LE :: Volume #23

#2254: Emperors

In addition her compared with the Fairy beautiful peerless appearance, in the world almost no man has not wanted her, that feared that is true Immortal is no exception, she has this charm. 加上她那比仙子还美的绝世容貌,世界上几乎没有什么男人不想要得到她,那怕是真正的仙人也不例外,她就有这一种魅力。 Now woman in Half Immortal World is the beautiful woman ranked the first, almost the Half Immortal World people know her, but she naturally also has the innumerable admirers, now the youth is also one of the numerous admirers. 现在女子半仙界就是排名第一的美人,几乎半仙界的人都知道她,而她自然也有无数的仰慕者,现在青年也是众多仰慕者之一。 However, because the woman status is special, bloodline in addition is quite honored, the youth does not have the having courage meter to reveal the intention. 不过,因为女子身份非常特殊,加上的血脉极为尊贵,青年也没有胆量表露出心意。 Now hears her words, the youth cannot think, woman really had husband, he has not heard, cannot think that what man can be joined to her. In the heart somewhat pains. 现在听到她的话,青年也根本想不到,女子竟然有相公了,他从来都没有听说过,也想不到什么男人能够配得上她。心中有些隐隐作痛。 Although the youth wants to know that who that man is, but has not continued to ask, but said, heard the God World Clear Sky Mirror present world, the Half Immortal World all parties powerhouses have gone to God World to examine, we must pass to have a look.” 虽然青年很想知道那个男人是谁,但也没有继续在问,而是说道,“听说神界昊天镜现世了,半仙界各方强者已经前往神界之中查看,我们要不要过去看看。” woman does not want to reply, yourself go! I have no interest.” 女子不想回答道,“你自己去吧!我没有什么兴趣。” The youth are stunned, has not thought that woman will reply like this, because that is the Clear Sky Mirror present world, has alarmed the entire Half Immortal World matter, she actually said that has no interest. 青年一脸错愕,也没有想到女子会这样回答,因为那可是昊天镜现世,已经惊动了整个半仙界的事情,她竟然说没有兴趣。 She really does not want to know that what happened, does not want to know why Clear Sky Mirror will be born? 难道她真的不想知道发生了什么事情,不想知道昊天镜为什么会降世? Must know Clear Sky Mirror, but God World World Armament, has not unimaginable fearful strength, can easily slaughter innumerable Immortal, since Antiquity God World one post-war, during on hidden in endless was void. 要知道昊天镜可是神界镇界之器,拥有无法想象的可怕力量,可以轻易屠戮无数仙人,而且自从太古神界一战后,就隐于无尽虚空之中了。 It is born after the so long time suddenly, vibrated entire Half Immortal World directly, no influence does not care about this matter. 时隔如此久的时间它突然降世,直接震动了整个半仙界,没有一个势力不在意这事情。 woman depends upon the induction of this that Origin Mark, naturally understands is what reason, in the heart is extremely also shocking, never expected that her husband can cause birth of Clear Sky Mirror, making entire Half Immortal World vibrate. 女子依靠这那本源印记的感应,自然明白了是什么原因,心中也非常震惊,没有想到她那个相公能够引起昊天镜的降世,让整个半仙界都为之震动。 She also wants to pass to have a look, but there are many scruples, first her status has not divulged completely, once after divulging, has the huge eruption, she will be worried to involve Zhao Fu. 她也很想过去看看,但是有很多的顾忌,首先她的身份并没有完全泄露出来,一旦泄露后有巨大的爆发,她担心会把赵甫牵连进去。 The youth see woman not to go, without continue be speaking, but is peaceful standing on one side, in the heart continues to suspect that who this that man is. 青年见女子不想去,也没有继续在说话,而是安静的站在一边,心中继续猜想这那个男人是什么人。 ...... …… The vision returns in secret realm, finally Zhao Fu's body completely vanishes on Divine Throne, but the people can actually induce to Zhao Fu still sit there, but is unable to see with the naked eye, probably becomes existence of high level. 目光转回秘境之中,最后赵甫的身体完全消失在神座上,但是众人却能感应到赵甫依然坐在那里,只是用肉眼无法看见,好像变为一种更为高级的存在。 Bang! 轰! Huge rumbling sound resounds, in the sky that blood-colored stars, sent out the intense blood-colored ray, strength of massive calamity calamity proliferated. 一声巨大的轰鸣声响起,天空之中那一颗血色星辰,散发出了强烈的血色光芒,一股巨大灾祸的力量扩散开来。 Bang! 轰! Huge rumbling sound resounds, in the sky that golden stars, sent out the intense golden ray, huge Human Race strength proliferated. 一声巨大的轰鸣声响起,天空之中那一颗金色星辰,散发出了强烈的金色光芒,一股巨大的人族力量扩散开来。 Bang! 轰! Huge rumbling sound resounds, in the sky that gray stars, sent out the intense gray color ray, huge Ghost Power proliferated. 一声巨大的轰鸣声响起,天空之中那一颗灰色星辰,散发出了强烈的灰色色光芒,一股巨大的鬼力扩散开来。 Then four sounds rumbling sound resounds. 接着四声轰鸣声响起。 The black stars send out demon light, sends out a charm, the purple stars sending out purple ray, the strength of Monster Race, the azure stars sending out innumerable azure rays, send out strength of the exotic race, the white stars send out strength of the God Race. 黑色星辰散发出魔光,散发出一股魔力,紫色星辰散发紫色光芒,还有妖族之力,青色星辰散发无数青色光芒,散发出一股异族之力,白色星辰散发出一股神族之力。 strength that seven stars send out respectively, presented seven illusory scenes around Divine Throne, each scene is different, moreover there is hundreds of thousands meters big. 七颗星辰各自散发出来的力量,在神座四周出现了七个虚幻的景象,每一个景象都不同,而且有十几万米大。 Scene sky is blood-colored, the land crack comes, the volcano erupts unceasingly, the thunder and lightning falls unceasingly, people madness slaughters unceasingly, wails unceasingly, field littered with corpses. 一个景象天空是血色,大地龟裂开来,火山不断喷发,雷电不断落下,人们不断疯狂厮杀,哀嚎不断,尸横遍野。 Scene sky is golden, is the picture of countless people clan life, has the farming person, the person who some are studying, has the walking person, some people are talking. Also some people are viewing the flowers. 一个景象天空是金色,是无数人族生活的画面,有正在种地的人,有些正在读书的人,有正在行走的人,也有人正在交谈。还有人正在赏花。 Scene sky is gray, Heaven and Earth gloomy one piece, spreads in all directions Ghost Qi, including innumerable phantoms, all kinds has, sends out one after another to call out. 一个景象天空是灰色,天地阴森一片,四处蔓延着鬼气,其中有无数的鬼怪,各种各样的有,发出一声声嚎叫。 Scene sky is the purple, innumerable powerful monster beast send out fearful Monster Qi, sends out one after another to call out, including the dragon, has the phoenix, has the fox, has the dog, has the snake, has the pig, has the cow, has the scorpion, has the toad wait/etc. 一个景象天空是紫色,无数强大的妖兽散发出可怕的妖气,发出一声声嚎叫,其中有龙,有凤,有狐,有狗,有蛇,有猪,有牛,有蝎子,有蟾蜍等等。 Scene sky is the black, braving demonic qi of innumerable place, including one after another different demon, shows the cruel evil smile. 一个景象天空是黑色,无数地方的冒着魔气,其中有一个个不同的恶魔,露出残忍邪恶的笑容。 Scene sky is azure, the life has various exotic race, has Tauren, has Kobold, has Cat-headed Man, Snakeman, Tiger-headed Man, Lionman, as well as Drakonid...... 一个景象天空是青色,其中生活有各种的异族,有牛头人,有狗头人,有猫头人,还有蛇人,还有虎头人,狮人,以及龙人…… Scene sky is white, innumerable Spiritual God float in sky, sends out Divine Might, very fearful. 一个景象天空是白色,无数神灵悬浮在天空之中,散发出一股股神威,非常的可怕。 After seven scenes appear, such as the tide welled up to Divine Throne generally generally, driving innumerable Power of Heaven and Earth also to well up. 七个景象浮现出来后,如潮水一般向神座一般涌了过去,带动无数的天地之力也涌了过去。 Sees only that seven illusory scene to fuse in together, phantom of person appears slowly, starts phantom of this person is very fuzzy, as unceasing flooding into of Power of Heaven and Earth, body of that person concentrates to be solid gradually. 只见那七个虚幻的景象融合在一起,一个人的虚影缓缓出现,开始这个人的虚影还是很模糊,但随着天地之力的不断涌入,那个人的身体渐渐凝实起来。 That Zhao Fu. 那正是赵甫 Sees only sits on Divine Throne, sends out a Heaven and Earth control imposing manner Zhao Fu, both eyes that opens slowly, a more fearful pressure spreads generally like the light wave, all around space glassy surface same disrupts. 只见坐在神座上,散发出一股天地主宰气势的赵甫,缓缓睁开的双眼,一股更为可怕的威压如同光波一般扩散出去,四周空间如镜面一样碎裂。 Zhao Fu a pair of eyes, the left eye has 11 eye pupils, each lends the fearful aura, the right eye is a cross eye pupil, all around has six gray dots, except the corner of this eye, presented fresh god articles. 赵甫一双眼睛,左眼已经有十一颗眼瞳,每一颗都散发出可怕的气息,右眼还是一个十字眼瞳,四周有六个灰色圆点,除此眼睛的边角,出现了一枚枚的生神文。 The appearance changes very big, a originally pitch-black long hair becomes the colorless and transparent long hair, the appearance becomes delicate and pretty, almost no slight defect, in the mouth has two fangs. 样子变化的非常的大,原本一头乌黑长发变为无色透明的长发,容貌变得更加的俊美,几乎没有一点瑕疵,嘴中有两颗獠牙。 The forehead has to be bigger than a point mirror silver coins, this mirror almost and Clear Sky Mirror is exactly the same. But compared that huge Clear Sky Mirror small many times. 眉心有块比银币还大一点的镜子,这一面镜子几乎和昊天镜一模一样。只不过比那巨大的昊天镜小了很多倍。 Zhao Fu's body, now the scarlet fruit, is then slender, muscle symmetrical, fair skin like the jade, felt also exquisite smoothly, felt that a little does not think the skin of human. 然后赵甫的身体,现在正赤果着,身材修长,肌肉均称,皮肤白皙如玉,感觉也非常细腻光滑,感觉有点不想人类的皮肤。 Zhao Fu chest, the mark of fist size, this mark is a circular mark, altogether has seven colors, probably seven stars seal are the same above. 还有赵甫胸前,有一个拳头大小的印记,这个印记是一个圆形印记,总共有七种颜色,好像七颗星辰印在上面一样。 And Zhao Fu's body sends out delicate fragrance that exceeds Saint Level panacea, smells the previous feeling to be able that type of long life. 并且赵甫的身体散发出一股超越圣级灵药的清香,嗅上一口感觉就能长命百岁的那一种。 Finally is around Zhao Fu body, the stars of seven eggs, each stars send out the different radiant rays, sends out different strength, has the strength of sending out disaster, has to send out the charm, has to send out the strength of Monster Race, there is to send out Spiritual God strength. 最后就是赵甫身体四周,有七颗鸡蛋的星辰,每一颗星辰都散发出不同的璀璨光芒,也散发出不同的力量,有散发灾祸之力,有散发出魔力,有散发出妖族之力,也有散发神灵力量 These seven stars are happen to corresponding seven Supreme Emperor Star, strength that each is representing each Supreme Emperor Star. 这七颗星辰正好对应着七颗至尊帝星,每一颗代表着每一颗至尊帝星力量 The imposing manner that now Zhao Fu sends out, to is unable to describe with the language powerful, is similar to one to exceed the world, was not restrained by any strength, will not be old, will not die, indistinct, illusory, is unable to touch, sensation. 现在赵甫散发出来的气势,强大到根本无法用语言来形容,就如同一个超越世界,也不受任何力量约束,不会老,不会死,缥缈,虚幻,无法触碰,感知不到。
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