MC :: Volume #14

#1304: All things as one desires

Chapter 1304 第1304章 All things as one desires 万事随心 Heard that this is of Mani teaches Lin Mingzhi three Shanghai Normal College, these yellow clothes Buddhist priests all are immediately excited, in these Mani teach the monks in the eye, three Shanghai Normal College is God general existence. 听说这就是玛尼教的三大上师之一林铭智,顿时那些黄衣僧人全都兴奋起来,在这些玛尼教僧众眼里,三大上师就是神一般的存在。 But that side by several person situation also crises that the Buddhist priest sieges, they are not the matches of Buddhist priest, now the Buddhist priests came the big backstage, how to call them not to be afraid. 而那边被僧人围困的几个人形势也更加危机,本来他们就不是众僧人的对手,现在僧人们又来了大后台,如何叫他们不害怕。 The elder protects the daughter apprentice, in the mouth blames unceasingly, makes you little speak little impulsive, you do not listen! This time we feared that was doomed really!” 那长者护住女儿徒弟,口中不断责备道,“让你少说话少冲动,你就是不听!这次我们怕是真的在劫难逃了!” The yellow clothes evil monk of that lead carries the blade to run over, splash kneels down, said, has seen forest Shanghai Normal College, asking Shanghai Normal College to take responsibility to the disciple.” 那个领头的黄衣邪僧拎刀跑过来,扑嗵跪下,道,“见过林上师,请上师给弟子作主。” Is this boy goes too far obviously, now but actually as if has been bullied generally. In Wu Yongxin the anger already seethed, goes forward, exclaimed, your this evil monk, was quite shameless! You meet an idea, compels toward the dead end in others, now but was actually wronged probably general. I told you, even if your forest Shanghai Normal College here, old Wu I must take your life today!” 明明是这小子欺人太甚,现在倒仿佛被人欺负了一般。吴勇心中怒意早已翻腾,上前一步,吼道,“你这邪僧,好生无耻!你一会一个主意,把人家往绝路上逼,现在倒好象受了委屈一般。我告诉你,就算你们林上师在此,老吴我今日也要取你性命!” These Mani teach other Buddhist priests to look, jumps out several oppositions. They are not feeling well, but looks at these people are Great Firmament Golden Immortal, they do not dare to be dissolute. 那些玛尼教其他僧人一看,又跳出几个反对的。他们都是不爽,不过看这几人都是大罗金仙,他们也不敢放肆。 However at this time actually squeezed out several mortal female followers, rushes to seize Wu Yong, pesters endlessly. Shouts unceasingly, why that show girl cancels the person, making our Buddhas rest? Doesn't she wait for the man to rest?” 不过这时却挤出几个凡人女信徒,奔出来揪住吴勇,胡搅蛮缠。更是不断喊道,“那个骚妮子干吗那么勾人,让我们佛爷睡一下怎么了?她不就等着男人睡么?” That side three human spirits, especially that called the family/home the youngster of cedar, oneself Junior Sister had not said to the present a few words, these buddhist nun people can distort the facts? People who at present several hundred people, link one to have unexpectedly humane doesn't have? 那边三人气得要死了,特别是那叫家楠的少年,自己师妹到现在一句话没说,这些女僧人怎么就能颠倒黑白呢?眼前数百人,竟然连一个有人性的人都没有么? He has also been ready for any sacrifice, exclaimed, Mani taught to damage the four directions, tormented Immortal World, taught the disciple in the name of cultivate, terrorized men and take their women, injures someone innumerably, was the cults in cults, wicked monk in wicked monk! Today my Hu nan has struggled with you, kills under cost price, kills two to gain one!” 他也豁出去了,吼道,“玛尼教祸害四方,荼毒仙界,教中弟子以修炼为名,欺男霸女,害人无数,乃是邪教中的邪教,恶僧中的恶僧!今日我胡家楠跟你们拚了,杀一个够本,杀两个赚一个!” These Buddhist priests do not dare to raising continuous the Chinese violin sound, as if on the scene lead into the everyone in this mortal world each people, looks at their sadness, looks at their pain, looks that their was bullied actually to swallow an insult...... Also sees these corpulent government officials, to regard the Buddhist priest who the human life such as worthless Immortal, is domineering and tyrannical to stop at no evil...... 那些僧人不敢对扬连绵的胡琴声,仿佛把在场的每个人都带入到尘世中的千家万户中,看着他们的悲伤,看着他们的痛苦,看着他们受人欺压却忍气吞声……也看见那些肥头大耳的官吏、视人命如草芥的仙人、横行霸道无恶不作的僧人…… Although this Lin Mingzhi the technique of playing the stringed instrument and not on Hong Mengni eventuality, but in his tweedle has the power, moreover Chinese violin sound is sad Qiang the melody, the Buddhist priest on the scene with the zither music, some people bursts into tears, some people of angry, but also some people rebuke oneself...... 这林铭智虽然操琴之术及不上洪梦妮万一,可是他的琴声中却更有感染力,而且胡琴这声音本来是一种悲呛的曲调,在场僧人跟着琴音,有人流泪,有人愤怒,还有人自责…… Plays, the people have not come out from that atmosphere. Listens to Lin Mingzhi to open the mouth saying: Amitabha, I and other in the hearts the vicious tendencies diverged you with the big mercy sound, the pledge did not do to count. You and others must record frequently sincerely, extinguishes vows Buddha seal is my Buddha bestows us to protect the life, uses for the friendliness. But others did not vie for supremacy to fight to suppress to is innocent for the calamity!” 一曲奏完,众人还没从那种氛围中出来。就听林铭智开口道:“阿弥陀佛,我已经用大慈悲音将你等心中戾气散去,刚才的誓言不作数了。你等要时刻谨记,灭誓佛印乃是我佛赐给我们保护生命,为善所用。而不是给尔等争强斗狠为祸无辜的!” The Buddhist priests under the Chinese violin of forest inscription wisdom, each one like were not impulsive a moment ago, but holds their palms together, lowers the head saying: Shanghai Normal College, we have made a mistake, later does not dare to use again carelessly.” 众僧人在林铭智的一曲胡琴下,个个都不像刚才那么冲动,而是都双手合十,低头道:“上师,我们错了,以后不敢再胡乱使用了。” The Buddhist priest vicious tendencies that however that leads are heavy, he opens the mouth to get angry: Shanghai Normal College, can you arm elbow turn outward? Does not help us, but also accuses us? Are you Shanghai Normal College that our Mani teaches?” 不过那领头的僧人戾气却重,他开口怒道:“上师,你怎么能胳膊肘往外拐?不帮助我们,还指责我们?你是我们玛尼教的上师么?” Lin Mingzhi is not angry, is actually opens the mouth saying: Wang Ruizhou, you are also a bitter child of poor families, hits the little father to be grasped to dig the immortal jade, one does not return. Afterward mother was infatuated with Mani to teach the medicine and stone acupuncture needle to be loose, the fee/spent completely family property, the skeleton not saved. But you could not obtain to sense, mortal, lets the person to humiliate, the beast of burden is living generally. Afterward you accidentally obtained paper books that others lost, had this glow general meager strength. Like your this person, should be able to understand the pain of humiliated, how can actually a little small strength, then deceive people?” 林铭智也不生气,却是开口道:“汪锐洲,你也是一个贫穷人家的苦孩子,打小父亲就被人抓去挖仙玉,一去不回。后来母亲又迷恋上玛尼教药石散,费尽家财,尸骨无存。而你一直也得不到感悟,一介凡人,任人欺凌,牛马一般活着。后来你偶然得到了别人遗落的一纸书卷,才有了这萤火一般的微薄力量。象你这种人,理应更能了解被人欺凌的痛苦,却又怎能才有点小力,就转而欺人呢?” That lead Buddhist priest called Wang Ruizhou, listened to Lin Mingzhi the saying a word heart in great surprise. Must know that he with this forest Shanghai Normal College is also first meeting, the opposite party unexpectedly can be familiar with his entire life! But that paper books are also only High Rank Immortal treasure hunt, waste that discards, but the waste is the treasure is common regarding his such mortal, this can achievement medium Golden Immortal. This matter he was everyone had not said how this forest Shanghai Normal College clearly did know? 那领头僧人正是叫汪锐洲,听了林铭智言语心中大惊。要知道他和这林上师也是第一次见面,对方竟能对他生平都了若指掌!而那一纸书卷也只是高阶仙人寻宝回来,丢弃的废物,不过废物对于他这样的凡人却是珍宝一般,这才能成就中等金仙。此事他更是谁都没说,怎么这林上师就清楚知道呢? However in his mouth still stubborn say/way: Wicked monk deceives people truly well, when my was bullied, although in the heart hates these to bully my person, but I envy them to be powerful, can deceive people! I pledged at that time, I had the strength, must join Mani to teach, the oppression is everywhere kindhearted, that is happy!” 不过他口中仍然犟道:“恶僧欺人确实不错,我被人欺负之时,心中虽然恨那些欺我之人,可是我更羡慕他们威风凛凛,可以欺人!我当时就发誓,我有了力量,也要加入玛尼教,到处欺压良善,那才痛快!” You talk nonsense! You are incurable!” Wu Yongting does not get down, is angry saying: I might as well with you, making you repent for 30,000 years to say again!” “你放屁!你无可救药!”吴勇听不下去,大怒道:“我不如拿了你,让你悔过30000年再说!” Lin Mingzhi is actually beckons with the hand saying: Buddha never gives up any person, Wang Ruizhou, my Lin Mingzhi has still not had the disciple, you are me to pass on disciple, I melt in your heart the vicious tendencies.” 林铭智却是摆手道:“佛祖从不放弃任何一人,汪锐洲,我林铭智至今未有弟子,你就做我亲传徒儿吧,我来化解你心中戾气。” Ye Kong nods secretly, already heard that Mani teaches in three Shanghai Normal College other Lin Mingzhi the Shanghai Normal College and people advocates differently, it seems like that this Lin Mingzhi is also Mani teaches the unusual good person, has the style of obtaining enlightenment eminent monk. 叶空暗自点头,早就听说玛尼教三大上师中林铭智上师和其他人主张不同,看来这林铭智也算是玛尼教中少有的好人,有得道高僧的风范。 At this time Wang Ruizhou cold -ly snorted and said: Good, how I must have a look at you to melt in my heart but actually the vicious tendencies, feared that I break through with your Cultivation Base, deceives people. Haha, what our Mani teaches not to say is all things as one desires?” 这时汪锐洲冷哼道:“那好啊,我倒要看看你如何化我心中戾气,就怕我跟着你修为突破,更加欺人。哈哈,我们玛尼教不就讲的是一个万事随心么?” Listens to Lin Mingzhi also saying: A wooden Grandmaster who my Mani teaches to venerate, the life is benevolent, all things that he advocates as one desires, is speaks in world all things to live by the heart, extinguishes as one desires. It is not all things has one's wish to act in a self-serving manner, Amitabha.” 就听林铭智又道:“我玛尼教尊崇的一木大师,一生仁慈,他所主张的万事随心,乃是讲世间万事都由心生,又随心灭。并不是万事随心所欲为所欲为啊,阿弥陀佛。” Wang Ruizhou also snort/hum said: Zhou Jiajun doesn't the Shanghai Normal College cross the immortal tribulation Immortal Monarch in the same old way?” 汪锐洲又哼道:“那周佳俊大上师不照样渡仙劫成仙君?” Lin Mingzhi said lightly: My Buddha mercy, causal circle. He for wicked is too many, this immortal tribulation, he is absolutely!” 林铭智淡淡道:“我佛慈悲,因果循环。他为恶太多,这仙劫,他是万万度不过去的!”
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