MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4287: killing intent has decided

That may not seem like says casually. 那位可不像是随便说说。 Its this words saying at the same time, that suffocating oppression, has dropped from the clouds. 它此话说出的同时,那种令人窒息的压迫,已是从天而降。 And that enters this place Teleportation Formation also to be blocked. 并且那进入此地的传送阵也被封锁。 At present situation, in imminent danger. 眼下局势,岌岌可危。 This Sir, I know that your cultivation realm is extremely strong, above our generation.” “这位大人,我知道您修为极强,远在我辈之上。” However we are unsolicited, indeed many offends.” “而我们不请自来,也的确多有冒犯。” But I believe that if your such character, inevitably is also person of the bright affair, cannot, because we are unsolicited, can send us in the deathtrap?” “但我相信,如您这样的人物,必然也是一个明事理之人,总不能因为我们不请自来,就非要致我们于死地吧?” Moreover we are the Xianhai Yu Clan clansmen, this is my Xianhai Yu Clan Young Lord.” “况且我们乃仙海鱼族族人,这位乃是我仙海鱼族少主。” If said that but also looks at this Sir, gives me a Xianhai Yu Clan face.” “若说可以,还望这位大人,给我仙海鱼族一个面子。” We come this really and harmless, but wants to ask about something.” “我们来此真的并无恶意,只是想询问一些事情罢了。” Sir Gusu the congealing sound said. 姑苏大人凝声说道。 Although she surface is calm, the innermost feelings are actually flurried. 她虽表面沉稳,实则内心慌乱无比。 Because she knows, the opposite party really has the ability their easy killing. 因为她知道,对方真的有能力将她们轻而易举的杀死。 They now, are in the tiger's den. 她们现在,乃是身于虎穴之中。 Therefore, she has to lift Xianhai Yu Clan to protect itself. 所以,她不得不抬出仙海鱼族来保护自己。 Meanwhile, actually does not dare to be put on a high and mighty act, instead wants to be reasonable. 但同时,却也不敢趾高气昂,反而要讲道理。 Because indicated from all sorts of signs, this most is Ancient Era demon. 因为从种种迹象表明,这位多半就是远古时期的魔物。 Coming out that probably this existence, it often anything makes. 像是这种存在,它往往什么事情都做的出来。 Facing this existence, can only come softly, cannot come hardly. 面对这种存在,只能来软的,不可来硬的。 Jie Jie Jie......” “桀桀桀……” However, after Sir Gusu these words fall, trades is actually that one laughter that is full of the taunt. 然而,姑苏大人这番话落下后,换来的却是那位一阵充满嘲讽的笑声。 present age martial practitioner, is the ants, I manage you am Yu Clan or Xia Clan.” “当代武者,皆是蝼蚁,我管你是鱼族还是虾族。” If the main body makes you come, you are even overwhelming, the main body is not strange.” “若本尊让你来,你就算翻江倒海,本尊也不怪。” But permits without the main body, enters the territory of main body, then only has the dead end.” “但未经本尊允许,进入本尊之领地,便只有死路一条。” That this words saying, immediately is blustery, the thunder, boundless killing intent, such as the dark cloud of that everywhere is common, covered entire void. 那位此话说完,顿时风起云涌,电闪雷鸣,磅礴的杀意,已如那漫天的乌云一般,遮盖了整个虚空。 That oppression, in eye of Xianhai Shaoyu, emerges the fear. 那种压迫,仙海少禹的眼中,也是涌现出了恐惧。 But such as Xianhai Xin'er, was closed the eye that frightened. 而如仙海馨儿,更是吓的闭上了眼睛。 Existed facing this, she knows to escape uselessly, if opposite party real killing intent has decided that is waiting for them, only had the death. 面对这等存在,她知道逃跑无用,若对方真的杀意已决,等待着他们的,唯有死亡。 senior, please wait.” 前辈,请等一下。” When this is at a crucial moment, Xianhai Shaoyu is actually the calm opens the mouth. 可就这千钧一发之际,仙海少禹却是沉稳开口。 Not only the opens the mouth, he spoke, before arriving at the body of Xianhai Xin'er and Xianhai Gusu unexpectedly, them, blocked in oneself behind. 不仅开口,他说话之间,竟走到了仙海馨儿仙海姑苏的身前,将她们二人,拦在了自己身后。 Last words?” “还有遗言?” That terrifying exists to ask. 那恐怖存在问道。 Does not have the last words, but enters here, is my decision.” “没有遗言,只是进入此处,乃是我之决定。” Has nothing to do with them, putting them leaves may be good?” “与她们二人无关,放她们离开可好?” Xianhai Shaoyu said. 仙海少禹说道。 You are loyal actually very much.” “你倒是很讲义气。” Pitifully, the main body had said you die completely, you must die completely.” “不过可惜,本尊说过你们全部死,你们就必须全部死。” That terrifying exists to say. 那恐怖存在说道。 senior, you hidden here many years.” 前辈,您隐于此处多年。” Did not know about the present era.” “对当今时代并不了解。” May probably despise cultivator of present era not.” “可莫要轻看了当今时代的修武者。” You, if because of this minor matter, insisted on wanting to kill us.” “您若因为这种小事,执意想要杀了我们。” junior feared that you regretted.” 晚辈怕您后悔。” During the Xianhai Shaoyu speeches, untied the clothing suddenly, the clothing untied, had the ray to emerge unexpectedly. 仙海少禹说话间,忽然解开了衣衫,衣衫解开,竟有光芒涌现。 In its chest front, the unexpectedly red gems, that gem such as the blood builds, the object surges, resembling is a life body is ordinary. 在其胸前,竟有一颗红色的宝石,那宝石如血打造而成,其中还有物体涌动,似是一个生命体一般。 At first sight resembles is treasure, but if carefully watches, actually performs obviously strangely. 乍一看似是至宝,但若仔细观看,却尽显诡异。 That red gem, inserted in the heart of Xianhai Shaoyu, as unexpectedly the heart beats, as if has fused together with his heart. 那颗红色宝石,嵌入了仙海少禹的心脏之中,竟随着心脏跳动,仿佛已与他的心脏融为一体。 But all around of that strange gem, covered entirely the complex and mysterious trace, that ray precisely that trace release. 而那诡异宝石的四周,布满了复杂且神秘的纹路,那光芒正是那纹路释放而出。 But that trace, obviously is the black!!! 可那纹路,明明是黑色!!! Sir Young Lord, you......” 少主大人,您……” Sees that ray Gusu big face look changes complex. 看到那光芒姑苏大人脸色变得复杂。 The clansman as Xianhai Yu Clan, she knows that Xianhai Shaoyu chest front, that is anything. 身为仙海鱼族的族人,她知道仙海少禹胸前的,那是什么。 That protects formation technique. 那是守护阵法 Only has, when the Xianhai Shaoyu life was threatened, will trigger. 唯有当仙海少禹生命受到威胁之时,才会触发。 Xianhai Shaoyu, always stronger, likes wanderer vast martial cultivation world, even if some people follow, does not allow to follow her person, the strength exceeds him. 仙海少禹,向来要强,喜欢自己闯荡浩瀚修武界,就算有人跟着,也不允许跟着她的人,实力超越他。 May as the Xianhai Yu Clan current strength strongest talent, be the successor of future Xianhai Yu Clan throne. 可身为仙海鱼族当今实力最强的天才,身为未来仙海鱼族王位的继承人。 Xianhai Yu Clan is naturally impossible, making it have no in the situation of safeguard like this, walks alone outside. 仙海鱼族自然不可能,让其就这样没有任何保障的情况下,独自在外行走。 Therefore after consoling, on Xianhai Shaoyu, left behind this to protect formation technique. 所以经过劝解,才在仙海少禹身上,留下了这座守护阵法 This protects formation technique when Xianhai Shaoyu, encounters the danger triggers. 这守护阵法会在仙海少禹,遇到生命危险时触发。 The lethality is extremely strong. 杀伤力极强。 But because of this formation technique, is connected with the Xianhai Shaoyu soul. 但因这阵法,与仙海少禹灵魂相连。 If this formation technique were really triggered, the body of Xianhai Shaoyu will also be damaged. 倘若这阵法真的被触发,仙海少禹的身体也将受损。 Buzz Buzz In the meantime, Xianhai Xin'er and Xianhai Gusu, all are the mind shake. 就在此时,仙海馨儿仙海姑苏,皆是心神一震。 They feel, the Xianhai Shaoyu aura, floods into their within the body. 她们感觉到,仙海少禹的气息,涌入她们体内。 At this time they understand, Xianhai Shaoyu really prepared life-and-death to wrestle. 此时她们明白,仙海少禹是真的准备殊死一搏了。 When the Xianhai Shaoyu aura, after entering their within the body, that protects the formation technique release time, will then distinguish, can make them not be attacked by formation technique. 仙海少禹的气息,进入她们体内后,那守护阵法释放的时候,便会进行识别,可以让她们不受阵法攻击。 Protects formation technique.” “守护阵法。” „Is this in the threat main body?” “这是在威胁本尊吗?” The sound that terrifying has is even more disgruntled, obviously its this character, is impossible unable to see protection formation technique before Xianhai Shaoyu body, is the fierce method. 那恐怖存在的声音越发不悦,显然它这种人物,不可能看不出仙海少禹身前的守护阵法,是何等厉害的手段。 „It is not the threat, but is this formation technique on my body.” “并非威胁,而是这阵法就在我的身上。” You, if kills me, must first break it.” “你若要杀我,必先破它。” Xianhai Shaoyu said. 仙海少禹说道。 Such being the case, I first broke it, then killed you.” “既然如此,那我先破了它,再杀了你。” Suddenly, the billowing dark cloud, drops from the clouds, that dreadful killing intent, is following. 猛然间,滚滚乌云,从天而降,那滔天的杀意,更是随之而来。 That terrifying exists, saw obviously that protects the formation technique danger, but it does not fear unexpectedly, the choice writes off Xianhai Shaoyu. 那恐怖存在,明明看出了那守护阵法的危险,可它竟丝毫不惧,还是选择抹杀仙海少禹 At this time, not to mention Xianhai Xin'er, Sir Gusu, was frightens closed the eye. 此时,莫说仙海馨儿,就连姑苏大人,都是吓得闭上了眼睛。 Facing this existence, they are unable to control the war. 面对这种存在,他们都无法左右战局。 Only can all, give Xianhai Shaoyu protection formation technique. 只能将一切,交给仙海少禹身上的守护阵法 We hope that protects formation technique, can write off this time void above ancient times demon. 希望那守护阵法,能够将此时虚空之上的远古魔物抹杀。 Although protects formation technique to trigger, will make Xianhai Shaoyu carry the heavy losses, but at this moment, has no other alternative. 虽然守护阵法触发,会让仙海少禹身负重创,但事到如今,也别无他法。 Buzz But suddenly, Xianhai Shaoyu, Xianhai Xin'er, the Xianhai Gusu three people of surroundings, solidified unexpectedly. 可忽然之间,仙海少禹,仙海馨儿,仙海姑苏三人的周围,竟然凝固了。 Not was only their three solidified, around them all solidified, as if the time in their surroundings, stopped the circulation. 不仅仅是他们三个凝固了,他们周围的一切都凝固了,就仿佛时间在他们的周围,停止了流转。 Meanwhile, in their surroundings, but also presented the invisible barrier. 与此同时,在他们三人的周围,还出现了无形的屏障。 Although that barrier is invisible, but actually protects their three people in middle. 那屏障虽是无形,可却将他们三人守护在当中。 The dark cloud that whatever that drops from the clouds, regarding in its periphery, wails unceasingly intermittently, wreaks havoc crazily, but is actually not able to penetrate that barrier, is unable to injure and Xianhai Shaoyu three people of iotas. 任凭那从天而降的乌云,不断围绕在其周围,哀嚎阵阵,疯狂肆虐,但却无法穿透那屏障,更是无法伤及仙海少禹三人分毫。 Sees this, that void above, terrifying great eye, had the change. 见到这一幕,那虚空之上,恐怖的巨目,也是有了变化。 That pair can pierce the vision of vault of heaven, looked to the distant place of this world. 那双可以洞穿苍穹的目光,看向了这个世界的远方。 Since came, then comes!!!” “既然都来了,便现身吧!!!” That terrifying existed, made the slating sound. 那恐怖存在,发出了雷鸣般的声音。 whistling 呼呼呼 But he finishes speaking, the distant place that he stares, then changes suddenly. 而他话音刚落,他所凝视的远方,便风云突变。 An invisible strength, sweeps across from the distant place. 一股无形的力量,自远处席卷而来。 that is, pressure!!! 那乃是,威压!!!
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