LE :: Volume #19

#1862: Godhead

xiū xiū xiū...... 咻咻咻…… Below innumerable soldiers, sees their Spiritual God is not the Zhao Fu's opponent, projects arrows, has strengths, shot to Zhao Fu. 下方的无数士兵,也看出他们神灵不是赵甫的对手,射出一根根箭矢,带着一股股劲力,向赵甫射了过去。 Zhao Fu direct governing a defense cover, keeps off arrows of innumerable ejection, numerous arrows shoots in the defense coats, to defending a cover influence, a fissure has not had. 赵甫直接御出一个防御罩,将无数射出的箭矢挡下,众多箭矢射在防御罩上,对防御罩没有一点影响,一丝裂痕都没有。 „Ah! “啊! God of Golden Stone loudly roared, more fearful strength erupts from his body, his both hands hold the blade, powerful strength pours into, the broadsword sending out intense golden blade light. 金石之神大吼一声,一股更为可怕的力量从他身体之中爆发出来,他双手持刀,强悍的力量注入其中,大刀散发强烈的金色刀光。 Bang! 轰! God of Golden Stone makes an effort to divide, a giant golden blade band of light is breaking out all strength, divided to Zhao Fu, seems nothing to prevent. 金石之神用力一劈,一道巨大的金色刀光带着劈开一切的力量,向赵甫劈了过去,好似没有任何东西能阻挡。 The Zhao Fu complexion has the smile of disdaining, the draw to hold up the sword in hand, powerful strength pours into, Emperor Killing Sword sends out intense sword light, makes an effort to wield, a giant black crescent moon, bringing intense fresh breeze to cut. 赵甫脸色带着不屑的笑容,平举起手中的剑,一股强悍的力量注入其中,帝杀剑散发强烈的剑光,用力一挥,一道巨大的黑色月牙,带着一股强烈的劲风斩过去。 Bang!” “砰!” Two attack hits have a loud sound, that fierce golden blade light, was cut directly broken by sword light, changes into the innumerable luminous spots to dissipate, black sword light continues to cut, cuts to fall the ground God of Golden Stone, ejects a giant pit. 两道攻击撞击发出一股巨响,那凶猛的金色刀光,直接被剑光斩碎,化为无数光点消散,黑色剑光继续斩过去,将金石之神斩落地面,击出一个巨大的坑。 Bang! 轰! Greatly thunders to resound, under over 600,000 wears soldiers of golden armor probably, erupts golden aura, that golden aura condenses in the same place, forms golden great hammer, having about hundred meters is so big. 一身巨大轰鸣响起,下方大概六十多万身穿金色盔甲的士兵,爆发出一股股金色气息,那金色气息凝聚在一起,形成一把金色大锤,有将近百米那么大。 numerous soldiers is controlling that golden great hammer, high holding up, has a terrifying destructive power, from one side pounded to Zhao Fu. 众多士兵控制着那一把金色大锤,高高的举起,带着一股恐怖的破坏力,从侧面向赵甫砸了过去。 The Zhao Fu complexion has no change, gets hold of fist strength to gather, makes an effort to wield, has a fierce strength. 赵甫脸色没有任何变化,握紧拳头一股力量聚集,用力一挥,带着一股凶猛的劲力。 Bang!” “砰!” That belt/bring the powerful imposing manner is pounding golden great hammer to fight with the fists to explode by Zhao Fu, the innumerable golden aura change into the strong winds to wreak havoc together 那带着强悍的气势砸来金色大锤赵甫一拳打爆,无数的金色气息化为一道狂风肆虐 The numerous golden armor also puts out a blood, some pale that the complexion becomes, golden great hammer and their body that condenses are connected. 众多金甲也吐出一口鲜血,脸色变得的有些苍白,那凝聚的金色大锤和他们的身体相连。 The Zhao Fu vision shifts to that innumerable soldiers, lifts the sword in hand, a sword makes an effort to wield, sword cry sends out, huge black sword light, bringing fearful strength to cut to that soldiers. 赵甫目光转向那无数的士兵,抬起手中的剑,一剑用力挥出,一声剑鸣发出,一道巨大的黑色剑光,带着可怕的力量向那士兵斩了过去。 pū pū pū...... 噗噗噗…… Black sword light cuts, below innumerable soldiers is similar to the weed to be ripped a big piece generally, innumerable soldiers body were cut open, the blood splatters everywhere, dyes blood red the ground. 黑色剑光一斩而过,下方的无数士兵就如同杂草一般被割掉一大片,无数的士兵身体被切开,鲜血四处喷溅,将地面染成一片血红。 The Zhao Fu complexion brings sneering, wields begins the sword, cuts one after another sword light, slaughters these soldiers. 赵甫脸色带着冷笑,又挥动手中的剑,斩出一道道剑光,屠杀那些士兵 Bang! 轰! A huge imposing manner to/clashes to oneself, Zhao Fu keeps off with the sword, clang, blocks the broadsword that chops, God of Golden Stone face anger, the whole body braves the golden ray. 一股庞大的气势向自己冲来,赵甫用剑一挡,锵的一声,挡住那劈过来的大刀,金石之神一脸怒意,浑身冒着金色的光芒。 Zhao Fu both eyes one cold, makes an effort to wield, in cuts to fly one time God of Golden Stone, and has the powerful imposing manner to pursue, holds up the sword, having a fearful sword strength to cut. 赵甫双目一冷,用力一挥,在一次将金石之神斩飞出去,并且带着强悍的气势追上去,举起剑,带着一股可怕的剑力斩下。 Bang! 砰! God of Golden Stone was fallen the ground by sword slash, heavily pounds in huge pit, ejects more than ten meters huge pit, chest also has a huge wound, blood unceasing spewing out. 金石之神被一剑斩落地面,重重砸在大坑之中,击出一个十几米的大坑,胸前也有一道巨大的伤口,鲜血不断的喷涌而出。 At this time God of Golden Stone deeply has been seriously injured, became weak incomparable, strength that crawled did not have. 这个时候金石之神已经深受重伤,变得虚弱无比,爬起来的力量也没有。 Zhao Fu flew from the sky, falls by that God of Golden Stone body, brings to sneer saying that „before me, has given you opportunity, all are you bring upon oneself.” 赵甫从天空之中飞了下来,落在那金石之神身体旁边,带着冷笑说道,“我之前给过你机会,一切是你自找的。” An anger of God of Golden Stone face looks at Zhao Fu, might mince to feed the dog to be the same Zhao Fu. 金石之神一脸的愤怒看着赵甫,好像要把赵甫剁碎喂狗一样。 Zhao Fu squatted, strength gathers at the palm, makes an effort to grasp to the God of Golden Stone abdomen, catches into the God of Golden Stone abdomen directly, the blood splash. 赵甫蹲了下来,一股力量聚集在手掌,用力向金石之神的腹部抓去,直接抓入金石之神的腹部,鲜血飞溅。 ! 啊! A God of Golden Stone face pain, sends out a pitiful yell, Zhao Fu holds a golden rhombus stone, will contaminate the hand of blood to pull out. 金石之神一脸痛苦,发出一声惨叫,赵甫抓住一颗金色的菱形石头,将沾染鲜血的手抽了出来。 strength fast decline of God of Golden Stone, because Zhao Fu grasps from his body is his Godhead. 金石之神力量快速衰退,因为赵甫从他身体抓出来的就是他的神格 Withstands the so fearful injury, Godhead also takes out by Zhao Fu, God of Golden Stone had almost arrived at the dying edge, no point strength. 承受如此可怕的伤害,神格也被赵甫生生取出,金石之神几乎已经到了垂死的边缘,没有一点的力量 Jade Stone Goddess and Iron Stone Goddess soon bring the army arrived here, 玉石女神铁石女神带着军队很快的来到这里, Looks at a ground piece of corpse, the God of Golden Stone pitiful condition, in the heart also somewhat fears, the method is savage. If their two do not choose the fate that submits, perhaps is like God of Golden Stone. 看着地上一片尸体,还有金石之神的惨状,心中也不禁有些惧怕,手段非常凶残。如果她们两个不选择臣服的下场,也许和金石之神一样。 At this time the God of Golden Stone life had drained cleanly, he also died, the complexion brought to be unwilling and hate. 这个时候金石之神的生命已经流失干净,他本身也死亡了,脸色带着不甘和怨恨。 Zhao Fu strength floods into golden Godhead, writes off in which God of Golden Stone residual soul, then starts to absorb forcefully Legacy Power. 赵甫一股力量涌入金色神格之中,将其中的金石之神的残留灵魂抹杀,然后开始强行吸收其中传承之力 Sees only that golden Godhead to send out the intense ray, implication Divine Power is absorbed by Zhao Fu unceasingly, after continuing a meeting, golden mist from Zhao Fu body erupts, absorbs Godhead Legacy Power to succeed. 只见那一颗金色神格散发出强烈的光芒,蕴含的神力不断被赵甫吸收,持续一会后,一股金色气焰赵甫身体之中爆发出来,吸收神格传承之力成功。 At this time, Jade Stone Goddess and Iron Stone Goddess person has controlled here, but also brought woman, a youngster. 这个时候,玉石女神铁石女神的人已经掌控了这里,还带来了一个女子,还有一个少年。 Listens to the Jade Stone Goddess words, this woman is the God of Golden Stone wife, the youngster is the God of Golden Stone son. 玉石女神的话,这女子金石之神的妻子,那少年则是金石之神的儿子。 The Zhao Fu vision falls on that woman body, her appearance is attractive, tall figure, has honored makings. 赵甫目光落在那女子身上,她长相漂亮,身材高挑,带着一股尊贵的气质。 Now her also face intense fear looks at Zhao Fu, because Zhao Fu may massacre her and her son very much. 现在她也一脸紧张害怕的看着赵甫,因为赵甫很有可能会杀掉她和她儿子。 Zhao Fu has a smile, said, you do want dead or want live?” 赵甫带着一丝笑容,说道,“你是想死还是想活?” hearing this, in the woman heart relaxes, has the opportunity life clearly, although the husband was killed by front person, but preserves her and son's life now is the most essential matter. Nod replied, also asked the Sir to let off our horse!” 闻言,女子心中松了一口气,明白有机会活命,虽然丈夫被面前的人杀死,但现在保住她和儿子的性命是最关键的事情。点点头回答道,“还请大人放过我们母子一马!” Zhao Fu chuckled, you think that I will let off you?” 赵甫轻笑一声,“你认为我会放过你们吗?” The woman complexion changes, in the heart also aren't some doubts, Zhao Fu ask her to want exactly to dying? 女子脸色一变,心中也有些疑惑,不是赵甫问她想活还是向死? golden Godhead of Zhao Fu in the hand throws to woman, you are in the future God of Golden Stone, to maintain a livelihood on honest obedient.” 赵甫将手中金色神格丢给女子,“你就是今后金石之神,若想活命就老实的听话。” This Golden Stone Godhead Zhao Fu absorbs part of Legacy Power, but also contains innumerable powerful Divine Power, if absorbs refine to whom, will present new God of Golden Stone. 这个金石神格赵甫只是吸收一部分传承之力,还蕴含着无数强大的神力,如果给谁吸收炼化,就会出现一个新的金石之神 Zhao Fu just discovered that within the body of woman and youngster has same Golden Stone Divine Power, if gives them Godhead, they quicker refine Godhead, moreover degree of integration high. 赵甫刚刚发现女子和少年的体内都有同样的金石神力,如果把神格交给他们其中一个,他们会更快的炼化神格,而且融合度更加的高。 The youngster felt that some are not suitable, therefore Zhao Fu chooses woman, as Golden Stone Goddess of next generation. 少年感觉有些不适合,所以赵甫选择女子,作为下一代的金石女神 woman pleasantly surprised receiving Godhead, she also understands the Zhao Fu's goal now, thanked one to Zhao Fu. 女子惊喜的接过神格,她现在也明白赵甫的目的,对赵甫感谢一声。 Zhao Fu hasn't chuckled, been speaking, changes into the a stream of light shoots towards horizon. 赵甫轻笑一声,没有在说什么话,化为一道流光射向天边。 Bang! 轰! A temple that sky over is built by money, a huge imposing manner in arrives one time loudly, the huge pressure is covering the entire area. 一座由银子打造的神殿上空,一股庞大的气势在一次轰然降临,庞大的威压笼罩着整个地区。 Wears the silver armor, grasps the lance, wears maturely, brings heroic spirit woman, has the huge Spiritual God imposing manner, rushed to the sky. 一个身穿银色盔甲,手持长矛,身穿成熟,带着一股英气的女子,带着庞大的神灵气势,冲上了天空。 https:// https:// Talent one second remembers the home station address:. Apex cell phone version reading website: 天才一秒记住本站地址:。顶点手机版阅读网址:
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