MC :: Volume #14

#1303: The third Shanghai Normal College

Chapter 1303 第1303章 The third Shanghai Normal College 第三大上师 Ye Kong and the others walked into the restaurant, here saw only has encircled many people, is primarily yellow clothes monks who Mani taught, these Buddhist priests all hands took the pointed knife, combative, gathered round one table of people in hall. 叶空等人步入酒楼之内,只见这边已经围了不少人,以玛尼教的黄衣僧众为主,这些僧人个个手拿尖刀,杀气腾腾,围着大厅之中的一桌人。 That table is three people, old, is young men and women. In addition the person of waiter appearance, the mouth eye bleeds, kneels in side, keeps kowtowing to several Buddhist priests at present. 那一桌是三个人,一个年纪稍长,还有是一对年轻男女。另外还有一个小二模样的人,口眼流血,跪在旁边,不停地对眼前几个僧人磕头。 In the Buddhist priests takes the lead took the lead in causing trouble a moment ago the monster monk who outside, at this moment his face murderous aura, gets angry: Your this waiter, does the dog see the person, is it possible that the Buddha does not have the immortal jade? Why doesn't serve food to us first?” 僧人中领头的正是刚才在外边带头闹事的妖僧,此刻他一脸杀气,怒道:“你这小二,狗眼看人,佛爷莫非没有仙玉?为何不先给我们上菜?” That waiter does not live to kowtow saying: Buddha, forgives. They come first, waited for a meeting, I first serve certainly food to them, several Buddhas just sat down, must speak first come first served......” 小二不住磕头道:“佛爷,饶命啊。他们三人先来,已经等了一会,我当然先给他们上菜,几位佛爷刚坐下,总得讲个先来后到……” ! 啪! waiter has not said, had pulled out a big mouth by the lead Buddhist priest. The fellow is medium Golden Immortal, but that waiter is mortal, how to receive, this mouth hit to faint. 小二还没说完,就被领头僧人抽了个大嘴巴。那家伙是一个中等金仙,而那小二不过是个凡人,如何受得住,这一嘴巴就打得昏死了过去。 At this time in the crowd rushed to restaurant boss, apologized hastily, said that not only served food immediately, but must compensate the immortal jade to the Buddhist priest but actually. 这时人群中奔出酒楼老板,连忙赔罪,说不但马上就上菜,还要给僧人倒赔仙玉。 However that lead Buddhist priest is still discontented, brandishes a sword and points at that table of people of sitting to shout to clear the way: Buddha I teach waiter, who makes you open the mouth? A moment ago in the mouth the Buddha to the boy who disrespected, came out to me!” 不过那领头僧人犹自不满,一挥刀又指着坐着的那桌人喝道:“佛爷我教训小二,谁让你们开口?刚才口中对佛爷不敬的小子,给我出来!” Sees only that table of age elders to come out to apologize slightly hastily, said the own apprentice young air/Qi is abundant, is not disrespects to the Buddha, but spoke thoughtlessly a word, but also looked at the Buddhist priest to relinquish in light of this. 只见那桌的年纪稍长者连忙出来赔罪,说自己徒弟年少气盛,并不是对佛爷不敬,只是随口一言,还望僧人就此作罢。 Ye Kong and the others understanding that looks in side. Deciding was these Buddhist priests enters the hotel to want on the liquor to serve food, disliked on waiter was slow, possibly just this table also had the same dish, the Buddhist priest was angry, make a move has hit waiter. But that table of youngster men of think that cannot tolerate these Buddhist priests to do all kinds of evil things, opens the mouth not to know said sentence anything, Buddhist priest they also hated. 叶空等人在旁边看的明白。定是这些僧人进入酒店就要上酒上菜,嫌小二上的慢了,可能刚好这一桌又有同样的菜,那僧人就恼了,出手打了小二。而那一桌的少年男子想必是看不过眼这些僧人为非作歹,开口不知道说了句什么,僧人就连他们也恨上了。 That table of seniors are superior Golden Immortal, how Mani to teach the Buddhist priest to overwhelm with numerical strength, only then compromises for the general interest, acts to greet. 那桌年长者已经是上等金仙了,奈何玛尼教僧人人多势众,也只有委曲求全,出面打招呼。 That that however sits to the men and women is actually in the heart indignant, but also knows that Mani teaches the person to be formidabe, at this moment also only then swallows an insult, lowers the head does not speak. 不过坐着的那对男女却是心中忿忿,不过也知道玛尼教人难对付,此刻也只有忍气吞声,低头不语。 The lead Buddhist priest sees the opposite party elder to apologize to oneself, is complacent, the heart said that our Mani teaches is really ruthless spicy, must swallow an insult to oneself high first-level Immortal. 领头僧人看见对方长者对自己道歉,也是得意洋洋,心道我们玛尼教果然是狠辣,对自己高一级的仙人都得忍气吞声。 That.” His cold snort/hum, said: What that speech is your apprentice or the son?” “那就算了。”他冷哼一声,又道:“那个说话的是你徒弟还是儿子?” The elders said hastily: Is my apprentice, side is my daughter, the Buddha, this matter.” 长者连忙道:“是我徒弟,旁边是我小女,佛爷,此事就算了吧。” The lead Buddhist priest nods, but also proposed another request, what speech is he, why doesn't see him to apologize? Let him apologize.” 领头僧人点点头,但是却又提出了另一个要求,“说话的是他,为何不见他来道歉?让他来道歉。” The elders smile bitterly saying: Buddha, you said a moment ago forget about it.” 长者苦笑道:“佛爷,你刚才都说算了。” The lead Buddhist priest supercilious look turns, gets angry: My Mani teaches is fastidious about to have one's wish, now I suddenly do not want then forget about it.” 领头僧人白眼一翻,怒道:“我玛尼教就是讲究个随心所欲,现在我突然又不想算了。” The elder is helpless, has to draw the apprentice. The apprentice also truly is young and impetuous, the still struggles, but his Master said in a low voice: Endures to be uneventful for a while, family/home cedar, we cannot offend, do not visit him medium Golden Immortal, but he, if pledged, for the Master is not the match!” 那长者无奈,只好拉过徒弟。那徒弟也确实是年轻气盛,犹自挣扎一下,不过他师傅却是低声道:“忍一时风平浪静,家楠,我们得罪不起啊,别看他才中等金仙,可是他若是一发誓,为师也不是对手哇!” Extinguishing that Mani teaches vowed Buddha seal truly is the evil reputation outside, pledged that on the promotion rank, has not died continuous, with stares by the poisonous snake general, appointed everyone must consider. 玛尼教的灭誓佛印确实是恶名在外,一发誓就提升等级,还不死不休,就跟被毒蛇盯上一般,任谁都要考虑一下。 Buddha, said a word a moment ago many takes the liberty, but also looks......” “佛爷,刚才言语多有冒昧,还望……” Sound greatly! The Buddhas I cannot hear!” Lead Buddhist priest rampant shouting, nearby numerous Mani teaches the Buddhist priests to laugh. “声音大点!佛爷我听不见!”领头僧人嚣张的大喊,旁边一众玛尼教僧人都是哈哈大笑。 That called the family/home the youth both eyes of cedar blood red, exclaimed loudly: Buddha, I made a mistake! Was I had made a mistake a moment ago, asking the Buddha to forgive!” The youth said, in blood red both eyes has left behind the tears. He rather goes all out with this monster monk, do not receive this humiliation! 那叫家楠的青年双目血红,大声吼道:“佛爷,我错了!刚才是我错了,请佛爷原谅!”青年说完,血红的双目中已经留下泪水。他宁可和这妖僧拼命,也不要受这种屈辱! However that lead Buddhist priest laughs happily, actually changed the idea. 不过那领头僧人开心大笑完毕,却又改主意了。 Has you to apologize like this? The apology must kneel down, kowtows, said 100!” Nearby Mani teaches the Buddhist priest also to shout, kneels down, kowtows!” “有你这样道歉的嘛?道歉要跪下,磕头,说100遍!”旁边的玛尼教僧人也是全都喊起来,“跪下,磕头!” The elder also thought that this evil monk went too far, goes forward saying: Buddha, since apologized, I thought this matter.” 那长者也觉得这邪僧太过分了,上前道:“佛爷,既然已经道歉,我看此事就算了吧。” The lead Buddhist priest is angry, shakes in hand a blade, gets angry: You said that calculated? I changed the idea, good, you said that forget about it, I did not want him to apologize......” 领头僧人大怒,一震手中番刀,怒道:“你说算就算了?我又改主意了,好吧,你说算了就算了,我也不要他道歉了……” The elder relaxes, actually listens to the Buddhist priest also saying: I looked that your daughter appearance is also good-looking, sleeps with the Buddha I, that.” 那长者才松一口气,却听僧人又道:“我看你女儿模样也算俊俏,陪佛爷我睡一觉,那就算了吧。” I go to your mother!” The youngster is driven beyond the limits of forbearance finally, gives the lead Buddhist priest is a fist. “我去你妈!”那少年终于忍无可忍,上去给领头僧人就是一拳。 Immediately, in the hall piece of chaos, the Buddhist priests are kyoodling, lifts the blade to kill. 顿时,大厅里一片大乱,僧人们乱叫着,举刀就杀上去。 Here. Wu Yong could not endure patiently, gets angry: Sir, these evil monks really go too far, today does not kill off these sorcerers, my Wu Yong dies with injustice unredressed!” 这边。吴勇已经忍耐不住,怒道:“大人,这些邪僧委实欺人太甚,今日不杀光这些妖人,我吴勇死不瞑目!” Kuang Peng is also unable to continue watching, the vision is cold and gloomy, said: These Buddhist priests have not been considered as that the person, in my opinion, might as well kill off completely, or all caught! This can also prevent the news to leak!” 狂鹏也看不下去,目光森冷,道:“这些僧人已经不算是人了,依我看,不如全部杀光,或者全捕了!这样也可以防止消息外泄!” These Buddhist priests are truly hateful, even if will die Ye Kong not to a sympathy, the preparation will order, actually felt that a formidable immortal knowledge will blot out the sky! 这些僧人确实可恨至极,就算死光叶空也不会给一点同情,就准备下令,却感觉到一股强大的仙识铺天盖地而来! That immortal knows is formidable, Ye Kong and the others were suppressed, but these Buddhist priests are Golden Immortal Cultivation Base, feels the strong immortal knowledge, stops make a move to come, turns head to look...... Sees only the immortal to know the origin, unexpectedly is the hall corner, a hand takes the skinny old man of Chinese violin. 那仙识非常强大,就连叶空等人都被压制,而那些僧人都是金仙修为,感觉到强大仙识,也都停下手来,回头看去……只见仙识来源,竟然是大厅一角,一个手拿胡琴的干瘦老者。 With Ye Kong and the others stood understanding that the speeding car steward looks, startled say/way: Draws Uncle Lin who the zither sings for a living, why will have so formidable immortal knowledge!” 叶空等人站在一起的飞车管事看的明白,惊道:“拉琴卖唱的林老伯,为何会有如此强大的仙识!” Kuang Peng is busy at asking the reason. Steward Li said: Uncle Lin is our qins sings for a living, does not know how many years had, usually in also made the change that some others bestowed, he what's the matter Immortal?” 狂鹏忙问缘由。李管事道:“林老伯是我们这拉琴卖唱的,也不知道有多少年了,平日里也就赚些别人施舍的小钱,他怎么回事一个仙人?” The old man is not only Immortal, is very formidable Immortal! During the speeches, the imposing manner rose dramatically to an extreme! When looks at him again, unexpectedly is medium Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal! They must be higher than one section compared with Ye Kong! 那老头不但是个仙人,还是个非常强大的仙人!说话之间,气势已经飙升到一个极点!再看他时,竟然已经是中等罗天上仙!比叶空他们还要高出一截! Wu Yongjing said: Sells the cake, cannot think that your here is also hiding a person of high skill!” 吴勇惊道:“卖糕的,想不到你这里还隐藏着一个高人啊!” Wu Yong selling cake naturally with the Ye Kong study, before often said in fallen leaf temple Ye Kong, therefore by Wu Yongxue. 吴勇的卖糕的当然是跟叶空学来的,以前在落叶寺叶空就经常说,所以被吴勇学来。 Uncle Lin the imposing manner rises dramatically, this takes the Chinese violin to stand. He became the focal point of people, does not have any anxiety, looks truly is a person of high skill. 那林老伯气势飙升,这才拿着胡琴站起来。他已经成为众人的焦点,却并不有任何的紧张,一看就确实是个高人。 Uncle Lin has not managed other people, arrives in front of Ye Kong and the others unexpectedly, line of Buddha rituals, Amitabha.” 林老伯也没管其他人,竟然来到叶空等人面前,行个佛礼,“阿弥陀佛。” Ye Kong returned to the Buddha ritual. Listens to Uncle Lin to ask Wu Yongdao: Donor, does not know the one who sells cake is what meaning?” 叶空回了个佛礼。听林老伯问吴勇道:“施主,不知卖糕的是什么意思?” Wu Yongzhi knows study, actually puzzled its meaning. Ye Kong said: What sells the cake is our native place, en, a God...... Below leaf Ye, does not know the senior......” 吴勇只知道学,却不解其意。叶空道:“卖糕的是我们老家的,恩,一个神祗……在下叶野,不知前辈……” Uncle Lin said: Old buddhist monk Lin Mingzhi.” 林老伯道:“老衲林铭智。” All people tarry, Ye Kong also stares, doubts saying: But Mani teaches of forest inscription wisdom Shanghai Normal College three Shanghai Normal College?” 所有人都呆住,叶空也是一愣,疑道:“可是玛尼教三大上师之一的林铭智上师?” Uncle Lin nods, Wu Yong actually does not believe that real false, how you are not bald, is not the Buddhist priest, has not worn the cassock.” 林老伯点头,吴勇却是不信,“真的假的,怎么你不是光头,也不是僧人,更没穿袈裟。” Lin Mingzhi said: Sells the cake can to become God, plays the zither why can't be Lin Mingzhi?” 林铭智道:“卖糕的都能成神,拉琴的为何不能是林铭智呢?”
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