LE :: Volume #23

#2263: Destiny

After becoming 12 God of Zodiacs, 12 Goddess opens both eyes, projects different color holy light, a sacred powerful inviolable appearance. 成为十二生肖之神后,十二女神睁开双眼,射出不同颜色的圣光,给人一种神圣强大不可侵犯的样子。 bang bang bang...... 轰轰轰…… a rumbling sound resounds, a 12 Goddess pair of both eyes eyeball looks to floating in central Legacy Stone, sends out powerful Power of Zodiac. 一声声轰鸣声响起,十二女神一双双眼睛看向漂浮在中心的传承之石,散发出一股股强大的生肖之力 Sees only different color aura to gush out from their body continuously, above their top of the head, formed the mouse, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog and a pig 12 animal. 只见一缕缕不同颜色的气息从她们的身体之中涌出,在她们头顶上方,形成了鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪十二种动物。 After a 12 animal forms, such as live general, makes various movements in the midair, then has the huge imposing manner, flew to Legacy Stone. 十二种动物形成后,如活的一般,在半空之中做出各种动作,然后带着庞大的气势,向传承之石飞了过去。 Bang! 轰! a heaven-shaking loud sound sends out, after a 12 animal integrates Legacy Stone, erupts terrifying incomparable strength, entire Human World feels this strength, body like falling into the abyss is ordinary, cannot bear fear. 一声惊天巨响散发出来,十二个动物融入传承之石后,爆发出一股恐怖无比的力量,整个人类世界都感受到这一股力量,身体如同掉入深渊一般,忍不住恐惧起来。 Heaven and Earth also changes suddenly, the wind and cloud surges, the aura is chaotic, from the ground, emits aura of black dragon continuously from the sky, such as the tide gathers to Great Qin Emperor Palace generally. 天地也骤然变化起来,风云涌动,气息混乱起来,从地面上,从天空之中冒出一缕缕的黑色似龙的气息,如潮水一般向大秦帝宫聚拢。 Bai Qi, Xianru, Li Si and other numerous ministers, feel this huge change, not big being startled, they understand that oneself your majesty is handling any dreadful matter, he will not have to come back from outside one time so, the people have nothing can be startled. 白起,仙汝,李斯众多大臣,感受到这一股巨大的变化,没有多大的吃惊,他们明白自己的陛下又在做什么可怕的事情,他没一次从外面回来都会如此,众人已经没有什么可以吃惊的了。 After that Legacy Stone inhales innumerable Great Qin destiny, sends out the intense colored ray, an extremely fearful pressure. 那一颗传承之石吸入无数的大秦气运后,散发出强烈的彩色光芒,还有一股极为可怕的威压。 originally Great Qin's Legacy Stone has promoted to very high rank, the color turns into radiant tricolor, now integrates 12 zodiac, enabling Great Qin legacy also to change, terrifying strength also gushed out unceasingly, making one feel that a heart was startled. 原本大秦的传承之石已经升级到非常高的等级,颜色变成三彩,现在融入十二生肖,使得大秦传承只是也发生了改变,一股股恐怖力量也不断涌出,令人感到一股心惊。 Great Qin Legacy Stone is the magic cube shape, now turns has the 12 surface shape, each side is printed with a design of animal, is the 12 zodiac design. 大秦传承之石魔方形状,现在变成具有十二个面的形状,每一面都印有一种动物的图案,就是十二生肖的图案。 Bang! 轰! a heaven-shaking loud sound in sends out one time, after the 12 image appears, Legacy Stone sends out the innumerable black rays, changed into a huge black ray to rush to the sky, making the sky shake fiercely. 一声惊天巨响在一次发出,十二图像浮现出来后,传承之石散发出无数的黑色光芒,化为一道巨大黑色光芒冲上了天空之中,让天空都猛地一震。 Sees only a giant black light beam to stand erect in Heaven and Earth, sends out a huge incomparable imposing manner, such as tide generally unceasing proliferation, a soul-stirring and tiny feeling. 只见一根巨大黑色光柱屹立在天地之间,散发出一股庞大无比的气势,如潮水一般不断的扩散出去,给人一种惊心动魄而又渺小的感觉。 Bai Qi, the Xianru people somewhat are also accidental, this terrifying imposing manner sends out, is not minor matter one, they also care, walked to Great Qin Emperor Palace. 白起,仙汝众人也有些意外,这一股恐怖的气势散发出来,可不是小事一件,他们也在意起来,向大秦帝宫走了过去。 Has kept Great Qin Empire amusement Jiu Xiaoyun and Qing Murou, a face shocking looks at that giant light beam. 一直留在大秦帝国玩乐的酒小云青木媃,一脸震惊的看着那一根巨大的光柱。 They only heard Zhao Fu to come back, the plan looked for Zhao Fu to ask why vanished that long some time, harmed them to wait for a long time. 她们刚刚才听说赵甫回来,本打算去找赵甫问问,为什么消失了那么长的一段时间,害得她们等了好久。 Now they may treat very long time in Great Qin, has been investigating the information in various Great Qin aspects, felt that Great Qin seemed like by a mysterious veil blocks from was the same, a faint trace information that but disclosed from Great Qin, Great Qin was really fearful. 现在她们可在大秦待了很长的时间,也一直在调查大秦各方面的信息,感觉大秦像是被一层神秘面纱遮住了一样,但从大秦泄露出来的一丝丝信息来看,大秦真的非常可怕。 Qing Murou and Jiu Xiaoyun want to deliver the obtain news, since Heavenly Country Protection opens, outside anything cannot come, inside anything cannot go out, they want to leave here is not good. 青木媃酒小云本想将获得消息送出去,但是自从天国守护开启后,外面任何东西都进不来,里面任何东西也出不去,她们想离开这里都不行。 When they look for the Zhao Fu time, knew that Zhao Fu left Great Qin, their originally thinks that Zhao Fu only will vanish for several days, has not thought vanishes is so long, does not know that was does what misdemeanor. 当她们去找赵甫时候,才得知赵甫离开了大秦,她们原本以为赵甫只会消失几天,可没有想到消失这么久,也不知道是做什么坏事去了。 Now they do not know, Zhao Fu awakened God Race Emperor Star, but also causes God World Supreme Armament to arrive, vibrated several Great World, Alchemy World and Chaos World includes. 现在她们是不知道,赵甫又觉醒了一颗神族帝星,还引起神界至尊之器降临,震动了几个大世界,炼金世界混沌世界都包括其中。 The second-generation the King of Myriad Kings information, Jiu Xiaoyun two people naturally also know, after all is that the matter of stir, but they cannot think that terrifying incomparable the King of Myriad Kings, is Lord of Great Qin Empire. 第二代万王之王的信息,酒小云两人自然也知道一些,毕竟是那么轰动的事情,但她们也根本想不到,那一个恐怖无比的万王之王,就是大秦帝国之主 This is really a space, underground, who this two people terrifying person will not link. 这真的就是一个天上,一个地下了,根本不会有谁将这两个人恐怖的人联系在一起。 Even if Zhao Fu told them personally two, their two think that Zhao Fu said is the lie, few believe Zhao Fu, only if were Zhao Fu arrives seven Emperor Star. 就算赵甫亲口告诉她们两个,她们两个都会认为赵甫说得是假话,几乎没有人会相信赵甫,除非是赵甫将七个帝星降临。 Now they look that this light beam understands Great Qin must have the momentous change, they also admire Great Qin to get up, so the terrifying growth and potential, their country simply does not have the means to compare. 现在她们看着这一根光柱明白大秦又要发生巨大变化了,她们也不禁佩服大秦起来,如此恐怖的成长速度和潜力,她们国家根本没有办法比。 Such state, could not subdue absolutely by their ability, if were not because the distance differed too far, they felt that oneself country will be destroyed completely by Great Qin. 这样的国度,以她们能力绝对收服不了,如果不是因为距离相差太远,她们感觉自己的国家都会被大秦灭掉。 With the destiny unceasing injection light beam , the aura that light beam lends, becomes very fearful, almost entire Great Qin's people felt. 随着气运不断的注入光柱之中,那光柱散发出来的气息,也变得非常的可怕,几乎整个大秦的人都感受到了。 bang bang bang bang...... 轰轰轰轰…… 12 sound huge rumbling sound resounds, inside the palace 12 Zodiac Goddess, extends a hand, huge Power of Zodiac injects the central in Legacy Stone, the 12 animal appears from the sky. 十二声巨大的轰鸣声响起,宫殿之中十二生肖女神,伸出一只手,一股庞大的生肖之力注入中心的传承之石之中,十二动物从天空之中浮现出来。 They respectively are the mouse, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog and pig 12 type, each type is huge, sends out the different color rays, becomes a 12 color the sky, sends out a huge pressure. 它们分别是鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪十二种,每一种都非常巨大,散发出不同颜色的光芒,将天空变为十二种颜色,散发出一股巨大的威压。 In Great Qin a countless people face shocking looks 12 zodiac that in the sky presents, does not understand what happened. 大秦之中无数人一脸震惊的看着天空之中出现的十二生肖,不明白发生了什么事情。 Suddenly! 忽然! A 12 animal starts to rotate, forms a colored circle, huge Power of Zodiac proliferated, the innumerable colored luminous spots fall gently from the sky. 十二种动物开始转动起来,形成一个彩色的圆,一股巨大的生肖之力扩散了出去,无数的彩色光点从天空之中飘落下来。 The numerous luminous spot integrates in body of innumerable common people, phantom of animals appear from body of common people. 众多光点融入无数百姓的身体之中,一只只动物的虚影从百姓的身体之中浮现出来。 The strong male head top appears phantom of sheep, a little girl top of the head appears phantom of mouse, a old man top of the head appears phantom of pig, a middle-aged woman head top appears phantom of snake, a youth top of the head emerges phantom of dog...... 有一个强壮的男人头顶浮现出一只羊的虚影,一个小女孩头顶浮现出一只老鼠的虚影,一个老人头顶浮现出一只猪的虚影,一个中年妇人头顶浮现出一条蛇的虚影,一个青年头顶浮出一只狗的虚影…… These phantom are not very big, the watermelon general size, these are only zodiac of some ordinary people, some destiny quite huge people, zodiac phantom of top of the head has more than ten meters big, sends out very powerful strength. 这些虚影也不是很大,西瓜一般大小,这些只是一些普通人的生肖,一些气运本身比较庞大的人,头顶的生肖虚影有十几米大,散发出一股非常强大的力量 Now under Great Qin arrives at the commoner common people, on arrives at the nobilities aristocrat, everyone is strange, looks at zodiac that floats, why does not understand can like this. 现在大秦下到平民百姓,上到王侯贵族,每一个人都非常奇怪,看着浮出来的生肖,不明白为什么会这样。 However, although clearly what happened, but felt faintly has very big advantage, because after reappearing zodiac, their psychic and body improved probably. 不过,虽然不清楚发生了什么事情,但隐隐感觉是有很大的好处,因为浮现出生肖后,他们的精神身体好像变好了一些。 Some Supreme Being feel the destiny person, in the heart are very shocking, because they understand clearly this has the big advantage, they can feel that zodiac to integrate in their destiny, making their destiny stabler and strong, this has few effects to their destiny. 一些大能感受到气运的人,心中则是非常震惊,因为他们清楚的明白这有多大的好处,他们能够感受到那生肖融入他们气运之中,让他们的气运更加稳固和强,这对他们都命运都有少的影响。
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