LE :: Volume #15

#1475: Demon

Now the situation has become very dangerous, seizes demoness to become difficult, all parties are also very vigilant, even these demoness also had the powerhouse to protect in secret, so long as a Zhao Fu appearance, that estimate will die a tragic death. 现在情况已经变得很危险,抓捕魔女将会变得非常困难,各方也十分警觉,甚至那些魔女也有了强者暗中保护,只要赵甫一出现,那估计就会死得很惨。 In ten big demoness six were stressed by Zhao Fu, respectively is fifth to tenth, now is only left over four, just ranks first four. 十大魔女之中六个都被赵甫抓来,分别是第五到第十,现在只剩下四名,刚好排名前四。 Zhao Fu collects four people of information, examines can also catch demoness, if cannot that Zhao Fu leave the place of numerous demon place is apt to get into trouble. 赵甫收集四人情报,查看着还能不能抓到魔女,如果不能那赵甫就会离开众魔之地这个是非之地。 All present knows that the that obscene thief goal is remaining demoness, therefore is also waiting in each demoness surroundings, Zhao Fu felt that really does not have the opportunity probably, for several days could not find the opportunity of making a move, all parties are also waiting with hardship. 各方现在知道那个淫贼目标就是剩下的魔女,所以也在各个魔女周围等着,赵甫感觉真的好像没有机会,一连几天都找不到出手的机会,各方也苦苦等着。 Until there is a matter to happen, broke present such deadlock. 直到有一件事情发生,打破了现在这样的僵局。 Ranks second Luo Yanhuo, knew that various recent things, had very big interest in that big obscene thief, announced to the public unexpectedly, so long as Zhao Fu successful seized her, that took his woman voluntarily. 排名第二落烟火,得知最近发生的各种事情,对那个大淫贼产生很大兴趣,竟然对外宣布,只要赵甫成功将她抓走,那就自愿作为他的女人。 Moreover some people of anybody will not protect her, including her influence powerhouse, the people from all quarters was unable to help. 而且不会有人任何人保护她,包括她势力的强者,还有各方人士都不能帮助。 countless people in an uproar, never expected that Luo Yanhuo will do this, she really did not fear that was seized by that obscene thief? Becoming such obscene thief woman? 无数人一片哗然,没有想到落烟火会这样做,她真的不怕被那个淫贼抓走?成为这样淫贼的女人? The people somewhat envy that obscene thief, if Luo Yanhuo said so long as who catches her, whose she was good, but Luo Yanhuo the beautiful woman ranked the second, is long devastatingly beautiful woman, countless people admire for a long time. 众人都有些羡慕那个淫贼,如果落烟火说只要谁抓到她,那她就是谁的就好了,落烟火可是排名第二的美人,长得倾国倾城,无数人爱慕已久。 Next day this idea unexpectedly puts into practice, because such Zhao Fu has not acted even, was worried that can have what trap. 第二天这个想法竟然实现,因为就算这样赵甫也都没有出手,担心会有什么陷阱。 This made Luo Yanhuo discontented announcement, the complete people can catch her, so long as caught her, she can spend together for night with that person, the body gives him to play with casually, can meet all her requests. 这令落烟火不满的宣布,全部的人都可以来抓她,只要抓到她,那她就可以和那人共渡一夜,身子随便交给他玩弄,更可以满足她一切要求。 The people obtain this news, that and insane generally, the countless people fierce accumulation, thinks that can play with the second beautiful woman of place of numerous demon, the heart beats fiercely, blood acceleration fast, the whole body feels hot, an excitement of face. 众人得到这个消息,那都和疯了一般,无数人凶猛聚集,想想能够玩弄众魔之地的第二美人,心就猛地跳动,血液飞快的加速,浑身发烫,一脸的兴奋。 But after the people arrived, discovers matter very not simple, Luo Yanhuo, although no one protects, actually places in great formation. 但众人到了后,才发现事情很不简单,落烟火虽然没有人保护,却身处在一座大阵之中。 This great formation covers a courtyard, surrounding area over ten thousand meters are also the formation range, Luo Yanhuo treat in the courtyard, the person enters the formation range, that formation will launch the attack. 这一座大阵覆盖住一个院落,方圆上万米也是阵法的范围,落烟火就待在院落之中,人进入法阵范围,那个法阵就会发起攻击。 This great formation is quite fearful, in Demon Territory is one famous demon, lifts into strength was greatly limited very much, equipment Nation Armament is unable to use, can only depend upon the body hands and feet to go through customs, cannot depend upon various types of external objects. 这一座大阵极为可怕,在魔域之中是一个有名的魔阵,抬入其中力量受到很大限制,装备镇国之器都无法使用,只能依靠身体手脚来通关,不能依靠各种外物。 In order to enjoy the second beautiful woman, countless people was flushed recklessly. 为了享受第二美人,无数人还是不顾一切的冲了进去。 Aaaaaaaah...... 啊啊啊…… The one after another pitiful yell resounds, the person who to/clashes innumerably, has not understood what's the matter, innumerable demonic qi change into the head of one after another devil. 一声声惨叫响起,无数冲进去的人,还没有明白怎么回事,无数魔气化为一个个魔鬼的头颅。 These head big 5-6 meters, are ugly-looking, long has two horns, a giant eye is azure, a fang of mouth, looks very fearful, after appearing, on countless people that the attack to/clashes, eats the one after another person. 这些头颅大五六米,面目狰狞,长有双角,一双巨大的眼睛为青色,一嘴的獠牙,看起来非常可怕,出现后就袭击冲进来的无数人,将一个个人吃了下去。 Many people frightened to draw back, although can enjoy the beautiful woman is a happy matter, but that must have the life to be good. 不少人吓得退了回来,虽然能享受美人是一件幸福的事情,但那必须要有命才行。 Naturally , many people choose to continue to participate, body is mostly strong, has powerful strength, because various types of things are unusable, they can only depend upon body strength. 当然,也有不少人选择继续参加,其中大多身体强壮,有强悍的力量,因为各种东西都不能用,他们只能依靠自己身体力量 Before seeing only they rush, and fights hand-to-hand with these devil heads, conducts frigid battle. 只见他们冲上前和和那些魔鬼头颅肉搏,进行惨烈的厮杀。 Some person fists carry over a fierce fist seal, bringing powerful strength to fly to shoot, hits to explode a devil head directly, changes into innumerable demonic qi to vanish, some overrun directly, the long leg sweeps away, kicks the devil head. 有些人一拳带出一个凶猛的拳印,带着强悍的力量飞射出去,直接将一个魔鬼头颅打爆,化为无数魔气消失,有些直接冲过去,长腿横扫,将魔鬼头颅踢飞。 But some people were bitten by the devil head, body was nipped two halves around the middle, the pitiful yell sound is grating, blood splattering, some by devil stuttering, and also starts to chew, some people called out pitifully in the devil mouth, body bit the flesh lump. 而有些人则被魔鬼头颅咬住,身体拦腰被咬成两半,惨叫声刺耳,鲜血喷溅,有些则是被魔鬼一口吃下,并且还开始嘴嚼,有些人在魔鬼嘴里惨叫,身体咬成肉块。 The person who to/clashes innumerably, has almost not been living, this frightens no one to dare to go. 无数冲进去的人,几乎一个都没有活着出来,这吓得没有一个人在敢进去。 In the face of so big death, originally madness person, becomes calms down, 在如此大的死亡面前,原本疯狂的人,也变得冷静下来, Looks at the surface blood and stump residual limb, understands that this demon they rush radically. The formation center, tall figure, the facial features are beautiful, bring charming makings woman, sneered, these people also really think that so can obtain me easily, brings about own destruction simply.” 看着面的鲜血和残肢,明白这魔阵他们根本闯不过。法阵中心,一个身材高挑,面容绝美,带着一股妩媚气质的女子,冷笑一声,“这些人还真的以为如此容易就能得到我,简直是自寻死路。” However, makes that person who she cares about, has not appeared. 不过,令她在意的那个人,却还是没有出现。 This makes her frown slightly, she may want taking this opportunity, to hold that obscene thief, where has a look is sacred, dares is so bold unexpectedly, makes to seize the demoness matter, but also really regards the prey their these demoness, Luo Yanhuo is very uncomfortable. 这让她微微皱起眉头,她可想借着这一次机会,将那个淫贼抓住,看看到底是何方神圣,竟然敢如此大胆,做出抓捕魔女的事情,还真的把她们这些魔女当成猎物,落烟火对此很不爽。 After catching that obscene thief, Luo Yanhuo has planned to rip to feed the dog the thing of his disaster person, then dug up him light/only paraded everywhere, this was the fate that hit them to pay attention. 等抓到那淫贼后,落烟火已经打算将他那祸害人的东西割掉喂狗,然后将他扒光了四处游行,这就是打她们注意的下场。 rooaaar...... 吼吼吼…… Suddenly, six huge roared to resound, sees only six more than 200 meters in height monsters, UU reads 突然,六声巨大的咆哮响起,只见六个高200多米的怪物,UU看书 www.uukanshu.com Appears in the sky, sends out huge evil demonic qi. 出现在天空之中,散发出一股庞大邪恶魔气 They open big mouth, is attracting to that formation fiercely, in formation rich demonic qi, by these six huge suction inspiration monster mouths. 它们张开大嘴,对着那法阵猛地一吸,法阵之中浓郁的魔气,被这六股庞大的吸力吸入怪物嘴中。 formation gushes out demonic qi by far unceasingly, swallowing of that six monster madness, forms the Six Paths huge air current, the ray of that formation sending out is also gloomy. 法阵远远不断涌出魔气,那六个怪物疯狂的吞噬,形成六道庞大的气流,那一个法阵散发的光芒也暗淡起来。 The people clearly what happened, who also not clear this does, but if demon were broken, that has no strength to prevent them to snatch Luo Yanhuo, this made their in abundance great happiness. 众人还没有明白发生什么事情,也不清楚这是谁做的,但是如果魔阵被破掉,那就没有任何力量阻止他们抢落烟火,这令他们纷纷大喜。 Some people in have broken in that formation one time, kills to the central courtyard, a face smiles obscenely, as if has felt the places of numerous demon, ranks the second woman to breathe under their bodies tenderly, that feeling made person madness. 已经有人在一次冲入那个法阵,向中心的院子杀去,一脸的淫笑,仿佛已经感受到众魔之地,排名第二女人在他们身下娇喘,那感觉令人疯狂 Luo Yanhuo expression one startled, but she also has the preparation, immediately activated second formation. 落烟火神色一惊,但她也不是没有准备,随即激活了第二个法阵 Bang! 轰! Giant sword qi storm spreads from the courtyard, brings to cut off all strength, attacks to go to all around. 一股巨大的剑气风暴从院落扩散,带着斩断一切的力量,向四周袭击而去。 Before these rush to the person, a fear of face, under that huge sword qi storm, experiences a frightening situation, but also does not have any movement, by that huge sword qi storm, was cut the innumerable small flesh lumps. 那些冲上前的人,一脸的恐惧,在那庞大的剑气风暴下,一根根汗毛竖立起来,还没有任何动作,就被那庞大的剑气风暴,斩成无数小小的肉块。 That huge sword qi storm had not finished, one with irresistible force general, brings terrifying strength , to continue attacks to go to the person outside formation. 那庞大的剑气风暴还没有结束,一势如破竹一般,带着恐怖力量,继续向法阵之外的人袭击而去。 The people frighten complexion pale, immediately turns around to escape backward. 众人吓得脸色苍白,立即转身向后逃去。 Luo Yanhuo is sneering, controls sword qi great formation , to continue kills to the four directions, coming here person one unable to be the good person, she naturally cannot keep the hand, the slaughter so spies on her man, faintly also many pleasant sensations. 落烟火冷笑着,操控剑气大阵,继续向四方杀去,来这里的人没有一个会是好人,她自然不会留手,屠杀如此多窥探她的男人,隐隐还有不少快感。 Clang!” “锵!” sword cry resounds through the sky, making all around space tremble fiercely, vast ice-cold sword intent covered the surrounding area thousand li (500 km). 一声剑鸣响彻天空,令四周的空间都猛地一颤,一股浩大冰冷剑意笼罩方圆千里。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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