MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4213: Gives you an opportunity

Controlling beast, you felt relieved, my Tang Chen will not make the generation of failing to keep one's word absolutely.” “驭兽,你放心好了,我汤臣绝对不会做言而无信之辈。” Lost lost, my Tang Chen, lost.” “输了就是输了,我汤臣,输的起。” During the Grandmaster Tang Chen speeches, then takes out a chart from cosmos sack. 汤臣大师说话间,便从乾坤袋内取出一张图。 That is a pale yellow chart, seems like the sheepskin to do, but actually gives out ancient aura, but this chart, is incomplete. 那是一张淡黄色的图,看上去像是羊皮所做,但却散发着古老的气息,不过这张图,却是残缺的。 But after seeing that chart, Yuan Shu immediately in heart one tight. 而看到那张图之后,袁术顿时心中一紧。 Meanwhile, in his heart ashamed nearly arrived at the peak. 同时,他心中的惭愧近乎到达了顶峰。 He has not thought, his teacher really with this, ancient times the remnant chart of spirit territory, gambled with that Revered Master Beast Tamer unexpectedly. 他没有想到,他的师尊竟然真的拿这,远古灵域的残图,与那驭兽尊师做了赌注。 This matter, is he does not know completely. 这件事,是他完全不知道的。 May know even, how can also? 可就算知道,又能如何呢? The opposite parties walked , can he evade not to fight? 对方都找上门来了,难道他能避而不战? In the final analysis, is not as skillful as others. 说到底,还是技不如人。 Thinks of here, the guilty conscience in Yuan Shu heart, becomes heavier. 想到这里,袁术心中的负罪感,变得更加沉重。 This remnant chart!!!” “这张残图!!!” But, what Yuan Shu and others does not know, after seeing that remnant chart, Chu Feng is an eye of reveal is accidental/surprised. 但,袁术等人不知道的是,看到那张残图之后,楚枫却是目露意外。 He in Xue Wu Heavenly Venerable there, not only obtained Celestial Master's Whisk, this very fierce treasure. 他在血雾天尊那里,不仅得到了天师拂尘,这种非常厉害的宝物。 Meanwhile, other treasures. 同时,还有其他一些宝物。 And, then had five gives out the remnant chart of ancient times aura. 其中,便有五张散发着远古气息的残图。 But that remnant chart, with the remnant chart that this time Grandmaster Tang Chen puts out, exactly the same. 而那残图,与此时汤臣大师所拿出的残图,一模一样。 And, from Grandmaster Tang Chen, as well as in Revered Master Beast Tamer expression. 并且,从汤臣大师,以及驭兽尊师的表情中。 Coming out that Chu Feng looks, this remnant chart, as if very unusual. 楚枫看的出来,这残图,似乎非常的不同寻常。 - 唰- The Grandmaster Tang Chen arm wields, the remnant chart of that ancient times spirit territory, has thrown to Revered Master Beast Tamer. 汤臣大师手臂一挥,已是将那张远古灵域的残图,丢向了驭兽尊师 Revered Master Beast Tamer received this remnant chart, immediately lights up with pleasure, that big mouth smiles, was quick went to the root of the ear behind, was very happy. 驭兽尊师接过这张残图,顿时喜笑颜开,那张大嘴笑的,都快咧到耳根后面去了,别提多高兴了。 Tang Chen, in our several, is the ancient times spirit territory remnant chart that the old man obtains to be least, only has two.” 汤臣,咱们几个之中,就属老夫得到的远古灵域残图最少,只有两张。” But is now different, I had three.” “但是现在不一样了,我有三张了。” I, if did not remember incorrectly, in your before had four, lost to old man one, in your present, should have three?” “我若没有记错,你之前手里有四张,输给了老夫一张,你现在手里,应该也还有三张吧?” That Revered Master Beast Tamer grinning asking, on his face, hangs is making one feel the disgusting self-satisfied smile. 驭兽尊师笑嘻嘻的问道,在他的脸上,也是挂着令人感到恶心的得意笑容。 „Do I have several to have the relations with you?” “我有几张与你有关系吗?” Initial gambling stake, was only one.” “当初的赌注,只是一张而已。” The Grandmaster Tang Chen congealing sound asked. 汤臣大师凝声问道。 I know certainly, is only......” “我当然知道,只是……” Hehe......” “嘿嘿……” Was inferior, bets again one time?” “不如,再赌一次?” Revered Master Beast Tamer grinning asking. 驭兽尊师笑嘻嘻的问道。 Cannot think, you really had the guts..” “想不到,你竟然如此有胆量了。。” You must compete with Martial Power, is Spirit Formation technique?” “你是要比试武力,还是结界之术?” Grandmaster Tang Chen said that and when speech, but also trod one step to that Revered Master Beast Tamer. 汤臣大师说道,且说话之时,还向那驭兽尊师踏出了一步。 Don't don't don't......” “别别别……” Sees that Revered Master Beast Tamer shakes the head again and again, and beckons with the hand, while goes to back down. 见状,驭兽尊师则是连连摇头,并且一边摆手,一边向后退去。 Looked coming out, he somewhat fears Grandmaster Tang Chen. 看的出来,他还是有些惧怕汤臣大师的。 „The Tang Chen brother, do not think that I do not know, you have stepped into Martial Venerable Realm, but I also stay in the Supreme Venerable peak, which competing Martial Power is your opponent.” 汤臣兄,别以为我不知道,你已经踏入了武尊境,而我还停留在至尊巅峰,比拼武力是哪是你的对手。” That Revered Master Beast Tamer said with a smile. 驭兽尊师笑道。 Spirit Formation technique also yes.” 结界之术也是可以。” Grandmaster Tang Chen said. 汤臣大师说道。 Spirit Formation technique also considers as finished, if your I compare, but is endless.” 结界之术也算了,你我若是比起来,可就没完没了啦。” Might as well let among disciple, competes with be possible to be good again one time?” “不如让弟子之间,再比试一次可好?” Saying that Revered Master Beast Tamer smiles. 驭兽尊师笑眯眯的说道。 You are the pure heart?” “你这是纯心的吧?” At this time, Grandmaster Tang Chen looks disgruntledly. 此时,汤臣大师面露不悦。 After all among disciple, had just competed one time, his disciple has been defeated. 毕竟弟子之间,刚刚已经比拼过一次了,他的弟子已经落败。 Now, this Revered Master Beast Tamer actually requests to compare again one time, this obviously does not profit enough, but also wants to occupy again one time, was really excessive. 现在,这驭兽尊师竟然要求再比一次,这明显就是占便宜没够,还想再占一次,着实是太过分了一些。 Hehe, cracking a joke, so to be why earnest.” “嘿嘿,开个玩笑,何必如此认真。” Actually old man today this, but wants to visit your.” “其实老夫今日来此,只是想拜访你一下。” Knows your disciple, grasped Dragon Transformation First Level, this remembers suddenly, initially gambling between our also disciple made, this then made them compare notes.” “得知你之弟子,也掌握了龙变一重,这才忽然想起,当初咱们还有一个弟子之间的赌约,这便让他们切磋了起来。” I may , this remnant chart of ancient times spirit territory not come absolutely.” “我可绝对不是冲着,这远古灵域的残图而来的。” Since has seen you, my wish was also.” “既然已经看到你了,我的心愿也算是了啦。” Calculates the time, drew near, when that ancient times spirit territory opened, when the time comes all World Spiritist will arrive, I heard, Enlightenment Saint Venerable also went out ahead of time, for even ancient times spirit territory.” “算一算时间,也快到了,那远古灵域开启之时,到时候各方界灵师都会到场,我听闻,就连悟道圣尊也是提前出关,为的就算远古灵域。” At that time, Tang Chen brother, same will go.” “那个时候,想必汤臣兄,也一样会去。” We, ancient times spirit territory see again/goodbye.” “那咱们就,远古灵域再见了。” No matter how said, was the many thanks Tang Chen brother.” “不管怎么说,还是多谢汤臣兄了。” After all in the ancient times spirit territory, the function of this remnant chart, was very big.” “毕竟在远古灵域内,这残图的作用,还是挺大的。” Saying that Revered Master Beast Tamer smiles, and after speaking these words, is about to leave directly. 驭兽尊师笑眯眯的说道,且说完这番话之后,便准备直接离开。 But Grandmaster Tang Chen is uncomfortable of face. 汤臣大师则是一脸的不爽。 He is very clear, Revered Master Beast Tamer came to this remnant chart of ancient times spirit territory. 他很清楚,驭兽尊师就是冲着这远古灵域的残图而来的。 result was won a remnant chart by him now, he added unexpectedly this words, seriously is exasperating. 结果如今被他赢得了一张残图,他竟还说这种话,当真是气人。 Actually, if Grandmaster Tang Chen, wants to act shamelessly, this Revered Master Beast Tamer is also nothing means. 其实,若是汤臣大师,想要耍赖的话,这驭兽尊师也是没有任何办法。 After all Grandmaster Tang Chen various aspect strengths, must above this Revered Master Beast Tamer. 毕竟汤臣大师的各方面实力,都要在这驭兽尊师之上。 Does, although Grandmaster Tang Chen the temperament is not good, actually is also one pays great attention to the person of reputation. 只是奈何,汤臣大师虽然脾气不好,却也是一个非常注重名声之人。 Let alone, today's comparing notes, thorough of very Yuan Shu indeed defeat. 更何况,今日的切磋,袁术的确败的很是彻底。 He naturally cannot, fail to keep one's word. 他自然不会,言而无信。 Waits for.” “等一下。” But, in that Revered Master Beast Tamer is going with its disciple, Li Fengxue leaves, Chu Feng actually suddenly opens the mouth. 可是,就在那驭兽尊师将要与其弟子,李风雪离开之时,楚枫却是忽然开口。 „Are you speaking with me?” “你在与我说话吗?” When Chu Feng this opens the mouth, that Revered Master Beast Tamer immediately brow slightly wrinkle. 楚枫这一开口,那驭兽尊师顿时眉头微皱。 He looked that is disgruntled to the Chu Feng's vision, in his opinion, Chu Feng this role, does not allot him to talk. 他看向楚枫的目光非常不悦,在他看来,楚枫这种角色,根本不配与他交谈。 senior, you to this remnant chart of ancient times spirit territory, seemed to be interested very much.” 前辈,您似乎对这远古灵域的残图,很感兴趣啊。” During the Chu Feng speeches, from cosmos sack, took out a remnant chart of ancient times spirit territory. 楚枫说话间,从乾坤袋内,取出了一张远古灵域的残图。 Sees that remnant chart, not to mention is Revered Master Beast Tamer at present one bright. 看到那张残图,莫说驭兽尊师眼前一亮。 Grandmaster Tang Chen and Yuan Shu, Li Fengxue is also surprised. 就连汤臣大师袁术,还有李风雪也都是倍感意外。 They have not thought, ancient times the spirit territory remnant chart, the so precious treasure, on Chu Feng's will have unexpectedly. 他们都没有想到,远古灵域残图,如此贵重的宝物,楚枫的身上居然会有。 Little rascal, will your body, how have ancient times the spirit territory remnant chart?” “小鬼,你的身上,怎么会有远古灵域残图?” That Revered Master Beast Tamer congealing sound asked. 驭兽尊师凝声问道。 He is excited, the sound changed. 他激动的,就连声音都发生了变化。 This point, senior does not need to care, but this remnant chart, senior, if real being interested, junior can give a senior opportunity actually.” “这一点,前辈就不必关心了,不过这张残图,前辈若是真的感兴趣的话,晚辈倒是可以给前辈一个机会。” Saying that Chu Feng smiles. 楚枫笑眯眯的说道。 Opportunity?” “机会?” „Are you what intention?” “你这是何意?” But Revered Master Beast Tamer, is a face is confused, some do not understand Chu Feng's meaning. 驭兽尊师,则是一脸迷茫,有些不明白楚枫的意思
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