LE :: Volume #21

#2051: Executes the day

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Spiritual God that participates, each without doubt is the talents in influence, no weak one, otherwise does not have the courage to catch up with the God World center to participate in the competition, therefore these time Spiritual God that participates in the competition are many. ?来参加的神灵,各个无疑都是势力之中的天才,没有一个弱者,不然是没有胆子赶来神界中心参与比试,所以这一次参与比试的神灵不少。 Even because Zhao Fu's appears, causes to participate in Spiritual God of competition also many, wants experience next two Emperor Star owners and that six Supreme Emperor Star owner strength. 甚至因为赵甫的出现,使得参加比试的神灵也更加的多,想要见识一下两个帝星拥有者和那六颗至尊帝星拥有者力量 Now two Emperor Star owners know that Zhao Fu must come, felt a tremendous pressure, facing so powerful existence, they do not have to defeat self-confidently, the deterrent of that person is so fearful. 现在两颗帝星拥有者知道赵甫要来,也感到了一股巨大的压力,面对如此强大的存在,他们都没有自信能够战胜,那个人的威慑就是如此可怕。 Zhao Fu went to the God World center, but more than 20 talents start Competition of Gods, this time is quite long. 赵甫已经来到神界中心,不过还有二十多天才开始众神比试,这时间还是比较长。 This place accumulation too many powerhouses, Zhao Fu do not worry now very much, because there is a token that Xianyue gives, these people should unable to discover itself. 这个地方聚集太多的强者,现在赵甫也不是很担心,因为有仙乐给的令牌,这些人应该发现不了自己。 However, if oneself leak out on own initiative, who others in silly also know themselves are. 不过,如果自己主动泄露出去,那别人在傻也知晓自己是谁。 Now first investigates the news in each aspect, the preparation, prevents to have what accident/surprise as soon as possible. 现在还是先调查各个方面的消息,尽早有一个准备,防止出现什么意外。 Then, Zhao Fu understood Competition of Gods various things. 然后,赵甫明白了众神比试的各种事情。 This Competition of Gods also competes in secret realm, to prevent other person interventions, this also in a big way guaranteed person safety that participates in the competition, similarly with the Zhao Fu's intent. 众神比试也是在一个秘境之中比试,为了就是防止有其它的人干预,这也最大保证参与比试的人安全,同样正和赵甫的意。 If and Battle God competes with such, on platform, the people looks in side, Zhao Fu does not dare to go on stage, once because the identity exposure, numerous Supreme Being acts directly, how that Zhao Fu resists. 如果是和斗神比试那样,就是在一个平台上,众人在旁边看着,赵甫根本就不敢上场,因为一旦身份泄露出去,众多大能就直接出手,那赵甫怎么抵挡。 If such competition, Zhao Fu definitely does not dare to go on stage, that is basically courting death, although God Race destiny is very important, but Zhao Fu that own life will not crack a joke. 所以如果是这样的比试,赵甫肯定不敢上场,那基本就是在找死,虽然神族气运很重要,但赵甫也不会那自己的性命开玩笑。 That secret realm also not simple, extremely fearful, Immortal is unable to break there secret realm. 那一个秘境不简单,极为的可怕,仙人都无法打破那里的秘境 Because this secret realm is related with God World Supreme Armament. 因为这个秘境神界至尊之器有关。 From the God World birth, presented a mirror, floats in the sky. 神界诞生开始,就出现了一面镜子,漂浮在天空之中。 This mirror starts is not very big, with the normal mirror same size, the shape is the prototype, the material quality seems crystal stone, the color is white, around the mirror covers entirely the god mark, the mirror back portrays sky the picture. 这一面镜子开始也不是很大,和正常的镜子一样大小,形状为原型,材质好似晶石,颜色为白色,镜子四周都布满着神纹,镜子背面刻画一副天空的画面。 No one knows why has such a mirror, does not know that is the autoplastic, some people make the imposition specially there. 谁都不知道为什么有这样一面镜子,也不知道是自己形成,还是专门有人制造安放在那里。 At that time in God World did not have Spiritual God probably, lived in God World no several hundreds took that mirror as the god, believing. 当时神界之中好像还没有神灵,生活在神界的无数百就以那一面镜子为神,一直信奉着。 That mirror is not every thing, the itself material quality uses God World Origin to build probably, is extremely precious treasure, but also has big Divine Power, can easily control the forces of nature, changes the world, therefore the numerous common people will so believe in it. 那镜子也不是凡物,本身材质好像使用神界本源打造而成,是一件极为珍贵的宝器,还具有非常大的神力,可以轻易呼风唤雨,改天换地,所以众多百姓才会如此信奉于它。 However, regarding belief of numerous common people, the mirror also has no response, is only alone float in sky. 不过,对于众多百姓的信奉,镜子也没有任何回应,只是孤零零的悬浮在天空之中。 Time day-by-day past, God World started to develop gradually, that mirror also same started to grow with God World, the volume was getting bigger and bigger, strength was also getting stronger and stronger, itself belt/bring a pressure that suppressed God World. 时间一天天的过去,神界渐渐开始发展,那一面镜子也和神界一样开始成长,体积越来越大,力量也越来越强,本身带着一股镇压神界的威压。 At this time, the innumerable common people are believing in the mirror, although does not have any response, but mirror's strength was too fearful, said that believes in the mirror, was actually afraid the mirror to harm them. 这个时候,无数的百姓还是信奉着镜子,虽然没有任何回应,但是镜子本身的力量就太可怕,说是信奉镜子,其实是更害怕镜子危害他们。 Moreover the pressure that the mirror sends out, enabling the people also to live under the shadow of mirror, at that time no one dares to launch what war, even fights some not to dare, will for fear that receive God Punishment of mirror. 而且镜子本身散发出来的威压,使得众人也生活在镜子的阴影下,那时候谁都不敢发动什么战争,甚至打架都有些不敢,生怕会受到镜子的神罚 Like this life bears this pressure, but lives to be very gentle, does not have the big fluctuation and danger. 这样生活承受这一股压力,但生活到很平和,没有多大的波动和危险。 The time continues to go forward slowly, at this time already some people through unceasing cultivation, obtain very powerful strength. 时间继续慢慢前进,这时候已经有人通过不断的修炼,获得非常强大的力量 In the deterrent of that god mirror facing the sky, some people started the resistance impatiently, wants to select the authority of War God mirror, does not want in living under the pressure of god mirror, therefore launched the God World in history first war. 面对天空之中那神镜的威慑,有人迫不及待开始了反抗,想挑战神镜的权威,不想在活在神镜的威压下,于是发动了神界有史以来第一次战争。 At that time, presented an unrivalled rare talent, the short time on obtain not unimaginable strength, may make Space-Time nothingness, the earth-shattering, ten thousand fell from the sky spirit, the numerous powerhouse followed him to dare to the god mirror to launch the war. 当时,也出现了一个旷世奇才,短短时间就获得了无法想象的力量,可令时空虚无,天崩地裂,万灵陨灭,众多强者跟随着他才敢对神镜发动战争。 Without this person's leadership, no one dares to try to exist to that does not know many years, contains the God World Origin Power god mirror to initiate the challenge. 如果没有这个人的带领,没有一个人敢试图对那存在不知道多少年,蕴含神界本源之力的神镜发起挑战。 Although that war starts countless people to have high morale, the air/Qi to the clouds, probably no one is their opponents is common, is pinning the hope of countless people, but finally actually very frigid. 那一张战争虽然开始无数人斗志昂扬,气冲云霄,好像谁都不是他们的对手一般,也寄托着无数人的希望,但是结果却是非常的惨烈。 The numerous powerhouse is following that unrivalled rare talent, has terrifying imposing manner, changes into together stream of light, charges into the sky, to that float initiated the challenge in nine days of god mirrors. 众多强者跟随着那旷世奇才,带着恐怖至极的气势,化为一道道流光,冲向天空,对那悬浮在九天的神镜发起了挑战。 The quantity was over a hundred million, dense and numerous discontented sky, wind and cloud fission, irresistible, as if can execute the day, picture also extreme shock. 数量达到了上亿,密密麻麻不满天空,风云裂变,势不可挡,仿佛可以诛天,画面也极为的震撼。 The god mirror also demonstrated that for the first time it really strength, the flash Heaven and Earth look changes, sun and moon does not have the light, the wind and cloud surges, Space-Time collapse. 神镜也第一次展示出它真的的力量,一刹那天地色变,日月无光,风云涌动,时空崩坏。 bang bang bang bang...... 轰轰轰轰…… Sees only that god mirror to send out the endless white light beam, each a ray of light bunch arm size, brings destroy all strength, shoots to the person who it initiates the challenge, speed extremely fast, is only one stroke in the midair. 只见那神镜散发出无尽的白色光束,每一道光束手臂大小,带着摧毁一切的力量,向它发起挑战的人射去,速度极为的快速,只是在半空中一划而过。 Dares to start over a hundred million people of challenge to the god mirror, was passed through body by the one after another light beam instantaneously, entire body was changed into the innumerable dust by that terrifying strength, the land is ejected the one after another large cave/hole. 敢对神镜发动挑战的上亿人,瞬间被一道道光束贯穿身体,整个身体都被那一股恐怖力量化为无数的尘埃,大地都被击出一个个大洞。 This, most likely (80%) powerhouse deaths, the remaining 20% powerhouses continued to initiate the challenge. 只是这一下,八成的强者死亡,剩下的20%强者继续发起挑战。 bang bang bang...... 轰轰轰…… The attack of one after another terrifying, brings to destroy all strength, covered entirely the trim sky, neat attacks to the god mirror, as if can break the vault of heaven. 一道道恐怖的攻击,带着毁灭一切的力量,布满了整片天空,齐刷刷的向神镜攻过去,仿佛可以将苍穹打破。 But facing the so powerful attack, the god mirror shivered, a white fluctuation spreads, all over the sky attack was all dissipated by strength crushing, no injures to god mirror one. 可是面对如此强悍的攻击,神镜只是颤动了一下,一股白色波动扩散开来,满天的攻击全被一股力量击碎消散,没有伤害到神镜一丝。 Facing the person who these dare to challenge its authority, the god mirror in launches the attack one time, the one after another white light was tying a belt terrifying strength, flew to shoot to that one after another person, wanted to rumble to become dregs them. 面对这些敢挑战它权威的人,神镜在一次发动了进攻,一道道白色光束带着恐怖力量,向那一个个人飞射了出去,想要将他们轰成渣。 At this time that unrivalled rare talent, does not want to look at countless people in a death , the use erupted the full power, Supreme God Star had the strength of vast Supreme Emperor Star to arrive, keeps off to shoot the past white light beam innumerably. 这个时候那一个旷世奇才,不想看着无数人在一次死亡,也使用爆发出全力,太上神星带着浩大的至尊帝星之力降临,挡下了无数射过去的白色光束。 That unrivalled rare talent is in God World first person who has God Race Emperor Star. 那一个旷世奇才就是神界之中第一个具有神族帝星的人。 With the aid of God Race Supreme Emperor Star strength, these resisters face the god mirror, strength of the resistance, situation very disadvantageous, without the help of this God Race Supreme Emperor Star, a resister side basically by steamroll. 借助神族至尊帝星力量,那些反抗者面对神镜,才有一丝反抗之力,情况还是非常的不利,而如果没有这神族至尊帝星的帮助,那反抗者一方基本被碾压。 By that god mirror strength terrifying, has exceeded the imagination of countless people, even is still useless in many hundred times of people. 以那神镜力量恐怖,已经超出了无数人的想象,就算在多百倍的人也都没有用。 This fight most essential place, is that unrivalled rare talent, only then he ray of hope brings the people obtain victory. 这一场战斗最关键的地方,就是那一个旷世奇才,只有他才有一丝希望带来众人获得胜利。
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