LE :: Volume #25

#2456: Creates the world

Sixth River Spirit, Locky Nation Cavalry Regiment places the time near the rivers or Water Territory, some strength will obtain enhancements, because the strength of water meets blessing to integrate their body. 第六种河灵,洛克国骑兵团身处在河流或者水域附近时候,力量会获得一些增强,因为水之力会加持融入他们的身体 Then is some styles of attack defense, these styles can be the styles that gets down by national legacy, has strong strength. 接下来都是一些攻击防御的招式,这些招式可以是由国家传承下来的招式,具有很强的力量 For example Luoshui this move of attack style, is Locky Nation most famous one move, is Locky Nation Cavalry Regiment strongest one move. 比如洛水这一招攻击招式,是洛克国最有名的一招,也是洛克国骑兵团最强一招。 Various styles can also create by Cavalry Regiment. 各种招式也可以由骑兵团自己创造。 This looked that Cavalry Regiment can create what style, being possible is very strong , will be very possibly weak. 这就看骑兵团自己本身能创造出什么招式,有可能会很强,也可能会很弱。 The Cavalry Regiment regimental commander, it can be said that Cavalry Regiment key figure, must have the outstanding ability, condenses the abilities of others, what kind of Cavalry Regiment can display fearful strength. 骑兵团的团长,可以说是骑兵团灵魂人物,必须要有出众的才能,还有凝聚其它人的能力,怎样的骑兵团才能发挥出可怕力量 If the Cavalry Regiment length is the person who fears death small and weakly, that Cavalry Regiment battle efficiency will also be very weak, can easily rout. 如果骑兵团长是一个弱小怕死的人,那骑兵团的战斗力也会很弱,可以轻易击溃。 The above the information about Cavalry Regiment, Zhao Fu felt not difficult to solve, only to need to grasp the Card World correspondence very much rule then it will be alright. 以上就是关于骑兵团的信息,赵甫感觉并不是很难解决,只需要掌握卡牌世界对应的规则就行 Now the Chaos World rule, the Alchemy World rule, Zhao Fu research has understood, especially the Alchemy World regular advantage is big. 现在混沌世界的规则,还有炼金世界的规则,赵甫已经研究明白,特别是炼金世界规则好处大。 Let Great Qin have Sage Stone, Mecha Wyvern, the mechanical blood mosquito, they played a big role to Great Qin. 大秦拥有了贤者之石,还有机械飞龙,机械血蚊,它们对大秦都发挥出了不小的作用。 Card World thinks except for powerful Cavalry Regiment, a big advantage is to make the card ability, has various strange card, is quite difficult to process. 卡牌世界除了强大的骑兵团以为,还有一大优势就是制造卡牌的能力,拥有各种奇怪的卡牌,比较难处理。 If Great Qin also has this ability, helps big Great Qin in the future. 如果大秦也拥有这一种能力,对大秦今后也帮助不小。 Although Zhao Fu controls Locky Nation, has to create the card condition, the fearfulness of numerous, the key is ordinary Great Qin soldiers is unable to use these card. 可是虽然赵甫掌控洛克国,拥有制造卡牌的条件,还有众多的可怕,关键是普通大秦士兵无法使用这些卡牌 This point felt difficult to solve, because the ability of card is the card springs up in a throng some talents, Zhao Fu can through decoding Alchemy Clan Alchemy Power comes the card ability of broken unfreezing clan. 这一点感觉就非常难解决,因为卡化的能力是卡族生来就有的天赋,赵甫可以通过破解炼金族炼金之力来破解卡族的卡化能力。 But the Card World myriad things can the card reason, be the Card World strength Origin reasons. 卡牌世界万物都可以卡化的原因,是卡牌世界力量本源的原因。 The Card World strength rule infiltrates each thing, displays this card ability, can constitute card something. 卡牌世界力量规则渗透每一件东西,施展出这一种卡化能力,就能将某一件东西构成一件卡牌 strength and rules of other world may be different from Card World, even the Zhao Fu broken unfreezing ability, Great Qin is unable to use in other world, can only use in Card World. 其它世界的力量和规则可和卡牌世界不同,就算赵甫破解卡化能力,大秦也无法在其它世界使用,只能是在卡牌世界使用。 Zhao Fu ponders, at this time must make Great Qin soldiers enter Card World, first constructs encampment in Card World, then starts to attack Card World, can well research Card World various things. 赵甫沉思起来,这个时候要不要让大秦士兵进入卡牌世界,先在卡牌世界修建一个驻地,然后开始攻伐卡牌世界,也可以好好研究卡牌世界的各种东西。 But Great Qin enters Card World at this time, the advantage that and has no, the coming in four directions will dread vigilant jointly to attack Great Qin. 可此时大秦进入卡牌世界,并没有任何的好处,一进来四方就会畏惧警惕联合攻打大秦 If can enter Card World suddenly, seizing the chance to capture what country to be best, hits one to be caught off guard, making them not have a protection, therefore does not need to worry to enter Card World, first here collection of information. 如果能够突然进入卡牌世界,趁机攻下什么国家最好,打一个措手不及,让他们没有一点防备,所以不用着急进入卡牌世界,先把这里的信息收集好。 Zhao Fu shows a smile, returned to Locky Nation Royal Palace, commanded the people collects all parties' material. 赵甫露出一丝笑容,回到了洛克国王宫中,命人收集各方的资料。 This place is Card World Middle Territory, the Kingdom quantity are more than Outer Territory, must be careful. If several Kingdom attack together, Great Qin cannot resist. 此地是卡牌世界中域,王国的数量远比外域多,还是要小心一点。如果几个王国一起攻打,大秦也抵挡不住。 Here foundation military is the 2nd Order military, now Great Qin's military mostly 1st Order. 这里的基础兵力都是二阶兵力,现在大秦的兵力大多还是一阶 Except that collects the information of this place, Zhao Fu also assigns/life to collect Card World various information, for example some Legend(ary), the information of card ability, the treasure has the information of building, the information of card manufacture, the card creatures information...... 除了收集这个地方的信息,赵甫还命收集卡牌世界的各种信息,比如一些传说,卡化能力的信息,宝具打造的信息,卡牌制造的信息,卡牌生物的信息…… These can be helpful Zhao Fu understanding Card World, moreover is very big to the Zhao Fu's help, then Zhao Fu must break the unfreezing ability, builds the treasure to have needs them. 这些都可以有助赵甫更了解卡牌世界,而且对赵甫的帮助很大,接下来赵甫要破解卡化能力,打造宝具都需要它们。 Had these information, Zhao Fu can also little take some tortuous paths, quicker achieved goal. 有了这些信息,赵甫也可以少走一些弯路,更快的达成目的。 Zhao Fu sits in the throne looks at these information, Hilary sits in the Zhao Fu's bosom, 12 female cavalry guards in the two sides. 赵甫坐在王位上看着这些信息,希拉丽坐在赵甫的怀里,十二骑兵守卫在两边。 The creation world a little meaning of this card world, originally Card World is a small world, flutters in endless void. 这个卡片世界的创世有一点意思,原本卡牌世界是一个小小的世界,飘荡在无尽虚空中。 At that time Card World received the hits of other world, the strength of that hit very fearful, Card World consumed innumerable strength to resist, but also caused heavy losses. 那时候卡牌世界受到其它世界的撞击,那撞击之力非常的可怕,卡牌世界耗费无数力量才抵挡下来,但也受到重创。 creatures in Card World almost exterminates quickly, the innumerable wild animals, the birds, in the water creatures, wisdom race died, the lawn turns into the desert, the mountain peak collapses, the river water is dry, the trees are on the wane. 卡牌世界内的生物几乎快灭绝,无数野兽,飞禽,水中生物,智慧种族都死亡,草地变成沙漠,山峰倒塌,河水干涸,树木凋零。 This time Card World possibly perished momentarily, wants to restore to need very long world. 这个时候的卡牌世界随时都可能灭亡,想要恢复过来需要很长一段世界。 Suddenly! 忽然! In one day, books flew into Card World, floats in the sky, sends out the innumerable rays, is ordinary like sun, a strength fluctuation of terrifying. 在某一天,一本书籍飞入了卡牌世界,漂浮在天空之中,散发出无数光芒,如同一个太阳一般,还有一股恐怖力量波动。 That book is a golden book, in inside pages of pages has the one after another abutment, now in the abutment is nothing thing. 那一本书是一本金色的书,里面一页页书页上有一个个卡槽,现在卡槽内是没有任何东西。 Card World was excited at that time and frightened, looks that in the sky sends out the innumerable rays golden book, what fears is metal attribute sends out strength that possibly to destroy it, what is excited is if absorbs this golden book strength, it can quickly get back. 卡牌世界当时兴奋又恐惧,看着天空之中散发无数光芒的金书,恐惧的是金属散发出来的力量可能毁灭它,兴奋的是如果吸收这一本金书力量,它可以很快恢复过来。 golden book sends out the ray to float in the midair, no sound, Card World observation after some time, discovered that golden book also suffered the heavy losses probably, has no intelligence. 金书散发出光芒漂浮在半空之中,没有一点动静,卡牌世界观察一段时间后,发现金书好像也受到了重创,已经没有任何灵性。 Then Card World makes the decision, slowly swallows refine golden book strength, taking advantage of this golden book strength, originally receives the Card World fast restoration of heavy losses. 然后卡牌世界作出决定,慢慢的吞噬炼化金书力量,借着这一股金书力量,原本受到重创的卡牌世界快速的恢复过来。 A desert grows the innumerable green grass, becomes a stretch of green space, seedling rapid-growths, become piece of forest, the innumerable fresh flowers are in full bloom in various places. 一片沙漠生长出无数青草,变为一片绿地,一颗颗树苗快速生长,变为一片森林,无数的鲜花在各处盛开。 Various creatures follow to appear, has the soaring in the birds of sky, has the wild animal in ground, various small insects, in the water also present many fish...... 各种生物跟着出现,有飞翔在天空的飞禽,有走在地面上的野兽,各种小小的昆虫,水中也出现很多鱼…… In also presented some wisdom race, but these race are not the card clans. 在其中也出现了一些智慧种族,但这些种族并不是卡族。 The births and these race of card clan are different, before said that Card World caused heavy losses, many creatures exterminate, but getting down of small some wisdom race survivals. 卡族的诞生和这些种族不一样,之前说卡牌世界受到重创,很多生物都灭绝,但有一小部分智慧种族存活的下来。 This small some wisdom race also receive golden book strength, has an unusual ability gradually, a that ability is card, but this wisdom race is the present card clan. 这一小部分智慧种族也受到金书力量,渐渐拥有一种奇特的能力,那一种能力就是卡化,而这一个智慧种族就是现在的卡族。 Why also explained Card World anything to be able card, but the card clan did not have Facca, because when creating world they were different from other things. 同时也解释了为什么卡牌世界任何东西都能卡化,但卡族是无法卡化,因为在创世时他们就和其它东西不一样。 Other species were the card spirit world master a powerful strength rule to create, but the card clan did not use race that this rule created . Moreover the card clan also mastered this rule, therefore obtain card ability. 其它物种都是卡灵世界掌握了一种强大的力量规则创造出来,但是卡族并不是使用这一种规则创造出来的种族,而且卡族也掌握了这一种规则,因此获得卡化能力。 In then, Card World absorbs metal attribute strength completely, and that golden book refine, becomes part of the world , is present sun. 在然后,卡牌世界金属力量完全吸收,并且将那一本金书炼化,成为世界的一部分,也就是现在的太阳 This also explained why Card World sun is this appearance, why is called Card Book Divine Sun. 这也解释了为什么卡牌世界太阳是这个样子,为什么叫做卡书神日 Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, score higher update is quicker, it is said gave the perfect score newly finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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