MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3977: Exclamation again and again

Really was the absurd, just words, but was that ignorant disciple utter nonsense, did you accept as true unexpectedly?” “真是荒唐,刚刚的话,不过是那个无知弟子的一派胡言而已,你们居然就信以为真?” However, facing the interrogations of several Headmaster, All Heavens Sect Headmaster is not only unhurried, instead he is also angry-looking, actually interrogates several other Headmaster. 然而,面对几位掌教的质问,诸天门掌教不仅不慌,反而他也是一脸怒容,竟然质问起其他几位掌教 Initially obtained that stone box, we have studied together, is unable to use that stone box strength, decodes stone box.” “当初得到那个石盒,我们可是一同研究过的,根本就无法利用那石盒的力量,去破解石盒。” Only can prompt according to the inscribed text does.” “只能按照碑文所提示的去做。” However how does the inscribed text prompt? Opens stone box, then allows the junior to enter, captures treasure in stone box at the strength of junior.” “而碑文是如何提示的?就是将石盒开启,然后让小辈进入其中,以小辈的力量去夺得石盒内的至宝。” This matter you are also clear.” “这件事情你们也是清楚的。” Now, suspects me unexpectedly?” “现在,居然怀疑我?” All Heavens Sect Headmaster is upright, probably wrong at all is not he, but is several other Headmaster is ordinary. 诸天门掌教一身正气,就好像错的根本不是他,而是另外几位掌教一般。 But after hearing the All Heavens Sect Headmaster words, several other Headmaster, is looks awkwardly, does not know how should dispute. 而听闻诸天门掌教的话后,另外几位掌教,也是面露尴尬,不知该如何辩驳。 Because All Heavens Sect Headmaster said, indeed suits then situation. 因为诸天门掌教所说,的确是符合当时的情况。 They initially, have indeed inspected that stone box earnestly, is unable to use the stone box strength. 他们当初,的确是认真检查过那石盒,是无法利用石盒力量的。 Otherwise, they are impossible to feel relieved that gives All Heavens Sect taking care that stone box. 不然,他们也不可能放心的,将那石盒交给诸天门保管。 After all, treasure in that stone box, but they want to obtain. 毕竟,那石盒内的至宝,可是他们都想得到的。 We are trust your, the method that but your sect disciple Nangong Yifan he...... this time uses, resembled used the hidden strength in formation world, how when this did explain?” “我们是信任你的,可是你宗弟子南宫亦凡他……此时所施展的手段,似是利用了结界世界内的隐藏力量,这当如何解释?” Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster asked. 风雷剑派掌教问道。 Yifan has the big opportunity person, cared by the heaven.” 亦凡乃是有大机遇的人,受上天所眷顾。” He, although sends disciple for me, but also has, I send the method of not knowing.” “他虽为我派弟子,但却也有着一些,我派也不知的手段。” You in inside, depending on what did not conclude, method that Yifan uses, certainly is related with that stone box strength?” “你又不在里面,凭何断定,亦凡所施展的手段,就一定与那石盒的力量有关?” All Heavens Sect Headmaster asked. 诸天门掌教反问道。 That is that disciple utter nonsense, even the talent, must the disciplinary punishment.” “那就是那个弟子一派胡言,就算天赋了得,也是应当惩戒。” Dragon Phoenix Immortal Pavilion Headmaster said. 龙凤仙阁掌教说道。 disciple, where the having courage quantity, in my opinion, some people instigate in the back?” “一个弟子,哪有这个胆量,依我看,是有人在背后教唆的吧?” Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain Headmaster said this saying time, looked to Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster one. 九星天山掌教说这话的时候,看向了风雷剑派掌教一眼。 „Does this matter, how could blame me to send disciple? Obviously is All Heavens Sect Nangong Yifan, used the method of low.” “这件事,岂能怪我派弟子?明明是诸天门南宫亦凡,使用了下三滥的手段。” Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster naturally must for the Chu Feng speech. 风雷剑派掌教自然要替楚枫说话。 What is called the low?” “什么叫做下三滥?” But hears this words, All Heavens Sect Headmaster complexion, is becomes disgruntled. 而听闻此话,诸天门掌教的脸色,也是变得不悦起来。 Actually, how is a matter, he clear. 其实,到底是怎么一回事,他心里清楚的很。 He is very clear, Nangong Yifan he, used the stone box strength. 他很清楚,南宫亦凡他,就是利用了石盒的力量。 This matter, he cannot these to know, he must install, since the attire, naturally must install looks like. 只是这件事情,他不能让这些人知道,他必须要装,而既然装,当然也就要装的更像一点。 Ok, this matter stopped, we were the allies, because of a nonsense of junior, do not get up on the internal strife.” “好了,这件事到此为止,咱们可是盟友,不要因为一个小辈的胡话,就内讧起来。” Otherwise, to make outsider look at the joke.” “否则,岂不是让外人看了笑话。” At this time, Miao Celestial Clan Clan Head was also the opens the mouth. 此时,苗氏天族族长也是开口了。 He does not have participate to quarrel, instead is speaks to persuade. 他并没有参加争吵,反而是出言相劝。 But hears this words, although in the hearts of several Headmaster, had suspected, but in the face of without absolute evidence, did not say anything. 而听闻此话,尽管几位掌教的心中,都是有所猜疑,但在没有绝对的证据面前,也都不好说什么。 Therefore, sat in abundance returned to above the seat. 于是,都纷纷坐回到了座位之上。 How can?” “怎么会?” But after, they just sat down, actually stands up. 可是,当他们刚刚坐下之后,却又纷纷站起身来。 They with astonishment discovered, in the formation world, really also had the change. 他们惊愕的发现,结界世界内,竟然又有了变化。 Nangong Yifan after cultivation realm promotion, is unable to work loose in that disciple hand named Wang Chen unexpectedly as before. 修为提升后的南宫亦凡,竟然依旧无法在那个叫做王沉弟子手中挣脱。 Hateful, what you... does your body have?” “可恶,你…你的身上到底有什么?” Why can you limit me?” “你为什么能限制我?” Self-confident Nangong Yifan, had previously also flustered at this moment. 先前还自信满满的南宫亦凡,此刻已经慌了。 After originally, his cultivation realm promotes again, he wants ruthlessly to teach present Wind-Thunder Sword School disciple. 原本,当他修为再度提升之后,他就想狠狠的教训一下眼前的这个风雷剑派弟子 May not need he to act, an overbearing strength, releases from the opposite party hand, floods into his within the body. 可还不待他出手,一股霸道的力量,自对方手中释放而出,涌入他的体内。 At this moment, all strengths of his within the body, were similar to are overpowered generally, unexpectedly not by his control. 此时此刻,他体内的所有力量,就如同被制服了一般,竟然不受他的控制。 This time he, looked like one to be pulled out the poisonous snake of venomous fang, whatever within the body venom were strong, actually could not injure the opposite party. 此时的他,就像是一只被拔了毒牙的毒蛇,任凭体内毒液再强,却也根本伤不到对方。 Looks at Nangong Yifan that face unwilling appearance, Chu Feng shows a faint smile. 看着南宫亦凡那一脸不甘心的模样,楚枫微微一笑。 Bang The next quarter, the Chu Feng clothing flutters,... the Chu Feng's aura sweeps across the world like a whirlwind that sweeps away scattered clouds generally. 下一刻,楚枫衣衫飘动,紧接着…楚枫的气息风卷残云一般席卷天地。 Until this time, not to mention Nangong Yifan as well as All Heavens Sect disciple, outside person, coming out that can also look, Chu Feng's cultivation realm promoted. 直至此时,莫说南宫亦凡以及诸天门弟子,就连外面的人,也能够看的出来,楚枫的修为又提升了。 Eight Rank Venerable,... Chu Feng's cultivation realm, has achieved Eight Rank Venerable at this time. 八品尊者,此时…楚枫的修为,已经达到了八品尊者 You, who are you?” “你,你到底是什么人?” Nangong Yifan somewhat despaired, because of until this time, he already all methods that he has, displayed completely, but, he is actually not so able even if as before at present this contending. 南宫亦凡有些绝望了,因为直至此时,他已经将他所掌握的所有手段,全部施展了出来,可哪怕如此,他却也依旧无法与眼前这位抗衡。 Therefore he despaired, his despair is because, he felt, treasure in this formation world, goes to none other than him. 所以他绝望了,他的绝望是因为,他本来觉得,这结界世界内的至宝,非他莫属。 But now, presented one, he displays the full power, person who is unable to defeat. 可是现在,却出现了一个,他施展全力,都无法战胜的人。 How he possibly does not despair. 他怎么可能不绝望。 I said that you disappoint me very much.” “我说了,你很让我失望。” …… The voice falls, the Chu Feng big hand wields suddenly, only listens to the loud sound of bang, the rock disruption, the thick smoke is billowing. 话音落下,楚枫大手猛然一挥,只听轰的一声巨响,山石碎裂,浓烟滚滚。 Is Nangong Yifan. 南宫亦凡 Nangong Yifan was lost by Chu Feng, falling ruthlessly above the rock of distant place. 南宫亦凡楚枫丢了出去,狠狠的摔在了远处的山石之上。 The strength is too big, the mountain was pierced, avalanche. 力量太大,大山都被洞穿,崩塌。 But when Nangong Yifan falls to the ground, is the whole body is the blood, the physique completely breaks, although consciousness still also soberly, but has actually lost the strength. 南宫亦凡落地之时,已是浑身是血,筋骨尽断,尽管意识尚还清醒,可是却已经丧失战力。 Your scoundrel, we are the allies, even your ability is excellent, may still probably have a discretion.” “你混账,我们乃是盟友,就算你本领高超,可也要有所分寸。” Compares notes the point , do you why cause heavy losses to Senior Brother Nangong?” “切磋点到为止,你凭什么重创南宫师兄?” In the meantime, a All Heavens Sect female disciple stand. 就在此时,一名诸天门的女弟子站出来了。 He possibly is the Nangong Yifan adorer, and also very sincerity, after Nangong Yifan caused heavy losses to by Chu Feng, in situation that these male disciple do not dare to open the mouth, she actually stood, for the Nangong Yifan speech. 他可能是南宫亦凡的爱慕者,并且还挺真心,所以在南宫亦凡楚枫重创后,那些男弟子都不敢开口的情况下,她却站了出来,替南宫亦凡说话。 Who is your ally?” “谁是你盟友?” Little miss speech limelight, otherwise do not think that you female, I take you not to have the means.” “小姑娘说话注意点,不然别以为你是女的,我就拿你没办法。” Chu Feng turned the head, looked angrily at a that female. 楚枫转过头来,怒视了一眼那名女子。 That female disciple, had completed, fights to the end the preparation with Chu Feng. 那名女弟子,原本已经做好了,与楚枫抗争到底的准备。 But after, she sees the Chu Feng's vision, actually instigated immediately. 可是,当她看到楚枫的目光之后,却顿时就怂了。 Because in that flash, she as if sees is not a person, but is the devil of coming out any matter is. 因为在那一瞬间,她仿佛看到的不是一个人,而是一个什么事情都做的出来的魔鬼。 Later, before Chu Feng then arrives at formation technique . 之后,楚枫便走到阵法之前。 Searches the hand to grasp, then pierced directly protected formation technique, took inside treasure. 探手一抓,便直接洞穿了守护阵法,将里面的宝物取了出来。 You!!!” “你!!!” Sees this one, that to female disciple of Chu Feng great shout, thorough was scared previously. 见此一幕,那名先前还对楚枫大声呼喊的女弟子,彻底傻眼了。 Not is only she, All Heavens Sect other disciple were also scared. 不仅是她,诸天门的其他弟子也傻眼了。 After all protection formation technique under that purple light beam, they were just still decoding. 毕竟那紫色光柱下的守护阵法,他们刚刚还在破解。 Fully realized that fierce of that formation technique, is this fellow at present, disregards formation technique unexpectedly directly, so easily took that formation technique inside treasure. 深知那阵法的厉害,可是眼前这个家伙,竟然直接无视阵法,如此轻易的就将那阵法里面的宝物取了出来。 This makes them somewhat suspect itself at once. 这让他们一时之间有些怀疑自己。 Does not know, was the opposite party extremely, was their to break the formation method is not right. 不知道,是对方太过了得,还是他们自己破阵的方法不对。
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