MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4217: Dragon Transformation First Level?

Quite fierce, could it be that, beforehand hasn't Little Brother Chu Feng, simply displayed the full power?” “好厉害,难道说,之前的楚枫兄弟,根本没有施展全力?” Looks at Chu Feng, unexpectedly got the winning side, Yuan Shu was wild with joy. 看着楚枫,居然占据了上风,袁术欣喜若狂。 Said honestly, after experiencing the first showdown . 老实讲,经历了第一次对决之后。 Regarding this second showdown, he has not held the too high hope. 对于这第二次对决,他并没有抱有太大希望。 If not for his teacher does not permit, he will even open the mouth to stop, does not make Chu Feng continue to ask for trouble. 若不是他师尊不允许,他甚至都会开口阻拦,不让楚枫继续自讨苦吃。 Does not want to let Chu Feng, discarded the remnant chart of four ancient times spirit territory in vain. 更不想让楚枫,白白丢掉四张远古灵域的残图。 Because of starting not to have had the expectation, therefore at this time regarding this situation, such being wild with joy, after all this is a sudden unexpected happiness. 正因开始没有抱有期望,所以此时对于这个局势,才会如此的欣喜若狂,毕竟这可是突如其来的意外之喜。 Wind and snow, are you up to mischief?!!!” “风雪,你搞什么鬼?!!!” Sees this situation, that Revered Master Beast Tamer may scare. 见此情形,那驭兽尊师可就吓坏了。 This showdown, he put out four ancient times spirit territory remnant chart to take the gambling stake. 这一场对决,他可是拿出了四张远古灵域残图作为赌注的。 This showdown, only may win, cannot defeat!!! 这场对决,只可胜,不可败!!! Damn!” “该死!” Was reprimanded by the teacher, originally complexion ugly/difficult to look at Li Fengxue, is the brow tight wrinkle. 被师尊如此斥责,本就脸色难看的李风雪,更是眉头紧皱。 Under has no alternative, in his eye emerges to wipe to have made up mind. 无可奈何之下,他的眼中涌现出一抹决意。 Afterward, he made a movement that swallows the saliva. 随后,他做出了一个吞咽口水的动作。 Buzz After this movement, the body of Li Fengxue, then gives out had/left the fluctuation. 这个动作过后,李风雪的身上,便散发出了波动。 That fluctuation is getting stronger and stronger, changes said spell that innumerably golden light sparkles, regarding his whole body revolving. 那波动越来越强,化作无数道金光闪闪的符咒,围绕着他的周身旋转。 But next quarter, above his Spirit Formation method, presented these formation spells. 而下一刻,他的结界阵法之上,也是出现了那些结界符咒。 His Spirit Formation method, the might increases immediately. 他的结界阵法,威力顿时大增。 Li Fengxue, how you can be so shameless, swallows forbidden medicine unexpectedly.” 李风雪,你怎能如此无耻,竟然吞服禁药。” Sees this situation, always temperament good Yuan Shu, cannot bear curse angrily one. 见此情形,向来脾气好的袁术,忍不住怒骂一声。 He sees that spell, coming out that looks, Li Fengxue used the method beyond oneself strength. 他只是看到那符咒,就看的出来,李风雪乃是用了自身实力之外的手段。 He took formation forbidden medicine. 他乃是服用了结界禁药 That formation forbidden medicine , like Martial Power forbidden medicine, can strengthen the strength. 结界禁药,与武力禁药相同,都是可以增强战力的。 What is only different, what Martial Power forbidden medicine strengthens is Martial Power. 唯一不同的是,武力禁药增强的乃是武力 But the formation forbidden medicine enhancement, naturally is formation power. 结界禁药增强的,自然便是结界之力 Li Fengxue, although has not taken out formation forbidden medicine to swallow directly, but he swallowed forbidden medicine inevitably, will have this effect. 李风雪,虽然并未直接取出结界禁药吞服,但他必然是吞服了禁药,才会有这种效果。 But some World Spiritist, with cultivator, for just in case, pour also concealed forbidden medicine in the mouth, can take when the showdown. 而有些界灵师,和修武者,为了以防万一,倒也会在口中藏颗禁药,可以在对决之时服用。 Therefore looks like in Yuan Shu, Li Fengxue inevitably in mouth, conceals formation forbidden medicine. 所以在袁术看来,李风雪必然就是在口中,藏下了结界禁药 And looked formation power that he strengthens at this time, can judge, that formation forbidden medicine that he swallows, the might is extremely good. 并且看他此时增强的结界之力,也是能够判断,他所吞服的那颗结界禁药,威力极其不俗。 Controlling beast, your was disciple, too rather shameless?” “驭兽,你这弟子,未免太无耻了吧?” Oneself skill cannot fight, does the heresy?” “自身本事斗不过,就搞旁门左道?” „Is this good disciple that you teach?” “这就是你教出来的好弟子?” At this time, Grandmaster Tang Chen, cannot bear open the mouth to reprimand. 此时,就连汤臣大师,也是忍不住开口斥责。 Tang Chen, the words do not speak irresponsibly.” 汤臣,话可不要乱说。” „Before the competition, but no one has said that cannot use other strengths to help own.” “比拼之前,可没有谁说过,不能使用其他力量帮助自己的。” That Chu Feng , can definitely use.” “那楚枫,也完全可以使用啊。” Revered Master Beast Tamer said. 驭兽尊师说道。 You......” “你……” Hears this words, Grandmaster Tang Chen is really uncomfortable. 听闻此话,汤臣大师甚是不爽。 However he has not talked too much, without the plan flaunts the strength of argument with this Revered Master Beast Tamer. 不过他并未多言,没有打算与这驭兽尊师逞口舌之力。 The opposite party did not speak the custom, do not blame him not to speak the custom. 对方不讲规矩,就别怪他不讲规矩。 He has set firm resolve, if this showdown, Chu Feng lost. 他已经下定决心,若是这场对决,楚枫输了。 He will not let Chu Feng, that four ancient times spirit territory remnant chart, gave Revered Master Beast Tamer. 他不会让楚枫,将那四张远古灵域残图,交给驭兽尊师 He will determine, Li Fengxue is contrary to the rule, making him win white/in vain this. 他会判定,李风雪有违规则,让他白赢这一场。 And, but must this to masters and disciples two, expel this place. 并且,还要将这对师徒两个,赶出此地。 Li Fengxue, are you up to mischief?!” 李风雪,你在搞什么鬼?!” Has not given the old man earnestly!!!” “还不给老夫认真一点!!!” Suddenly, that Revered Master Beast Tamer bellows. 忽然,那驭兽尊师大吼一声。 And, at this time his complexion, becomes very ugly/difficult to look at. 并且,此时他的脸色,变得非常难看。 Hears this words, Grandmaster Tang Chen also hurries the vision, goes to Chu Feng and that Li Fengxue war circle. 听闻此话,汤臣大师也是赶忙将目光,投向楚枫与那李风雪的战圈。 Then discovered, the Chu Feng's advantage, was unexpectedly bigger than previously. 这才发现,楚枫的优势,竟然比先前更大了。 But obviously, Li Fengxue formation power, obtained the enormous enhancement!!! 可是明明,李风雪结界之力,是得到了极大增强的啊!!! But actually, is unable to contend with Chu Feng. 但却,根本无法与楚枫抗衡。 This power and influence, could it be that... Little Friend Chu Feng has he, grasped Dragon Transformation Second Level?” “这种威势,难道说楚枫小友他,已经掌握了龙变二重?” When excited, Grandmaster Tang Chen cannot bear blurt out. 激动之际,汤臣大师忍不住脱口而出。 Dragon Transformation Second Level?” 龙变二重?” Hears this words, Yuan Shu in great surprise. 听闻此话,袁术大惊。 But that Revered Master Beast Tamer, was gloomy on the complexion. 可是那驭兽尊师,可是就脸色阴沉了。 He can feel, Chu Feng this time formation power, had gone to the Third Rank Supreme Venerable situation. 他能感觉到,楚枫此时的结界之力,已是达到了三品至尊的地步。 However common Dragon Transformation First Level, but endures to compare Second Rank Supreme Venerable. 但是寻常的龙变一重,只是堪比二品至尊而已。 Chu Feng's formation power, indeed has surpassed Dragon Transformation First Level. 楚枫的结界之力,的确已经超出了龙变一重 „Does this little rascal, hide the strength unexpectedly?” “这小鬼,竟然隐藏实力?” „, The old man was swindled.” “吗的,老夫上当了。” Revered Master Beast Tamer did not shout secretly well. 驭兽尊师暗叫不好。 He understood all. 他明白了一切。 Chu Feng is intentionally. 楚枫是故意的。 That Chu Feng first loses to his disciple intentionally. 楚枫故意先败给他弟子一场。 The goal, is tempts him to comply, competes with it again. 目的,就是引诱他答应,再与其比拼一场。 But in this second, pressed the enough four ancient times remnant charts, as gambling stake. 而在这第二场,就压上了足足四张远古残图,作为赌注。 But this second, they did not have the odds of success. 可是偏偏这第二场,他们本就毫无胜算。 Damn.” “该死。” Reflected Revered Master Beast Tamer that the tooth of air/Qi bites squeak squeak makes noise. 反映过来的驭兽尊师,气的牙齿都咬的吱吱作响。 Teacher, saves me!!!” “师尊,救我!!!” But that Li Fengxue, is starts to call for help loudly. 可那李风雪,则是开始大声呼救。 Because, Chu Feng's formation power, has oppressed him. 因为,楚枫的结界之力,已经压迫到了他近前。 Although, Li Fengxue is also a Supreme Venerable Realm powerhouse, but also is only Second Rank Supreme Venerable. 虽然,李风雪也是一位至尊境强者,可是也只是二品至尊而已。 His Martial Power cultivation realm, but also is far less than Yuan Shu. 他的武力修为,还远不如袁术 How can resist, endures to compare Third Rank Supreme Venerable Realm formation power??? 怎能抵挡,堪比三品至尊境结界之力??? Useless thing, died considering as finished.” “没用的东西,死了算了。” At this time, Revered Master Beast Tamer is angry-looking, he simply has not rescued the plan of his disciple. 此时,驭兽尊师一脸怒容,他根本没有救他弟子的打算。 Little Friend Chu Feng, the point, puts his horse.” 楚枫小友,点到为止,放他一马吧。” Actually Grandmaster Tang Chen opens the mouth. 倒是汤臣大师开口了。 „The opposite party has not admitted defeat.” “对方还未认输。” When Chu Feng spoke this words, that formation power power and influence, is becomes stronger. 楚枫说此话之时,那结界之力的威势,则是变得更强。 I admit defeat, I admit defeat!!!” “我认输,我认输!!!” Does not see with own eyes wonderfully, Li Fengxue opens the mouth again and again. 眼见不妙,李风雪则是连连开口。 He felt, he does not admit defeat, the opposite party will really kill himself. 他觉得,他再不认输,对方真的会杀了自己。 But after he admits defeat, Chu Feng took back own formation power. 而他认输之后,楚枫则是收回了自己的结界之力 As for that Li Fengxue, then sat down exhausted on the ground, the whole person was silly generally. 至于那李风雪,则是瘫坐在了地上,整个人都傻了一般。 Receiving let.” “承让了。” Chu Feng smiles, held holding the fist in the other hand to Li Fengxue. 楚枫笑眯眯的,对李风雪抱了抱拳。 Looks appearance that Chu Feng that smiles, Revered Master Beast Tamer is more indignant, in the eye has killing intent to surge. 只是,看着楚枫那笑眯眯的模样,驭兽尊师则是更加气愤,眼中都有杀意涌动。 If not for Tang Chen here, he meets a palm of the hand absolutely, pats this junior. 若不是汤臣在此,他绝对会一巴掌,拍死这个小辈。 Person who controlling beast brother, you have the status, do not fail to keep one's word.” “驭兽兄,你也是有身份的人,可不要言而无信。” Grandmaster Tang Chen said to Revered Master Beast Tamer. 汤臣大师驭兽尊师说道。 He discovered, at this time the Revered Master Beast Tamer complexion is quite ugly, appearance that appearance, really must kill people. 他发现,此时驭兽尊师脸色极为难看,那个模样,真的是要杀人的样子。 However Grandmaster Tang Chen did not fear that the opposite party acts shamelessly. 不过汤臣大师并不怕对方耍赖。 After all his strength, must above Revered Master Beast Tamer. 毕竟他的实力,要在驭兽尊师之上。 If Revered Master Beast Tamer, dares to act shamelessly before him, actually also just gave him, teaches this Revered Master Beast Tamer opportunity. 若是驭兽尊师,敢在他面前耍赖,却也刚好给了他,教训这驭兽尊师的机会。 Tang Chen, you felt relieved.” 汤臣,你放心。” Since your Tang Chen keeps one's word, my controlling beast will unable to lose absolutely.” “既然你汤臣言而有信,我驭兽也绝对不会输不起。” Revered Master Beast Tamer said this words time, then took out the remnant chart of four ancient times spirit territory, lost to Chu Feng. 驭兽尊师说此话的时候,便取出了四张远古灵域的残图,丢向了楚枫 Little rascal, you may really be enough despicable.” “小鬼,你可真是够卑鄙的。” Unexpectedly dares to give under the old man to wrap/sets of.” “居然敢给老夫下套。” Very good, you made the extremely deep impression on the old man.” “很好,你给老夫留下了极深的印象。” Said that this words, Revered Master Beast Tamer did not say goodbye, then turned around to depart directly. 说完此话,驭兽尊师也不告别,便直接转身离去。 Seeing that Li Fengxue is also rushes to crawl to set out, with the past. 见状,李风雪也是赶忙爬起身来,跟了过去。 Ox-nosed that fellow, really walked dog excrement to transport.” 牛鼻子那家伙,真是走了狗屎运啊。” Unexpectedly found your such disciple, I and his gambling make, was the old man loses.” “竟然找到了你这样一个弟子,我与他的赌约,又是老夫输了。” Grandmaster Tang Chen arrives in front of Chu Feng, face joyful saying. 汤臣大师走到楚枫面前,一脸欣喜的说道。 Although Chu Feng is Ox-nosed disciple, but he knows, Chu Feng just showdown, fought for them. 虽然楚枫牛鼻子弟子,但他知道,楚枫刚刚的对决,是为他们而战。 The face countenance that Yuan Shu discards, Chu Feng doubled to gain. 袁术丢掉的颜面,楚枫加倍赚了回来。 He was naturally happy. 他自然高兴。 senior, your formation technique, junior has not decoded successfully, how you can say that loses?” 前辈,您的阵法,晚辈并未成功破解,您怎能说输?” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Although, in Grandmaster Tang Chen formation technique, Chu Feng awakened own bloodline power on the same day. 虽然,当日在汤臣大师阵法内,楚枫唤醒了自己的血脉之力 However that formation technique, he has not actually decoded successfully. 但是那座阵法,他却并未成功破解。 Embarrassed saying that the day, you to break the formation has actually succeeded.” “说来惭愧,其实那一日,你已经破阵成功。” Old man does not want to lose, therefore attempts to pervert.” “老夫不想输,所以做了手脚罢了。” Little friend, may probably bear a grudge not.” “小友,可莫要记恨啊。” I really am, loses to your teacher too multiple, does not want to lose to him again.” “我真的是,败给你的师尊太多次,不想再输给他了。” But at this moment, sees your progress, I actually do not admit defeat am not good.” “但事到如今,看到你的进步,我却不认输也是不行了。” Grandmaster Tang Chen said. 汤臣大师说道。 Originally, on the same day, have I succeeded?” “原来,当日,我已经成功了吗?” Hears this words, Chu Feng is suddenly enlighted. 听闻此话,楚枫则是恍然大悟。 But, the meaning of his actually not strange Grandmaster Tang Chen. 但,他却并没有怪汤臣大师之意。 First did not say, he thought Grandmaster Tang Chen is harmless. 先不说,他觉得汤臣大师并无恶意。 Only said that he can become, the Ox-nosed good friend, Chu Feng to his impression, is good. 只说他能够成为,牛鼻子的好友,楚枫对他的印象,便是不错。 Chu Feng, cannot think that you had comprehended Dragon Transformation Second Level, was really fierce your little rascal.” 楚枫,想不到你已经领悟了龙变二重,真是太厉害了你这小鬼。” Grandmaster Tang Chen to the tone of sigh say. 汤臣大师以十分感叹的语气说道。 Returned to senior, junior comprehended Dragon Transformation First Level.” “回前辈,晚辈只是领悟了龙变一重。” Regarding Grandmaster Tang Chen, Chu Feng has not concealed. 对于汤臣大师,楚枫并未隐瞒。 Dragon Transformation First Level, is your formation power obviously......” 龙变一重,可是你的结界之力明明……” Hears this words, Yuan Shu and Grandmaster Tang Chen feels very surprisedly. 听闻此话,袁术汤臣大师都是感到十分惊讶。 Chu Feng just formation power, has achieved endured to compare the Third Rank Supreme Venerable situation. 楚枫刚刚的结界之力,已经达到了堪比三品至尊的地步。 How possibly, is only Dragon Transformation First Level??? 怎么可能,只是龙变一重???
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