MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3976: Explained

No wonder dares to challenge me, originally is calculates that the strength of my scarlet flame soul armor had not recovered.” “难怪敢来挑战我,原来是算好了我赤炎魂甲的力量还未恢复。” You said right, the strength of my scarlet flame soul armor, indeed has not recovered.” “你说对了,我赤炎魂甲的力量,的确还没有恢复。” But, you, if thinks this, can beat me, you also too underestimated my Nangong Yifan.” “但是,你若以为这样,就能够击败我的话,那你也太低估我南宫亦凡了。” The Nangong Yifan words to here, in the eye flash through suddenly wipe to have made up mind. 南宫亦凡话到此处,眼中忽然闪过一抹决意。 Bang The hurricane raises, the pressure wreaks havoc, his cultivation realm promotes unexpectedly again. 紧接着,飓风掀起,威压肆虐,他的修为竟然再度提升。 Fifth Rank Venerable!!! 五品尊者!!! At this time Nangong Yifan cultivation realm, promoted the Fifth Rank Venerable situation again. 此时南宫亦凡修为,再度提升到了五品尊者的地步。 But, his body, besides Divine Power, and strength of All Heavens Buddha body, not other strengths. 可是,他的身上,除了天赐神力,以及诸天佛身的力量之外,并没有其他的力量了。 What's the matter, Nangong Yifan his body, there are to hide treasure?” “怎么回事,难道南宫亦凡他的身上,也有隐藏至宝?” But, what kind of strength his grasped, can cultivation realm actually also promote again?” “可是,他的到底又掌握了怎样的力量,修为竟然还能够再度提升?” Words that like this calculates, if the strength of scarlet flame soul armor can recover, he can promote Fourth Rank cultivation realm continuously, from Second Rank Venerable real cultivation realm , to promote forcefully to the Sixth Rank Venerable situation?” “这样算的话,若是赤炎魂甲的力量可以恢复的话,他岂不是可以连续提升四品修为,从二品尊者的真实修为,硬生生的提升到六品尊者的地步?” After Nangong Yifan cultivation realm promotes again, people exclaim in surprise again and again, discusses spiritedly. 南宫亦凡修为再度提升之后,人们惊叹连连,议论纷纷。 They know, Nangong Yifan the cultivation realm promotion, does not depend upon that scarlet flame soul armor at this time, but had other strengths. 他们都知道,南宫亦凡此时修为提升,并非是依靠那赤炎魂甲,而是有了其他的力量。 People have not known, actually this strength is anything. 只是人们还不知道,这力量究竟是什么。 No, did not hide, but was his real cultivation realm promotion.” “不,不是隐藏了,而是他的真实修为提升了。” Suddenly, some people made the different sounds. 忽然,有人发出了不一样的声音。 But after hearing that words, outside bystander , felt reasonable. 而听闻那位的话后,外面的围观者,也都感觉非常的有道理。 Regardless of how because to see, probably Nangong Yifan at this time, did not seem like used special strength forcefully increase cultivation realm. 因为无论怎么看,好像南宫亦凡此时,都不像是又使用了特殊的力量强行提升的修为 Is more like, his cultivation realm, strengthened First Rank. 更像是,他本身的修为,又增强了一品 Probably is really this.” “好像真的是这样。” That said, Nangong Yifan his real cultivation realm, now at all is not Second Rank Venerable, but is Third Rank Venerable?” “那岂不是说,南宫亦凡他的真实修为,如今根本不是二品尊者,而是三品尊者?” He previous, hid own real cultivation realm?” “他先前,是隐藏了自己的真实修为?” Right, certainly is this.” “对,一定是这样。” No wonder, no wonder he from the beginning, like that self-confident, originally was he... has victory in the hand.” “难怪,难怪他从一开始,就那般自信,原来是他…早就胜券在握。” Fierce, fierce.” “厉害,厉害啊。” At once, the people praised without cease to Nangong Yifan. 一时之间,众人对南宫亦凡赞叹不已。 Since Nangong Yifan hid real cultivation realm.” “既然南宫亦凡是隐藏了真实修为。” Then can that Wang Chen, hid real cultivation realm.” “那么会不会那个王沉,也是隐藏了真实修为。” He has not actually hidden the strength the treasure on the body, his cultivation realm promotion, even simply has not utilized the special strength.” “他其实并没有隐藏力量的宝物在身上,他的修为提升,甚至根本没有运用特殊的力量。” But is his cultivation realm is very strong, cultivation realm strengthens, but is because he previously did hide cultivation realm?” “而是他本身的修为就很强,修为增强,不过是因为他先前隐藏了修为?” At this time, some people start to infer, Chu Feng may be very also taking advantage of real cultivation realm, transforms own aura. 此时,有人开始推断,楚枫很可能也是在依仗真实修为,来转变自己的气息。 Is impossible.” “不可能。” Is indeed impossible, if according to your view, his real cultivation realm, in Fifth Rank Venerable?” “的确不可能,若要是按你的说法,那他的真实修为,岂不是就在五品尊者?” „Does a junior, how probably in this age, have Fifth Rank Venerable cultivation realm?” “一个小辈,怎么可能在这个年纪,拥有五品尊者修为?” Right, is indeed impossible, if is really this, that this child has amazed the world with a single brilliant feat, how possibly to bear patiently today.” “对,的确不可能,若真的是这样,那此子早就一鸣惊人了,怎可能隐忍到今日。” However, regarding that view, everyone has the opposing opinion. 然而,对于那种说法,大家却都持反对意见。 Reason that opposed, is mainly they felt, a junior is impossible to have Fifth Rank Venerable real cultivation realm. 之所以反对,主要是他们觉得,一个小辈不可能拥有五品尊者的真实修为 After all, such as Shentu Hao beautiful, Song Jinglun their peak talents, is only Second Rank Venerable. 毕竟,如申屠浩丽,宋经纶他们这等最顶尖的天才,也只是二品尊者啊。 Nangong Yifan, has Third Rank Venerable cultivation realm, they can accept reluctantly. 南宫亦凡,拥有三品尊者修为,他们勉强能够接受。 As for Fifth Rank Venerable, they definitely are unable to accept. 至于五品尊者,他们是完全无法接受的。 Now admits defeat, I can put your horse.” “现在认输,我可以放你一马。” Nangong Yifan opened the mouth, he from beginning to end self-confident. 南宫亦凡开口了,他从始至终都自信满满。 However, after his cultivation realm promotion, on him that arrogance, was displayed the incisive situation by him. 但是,当他的修为提升之后,他身上的那股傲气,又被他发挥到了淋漓尽致的地步。 But, facing the Nangong Yifan words, Chu Feng is contemptuous smiles: Also insufficiently, your body is hiding the treasure, displays come out.” 可是,面对南宫亦凡的话语,楚枫却轻蔑一笑:“还不够,把你的身上藏着的宝物,施展出来吧。” Insufficiently? Coping with you are enough.” “不够?对付你已是足够。” …… During the Nangong Yifan speeches, the figure in a flash, then vanishes like the ghosts and demons generally does not see. 南宫亦凡说话之间,身形一晃,便如同鬼魅一般消失不见。 When he appears again, before had arrived at the Chu Feng body, unexpectedly. 当他再度出现之时,竟已是来到了楚枫身前。 This time, he possibly is afraid the wound to Beiyang Lao, therefore chooses near body to fight. 这一次,他可能是害怕伤到北洋落,所以选择近身交手。 And, his fist, is directly soars the Chu Feng's surface gate to go. 并且,他的拳头,已是直奔楚枫的面门而去。 He has not planned to cause heavy losses to Chu Feng, but the plan makes Chu Feng lose face. 他没有打算重创楚枫,但却打算让楚枫丢尽脸面。 The flash of but in fact, in Nangong Yifan leaving, Chu Feng has guessed correctly the Nangong Yifan movement. 可实际上,在南宫亦凡动身的一瞬间,楚枫就已经猜到了南宫亦凡的动作。 Therefore Chu Feng, already in the hand is raising Beiyang Lao, lost. 所以楚枫,早就将手中提着的北洋落,丢了出去。 Afterward, that only grabbed the palm of Beiyang Lao, appears the shape of eagle claw, by the swift and fierce potential, grasped to Nangong Yifan. 随后,那只原本抓着北洋落的手掌,呈鹰爪之状,以凌厉之势,向南宫亦凡抓了过去。 Direction that he stresses, is the Nangong Yifan nape of the neck. 他所抓的方向,乃是南宫亦凡的脖颈。 Snort, wants with coping with the Beiyang Lao way unexpectedly, copes me?” “哼,竟然想用对付北洋落的方式,来对付我?” You think that I am that waste?” “你以为我是那个废物吗?” You because of you to my contempt, but pays the serious price.” “你将因你对我的轻视,而付出惨重的代价。” Sees through the Chu Feng offensive Nangong Yifan, is not only unhurried, instead in heart coldly snorted. 看穿楚枫攻势的南宫亦凡,不仅不慌,反而心中冷哼一声。 Because, his fist, before had arrived at the Chu Feng's surface gate, the next quarter must hit Chu Feng. 因为,他的拳头,已经到了楚枫的面门之前,下一刻就要击中楚枫 Wa Wa 呜哇 But, next quarter, not only Nangong Yifan was silly, All Heavens Sect disciple on the scene, as well as outside everyone, was all shocked. 可是,下一刻,不仅南宫亦凡傻了,诸天门在场的弟子,以及场外的所有人,也全都愣住了。 That fist of Nangong Yifan, was not only avoided by Chu Feng, and in the Chu Feng's hand, is ordinary like the eagle claw, buckle merely above the neck of Nangong Yifan. 南宫亦凡的那一拳,不仅被楚枫躲开,并且楚枫的手中,如同鹰爪一般,仅仅的扣在了南宫亦凡的脖子之上。 Previously, but also Nangong Yifan of face haughty air/Qi, is at this moment ordinary like that Beiyang Lao, was held the nape of the neck by Chu Feng, raised forcefully. 先前,还一脸狂傲之气的南宫亦凡,此刻已是如同那北洋落一般,被楚枫抓住脖颈,给硬生生的提了起来。 Victory and defeat already difference. 胜负已分。 Speed that but this victory and defeat branches out, this fight ending , was too rather accidental, quickly to going beyond everyone's expectation. 但这胜负分出的速度,这战斗的结局,也未免太让人意外了,快到超出了所有人的预料。 People cannot think through. 人们都想不通。 Obviously similarly is Fifth Rank Venerable, why that can Wang Chen, so easily, defeat Nangong Yifan? 明明同样是五品尊者,为何那王沉,能够如此轻易的,就击败南宫亦凡呢? „Are you unexpectedly Sixth Rank Venerable?” “你竟然是六品尊者?” In the meantime, Nangong Yifan made the sound difficultly. 就在此时,南宫亦凡艰难的发出了声音。 What? Sixth Rank Venerable?” “什么?六品尊者?” Really is Sixth Rank Venerable, his aura, promoted.” “果然是六品尊者,他的气息,又提升了。” After Nangong Yifan this words saying, the people were also notice, Chu Feng's cultivation realm really promoted, at this time his cultivation realm, no longer is Fifth Rank Venerable, but was Sixth Rank Venerable. 南宫亦凡此话说出之后,众人也是注意到,楚枫的修为果然提升了,此时他的修为,已经不再是五品尊者,而是六品尊者 What's the matter, how his cultivation realm, promoted?” “到底是怎么回事啊,怎么他的修为,又提升了?” He is what cultivation realm, what kind of method is he having?” “他到底是何修为,他到底掌握着怎样的手段?” At this time, the people look to the Chu Feng's vision, was full of the complex vision. 此时,众人看向楚枫的目光之中,充满了复杂的目光。 People discovered, they ascertained the airtight this fellow more and more. 人们发现,他们越来越捉摸不透这个家伙了。 You think that you did win?” “你以为你赢定了?” However, at this moment, Nangong Yifan actually sent out sneered intermittently. 然而,就在这时,南宫亦凡却是发出了阵阵冷笑。 The next quarter, the body of Nangong Yifan, then released the boundless suction. 下一刻,南宫亦凡的身上,便释放出了磅礴的吸力。 After that suction releases, in the world, the invisible strength, starts to flood into his within the body. 当那吸力释放之后,天地之间,无形的力量,开始涌入他的体内。 In this case, the body of Nangong Yifan, starts gives out to have light radiance. 这种情况下,南宫亦凡的身上,开始散发出淡淡的光华。 Although that radiance very weak, but the Nangong Yifan whole person seems like, actually very sacred. 虽然那光华非常的薄弱,可是南宫亦凡整个人看上去,却是非常的神圣。 Nangong Yifan he, cultivation realm promoted unexpectedly.” 南宫亦凡他,修为竟然又提升了。” This time, probably special strength, what strength but... is this?” “这一次,好像是特殊的力量,只是…这是什么力量?” Nangong Yifan cultivation realm promotes again, people call out in alarm unceasingly. 南宫亦凡修为再度提升,人们惊呼不断。 But Chu Feng, is actually an expected appearance. 楚枫,却是一副意料之中的模样。 Not is only expected, instead is somewhat disappointed. 那不仅是意料之中,反而有些失望。 Finally caused.” “终于还是使出来了。” Is only this degree, disappointed me.” “不过只是这种程度,太让我失望了。” After all your All Heavens Sect, studies that stone box, studying was so long.” “毕竟你诸天门,研究那石头盒子,研究了那么久。” result final, can only help you, from that stone box, obtains this degree of strength?” 结果最后,只能帮助你,从那石头盒子之内,得到这种程度的力量吗?” Chu Feng said in the tone of satire. 楚枫以讽刺的语气说道。 Stone box?” “石头盒子?” „Isn't that formation world?” “那不就是那结界世界?” But Chu Feng such remarks, raises thousand waves immediately. 楚枫此话一出,顿时掀起千层波浪。 Everyone understands, Chu Feng spoke the words, is what meaning. 所有人都明白,楚枫所说之话,到底是什么意思 Bang Suddenly, on the Lord stand some people pat the table. 猛然间,主看台上有人拍桌而起。 That is Dragon Phoenix Immortal Pavilion Pavilion Master. 那是龙凤仙阁阁主 What meaning are you?” “你这是什么意思?” At this time, Dragon Phoenix Immortal Pavilion Pavilion Master, angry-looking looks at All Heavens Sect Headmaster. 此时,龙凤仙阁阁主,一脸怒容的看着诸天门掌教 All Heavens Headmaster, this matter, you explained.” 诸天掌教,这件事情,你解释一下吧。” Meanwhile, several other Headmaster, sets out in abundance, by that quite bad vision, is staring at All Heavens Sect Headmaster. 与此同时,其他几位掌教,也是纷纷起身,以那颇为不善的目光,凝视着诸天门掌教 ps ; Really sorry, first day had not found the condition, everyone scolded me, I will not blame your, but I will continue to try hard tomorrow, tomorrow will not be lower than four chapters, snort/hum, I was such self-confident. ps;实在抱歉,第一天没找到状态,大家骂我吧,我不会怪你们的,但是明天我还是会继续努力,明天不会低于四章,哼,我就是这么自信。 p p class =py class=”py >https: ” >, first looks at the genuine content! ”>”https:”>,第一时间看正版内容!
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