LE :: Volume #19

#1876: Godhead

And so on was needless to say as for other commodity treasures. 至于其它物资珍宝之类不用多说。 The Zhao Fu complexion too big change, because of more than 200 million common people, Great Qin population hundreds of billions, Yellow Spring population are not many, these two hundred million population and having nothing pleasant surprise. 赵甫脸色没有太大的变化,因为不过两亿多百姓而已,大秦人口都几千亿,黄泉人口也非常多,这两亿人口并没有什么可惊喜。 However, five Goddess are very happy, two hundred million 40 million common people that can provide massive Faith Power, their strength will also become stronger. 不过,五个女神是非常开心,两亿四千万百姓那可以提供大量的信仰之力,她们的力量也会变得更强。 By their abilities, is not possible obtain so many population, all because of Zhao Fu, they somewhat are gratified, the initial decision did not have the select error. 以她们的能力,是不可能获得如此多的人口,一切都因为赵甫,她们有些欣慰,当初的决定没有选择错误。 Now the speed of Myriad Gods Temple development is too swift and violent, in the future will become not the unimaginable strong presence surely, their advantage also many, the position will also be getting higher and higher. Becoming Myriad Gods Temple power biggest five Palace Master. 现在万神殿发展的速度太迅猛,日后必定成为无法想象的强大势力,那她们的好处也会更加的多,地位也会越来越高。成为万神殿权力最大的五位殿主 Nearby influence, soon obtained the news, 13 influences were destroyed completely, the so big matter, they must know. 附近的势力,也很快得到了消息,十三个势力被灭掉,如此大的事情,他们不可能不知道。 Immediately! 登时! They also fall into during the shock, how this place presents a fearful character, directly uses powerful strength of person, first subdues five Spiritual God, establishes Myriad Gods Temple, is fast destroys completely 13 Spiritual God influences. 他们也陷入震惊之中,此地怎么出现一个如此可怕的人物,直接使用一个人的强悍力量,先收服五个神灵,建立万神殿,然后快速就把十三个神灵势力灭掉。 At this time, they have unified that region, the Myriad Gods Temple short time grow out of nothing, the development speed is too fast, disclosed the danger that is also huge. 此时,他们已经统一那一片区域,万神殿短短时间从无到有,发展速度真的太快,透露出来的危险也是巨大的。 This compels neighbor the large and small influence, has to be careful, prepares Myriad Gods Temple that deals with this to present. 这逼得附近大大小小的势力,也不得不小心起来,准备应对这个出现的万神殿 The small influence facing such as Myriad Gods Temple of beast of prey general rise, in the heart is afraid very much, was worried that was destroyed completely by Myriad Gods Temple, joins up, resists Myriad Gods Temple together, or is looks for the powerful backer to seek harbour. 小势力面对如猛兽一般崛起的万神殿,心中是很害怕,担心被万神殿灭掉,要不是联合起来,一起抵抗万神殿,要不就是寻找强大的靠山寻求庇护。 Some big influence also conveners discussed how to process Myriad Gods Temple, once Myriad Gods Temple dares to begin to them, they must make Myriad Gods Temple pay the serious price, they somewhat dread now, but does not dread Myriad Gods Temple. 一些大的势力也召集人商议,是如何处理万神殿,一旦万神殿敢对他们动手,那他们也必须要让万神殿付出惨重的代价,他们现在是有些忌惮,但并不畏惧万神殿 Regarding Myriad Gods Temple this name, numerous Spiritual God also somewhat cares, that Myriad Gods Temple won't God Lord, really think control Myriad Gods? 对于万神殿这一个名字,众多神灵也有些在意,那个万神殿神主,不会真的想统御万神吧? This thinks very domineering, but this difficulty also very huge, no Spiritual God will easily submit to others. 这想想还是挺霸气的,不过这难度也非常的巨大,没有一个神灵会轻易臣服于别人。 Now looks at following Myriad Gods Temple, how should handle affairs, they will also make the corresponding countermeasure. 现在就看接下来万神殿,该如何行事,他们也会做出相应的对策。 ...... …… After Zhao Fu hears the news that they have had, making their five manage and stabilize the situation well, now just captures 13 influences, is the unstablest time, the heart of common people are anxious. 赵甫听过她们带回来的消息后,让她们五个好好管理和稳定局势,现在刚刚攻下十三个势力,是最不稳定的时刻,百姓的心都非常不安。 Afterward, Zhao Fu takes five Godhead to call five people, this Zhao Fu killed five Spiritual God, needs to find five people to become new Spiritual God. 随后,赵甫拿着五枚神格叫来五个人,这一次赵甫杀了五个神灵,需要找五个人成为新的神灵 Although has Godhead, can Spiritual God resurrecting of striking down, but Zhao Fu does not think that is subduing these Spiritual God, therefore cancels the soul in Godhead, chooses five people to become new Spiritual God. 虽然具有神格,就能将击杀神灵复活,但赵甫也不想在收服那些神灵,所以将神格内的灵魂抹去,选择五个人成为新的神灵 Front five people, altogether two female and three male, moreover is very young, about 20 years old, aptitude is very good. 面前五个人,一共两女三男,而且都很年轻,大约二十岁左右,资质都很不错。 These people have the relations with beforehand Spiritual God, before the Spiritual God children, were the relatives and so on. 这些人都和以前的神灵有关系,要不是之前神灵的子女,就是亲戚之类。 Zhao Fu looks at their started talking, „do I seek your reasons you to know?” 赵甫看着他们开口说道,“我找你们的原因你们应该知道吧?” Five person expression are excited and anxious, because they must become the aloof and remote god, knelt on the ground, said with one voice, knows! Feels grateful God Lord to our thinking highly, we are willing to give loyalty to God Lord forever.” 五个人神色兴奋和紧张,因为他们就要成为高高在上的神,跪在了地上,齐声说道,“知道!感激神主对我们的器重,我们愿意永远效忠神主。” Zhao Fu shows a smile, throws five Godhead to them. 赵甫露出一丝笑容,将五个神格扔给他们。 Five people excited anxious catches five Godhead, kneels on the ground, in feels grateful one about Zhao Fu one time. 五个人兴奋紧张的接住五个神格,跪在地上,在一次对赵甫感激一声。 Zhao Fu also reaching out strength floods into they five body, changes into restriction to integrate their body. 赵甫伸手一股力量涌入他们五个的身体之中,化为一股禁制融入他们的身体 The time passed the 5-6 day later, all situation also stabilizes, five people become the new god, Myriad Gods Holy Bible also issues, meanwhile has Myriad Gods Temple various customs, enabling the entire area to have the Myriad Gods Temple appearance. 时间过了五六天后,各方局势也稳定下来,五个人成为了新神,万神圣经也发布出去,同时还有万神殿的各种规矩,使得整个地区都有万神殿的样子。 The following time, digests these influences and population well, making them integrate in Myriad Gods Temple truly. 接下来的时间,就是好好消化这些势力和人口,让他们真正融入万神殿之中。 At that time the Myriad Gods Temple strength, too be more than general Spiritual God influence, can continue to annex these ordinary Spiritual God influences by this, unceasing enhancement, did not need Zhao Fu to act. 那时候万神殿的实力,已经要比一般神灵势力强太多,以此可以继续吞并那些普通神灵势力,不断的增强,也不用赵甫在出手。 Afterward, Zhao Fu brings 13 subduing Spiritual God, arrives in Myriad Gods Temple. 随后,赵甫带着十三个收服的神灵,来到万神殿之中。 Here had placed 13 idols, in behind of beforehand five idols, is the second row, but Master of 13 idols, naturally are 13 Spiritual God that Zhao Fu subdues. 这里已经又摆放了十三座神像,是在之前五座神像的后面,属于第二排,而十三座神像的主人,自然是赵甫收服的十三个神灵 If they display, can be Palace Master, if not do well, cannot become Palace Master, Zhao Fu has not all sealed them directly is Palace Master, gives them to rule the power of management. 他们如果表现好,也可以作为殿主,如果表现不好,则不能成为殿主,赵甫没有直接将他们全都封为殿主,给予他们统治管理的权力。 In 13 Spiritual God that brings, there is an old god, there is a new god, the old god has Legacy Power, can strengthen Myriad Gods Spear Legacy Power. 来带的十三个神灵之中,有老神,也有新神,只有老神才有传承之力,可以增强万神枪传承之力 But reason that the new god brings , because new god, although cannot strengthen Myriad Gods Spear Legacy Power, but can strengthen Myriad Gods Spear Divine Power. 而新神带来的原因,是因为新神虽然不能够增强万神枪传承之力,但可以增强万神枪神力 At this time, Zhao Fu stands above platform, 13 Spiritual God knelt under platform. 此时,赵甫站在平台之上,十三个神灵跪在了平台之下。 Zhao Fu extends a hand, to that 13 Spiritual God, an invisible suction is sending out, 13 Spiritual God body emit different Divine Power unceasingly, changes into 13 energy bands to flood into Zhao Fu's body. Divine Power that they grasp, right Zhao Fu has very major role, is awakens God Race Emperor Star. 赵甫伸出一只手,对着那十三个神灵,一股无形的吸力发出,十三个神灵身体不断冒出不同的神力,化为十三股能量带涌入赵甫的身体。他们掌握的神力,也对对赵甫有很大的作用,也就是觉醒神族帝星 Zhao Fu closes the eye to absorb that unceasing Divine Power unceasingly, in body is sending out various godlight by far, the whole body sends out an powerful Spiritual God pressure. 赵甫闭上眼睛不断的吸收着那远远不断的神力,身体之中散发出各种神光,浑身发出一股强悍的神灵威压。 The time continues a meeting, 13 Spiritual God complexion some pale, Zhao Fu also absorbs slightly, Godhead strength is also more powerful. 时间持续一会,十三个神灵脸色微微有些苍白,赵甫也吸收完毕,神格力量又强大一些。 Perhaps because of 13 Spiritual God strength not strong reasons, absorbs their Divine Power promotion is not many. 也许因为十三个神灵力量不强的原因,吸收他们的神力提升的也不是很多。 First makes them restore some strength same place, then makes them pour into Myriad Gods Spear strength. 先让他们在原地恢复一些力量,然后让他们将力量注入万神枪之中。 Now Myriad Gods Spear has been able to swallow Divine Power and Legacy Power independently, does not need Zhao Fu to pour into these strength personally, after in the future Zhao Fu leaves Myriad Gods Temple, Myriad Gods Spear constantly will also strengthen. 现在万神枪已经可以自主吞噬神力传承之力,不用赵甫亲自将那些力量注入其中,今后赵甫离开万神殿之后,万神枪也会不断的增强。 13 Spiritual God told according to Zhao Fu's, is centered on Myriad Gods Spear, forms a circle, then extends one, Divine Power gushes out from the hand, unceasing floods into that Myriad Gods Spear. 十三个神灵按照赵甫的吩咐,以万神枪为中心,形成一个圆,然后伸出一手,一股神力从手中涌出,不断的涌入那万神枪之中。 Myriad Gods Spear absorbs these Divine Power and Legacy Power, sends out various godlight, the imposing manner of sending out, unceasing strengthen. 万神枪吸收那些神力传承之力,散发出各种神光,散发出的气势,也不断的变强。 Bang! 轰! Myriad Gods Spear erupts a terrifying imposing manner, innumerable godlight send out, in completes a transformation one time. 万神枪爆发出一股恐怖的气势,无数的神光散发出来,在一次完成一次蜕变。 13 Spiritual God complexion some pale, received Divine Power. 十三个神灵脸色有些苍白,收回来了神力 Zhao Fu goes forward to grip Myriad Gods Spear, discovered that Myriad Gods Spear strength strengthens many, some legacy attribute(s) also many promotion, continue like this Myriad Gods Temple certainly to become the most fearful influence. 赵甫上前握住万神枪,发现万神枪力量又增强很多,传承属性也有不少提升,如此下去万神殿一定成为最为可怕的势力。 Handles Myriad Gods Temple matter, Zhao Fu commanded the people investigates nearby influence, because Zhao Fu's dissatisfied present Myriad Gods Temple strength. 处理万神殿的事情,赵甫命人调查起附近的势力,因为赵甫的并不满足现在万神殿的实力。
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