LE :: Volume #27

#2641: sword qi vortex

Vol. 1 Chapter 88 第一卷第88章 After the attack of this wave of transparent person's shadow, the originally more than 500 people only have more than 30 now. 经过这一波透明人影的攻击,原本的五百多人现在只剩下三十多个。 Stand numerous seizes the valley high level to frown, personnel losses so fierce, finally the difficulty of opening buried treasure will also be bigger. 看台众多夺谷高层皱起眉头,减员如此的厉害,最后开启宝藏的难度也会更大。 In the Xue Changkong people relaxation time, the test starts one time finally. 在一次给血长空众人一些休息时间,最后考验开始。 This time has not slaughtered the sound to pass on, but was huge fighting intent such as the tide welled up generally, all around let become depressing, more than 30 transparent person's shadows went out from stone door slowly, vision ice-cold looked to the Xue Changkong people. 这一次没有厮杀声传出来,而是一股庞大的战意如潮水一般涌了出来,让四周都变得压抑起来,三十多个透明人影缓缓从石门之中走出,目光冰冷的看向血长空众人。 The Xue Changkong people facial expression also becomes somewhat serious, more than 30 transparent person's shadows be innumerable than the transparent person's shadow to add before to be dangerous. 血长空众人神情也变得有些严肃,这三十多个透明人影要比之前无数透明人影加起来还要危险。 xiū xiū xiū...... 咻咻咻…… More than 30 transparent person's shadows grasp the weapon speed to charge into the Xue Changkong people fast, the Xue Changkong people quickly use the weapon to resist, both sides fierce battle together. 三十多个透明人影手持武器速度飞快冲向血长空众人,血长空众人急忙使用武器抵挡,双方激烈战斗在一起。 This Xue Changkong people are not relaxed, the situation becomes difficult, was wielded to cut suppressing by a transparent person's shadow as strongest Xue Changkong unceasingly. 这一次血长空众人没有那么轻松,处境变得困难,作为最强的血长空都被一个透明人影不断挥砍给压制住。 Clang! 锵! A transparent person's shadow strength note starts the broadsword, expresses a blade cry, dozens meters blade shadow formation, bringing hysterical/frenzy strength to divide, chops to fly a youngster far away, throws down puts out a blood on the ground, fainted deadly in the past. 一个透明人影一股力量注入手中的大刀,发出一声刀鸣,数十米长的刀影形成,带着狂乱的力量一劈,将一个少年劈飞出去老远,摔倒在地上吐出一口鲜血,晕死过去。 The people heart is startled to look at present one, this transparent person's shadow real powerful. 众人心惊看着眼前一幕,这透明人影真的好强 bang bang bang...... 轰轰轰…… As this transparent person's shadow displays complete strength, other transparent person's shadows erupt complete strength in abundance, powerful imposing manners spread, starts strong winds to blow to all around. 随着这一个透明人影施展全部的力量,其它的透明人影纷纷爆发出全部的力量,一股股强大的气势扩散出去,掀起一股股狂风向四周吹开。 The Xue Changkong people also used complete strength, the whole body ignited mist, sent out fearful strength. 血长空众人也使用了全部的力量,浑身燃起一股股气焰,散发出一股股可怕的力量 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… both sides fight intensely in together, loud sound unceasing emanation, strengths unceasingly to blowing, the ground crack come, some pebble collapse and fly away go out. 双方激烈的战斗在一起,巨响不断的发出,一股股劲力不断向吹开,地面都龟裂开来,一些石子崩飞出去。 What is most noticeable is Xue Changkong, the whole body braves blood-colored mist, grasps a blood blade, cuts in the sky and a transparent person's shadow mutually, blade qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, extremely intense. 最引人注目的还是血长空,浑身冒着血色气焰,手持一把血刀,在天空之中和一个透明人影互砍,刀气纵横,极为的激烈。 The Hong Yan whole body braves red mist, a sword wields to carry over innumerable sword light such as the raindrop general shoots towards transparent person's shadow, the transparent person's shadow horizontal blade keeps off, keeps off innumerable sword light, the backhand wields, the fearful blade vigor cuts together to Hong Yan, the ground was pulled off together the gully. 红颜浑身冒着红色气焰,一剑挥出带出无数剑光如雨点一般射向透明人影,透明人影横刀一挡,将无数剑光挡下,反手一挥,一道可怕的刀劲向红颜斩去,地面被拖出一道沟壑。 Hong Yan lifts the sword to divide, sword light cuts and that blade vigor together sharply hits in together, had the radical explosion, sword light four shot, the strength scattered in all directions. 红颜举剑一劈,一道剑光锋利斩出和那刀劲撞击在一起,发生了剧烈的爆炸,剑光四射,劲力四散。 That Hei Lan'er grasps a long sword, changes into together the black flowing light, fast overruns to a transparent person's shadow, that transparent person's shadow has not feared intent, bringing powerful strength to hit to Hei Lan'er. 那个黑蓝儿手持一把长剑,化为一道黑色的流光,快速的向一个透明人影冲过去,那透明人影也没有惧意,带着强大的力量撞向黑蓝儿 Bang! 砰! An explosion resounds, two powerful strength collide in together, the light shining in all directions, quarry stone collapse and fly away, the ground presents huge pit. Two people situated in the huge pit center, the double sword interweave. 一声爆炸响起,两股强大的力量碰撞在一起,光芒四射,乱石崩飞,地面出现一个大坑。两人位于大坑中心,双剑交织。 An all around person also face looks at the picture of front fierce battle tight seriously, no turns head to talk. 四周人也一脸紧张严肃看着前方激烈战斗的画面,没有一个扭头交谈。 The time over the past hour, the victory and defeat divided finally. 时间过去一个小时,胜负终于分出来了。 Finally successfully defeats the transparent person's shadow only has six, first Xue Changkong, second Hong Yan, third Zi Yan, fourth Hei Lan'er, fifth is a facial features ordinary youngster, sixth is the callous youth, just three male and three female. 最后成功击败透明人影的只有六个,第一个血长空,第二个红颜,第三个紫嫣,第四个黑蓝儿,第五个是一个面容普通的少年,第六个是冷酷的青年,刚好三男三女。 Others leave the stage, the stupor person was lifted, only leaves behind the Xue Changkong six people, now only then their six obtain grasp the sword to break the qualifications of barrier. 其它人退场,昏迷的人被人抬下去,只留下血长空六人,现在只有他们六个获得握剑打破结界的资格。 Xue Changkong looks that other five people received some wounds appearances, self-confident said with a smile, I give you your opportunity, making you first grasp the sword.” 血长空看着其它五人都收了一些伤的样子,自信的笑着说道,“我给你你们一个机会,让你们先去握剑。” According to the beforehand stipulation, the Xue Changkong striking down transparent person's shadow are most, is the first going forward person, 按照之前的规定,血长空击杀透明人影最多,是第一个上前的人, Hong Yan and Zi Yan look at one mutually, has not made the sound. 红颜紫嫣互看一眼,没有作声。 That youngster said with a smile, „after that I opened the buried treasure, do not regret!” 那一名少年笑着说道,“那等我开启宝藏之后你可别后悔!” The youngster walk to go forward, grip to seize to get the sword hilt of sword, pulls out from the ground it, then since somewhat sizes up seizing in hand to get the sword excitedly. 少年走上前,握住夺领剑的剑柄,将其从地面上抽出来,然后有些激动打量起手中的夺领剑。 Looked that seizes to lead the sword youngster vision to look to stone door, starts the sword a strength note, made an effort to divide forward. 看完夺领剑少年目光看向石门,将一股力量注入手中的剑,向前用力劈了过去。 Bang! 砰! The sword has not divided stone door, huge strength gushes out from stone door, strikes flying 100 meters away the youngster, throws down puts out a big blood on the ground, seized to get the sword also to fly. 剑还没有劈中石门,一股庞大的力量石门之中涌出,将少年击飞100米外,摔倒在地上吐出一大口鲜血,夺领剑也飞了出去。 A people facial expression face surprise, without six people that thinking to select, first failed like this. 众人神情一脸诧异,没有想到选出的六人,第一个就这样失败了。 The remaining five people of facial expressions also enforce, although they adopted the test, but this 3-level barrier , is very absolutely difficult to break. 剩下的五人神情也严肃起来,虽然他们通过了考验,但是这三层结界,也绝对很难打破。 All around no one spoke, the scene seemed somewhat peaceful. 四周都没有人说话,场面显得有些安静。 That callous youth started talking, I try!” 那一名冷酷的青年开口说道,“我来试一试!” The callous youth leads the sword its seizing of falling, arrived in front of stone door seriously, the draw takes the sword, before he does not have , the youngster is negligent and rash, starts the sword own strength unceasing note. 冷酷青年将其掉落的夺领剑,严肃的走到了石门面前,平拿着剑,他没有之前少年大意和莽撞,将自身的力量不断注入手中的剑。 That sword sends out innumerable sword light, an astonishing sword potential spreads, covers the four directions, making in the person heart be startled. 那剑散发出无数的剑光,一股惊人的剑势扩散出去,笼罩四方,令人心中吃惊。 Bang! 轰! A callous youth sword wields, terrifying sword light brought destroy all strength to cut to stone door together, the ground will disrupt shortly, the momentum was astonishing. 冷酷青年一剑挥出,一道恐怖剑光带着摧毁一切的力量石门斩了过去,地面顷刻间碎裂开来,声势惊人。 In that moment, stone door floods into huge strength to hit with that sword light in one type together. 在那一刻,石门在一种涌入一股庞大的力量与那剑光撞击在一起。 Bang! 砰! Giant explosive sound resounds, shock-wave spreads, quarry stone collapse to launch, the sand and crushed stone fills the air, blocks from the line of sight of countless people, the people does not send anything clearly, does that callous youth have stone door barrier breaks. 一声巨大的爆炸声响起,一股冲击波扩散开来,乱石崩射,砂石弥漫,遮住无数人的视线,众人也不清楚发什么事情,那一个冷酷青年有没有将石门结界打破。 Waits for the mist and dust to diverge, the callous youth corners of the mouth are flowing the blood, partly squats on the ground, but a stone door matter does not have. 等烟尘散去,冷酷青年嘴角流着鲜血,半蹲在地上,而石门却一点事情都没有。 The people are stunned, such powerful strength have not broken first barrier unexpectedly, barrier is strength so fearful? 众人一脸错愕,这么强大的力量竟然都没有打破第一道结界,结界力量就这么可怕吗? The people on stand, in heart also some surprise, they, although does not think that the callous youth can break 3-level barrier, but felt that breaks one should not to have the issue, but such cannot break, stone door barrier powerful also surpasses them to imagine. 看台上的众人,心中也有些诧异,他们虽然不认为冷酷青年可以打破三层结界,但是感觉打破一层应该没有问题,可是这样一层都打不破,石门结界的强大也超出他们想象。 The callous youth's in sword the hand inserted in the ground stands to fall back on another side, he himself understands that could not be victorious barrier by his strength, therefore did not have to continue to attempt. 冷酷青年将手中剑插在地上站了起来退到另一边,他自己明白以他的力量打不过结界,所以也没有在继续尝试。 Zi Yan started talking, I must try!” 紫嫣开口说道,“我也要试一试!” Zi Yan goes forward to draw out that sword, serious looks to stone door, a powerful strength note starts the sword, that sword sends out innumerable silver sword qi, innumerable sword qi move around Zi Yan, sharply seems the imposing manner that can separate the skin spreads. 紫嫣上前拔出那一把剑,严肃的看向石门,一股强大的力量注入手中的剑,那一把剑散发出无数的银色剑气,无数的剑气围绕着紫嫣旋转,一股锋利好似可以割裂皮肤的气势扩散出去。 This had not finished, sword strength that Zi Yan non-stop pours into the sword, that sword qi vortex is getting bigger and bigger, sends out a sword potential of terrifying, the ground was excised the one after another sword mark. 这样还没有结束,紫嫣不停的剑力量注入剑之中,那一个剑气漩涡越来越大,散发出一股更为恐怖的剑势,地面都被割除一道道剑痕。 Bang! 轰! The Zi Yan sword wields, that huge sword qi vortex has the imposing manner of cutting to pieces myriad things, cut to stone door fierce, ground unceasing was stirred broken by sword qi, the innumerable sounds are grating. 紫嫣剑一挥,那一个巨大的剑气漩涡带着切碎万物的气势,凶猛向石门斩了过去,地面不断的被剑气搅碎,无数声音刺耳。 () ()
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