MC :: Volume #28

#2784: The anger of prison God

? 2784 the anger of prison God ?2784狱神之怒 Mother, that prison God is deceiving us obviously, he is thinks that the two sides do not offend!” “妈的,那个狱神明显就在糊弄我们,他就是想两边不得罪!” I look not necessarily, that surnamed Ye does not know that we are chasing down him, he does not need to hide in the prison clan territory. «» “我看不一定,那姓叶的也不知道我们在追杀他,他没必要躲在狱族领地。《》 Such being the case, I looked that was inferior we separate in the female tower of prison clan seek. So long as in any case he does not leave, we can find him!” “既然如此,我看不如我们分开在狱族的母塔之中寻找。反正只要他不离开,我们就能找到他!” Right! Since the prison clan does not garrison to all outsider, we can also saunter to seek in inside!” “对!既然狱族对所有外人都不设防,那我们也可以在里边转悠寻找!” Four lack the God to study, decided the deaf God who lets not like speaking defends outside the black prison God tower, but other three people are to enter in the prison clan territory seek to inquire. 四缺神研究一番,决定让不爱说话的聋神守在黒狱神塔之外,而其他三人则是进入狱族领地之中寻找打听。 The time like the water, passes silent. 时间如水,流逝无声。 In some lonely platform, men and women sit cross-legged to sit, two people opposite quarrels. However if carefully observes, will discover, in the situation, always the person will open frequently the eye, looks at the opposite that person. 某个孤独的平台上,一对男女盘膝而坐,两人对面相向。不过若是仔细观察,就会发现,经常情况下,总是会有一个人打开眼睛,看着对面那人。 But what is tacit, after the opposite that person closes the eye soon, here person will open the eye, watches the opposite party. 而默契的是,当对面那人闭上眼睛之后不多久,这边的人又会打开眼睛,观看对方。 Naturally also has accidentally, two people both eyes also open, line of sight just a collision...... At this time, two people as if by prior agreement smiled, to close both eyes. 当然也有偶然,两人双目同时睁开,视线刚好一个碰撞……这时,两人又会不约而同的相视一笑,都闭上双目。 Whenever at that moment, Ye Kong suddenly discovered that originally is a prison clan such dwelling male, is actually very also good! Barrier that is difficult to break through, the profound prison, the wretched life, is unimportant. The key, is the side has such person, the person who then can let your heart movement, is accompanying you. 每当那一刻,叶空突然发现原来做一个狱族那样的宅男,其实也很好!再难突破的壁垒,再深邃的牢狱,再孤苦的生活,都不要紧。关键,是身边有那么一个人,那么一个可以让你心动的人,陪着你。 Three months are not long, this way, three years, Ye also wants! 三个月不算长,这样下去,就算三年,叶某人也愿意! Actually with the Yao Hui not true contact, even does not have including the spoken language. In the Ye Kong heart a subconscious, that for a long time has treated as mother -in-law Yao Hui, treats as the senior! Therefore therefore has had a mutual lack of understanding of not talking clearly, always thought that does not dare with should not think toward the fields. 其实和姚卉并没有真正的接触,甚至连言语都没有。叶空心中一直有一种潜意识,那就是长久以来把姚卉当做婆婆,当做前辈!所以就因此产生了一种说不清的隔膜,总觉得不敢和不该往某些方面想。 But in these three months, two people both eyes exchanges, was makes Ye Kong cancel this one/1st Layer mutual lack of understanding more and more! 而在这三个月中,两人双目的交流,却是让叶空越来越打消了这一层隔膜! Three months, Ye Kong, although was stranded in this side narrow and small space, is the mood unexpectedly incomparable joyfulness. Having fun, too happy to think of home and duty feeling. 三个月时间,叶空虽然被困在这一方狭小的空间,可是心情竟然无比的愉悦。有一种乐在其中,乐不思蜀的感觉。 Like Ye Kong, in Yao Hui heart never that tranquil. Actually in Yao Hui heart is also status barrier that because for a long time forms, but prevents in her heart to indulge in flights of fancy, but these three months actually become a turning point of transformation. 叶空一样,姚卉的心中何尝是那么的平静呢。其实姚卉的心中也是因为长久以来形成的身份障碍,而阻止着她心中胡思乱想,可是这三个月却成为一个转变的契机。 Because of two people thoughts, therefore the astounding matter occurred, the entire three months, unexpectedly how two people no one has raised exits this topic! 因为两人的心思,所以让人惊奇的事情发生了,整整三个月,两个人竟然谁也没有提怎么出去这个话题! However three months later one day, people who actually between two have the tacit understanding greatly, rushed in an unexpected visitor! 不过三个月后的一天,却是在两个大有默契的人之间,又闯进了一个不速之客! Three months later. 三个月以后。 The prison clan prison God main hall, in form rapid racing Jindian of black clothes envoy, possibly already obtained the news, the prison God red front waited for in the palace, when that black clothes envoy enters, has not opened the mouth, the red front is turns around to ask first, what kind of?” 狱族狱神大殿,一个黑衣使者的身影飞速的奔进殿中,可能是早就得到了消息,狱神红锋已经在殿中等待了,当那个黑衣使者走进开,还没有开口,红锋先是转身问道,“怎么样?” „......” Black clothes envoy facial color is awkward, does not dare to speak, plop kneels down, both hands present a jade Cambodia! “……”黑衣使者面色尴尬,不敢说话,扑通跪下,双手呈上一块玉柬! The red front felt immediately not a very good feeling, facial color one ferocious, the big sleeve flings, that jade Cambodia grasping, divine sense sank toward inside...... 红锋顿时感觉到一股非常不好的感觉,面色一下狞了起来,大袖一甩,一把将那块玉柬给抓了过来,神识往里边一沉…… „!” Jade Cambodia was pounded on the ground, falls crushes! “啪!”玉柬被砸在地上,摔地粉碎! Old ordinary man! Too was not serious our prison clan!” Prison God red front flies into a rage. “老匹夫!太不把我们狱族当一回事了!”狱神红锋勃然大怒。 Originally Craftsman God after receiving Ye Kong's entreaty jade Cambodia, laughs unexpectedly, in reply middle course, „, if he does not have the skill to come out, he is an idiot of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth! The granddaughter's husband who my Craftsman God needs should be able to help my person, but is not I rubs the good-for-nothing of buttocks to him! Your prison clan wants to force me with this, is really the wishful thinking, I told you clearly.... The poor devils, I will not repair the broken ship to you!” 原来匠神在收到叶空的哀求玉柬后,竟然哈哈大笑,在回信中道,“如果他没有本事出来,他自己就是一个不知天高地厚的蠢货!我匠神需要的孙女婿是应该能够帮助我的人,而不是我给他擦屁股的窝囊废!你们狱族想要用这个胁迫我,真是痴心妄想,我明白告诉你们….穷鬼,我是不会给你们修破船的!” The Craftsman God not only in addition scolded the prison God, finally said, poor devil, I knows you to be poor, therefore I will initiate one to the activity of pitiful prison clan donation, now I represent Craftsman God Realm, contributes 120 God crystals to your poor devils.” 匠神不但大加责骂了狱神,最后更是说道,“穷鬼,我知道你们穷,所以我会发起一个向可怜的狱族捐款的活动,现在我代表匠神域,向你们这些穷鬼捐献120神晶。” The prison clan poor leaf will not donate money to the important person again poorly, will not be serious 120 God crystals. This obviously is the shame of scarlet fruits! 狱族再穷叶不会穷到要人捐款,也不会把120神晶当一回事吧。这明显就是赤果果的羞辱! Therefore the prison God red front was really angry! 所以狱神红锋真的是愤怒了! Besides the anger, acts out of desperation. 除了愤怒,还有狗急跳墙。 Must know, mother tower quickly lost the power. Arrived that day, the prison clan was unable to move that is not the disaster, the biggest disaster is inside each child tower labyrinth Array Method malfunctions! In that case, any people can enter the houses of various prison clans, robs that is light, the murder rapes is possible! 要知道,母塔就快失去动力了。到了那一天,狱族再也不能迁徙那并不是灾难,最大的灾难是每个子塔里边的迷宫阵法失灵!如果那样的话,什么人都可以进入各家狱族的房屋,抢劫那还是轻的,杀人奸淫都是可能发生的! That is the end of prison clan! 那就是狱族的末日! Go away! Get lost to me!” Roaring of prison God red front reverberates in the main hall. “滚!都给我滚出去!”狱神红锋的怒吼在大殿之中回响。 The prison clansmen frighten do not dare to speak, stood the surrounding of square prison. 狱族人都吓得不敢说话,纷纷站到了四方监狱的外围。 Entire three days pass by, prison God will be stranded in entire three days, on this day, outside the square prison same palace still stands in the slender form of many wear black gown, they are standing, lowers the head, cannot branch out the men and women, does not look at the good omen anger. 整整三天过去,狱神将自己困在其中整整三天,这一天,四方监狱一样的宫殿外边依然站在不少穿着黑袍子的修长身影,他们都站着,低着头,分不出男女,看不见喜怒。 But at this time, in the palace spread sound, came the person!” 而这时,殿中传出声音,“来人!” Quick, in Half-Step God fast racing Jindian of prison clan, sees only the prison God red front to sit well on the throne of main hall, listens to the red front to open the mouth saying that my clan to the life and death, could not give a thought to that many morality and justice and good intentions. Goes, helping me four lack the God looking!” 很快,一个狱族的偏神快速奔进殿中,只见狱神红锋已经端坐在大殿的宝座上,就听红锋开口说道,“我族已经到生死存亡,顾不得那么多道义和好心。去,帮我把四缺神给找过来!” Yes!” When that prison clan Half-Step God unemotionally rushes to the main hall goes to seek for four to lack the God, no one has noted, stands in a there row of slender black clothes form, shivered slightly. “是!”当那个狱族偏神面无表情的奔出大殿前去寻找四缺神的时候,谁也没有注意到,站在那里的一排修长的黑衣身影中,其中一个微微颤动了一下。 ...... …… Bang! 轰! A sudden loud sound resounds in the space of platform! 突然的一声巨响在平台的空间响起! Is sitting cross-legged Ye Kong and Yao who Hui facial color sits is startled immediately. This sound, they enter the huge sound that in this platform first time feels! 正在盘腿坐着的叶空和姚卉面色顿时就是一惊。这种动静,还是他们进入这平台上第一次感觉到的巨大动静! However in this sound, that mushroom same platform, unexpectedly starts to incline! Sits cross-legged Yao Huicuo who sits to be inferior to guard, the body entire downward bad idea slides! 不过就在这动静之中,那蘑菇一样的平台,竟然开始倾斜起来!盘腿坐着的姚卉措不及防,身体整个向下歪道滑去! ( 5 ) is not good, be careful!” Ye Kong in great surprise, the personal appearance flees fiercely, moves sideways, will stagger Yao Huibao who stands up to enter in the bosom! ㊣(5)“不好,小心!”叶空大惊,身形猛地窜起,一闪身,就将已经踉跄站起的姚卉抱入怀中! Actually Yao Hui is also God Lord, such sound will not cause the harm to her. However she knows Ye Kong to be worried, therefore was thrown to grasp by Ye Kong, she has not resisted actually. 其实姚卉也是主神,这样的动静并不会对她造成危害。不过她知道叶空担心,所以被叶空扑来抱住,她倒是一点没有抵抗。 Ka! 咔! Also is a loud sound, sound that as if any iron hinge closes. 又是一声巨响,仿佛什么铁合页合上的声音。 Ye Kong raised the head fiercely, discovered that the platforms of these hundred surrounding areas have formed a 45 degrees pitch unexpectedly! But under of pitch, actually left a straight bridge! That bridge to the distant place, does not know to where! 叶空猛地抬头,发现这百步方圆的平台竟然已经形成一个45度的斜坡!而在斜坡的下方,却多出了一条笔直的长桥!那长桥通向远方,不知通向何处! This is, exit|to speak?” Sound that Yao Hui cannot believe resounds in the Ye Kong ear. “这是,出口?”姚卉不敢相信的声音在叶空耳边响起。 Ye Kong then realized oneself are also holding Yao Hui body, the feeling that both hands transmit that soft, in the nose also has the light fragrance, what is most beckoning, that beautiful to the powder face that the entire Divine Realm women envy, that near at present! 叶空这才意识到自己还抱着姚卉的身体,双手传来的感觉是那么的柔软,鼻中还有淡淡的香味,最让人心动的是,那张美到整个神界女人都嫉妒的粉脸,就那么近的在眼前! Mother-in-law you also......” Ye Kong blurted out. “婆婆你还……”叶空脱口而出。 Called me the small plant.” Yao Huiqing opens the red lips. “叫我小卉。”姚卉轻启朱唇。 Three months of fermentation, temporary moving. In this moment, because of this, encouragement of beautiful woman, lets the Ye Kong's heart suddenly one flame, flame that for a long time does not see, one ascended. 三个月的酝酿,一时的触碰。在这一刻,因为这一句,美人的鼓励,让叶空的心底突然有一种火焰,好久不见的火焰,一下升腾了起来。 Small plant!” The Ye Kong's lips one has attracted, but opposite, pair of full red lips simply have not moved aside. “小卉!”叶空的双唇一下就吸了上去,而对面,一双饱满的朱唇也根本没有躲闪。 Then, tight attracting in the same place! 就这样,紧紧的吸在一起! At this time, anything exported, any danger, anything left, was unimportant, they most regarded as important, was only this kiss. Let the fire of passion in heart, in this kisses the crazy combustion! 这个时候,什么出口,什么危险,什么离开,都已经不重要,他们最看重的,只是这一吻。让心中的爱火,在这一吻中疯狂的燃烧! When they hug when same place going crazy same kiss, actually the slender black robe form goes crazy same running on that cliff same straight bridge. 就在他们抱在一起发疯一样亲吻的时候,却有一个修长的黑袍身影发疯一样的奔跑在那悬崖一样的笔直廊桥上。 Leaf Half-Step God! Leaves here quickly! The Gods revere have related four to lack the God, must strike a vicious blow to you! Leaf Half-Step God......” a bell common sound, but this sound arrives at the near, two people who sees the hug kiss, her head lowered, hides in the black spacious headgear. Looks at the first round not to have the advertisement welcome to «» “叶偏神!快离开这里!神尊已经去联系四缺神,恐怕要对你下毒手!叶偏神……”一个银铃一般的声音,不过这个声音来到近前,看见拥抱亲吻的两人,她的头低了下去,躲进黑色的宽大头套中。看首发无广告请到《》 Please share 请分享 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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