MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4216: Fights again

senior, seems to be interested in this remnant chart very much, my also has four. 前辈,似乎对这残图很感兴趣,我这还有四张呢。 Chu Feng opened the mouth suddenly with a smile. 楚枫忽然笑着开口了。 He such remarks, Revered Master Beast Tamer, Grandmaster Tang Chen is hurrying will look at Chu Feng. 他此话一出,无论是驭兽尊师,还是汤臣大师都是赶忙将目光投向楚枫 After they see in the Chu Feng hand on, was the surprised chin falls seriously quickly on the ground. 当他们看到楚枫手中上之后,当真是惊讶的下巴都快掉在了地上。 Personally has experienced them of past campaign, is clear, that the remnant chart of ancient times spirit territory was precious. 亲身经历过当年战役的他们,非常清楚,那远古灵域的残图有多么珍贵。 But Chu Feng, such a body of junior, has the remnant chart of four ancient times spirit territory unexpectedly, is counted that before lost, is a total of five. 可是楚枫,这样一个小辈的身上,居然还有着四张远古灵域的残图,算上之前输掉的那一张,就是总共五张。 This quantity, not to mention are more than Revered Master Beast Tamer, compared with Grandmaster Tang Chen on, must. 这个数量,莫说驭兽尊师多,比汤臣大师身上的,也要多啊。 Little Friend Chu Feng, actually did you obtain these ancient times spirit territory remnant charts from where?” 楚枫小友,你究竟是从何得到这些远古灵域残图的?” Revered Master Beast Tamer asked that at this time he to the attitude that Chu Feng spoke, had the enormous change. 驭兽尊师问道,此时他对楚枫说话的态度,都是有了极大的变化。 Naturally, he is not really polite to Chu Feng, because was interested in the ancient times spirit territory remnant chart. 当然,他并不是真的对楚枫客气,而是因为对远古灵域残图感兴趣。 That ancient times spirit territory remnant chart, is representing anything, he was too clear. 那远古灵域残图,代表着什么,他太清楚了。 This, is I in ruins, ran into an opponent.” “这个啊,是我在一座遗迹内,遇到了一个对手。” He wants to drive me to commit suicide, does not want actually to be killed by me, these pick on him.” “他想置我于死地,不曾想却被我所杀,这些都是在他身上捡到的。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 What, picks?” “什么,捡到的?” „Is that person, what called?” “那个人,叫做什么?” Revered Master Beast Tamer asked. 驭兽尊师问道。 not to mention is he, Grandmaster Tang Chen, feels inconceivable. 莫说是他,就连汤臣大师,都感觉不可思议。 Initially, can this ancient times spirit territory remnant chart, have the status competent person. 当初,能够得到这远古灵域残图的,都是有身份有实力的人。 At least initially in these people, no one, was falling that Chu Feng can kill. 至少当初那些人之中,没有一个人,是楚枫能杀的掉的。 Even if he grasped Dragon Transformation First Level, is impossible. 哪怕他掌握了龙变一重,也绝不可能。 Forgot, nameless junior.” “忘记了,无名小辈。” Chu Feng such as reality has not considered, but has not actually lain completely. 楚枫并未如实相告,但却也并未全部说谎。 , but he has the truth that part said that this ancient times spirit territory remnant chart, indeed was Chu Feng picks. 他有一部分说的可是实话,这远古灵域残图,的确是楚枫捡到的。 And Chu Feng does not know, this thing is so precious. 并且楚枫也并不知道,这个东西如此珍贵。 Just realized, this so-called ancient times spirit territory remnant chart, was not very simple. 是刚刚才意识到,这所谓的远古灵域残图,很不简单的。 As for Revered Master Beast Tamer, naturally also knows that Chu Feng has not spoken the truth. 至于驭兽尊师,自然也知道楚枫没有说实话。 But he is also disinclined to investigate, after all, that is not the key point. 但他也懒得追究,毕竟,那已经不是重点。 The key point is, on Chu Feng, has his long-awaited thing. 重点是,楚枫身上,有着他梦寐以求的东西 That Little Friend Chu Feng, this ancient times spirit territory remnant chart, did your body have?” “那楚枫小友,这远古灵域残图,你的身上还有吗?” Revered Master Beast Tamer asked. 驭兽尊师问道。 Did not have, only then these.” “没有了,只有这些。” Chu Feng said that this words, is manipulating the four ancient times spirit territory remnant chart in hand, while looks at Revered Master Beast Tamer. 楚枫说完此话,一边摆弄着手中的四张远古灵域残图,一边看着驭兽尊师 senior, you may also want, lets your disciple again, competes one time with me.” 前辈,你可还愿意,再让你的弟子,与我比拼一次。” This time, we raise the pricetag, gambled with four ancient times spirit territory remnant chart, but was good?” “这一次,我们抬高价码,用四张远古灵域残图做赌注,可好?” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Four?” “四张吗?” Hears this words, Revered Master Beast Tamer first is the great happiness, but, is somewhat hesitant. 听闻此话,驭兽尊师先是大喜,但紧接着,也是有些犹豫。 Ancient times the spirit territory remnant chart, to him, was extremely precious. 远古灵域残图,对他来说,太过珍贵了。 Before, on him, only then two, by him were regarded, if treasure. 之前,他身上只有两张,都被他视若珍宝。 Previously, won one from Grandmaster Tang Chen there. 先前,从汤臣大师那里赢得了一张。 Just, won one from Chu Feng. 刚刚,又从楚枫身上赢得了一张。 At this time his in the hand, indeed also had four. 此时他的手中,的确也有了四张。 Freely, he thought that own disciple odds of success is very big, but looks at Chu Feng just performance, he pours also felt, Chu Feng cannot defeat without doubt. 尽管,他觉得自己弟子胜算很大,可是看着楚枫刚刚的表现,他倒也觉得,楚枫并非必败无疑。 Therefore he somewhat hesitates, because he somewhat cannot withstand, price that this loses. 所以他才有些犹豫,因为他有些承受不起,这输掉的代价。 senior, should you not dare?” 前辈,您该不会不敢了吧?” You are not to your disciple, very self-confident?” “您不是对您的弟子,很是自信的吗?” Chu Feng said by the provocative tone. 楚枫以挑衅的口吻说道。 Doesn't dare?” “不敢?” Little Friend Chu Feng, you possibly are ignorantly young, did not understand this ancient times spirit territory remnant chart precious.” 楚枫小友,你可能年少无知,不懂这远古灵域残图的珍贵。” Your cultivation realm is too weak, this ancient times spirit territory remnant chart, placed on you also no to use greatly.” “不过你修为太弱,这远古灵域残图,放在你身上也没什么大用。” Since you want by to the form of gambling, gave me to take care this ancient times spirit territory remnant chart, I also helped you.” “既然你想要以对赌的形式,将这远古灵域残图交给我保管,那我也就成全了你。” Finally, Revered Master Beast Tamer in four ancient times spirit territory remnant chart tempts or, chose accepting a challenge. 终于,驭兽尊师在四张远古灵域残图的诱或下,还是选择了应战。 After all, he felt, his disciple Li Fengxue odds of success is quite big. 毕竟,他还是觉得,他弟子李风雪的胜算比较大。 Even but if so, he to Li Fengxue sound transmission, reminder say/way must win in secret, cannot retain again, if lost, having you are attractive.” 但哪怕如此,他还是对李风雪暗中传音,提醒道“必须要赢,不能再有所保留,若是输了,有你好看。” Teacher felt relieved, gives me again an opportunity, I must let the ugliness that he defeats.” “师尊放心,再给我一次机会,我一定要让他败的难看。” Compares in his teacher, Li Fengxue is more self-confident. 相比于他的师尊,李风雪则是更加自信。 Indeed, previously with the Chu Feng's showdown, making him be surprised. 的确,先前与楚枫的对决,让他感到意外。 However after all previous he, has not displayed the full power. 但是毕竟先前的他,并未施展全力啊。 Has not displayed the full power, can treat everyone equally with the Chu Feng's showdown, and finally wins. 并未施展全力,都能与楚枫的对决不分高下,并且最终获胜。 If displays the full power, he felt, Chu Feng does not have the odds of success certainly. 若是施展全力,那他觉得,楚枫绝无胜算可言。 Little Brother Chu Feng, is the old rule, without the objection, that may probably start.” 楚枫兄弟,还是老规矩,若是没有异议,那可就要开始了。” Li Fengxue looks at Chu Feng to say. 李风雪看着楚枫说道。 This time he, although has known, Chu Feng is not a waste, on the contrary the strength must above Yuan Shu. 此时的他,尽管已经知道,楚枫并不是一个废物,相反实力还要在袁术之上。 But he actually as before self-confident, even the hostility is heavier. 但他却依旧自信满满,甚至敌意更重。 Previously, cannot strike Chu Feng bursts, making him feel regrettable. 先前,未能将楚枫一击即溃,让他感到遗憾。 This time, he must make up for the beforehand regret. 这一次,他要弥补之前的遗憾。 Starts.” “开始吧。” Chu Feng this words fall, two people then start to arrange formation technique. 楚枫此话落下,二人便开始布置阵法 This time, two people cover entirely the time, the time of after stipulating arrives, two people stimulate to movement the Spirit Formation method simultaneously. 这一次,二人都将时间布满,当规定的时间到达之后,二人同时催动结界阵法。 Bang This time, two's Spirit Formation law, compared with it previous, was short magnificently. 这一次,二者的结界阵法,比之先前,都少了华丽。 But, the lethality is fuller. 但,却杀伤力更足。 In two Spirit Formation methods, what spraying is pure formation power. 两道结界阵法之中,喷射而出的乃是纯粹的结界之力 But that formation power, not only the light shining in all directions, was full of the aggressivity, ruination. 但那结界之力,不仅光芒四射,更是充满了攻击性,毁灭性。 not to mention places Ordinary Realm and Lower Realm, even if places common Upper Realm, this grade of strength, is still the to destroy the heavens and exterminate the lands strength. 莫说放在凡界下界,就算放在寻常的上界,这等力量,也是毁天灭地的力量。 Although might as well be magnificent previously, but this showdown, in the power and influence with the imposing manner, was far in excess of the previous showdown time. 虽然不如先前华丽,但这一次的对决,威势上与气势上,都远远超越了先前的对决。 Watches two's showdown, Yuan Shu grumbles was inferior. 看着二者的对决,袁术自叹不如。 Although also grasped Dragon Transformation First Level, but compared with these two, he actually knew, differs enormously. 虽然同样是掌握了龙变一重,但与这两位相比,他却自知,相差极大。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” After the showdown starts, Li Fengxue was actually somewhat nervous. 只是,对决开始之后,李风雪却是有些慌了。 Beforehand he, has not displayed the full power, can exceed Chu Feng. 之前的他,并未施展全力,都能胜过楚枫 But this time, he has displayed the full power, when but he facing the Chu Feng's Spirit Formation method, felt the constriction unexpectedly. 可是这一次,他已经施展了全力,但当他面对楚枫的结界阵法之时,竟然感受到了压迫感。 Although, the present situation, as before is the power balance, but he felt, the Chu Feng's Spirit Formation method, is simply impregnable. 虽说,眼下的局势,依旧是均势,但是他却觉得,楚枫的结界阵法,简直无懈可击。 Blocks before him, looks like impregnable bastion that is unable to break through together, making him somewhat have no alternative. 拦在他面前的,就像是一道无法攻破的铜墙铁壁,让他有些无可奈何。 Oh no.” “糟糕。” The next quarter, the Li Fengxue complexion is the big change. 下一刻,李风雪脸色更是大变。 Because, the Chu Feng's offensive, starts to grow stronger, the Li Fengxue Spirit Formation method starts the difficult support. 因为,楚枫的攻势,开始变强,李风雪结界阵法开始难以支撑。 At this time by Chu Feng's formation technique, was being pressed unceasingly is backing up backward. 此时正在不断被楚枫的阵法,压着向后倒退。 This way, he must defeat without doubt!!! 这样下去,他必败无疑!!!
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