MC :: Volume #28

#2783: Is imprisoned together

? 2783 is imprisoned together ?2783一同坐牢 This is a accept owner later space, probably initially in the ice hole world of this immortal country's, no matter I go forward many, will return immediately same place! But this space all around abyss is also same, no matter I fall down deeply, is actually same place! Prison clan fiercest inhibiting somebody's activities, mediocre!” “这就是一个认主以后的空间,就好像当初在本道仙国的冰窟世界之中,不管我前进多少,都会立即回到原地!而这空间四周的万丈深渊也是一样,不管我掉下去多深,其实还是在原地!狱族最厉害的画地为牢,不过如此!” Ye Kong thinks of here, cannot help but in both eyes shows the contemptuous expression. «» 叶空想到这里,不由得双目之中露出轻蔑的表情。《》 Although prison clan the skill of inhibiting somebody's activities very fierce, trapped/sleepy person is formidable. However Ye Kong believes that formidable trapped/sleepy, cannot stand off own formidable strikes! 虽然狱族的画地为牢非常的厉害,困人的本事更是强大。不过叶空相信,再强大的困阵,也敌不过自己的强大一击! Fierce shield, cannot block enough strength strikes! The defense strength, can never compare to attack! If not this, this can only explain the strength of attack, insufficient! 再厉害的盾牌,也挡不住足够力量的一击!防御的力量,永远比不上进攻!如果不是这样,这只能说明进攻的力量,不够! Ye Kong is stranded in this, he has one very formidable offensive force! 叶空困在这阵中,他却是有一种非常强大的进攻力量! That is shoots the day jade and God blood from the pores of the feet strikes! Ye Kong believes that so long as he bends/bow to project an arrow with the projection day jade God, this must break! 那就是射天琅和神血箭的一击!叶空相信,只要他拿出射天琅神弓来射出一箭,此阵必破! However Ye Kong hesitant, should better not take the lost blood from the pores of the feet. 不过叶空犹豫了一下,最好还是没有拿出神血箭。 Although the prison God sets the trap, looks like in Ye Kong, this prison God has not gone bad to the extreme. If is really that rogue person, but can also set this type of trap? Does not need, imprisoned directly Ye Kong and the others is, but also needs to find the excuse? 虽然狱神设下圈套,不过在叶空看来,这狱神还没有坏到极点。若是真是那种凶恶之人,还要设下这种圈套么?不需要,直接把叶空等人囚禁起来就是,还需要找借口么? Another, the prison God did not have extremely to feel embarrassed Ye Kong, the prison God attempts, but wants to make Craftsman God repair mother tower. Reason that the prison God imprisons Ye Kong, reason is he looks Ye Kong was too important! He thinks really Ye Kong this granddaughter's husband in the Craftsman God eye is the how important role., 另一个,狱神也还没有太过为难叶空,狱神所图的,不过是想让匠神来修理母塔。狱神之所以囚禁叶空,原因是他把叶空看的太重要了!他真的以为叶空这个孙女婿在匠神眼中是多么重要的角色。、 Actually Ye Kong knows, Craftsman God that old fogies are sly astutely was dying, for his Ye Kong, Craftsman God will compromise therefore? Told the Ye Kong's toe, it will not believe. 其实叶空知道,匠神那老家伙都狡猾精明的要死了,为了他叶空,匠神会因此妥协?告诉叶空的脚趾头,它也不会相信的。 But the prison God believed! 可是狱神相信了! Really the second day that Ye Kong is trapped , the voice of prison God conveys. 果然就在叶空受困的第二天,狱神的声音传来进来。 Fellow Daoist Ye, troubles you to record one to request the message of Craftsman God make a move to me.” The voice of prison God reverberates in that piece of space. 叶道友,麻烦你给我录一段请求匠神出手的留言。”狱神的声音在那一片空间之中回响。 You too looked at me the function high in Craftsman God eye, you me sleepily here, Craftsman God not only will not help you, but also I also will be looked down upon by him, will he help me? Let alone, you think really this accept owner space can surround me?” Ye Kong sits cross-legged the center of that hundred platform, the eyelid has not lifted replies. “你太高看了我在匠神眼中的作用,你将我困在这里,匠神不但不会帮你,而且就连我也会被他看不起,他又怎么会帮我?更何况,你真的以为这个认主空间就能困住我?”叶空盘坐那百步平台的中央,眼皮都没有抬回答道。 Hears Ye Kong tastes to leave the accept owner space, the prison God was startled actually. He has not thought that the Ye Kong's eyesight actually so, believes also only then the second generations of rich of these rich and powerful family large clans have such eyesight. 听见叶空一口道出认主空间,狱神倒是吃了一惊。他没有想到叶空的眼力竟然如此,相信也只有那些豪门大族的富二代才有如此的眼力。 However after short astonished, the prison God had not been worried, because this accept owner space very firm, is hard to defeat radically, this was remote ancient ancient Yuzu supposes, even if were the ultra divine tool cannot cut! 不过短暂的惊愕之后,狱神并没有担心,因为这认主空间非常的坚固,根本难以击破,这是遥远古代的古狱族设下,就算是超神器也是斩不开的! „Are you important we naturally to know, I asked you, are you willing to record a message to me?” Prison God cold Shengheng said. “你重不重要我们自然是知道,我就问你,你肯不肯给我录制一个留言?”狱神冷声哼道。 The factual record does not record the message is the indifferent matter, he said again painstakingly, Craftsman God will not be tenderhearted. However since prison God wants, Ye Kong also nodded, but Ye Kong also said: Prison God, does this matter to you, but I must see the friend of mine! I worried that you feel embarrassed friend of mine!” 其实录不录留言都是无所谓的事,他说的再苦,匠神也不会心软。不过既然狱神要,叶空也就点头了,不过叶空又道:“狱神,给你做这件事可以,不过我要看见我的朋友!我担心你为难我的朋友!” The prison God hears Ye Kong to comply, immediately opens the mouth to say with a smile: You are not worried that your female God Lord friend, I delivers to you, so long as you help me record!” 狱神听说叶空答应,立即开口笑道:“你不就是担心你那个女的主神朋友么,我给你送过来,只要你帮我录制!” The prison God is also refreshed, lifts the hand to wield. Ye Kong thought that at present the light shadow dodges, a graceful female of wear black gauze skirt, has stood in his front. 狱神也是爽快,抬手一挥。叶空就觉得眼前光影一闪,一个穿着黑色纱裙的曼妙女子,已经站在了他的面前。 Yao Hui!” “姚卉!” Ye Kong!” 叶空!” They meet here, is feels in the heart a loosen. Do not look usually does not have what feeling, at this moment two people meet here, in the heart actually one type said that does not scavenge the unclear feeling. 两人在这里相见,都是感觉到心中一松。别看平时没有什么感觉,此刻两人在这里一见面,心中竟然都有一种说不清道不明的感觉。 Was good, Ye Kong you comply to help me record.” The voice of prison God passed on. “好了,叶空你答应帮我录制的。”狱神的声音又传了进来。 Good.” Ye Kong is not awkward, immediately puts out a jade Cambodia to arrive on the forehead, said: „The Craftsman God God Venerable, I was imprisoned by the prison God here, is really good pitiful quite pitiful, please in any event make a move, helping me get through the difficult time......” “好的。”叶空也不为难,立即拿出一块玉柬抵在额头上,说道:“匠神神尊,我被狱神囚禁在这里,真是好悲惨好可怜,请你无论如何出手,帮我渡过难关……” Black prison God tower, in the child tower of roof. 黑狱神塔,最高处的子塔之中。 A big black-clothed person went out of that four square shape the prison same house of probably, lifts the hand, hands over in jade Cambodia in hand a hand of black clothes envoy, opens the mouth saying: Fast delivers to Craftsman God Realm this jade Cambodia, within three months back and forth!” 一个高大的黑衣人走出了那四方形的好像监狱一样的房屋,一抬手,将手中的玉柬交到一个黑衣使者的手中,开口道:“速速将这玉柬送到匠神域,三个月之内来回!” Yes.” After the black clothes envoy salutes, received jade Cambodia, walks fast to go. “是。”黑衣使者行礼以后,接过玉柬,疾走而去。 Sees back that the black clothes envoy leaves, crosses the hands behind the back the prison God who stands to sigh the one breath gently, „the female tower of our prison clan could not tow to be very long again, my this was compels to have no other choice! Others do not know, if female tower complete losing power, after prison clan, cannot move the matter to be small, outside our prison clan each house labyrinth metropolis shutdown, this is the important matter!” 看见黑衣使者离开的背影,负手站立的狱神轻轻叹出一口气,“我们狱族的母塔再也拖不了很久了,我这是逼不得已啊!别人都不知道,如果母塔完全的失去动力,狱族以后不能移动事小,我们狱族每间房子外边的迷宫阵都会停摆,这才是大事啊!” The prison God spoke of here, half hidden the face one in black headgear twisted, in both eyes projected the none remaining, cold -ly snorted and said, for the prison clan, I did not hesitate to do any matter!” 狱神说到这里,半隐在黑色头套中的脸一下就扭曲了,双目中射出精光,冷哼道,“为了狱族,我不惜做任何的事!” When he said these, the distant place stands in much, the stature is good, the whole body is binding the slender form of black long gown! 当他说这些的时候,远处站在不少的,身材不错的,全身裹着黑色长袍的窈窕身影! Packs off jade Cambodia to the envoy in the prison God, turns around just about to passes through the gate the time, back actually racing to come a black clothes prison clan, kneels down to the prison God, said: God Venerable, outside has four looks to be strange, has the incomplete person to shout and wrangle, the interview God Venerable.” 就在狱神将玉柬给使者送走,转身刚要进门的时候,后边却又奔来一个黑衣狱族,给狱神跪下,道:“神尊,外边有四个相貌诡异,带有残缺之人正在大呼小叫,求见神尊。” The front door of prison clan does not garrison, frequently coming of some messy, some like in the inside everywhere chaotic revolutions, but has likes in boastful talk chaotic language, the prison Gods saw a lot. At this moment his mood is agitated, immediately beckons with the hand saying: Do not manage them.” 狱族的大门不设防,经常都有些乱七八糟的进来,有的喜欢在里边到处乱转,而有得则是喜欢在其中狂言乱语,狱神都见得多了。此刻他心情烦躁,立即摆手道:“别理他们。” Is kneeling the prison clan also said that „, but that four are the God Lord ranks, seems the devils, we several disciples who walks outside is seized by them.” 跪着的狱族却是又道,“可是那四个都是主神级别,看上去凶神恶煞,我们在外边行走的几个弟子都被他们捉了去。” Four people are God Lord!” In prison God heart one startled, gets down four God Lord, he must attach great importance, immediately said, that I have a look.” “四个人都是主神!”狱神心中一惊,一下来四个主神,他必须重视起来,当下说道,“那我去看看。” ...... …… When are not many, in the palace of prison clan, before is, receives the Ye Kong's room, at this moment sat four ( 5 ) appearance strange old man. 不多时,在狱族的宫殿,就是之前接待叶空的房间,此刻又坐了四个相㊣(5)貌怪异的老者。 First what resounds is the blind God hoarse voice, prison God, I heard before we come, you had seen surnamed Ye that. The goal and your prison clan that we come have not related, I want to ask, which that present surnamed Ye?” 首先响起的是瞎神沙哑的声音,“狱神,我听说在我们来之前,你已经见过那姓叶的了。我们来的目的和你们狱族没有关系,我只是想问一下,那姓叶的现在哪去了?” „, Four lack God everybody your honorable self to visit, red some should assist fully. Is open about the facts everybody, before we just invited one group of people surnamed Ye. However after these fellow alcoholic intoxications, unexpectedly to my prison clan the matters of female line of non- share! Although that surnamed Ye has not participated, but his subordinate is actually each one so, therefore has expelled the palace to me!” The prison God spoke of here face angry look. “哦,四缺神各位大驾光临,红某理应全力协助。不瞒各位,之前我们是刚刚宴请姓叶的一帮人。不过这些家伙醉酒以后,竟然对我狱族的女子行非份之事!虽然那姓叶的没有参与,可是他的手下却是个个如此,因此给我赶出了宫殿!”狱神说到这里一脸怒色。 This......” silly God is cruel, but should also better deceive, immediately cold -ly snorted and said: Makes me hold them, makes into the fool them completely!” “这样……”傻神最是残忍,不过也最好骗,当下冷哼道:“让我抓住他们,把他们全部都弄成傻子!” The mute God is sly, does not open the mouth, passes on the sound said to the prison God: But we outside female tower, had not noticed that one group surnamed Ye comes out.” 哑神最是狡猾,也不开口,给狱神传音道:“可是我们一直在母塔外边,没有看到那姓叶的一伙出来。” Hears the mute God to suspect, prison God did not refute, but was the nod said: These bastards willingly do not certainly leave, after they I expel the palace, immediately breaks up the whole into parts the dispersion to drill into various child towers in my female tower...... Snort, but in my clan each child tower has of labyrinth, they want to profit, is really the wishful thinking!” 听见哑神怀疑,狱神也不反驳,而是点头道:“这些混蛋当然不甘心离开,他们被我赶出宫殿以后,立即就化整为零分散钻入我母塔之中的各个子塔……哼,不过我族每个子塔之中都有迷宫之阵,他们想要占便宜,真是痴心妄想!” The mute God also said: That prison God God Venerable, I want to ask, which labyrinth in which stature tower can you help me look up the positions of Ye Kong their everyone are?” 哑神又道:“那狱神神尊,我想问一下,你能帮我查一下叶空他们各个人的位置到底是哪个子塔的哪个迷宫?” This......” prison God smiles bitterly saying: Before yes, but now, everybody also saw, the black prison God tower to this situation, many functions lost ruined, wants to help but unable!” “这个……”狱神苦笑道:“以前是可以的,不过现在,各位也看见了,黑狱神塔已经破败到这种地步,很多功能都失去了,爱莫能助啊!” The speech sees only, that side deaf God cannot hear their dialogues, is actually distant thinking aloud endlessly duplicates, receives the person wealth, with person disappearing disaster. Kills Ye Kong, helping you cultivate tower. Receives the person wealth......” 说话只见,那边聋神根本听不见他们的对话,却是远远的自言自语不断重复,“收人钱财,与人消灾。杀死叶空,帮你修塔。收人钱财……” The prison God listened to the brow tip to jump, but said with a smile: Really does not know.” 狱神听了眉梢一跳,不过还是笑道:“实在是不知道。” To the words of reader: 给读者的话: Today three chapters ~ looks at the first round not to have the advertisement welcome to «» 今天三章~看首发无广告请到《》 Please share 请分享 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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