MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4212: Ancient times spirit territory remnant chart

Compares in protection formation technique that white hair man arranges. 相比于那白发男子布置的守护阵法 Yuan Shu this protects formation technique, many that but must be fastidious about. 袁术这座守护阵法,可就要讲究的多了。 This protects formation technique, translucent, but is quite grand, is a palace. 这座守护阵法,也是半透明的,但极为雄伟,乃是一个宫殿。 Around the palace, is sits cross-legged Black Tortoise to be beastly, powerful, aggressive extraordinary. 宫殿四周,皆是盘坐一只玄武兽,威风凛凛,霸气非凡。 The aura of heading on, is indestructible. 扑面而来的气息,便是坚不可摧。 „, Gaudy.” “嘁,花里胡哨。” However, facing Yuan Shu arrangement protection formation technique. 然而,面对袁术布置的守护阵法 That white hair man, is actually contemptuous smiles, later he then starts to arrange formation technique. 那白发男子,却是轻蔑的一笑,随后他便开始布置阵法 Quick, in his front, then condenses a golden long sword. 很快,在他的面前,便凝聚出一把金色的长剑。 But this sword, length one meter. 但这把剑,长度不过一米有余。 Although looks very fine, but compared in previously attacking of Yuan Shu arrangement killed great formation, from the power and influence, differed simply did not know many. 虽然看上去非常精致,但相比于先前袁术布置的攻杀大阵,从威势上来看,简直相差了不知多少。 And, this white hair man set up formation time, flies than Yuan Shu. 并且,这白发男子布阵时间,比袁术要快。 The Spirit Formation technique competition, the set up formation time has the stipulation. 结界之术比拼,布阵时间是有规定的。 But often, so long as does not surpass this scheduled time, yes. 而往往,只要不超出这个规定时间,就都是可以的。 Therefore, to be perfect, often World Spiritist within the given time, as far as possible arrangement. 所以,为了尽善尽美,往往界灵师都会在规定的时间内,尽量布置。 But this white hair man, unexpectedly actually this. 但这白发男子,竟然却没有这样做。 He chooses to finish ahead of schedule formation technique. 他选择提前完成阵法 This grade of behavior, does not pay attention to Yuan Shu simply. 这等行为,简直就是不将袁术放在眼里。 Swish Swish Swish 唰唰唰 But suddenly, that white hair man acted. 而突然间,那白发男子出手了。 His acts, discovered, the golden long sword in his hand, is not simple. 只是他这一出手,才发现,他手中的金色长剑,并不简单。 That golden long sword, starts to change, suddenly turns into over ten thousand golden long swords. 那金色长剑,开始变化,眨眼间化成上万把金色的长剑。 Over ten thousand gold/metal swords, fly above void, covering the sky and blocking the sun, such as the sword rain is common, dense and numerous goes to the Yuan Shu attack. 上万把金剑,飞在虚空之上,遮天蔽日,如剑雨一般,密密麻麻的向袁术攻击而去。 Of that sword rain offensive, but, Yuan Shu presents the potential of difficult support suddenly. 那剑雨攻势之强,不过眨眼之间,袁术就出现难以支撑之势。 How can, such?” “怎么会,如此之强?” The Yuan Shu eyeful startled colors, he had comprehended Dragon Transformation First Level obviously. 袁术满眼惊色,明明他已经领悟了龙变一重 Even if inferior to the opposite party to be skilled, but is still insufficient disparity such big? 就算不如对方熟练,但也不至于差距如此之大吧? …… 咔嚓 …… 咔嚓 But Yuan Shu also thinks without enough time, his protection formation, has then started to present the fissure. 袁术还来不及多想,他的守护结界,便已开始出现裂痕。 Brother Li, was I defeats.” 李兄,是我败了。” Yuan Shu knew, continues the support not to need, therefore opens the mouth to admit defeat directly. 袁术自知,继续支撑已是没有必要,于是直接开口认输。 After may hear the Yuan Shu words, that white hair man, is actually cold smiles, plan that he has not only called a halt, instead is the offensive is fiercer. 可听闻袁术的话后,那白发男子,却是冷然一笑,他不仅没有停手的打算,反而是攻势更加凶猛。 Quick, Yuan Shu protection formation technique, was then pierced thoroughly. 很快,袁术的守护阵法,便被彻底洞穿。 But that golden sword rain, by the potential of besieging, goes to the Yuan Shu attack. 而那金色剑雨,也是以围攻之势,向袁术攻击而去。 Crash-bang 哗啦啦 However, that golden sword rain, has not attacked Yuan Shu, then crushes. 不过,那金色剑雨,还未攻击到袁术,便粉碎开来。 Attacking of that white hair man killed great formation to be broken!!! 那白发男子的攻杀大阵被破了!!! Sees this one, the white hair man, reveals the disfavor. 见此一幕,白发男子,露出不悦之色。 Yuan Shu, the formation showdown of reaching an agreement, does not use Martial Power.” 袁术,说好的结界对决,不动用武力的。” „Are you what intention?” “你这是何意?” That white hair man congealing sound asked. 那白发男子凝声问道。 Is Martial Power that the old man uses.” “是老夫动用的武力。” Suddenly, the sound resounds together, together form, fell on the Yuan Shu side. 忽然,一道声音响起,紧接着一道身影,也是落在了袁术的身旁。 But this, precisely Yuan Shu teacher, Grandmaster Tang Chen. 而这位,正是袁术的师尊,汤臣大师 Teacher, you came back.” “师尊,您回来了。” Sees Grandmaster Tang Chen, Yuan Shu accidental/surprised at the same time, actually the shame of another face. 见到汤臣大师,袁术意外的同时,却又一脸的羞愧。 Because he knows that the opposite party is what status. 因为他知道对方是何身份。 That black hair old person, named Revered Master Beast Tamer. 那黑发老者,名为驭兽尊师 He is not only Supreme Venerable peak expert, is entire Saint Light Galaxy, famous World Spiritist. 他不仅是一位至尊巅峰的高手,还是整个圣光天河,大名鼎鼎的界灵师 As for that white hair man, named Li Fengxue, is Revered Master Beast Tamer close-door disciple. 至于那白发男子,名为李风雪,乃是驭兽尊师的闭门弟子 Revered Master Beast Tamer and Grandmaster Tang Chen, are old friends. 驭兽尊师汤臣大师,乃是老相识。 But Li Fengxue and Yuan Shu the age is similar. 李风雪袁术又年龄相仿。 The showdown of technique of this World Spirit, failure of Yuan Shu, not only the one who loses is own person, threw his teacher Grandmaster Tang Chen person. 这场界灵之术的对决,袁术的失败,不仅丢的是自己的人,更是丢了他师尊汤臣大师的人。 But his teacher, is concerned about face-saving. 而偏偏他的师尊,又非常爱面子。 This lets the Yuan Shu unusual fear. 这让袁术非常的害怕。 Also thought that is unfair to his teacher, is afraid the punishment of his teacher. 既觉得对不起他师尊,也害怕他师尊的责罚。 Yuan Shu, are you all right?” 袁术,你没事吧?” However, what making Yuan Shu accidental/surprised was, always paid great attention to the face, and extremely severe Grandmaster Tang Chen, not only has not blamed itself, instead extremely cared about itself. 然而,令袁术意外的是,向来注重面子,且极为严厉的汤臣大师,不仅没有责怪自己,反而是非常关心自己。 Teacher, disciple is all right.” “师尊,弟子没事。” Yuan Shu returns said. 袁术回道。 Is all right well.” “没事就好。” Grandmaster Tang Chen nods, later looked to that Revered Master Beast Tamer. 汤臣大师点了点头,随后看向了那驭兽尊师 Controlling beast, your is disciple the ear has the issue?” “驭兽,你这弟子是耳朵有问题吗?” „Hasn't he heard admitting defeat of Yuan Shu?” “难道他没有听到袁术的认输?” The Grandmaster Tang Chen tone, is really not good. 汤臣大师的语气,甚是不好。 Tang Chen, why is so protecting your disciple.” 汤臣,何必如此护着你这弟子。” My disciple knows fairly well, decides however will not injure to your love disciple.” “我徒儿心中有数,定然不会伤到你的爱徒。” Words to here, that Revered Master Beast Tamer, looked I said to Li Fengxue right, wind and snow?” 话到此处,那驭兽尊师,又看向了李风雪“我说的对吧,风雪?” „The side that teacher said is, disciple naturally cannot really injure Brother Yuan Shu, after to break the formation, disciple is plans to receive the hand.” “师尊说的极是,弟子自然不会真的伤害袁术兄,破阵之后,弟子已是打算收手。” Senior Tang Chen, misunderstood the intention of disciple.” 汤臣前辈,是误会弟子的用意了。” When that Li Fengxue to his teacher spoke, unexpectedly first serves with a ritual, looked pays great attention to the formality extremely. 李风雪对其师尊说话之时,竟然先是施以一礼,看上去极为注重礼节。 But previously, he said that obviously Yuan Shu says the name, even the respectful designation of this brother character, after is Grandmaster Tang Chen appears, he opens the mouth. 可是明明先前,他称袁术都是直呼姓名,连这个兄字的敬称,都是汤臣大师出现之后,他才开口。 Thus, this Li Fengxue is a true hypocrite. 由此可以看出,这李风雪是一个真正的伪君子。 What teacher is really, what disciple has.” “真是什么样的师尊,就有什么样的弟子。” Grandmaster Tang Chen sneers, he not only does not approve that Li Fengxue words, instead satirized this to masters and disciples two. 汤臣大师冷笑一声,他不仅不认可那李风雪的话,反而讽刺起这对师徒两个。 That is natural, my disciple, exceeds your disciple, this as if also proved that you and my disparity.” “那是当然,我的弟子,胜过你的弟子,这似乎也证明了,你与我的差距。” That Revered Master Beast Tamer self-satisfied smiling. 驭兽尊师得意的笑着。 Hears this magnificent, Grandmaster Tang Chen complexion, is becomes ugly/difficult to look at. 听闻此华,汤臣大师的脸色,也是变得难看起来。 Because of him and Revered Master Beast Tamer, some did not cope. 因为他与驭兽尊师,本就有些不太对付。 Today the failure of disciple, indeed makes him feel embarrassedly. 今日弟子的失败,的确让他感觉难堪。 Sir, Asura young hero interview.” “大人,修罗少侠求见。” But at this moment, beside formation, actually broadcast the Seven Sun Mountain Range Elder sound. 可就在这时,结界之外,却传来了七阳山脉长老的声音。 Asura?” 修罗?” Heard the Asura two characters, Yuan Shu looks to Grandmaster Tang Chen. 听闻修罗二字,袁术则是看向了汤臣大师 He naturally knows, Asura is Chu Feng. 他自然知道,修罗就是楚枫 Before again, Chu Feng has come to here, but Grandmaster Tang Chen is not willing to make an appearance, is not willing to see Chu Feng. 只是再次之前,楚枫已经来过这里,但汤臣大师都是不肯露面的,不愿意见楚枫 Therefore Yuan Shu looks to Grandmaster Tang Chen. 所以袁术才看向汤臣大师 Sees Chu Feng, must obey meaning of his teacher. 见不见楚枫,要听从他师尊的意思 Nonsense young hero where comes?” “哪来的狗屁少侠?” Makes him hurry to get the hell out, that and other weak ones, do not match to see me and other true bodies.” “让他赶紧滚蛋,那等弱者,不配见到我等真身。” However, but also does not need the Grandmaster Tang Chen opens the mouth, that Revered Master Beast Tamer then to speak. 然而,还不待汤臣大师开口,那驭兽尊师便说话了。 Controlling beast, here is the old man disciple domain, who can come, who cannot come, calculation that but must say by old man disciple.” “驭兽,这里乃是老夫弟子的地盘,谁能进来,谁不能进来,可是要由老夫弟子说的算。” Grandmaster Tang Chen said that this words, then to Yuan Shu said makes him come.” 汤臣大师说完此话,便对袁术说道“让他进来吧。” „Does teacher, take seriously?” “师尊,当真吗?” Yuan Shu somewhat hesitates. 袁术有些犹豫。 He knows, his teacher does not want to make Chu Feng come. 他知道,他师尊本是不想让楚枫进来的。 At this time is willing to make Chu Feng come, battle qi with that Revered Master Beast Tamer completely. 此时愿意让楚枫进来,完全是与那驭兽尊师斗气而已。 Makes him come.” “让他进来。” Grandmaster Tang Chen said in the affirmative tone. 汤臣大师以肯定的语气说道。 disciple understands.” 弟子明白。” During the Yuan Shu speeches, then went out of beside formation. 袁术说话间,便走出了结界之外。 After a while later, enters this place. 过了一会之后,才进入此地。 When comes back again, not only Yuan Shu behind, Chu Feng also with. 再度回来之时,不仅袁术的身后,楚枫也是跟同了进来。 junior Chu Feng, greets Grandmaster Tang Chen.” 晚辈楚枫,拜见汤臣大师。” Chu Feng had learned from Yuan Shu there, Grandmaster Tang Chen here. 楚枫已经从袁术那里得知,汤臣大师在这里。 Out of the respect, he has not camouflaged the facial features, but met with the appearance/portrait. 出于敬意,他没有伪装面容,而是用真容相见。 „It is not Asura, how to come Chu Feng?” “不是修罗吗,怎么又来了个楚枫?” Brother Yuan Shu, your friend, plays tricks?” 袁术兄,你的朋友,都是这么装神弄鬼的吗?” That Li Fengxue satire said to Yuan Shu, he had guessed correctly probably, Asura is the Chu Feng's fictitious name. 李风雪讽刺的对袁术说道,他已经大概猜到,修罗不过是楚枫的假名而已。 But he actually looked that does not look at Chu Feng one. 但他却连看都不看楚枫一眼。 Just like Chu Feng does not match into his eye to be the same. 就宛如,楚枫根本不配入他的眼睛一般。 Chu Feng sized up Li Fengxue and Revered Master Beast Tamer, what words had not said that also has not served with the formality. 楚枫打量了一眼李风雪驭兽尊师,什么话都没有说,也没有施以礼节。 Because of Chu Feng from Yuan Shu there, had known account general. 因为楚枫已经从袁术那里,知道了事情大概的经过。 Although knows that Revered Master Beast Tamer and Li Fengxue background is big, may judge according to Chu Feng's, they are newcomer are bad. 虽然知道那驭兽尊师李风雪来头不小,可根据楚枫的判断,他们乃是来者不善。 Regarding this person, Chu Feng is naturally polite. 对于这种人,楚枫自然没必要客气。 As for that Revered Master Beast Tamer, just like his disciple, has not paid attention to Chu Feng, treats as Chu Feng not to appear, but looks to Grandmaster Tang Chen. 至于那驭兽尊师,与他的弟子一样,根本就没有将楚枫放在眼里,就当做楚枫没有出现一样,而是看向汤臣大师 Tang Chen, but also remembers our agreements.” 汤臣,还记得我们的约定吗。” Comparing notes between disciple, victory and defeat already difference.” 弟子之间的切磋,胜负已分。” However according to initial agreement, since were you defeated, you may probably put out the remnant chart of that ancient times spirit territory.” Revered Master Beast Tamer said. “而按照当初的约定,既然是你败了,你可就要拿出那张远古灵域的残图了。”驭兽尊师说道。 Ancient times the remnant chart of spirit territory?” “远古灵域的残图?” Hears this words, Yuan Shu immediately the complexion big change. 听闻此话,袁术顿时脸色大变。 He is very clear, that the remnant chart of ancient times spirit territory is representing anything. 他很清楚,那远古灵域的残图代表着什么。 That is his teacher, extremely important thing. 那是他师尊,极为重要之物。 But he and isn't Li Fengxue comparing notes, simple comparing notes? 而他与李风雪的切磋,不就是简单的切磋吗? What's wrong, will have like that the precious thing, treats as the gambling stake? 怎么,会有那般贵重之物,当做赌注? Should this, not real? 这,该不会是真的吧?
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