is unable to win me.” “只是如此,还无法胜我。” …… 嗷呜 This words fall, that is smuggling blood light black flame, starts to change unexpectedly. 此话落下,那夹带着血光的黑色气焰,竟然开始变化。 That blood light, changed to the blood red eye completely, originally in that black flame, is hiding the innumerable monsters. 那血光,全部化作了血红色的眼睛,原来那黑色气焰之中,藏着无数怪物。 At this moment, that black flame strength, is the twinkling increases. 这一刻,那黑色气焰的力量,更是瞬息增加。 Originally, this terrifying exists, before hid the true strength specially. 原来,这恐怖存在,之前特意隐藏了自己真正的力量。 When the two are going to fight, displayed the strength truly. 直到二者将要交手之际,才真正展现出了力量。 After the strength shows, that black flame, has collided with nine-colored lightning in one. 当力量展现之后,那黑色气焰,已与九色雷霆碰撞在了一起。 …… 嗷呜 But after, both collide, in that black flame, actually transmits intermittently wails. 可是,当两者碰撞之后,那黑色气焰之中,却传来阵阵哀嚎。 „Is that?!” “那是?!” But a pair of great eye that at the same time, that terrifying has, was emerges thick startled to accommodate. 而与此同时,那恐怖存在的一双巨目,更是涌现出了浓浓的惊容。 The original two covering the sky and blocking the sun strength collides mutually, that thunder also had the change. 原来两股遮天蔽日的力量相互碰撞,那雷霆也有了变化。 The thunder wriggles unceasingly, was faint changed to thunder huge beast. 雷霆不断蠕动,隐隐间似是化作了雷霆巨兽 Nine thunder huge beast, to expose complete picture, as if they are giant, this world is unable to put down their whole bodies. 九只雷霆巨兽,皆为展露全貌,仿佛它们巨大到,这个世界都无法放下它们的全身。 At present, that nine-colored lightning and black flame interweave. 眼下,那九色雷霆黑色气焰交织。 Thunder like sharp claws, unceasing rips the smashing black flame. 雷霆如利爪,正在不断的将黑色气焰撕成粉碎。 That has black flame of strength of destruction, in front of that thunder, does not have the strength to hit back unexpectedly!!! 那本已具有毁灭之力的黑色气焰,在那雷霆面前,竟毫无还手之力!!! If, the group beast in black flame, is the very ruthless group wolf. 如果说,黑色气焰内的群兽,是狠辣的群狼。 That dazzling thunder, is nine sweeping away all obstacles kings of beasts. 那耀眼的雷霆,就是九只所向披靡的兽王。 Both relative, who who is weak, immediately is clear. 两者相对,谁强谁弱,立刻见分晓。 To that black flame, has the strength of destruction, but in front of nine-colored lightning, is frail. 任凭那黑色气焰,拥有毁灭之力,但在九色雷霆面前,也是脆弱不已。 Suddenly, everywhere thunder arrives at the near, as for that black flame, was all ripped the smashing. 眨眼之间,漫天的雷霆已是来到近前,至于那黑色气焰,皆被撕成了粉碎。 “唔” Suddenly, void above broadcasts a painful sound. 忽然,虚空之上传来一声痛苦的声音。 That camouflage void terrifying exists, changed in this moment small. 紧接着,那遮蔽虚空的恐怖存在,都在这一刻变小了许多。 But that controls all aura, lets constriction that the person dreads, also weakens. 而那主宰一切的气息,让人畏惧的压迫感,也是随之减弱。 …… 呃咳咳咳咳 Meanwhile, void above hears the rending gasping and coughing sound unexpectedly, continued to return to normal some little time gradually. 与此同时,虚空之上竟传来撕心裂肺的喘咳声,持续了好一会才渐渐平复。
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