LE :: Volume #25

#2460: dark(ness) imposing manner

Knight of Darkness some are not convinced saying that I know you to be powerful, but I am not weak, moreover now our strength is the same, we are 11 people, does not believe you easily to beat us.” 黑暗骑士有些不服气说道,“我知道你强大,但是我也不弱,况且现在我们的力量是一样,我们又是十一个人,不信你可以轻松击败我们。” Knight of Flame lightly snorted, did not say that did not say, now I have not wanted to know.” 火焰骑士轻哼一声,“不说就不说,现在我还不想知道。” Finally Alina apologetically said, was sorry! This is the rule of headquarters, we indestructible.” 最后艾琳娜歉意的说道,“抱歉!这是总部的规则,我们不能破坏。” The Zhao Fu corners of the mouth rise to show a evil smile, „did you determine? Otherwise do not blame me.” 赵甫嘴角上扬露出一丝邪恶的笑容,“你们确定?不然可不要怪我了。” Hears Zhao Fu’s words, the many women complexion changes, in the heart somewhat dreads. 听到赵甫的话,众女脸色一变,心中有些畏惧起来。 Alina enforces the reminder saying that you are very powerful, but be please clear that here air/Qi Knight Union, you should understand the great strength of Knight Union, hopes do not make any wrong decision.” 艾琳娜严肃着提醒说道,“你是很强大,但请你清楚这里气骑士工会,你应该明白骑士工会的强大,希望你不要做什么错误的决定。” Zhao Fu said with a smile lightly, your Knight Union was very powerful, the distribution was also very widespread, but I may not fear your Card World Knight Union.” 赵甫轻笑道,“你们骑士工会很强大,分布也很广泛,但我可一点不怕你们卡牌世界骑士工会。” In Alina heart one startled, „are you Heaven Awaken World's person?” 艾琳娜心中一惊,“你是天启世界的人?” At this time, Alina listens to Zhao Fu from Zhao Fu’s words from other world, will otherwise not say your Card World. 此时,艾琳娜赵甫的话中听出赵甫是来自别的世界,不然不会说你们卡牌世界 Other Knight complexions change, now Card World and Heaven Awaken are going to war, now in hostile relationship, but front person of strength is fearful, their present dangers. 其它骑士脸色一变,现在卡牌世界天启正在打仗,现在处于敌对关系,而面前这人实力非常可怕,她们现在危险了。 Suddenly! 忽然! Knight of Death gloomy and cold started talking, „the present his strength was suppressed 3rd Order strength by restriction, this restriction general Emperor Heaven Realm is unable to break, we were about to kill him.” 死亡骑士阴冷开口说道,“现在他的力量禁制压制成三阶力量,这禁制一般的帝天境都无法打破,我们快杀了他。” hearing this, one after another Knight sends out huge strength, grasps in the hand long spear, punctured to Zhao Fu. 闻言,一个个骑士散发出一股庞大的力量,手持手中长枪,就向赵甫刺了过去。 Alina feels not well, just wants to prevent to be late. 艾琳娜感觉不好,刚想阻止已经迟了。 Bang! 轰! Huge rumbling sound resounds, Zhao Fu's body fuel gas seven-colored mist, huge strength erupts from Zhao Fu's body, such as the flood hits to fly generally 11 cavalry. 一声巨大的轰鸣声响起,赵甫的身体燃气一股七色气焰,一股庞大的力量赵甫的身体之中爆发出来,如洪水一般将十一个骑兵撞飞出去。 The Zhao Fu chuckle is visiting them, the golden eye pupil rotates unceasingly, invisible strength spreads. 赵甫轻笑着看着她们,金色眼瞳不断转动,一股无形的力量扩散出去。 clang clang clang...... 锵锵锵…… Colored iron chains shoot to them from four sides all directions, ties up their one after another, before drawing Zhao Fu’s face, not including Alina. 一根根彩色铁链从四面八方向她们射过去,将她们一个个都捆绑起来,拉到了赵甫的面前,其中没有包括艾琳娜 Alina understands that Zhao Fu is not silly, says such words definitely to be prepared, cannot attack rashly, now the matter turns into this, she does not know how should process. 艾琳娜明白赵甫不傻,说出那样的话肯定有准备,不能冒然的攻击,现在事情变成这样,她也不知道该如何处理。 The numerous Knight corners of the mouth flow out the blood, complexion pale, never expected that Zhao Fu eradicates powerful restriction like this. 众多骑士嘴角流出鲜血,脸色苍白,没有想到赵甫就这样破除强大的禁制 Zhao Fu said with a smile, now I do not want to participate in anything testing, hands over the Knight Seal condensation method, I let off your one time.” 赵甫笑着说道,“现在我不想参与什么考验,把骑士印的凝聚方法交出来,我就放过你们一次。” Alina awkward urging, Knight Seal is the technique of one legacy our Knight Union grasps, must pass the Knight Union stele to be able obtain, moreover you are the person of Heaven Awaken World, is not Knight, at all not possible obtain Knight Seal.” 艾琳娜为难的劝道,“骑士印是我们骑士工会掌握的一种传承之术,必须通过骑士工会的石碑才能获得,而且你是天启世界之人,又不是骑士,根本不可能获得骑士印。” The Zhao Fu chuckle said, this point I naturally know, you lead me now to the place that the Knight stele is.” 赵甫轻笑说道,“这一点我自然知道,你现在带我去往骑士石碑所在的地方。” Alina a little has doubts, does not understand the Zhao Fu's idea, started talking, „before me, has said that you need 11 faction elder to open, although I the president of trade union, but cannot open there.” 艾琳娜有点疑惑,不明白赵甫的想法,开口说道,“我之前说过,那你需要十一个派系长老才能开启,我虽然工会的会长,但不能开启那里。” The Zhao Fu vision looks to ground 11 Knight, that you open this that place a bit faster!” 赵甫目光看向地上十一个骑士,“那你们快点开启这个那个地方吧!” Knight of Light is cold a face, said, you do think our so simple hear of your words? We are Knight have the Knight honor and Faith, will not easily betray, you want to kill us to kill!” 光明骑士冷着一张脸,说道,“你认为我们会如此简单听你的话?我们是骑士骑士的荣誉和信仰,不会轻易的背叛,你想杀我们就杀!” A Knight of Darkness pair of beautiful pupil looks at Zhao Fu, the cold sound said, is our strength is inferior to you, died also recognizes in your hands.” 黑暗骑士一双美眸看着赵甫,寒声说道,“是我们实力不如你,死在你手中也认了。” Alina opens the mouth to urge hastily, like this, I do not think the matter can also discuss.” 艾琳娜连忙开口劝道,“不要这样,我想事情还可以在商量。” Now Alina does not think Zhao Fu murder, such 11 elder will die incessantly, she will also die, the Knight Union complete people possibly die. 现在艾琳娜可不想赵甫杀人,那样不止十一个长老会死,她也会死,骑士工会全部的人都可能死。 Zhao Fu turns head to look at Alina, on the face shows a smile, extends a hand to press firmly between the fingers the pure white chin of Alina, does not use, I have decided.” 赵甫扭头看着艾琳娜,脸上露出一丝笑容,伸出一只手捏住艾琳娜的洁白下巴,“不用了,我已经决定好了。” Alina face slightly red, wants to work loose, front person is the man of her good friend, moreover she also not that casual that person. 艾琳娜脸微红,想挣脱开来,面前这个人可是她好朋友的男人,而且她也并不是那种随便的那种人。 But she wants to work loose, actually could not work loose, strength gushed out her within the body, her strength imprisonment, now her body not strength. 可是她想要挣脱,却挣脱不了,一股力量涌出她的体内,将她的力量禁锢,现在她的身体没有一丝力量 Zhao Fu hugs into the bosom her, starts to play with her body, the Alina whole face blushes, wants to struggle, is strength getting smaller. 赵甫一把将她搂入怀里,开始玩弄起她的身体,艾琳娜满脸羞红,想要挣扎,可是力量越来越小。 A Knight face of ground numerous is angry, understands that Zhao Fu wants to make anything, cursed Zhao Fu, bastard, waste, beast.” 地上众多骑士一脸愤怒,明白赵甫想要做什么,大骂赵甫,“混蛋,人渣,禽兽。” Meanwhile in their hearts is also afraid, feared that Zhao Fu to their, by Zhao Fu such tarnish, only will also be felt the ratio dies also uncomfortably, Knight of Light thinks to commit suicide very much now, but restriction is imprisoning her, making her not have strength. 同时她们心中也害怕起来,怕赵甫也会对她们这样,被赵甫这样的玷污,只感觉比死还难受,光明骑士很想现在就自杀,可是一股禁制禁锢着她,让她没有一丝力量 Zhao Fu has not cared about them, cannot describe in their front and Alina. 赵甫没有没有在意她们,在她们的面前和艾琳娜不可描述起来。 A numerous Knight face blushes, looks at Alina this familiar association president, so becomes slutty, is not concerned about face, the expression varies, has vitality/angry, has the anger, has the shyness, there is an anticipation. 众多骑士一脸羞红,看着艾琳娜这个熟悉的会长,变得如此放荡,不要脸,表情不一,有生气,有愤怒,有羞涩,也有期待。 Quick Alina weak on floor, weak respite. 很快艾琳娜软瘫在地板上,无力的喘息喘息着。 Zhao Fu arrives at the Knight of Light front, a Knight of Light face anger turns, because Zhao Fu has not worn the clothing, she does not want to face that disgusting thing, now she only wants dead, her holy body cannot be encroached by anybody. 赵甫来到光明骑士的面前,光明骑士一脸愤怒把头扭过去,因为赵甫没有身着衣物,她不想面对那恶心的东西,现在她只想死,她圣洁的身体不能被任何人侵犯。 But Zhao Fu reaching out presses Knight of Light to make her take care of itself to get up, looks that holy Knight of Light was encroached, other Knight face hatreds looks at Zhao Fu, wishes one could to dismember a body Zhao Fu now, dies without the burial ground. 赵甫伸手按着光明骑士头让她服侍自己起来,看着圣洁光明骑士被侵犯,其它骑士一脸仇恨的看着赵甫,恨不得现在把赵甫大卸八块,死无葬身之地。 Knight of Light is the resistance, the hatred looks at Zhao Fu, but strength floods into her body unceasingly, she consciousness to start to blur, initiative is taking care of Zhao Fu. 光明骑士是反抗,憎恨的看着赵甫,但是一股力量不断涌入她的身体,她意识开始模糊起来,主动的服侍着赵甫 Two people soon also the joyful sexual intercourse gets up. 两人不久也快乐的云雨起来。 numerous Knight is stunned, has not thought that holiest Knight of Light turns into now the slutty appearance. 众多骑士一脸错愕,没有想到最为圣洁的光明骑士变成现在放荡的样子。 Meets Knight of Light is not good, Zhao Fu moves toward Knight of Darkness. 一会光明骑士也不行了,赵甫走向黑暗骑士 Although Knight of Darkness is cold the face to wait for Zhao Fu, but in the heart the anticipations, do not know anything to want, front man evokes her dark(ness) desire. 黑暗骑士虽然冷着脸等着赵甫,但心中也有一丝期待,不知道什么愿意,面前的男人勾起她的黑暗欲望。 Not long, Knight of Darkness takes care of Zhao Fu under the body on own initiative, then two people continue is not possible to describe. 没有多久,黑暗骑士就主动在身下服侍赵甫,然后两人继续不可描述。 In then, numerous Knight joins, sends out sound that cannot be described, these Knight were like former cavalry, displays their special skill, madness rode in Zhao Fu's body, finally similarly defeated in the Zhao Fu hand. 在然后,众多骑士都加入进来,发出不可描述的声音,这些骑士和之前骑兵一样,发挥了她们的特长,疯狂骑在赵甫身上,最后同样败在赵甫手中。 Outside the room all are very normal, does not have any change, numerous Knight comes and goes, does not know in the room the matter. 房间外一切都很正常,没有任何的变化,众多骑士来来往往,并不知道房间内发生的事情。 The Knight Union person also had not detected, their association presidents and elder were being encroached upon by a man. 骑士工会的人同样没有察觉,他们的会长和长老正被一个男人侵犯着。 Zhao Fu in this process, discovers Knight of 11 factions, has is 11 unique strength. 赵甫在这过程中,发现十一个派系的骑士,有是十一种独特的力量 . 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