LE :: Volume #15

#1446: 10

But discovered that teleportation formation was unable to use, this made the Si Ji complexion change, has not responded, an powerful imposing manner arrived loudly, that Zhao Fu. 可是发现传送阵已经无法使用,这令姒季脸色一变,还没有反应过来,一股强悍的气势轰然降临,那正是赵甫 Zhao Fu a pair of eyes ice-cold looks at Si Ji, I had said that will not be making you escape 赵甫一双眼睛冰冷的看着姒季,“我说过不会在让你逃掉” A Si Ji face hates angrily, but also clear is not the Zhao Fu's opponent, the first goal maintains life, hundreds of thousands elite soldiers that therefore the life brings block Zhao Fu, he continues to lead the person to run away at the same time. 姒季一脸愤怒仇恨,但也清楚不是赵甫的对手,第一目标还是保命,所以命所带的十几万精锐士兵挡住赵甫,他则继续带着人向一边逃走。 That hundreds of thousands elite are Si Ji careful training, not only strength is strong, but also is loyal, obeys the order of Si Ji, kills to Zhao Fu. 那十几万精锐是姒季精心培养,不仅力量强,还非常忠心,听从姒季的命令,就向赵甫杀去。 xiū xiū xiū 咻咻咻 Strong arrows, bringing fearful strength to come, frightening, Zhao Fu governing defense cover, keeps off complete arrows. 一根根强劲的箭矢,带着可怕的力量呼啸而来,令人心惊不已,赵甫御起防御罩,将全部箭矢挡下。 Facing these hundreds of thousands soldiers, on the Zhao Fu face shows the expression that disdains, lightly yelled, Sword Master 面对这十几万士兵,赵甫脸上露出不屑的表情,一声轻喝,“剑主 Emperor Killing Sword in hand, sends out huge sword intent, Zhao Fu makes an effort to cut, a giant crescent moon, brings to cut to extinguish all strength to fly to shoot, the speed is also quick, but flashes past. 手中的帝杀剑,散发出一股庞大的剑意,赵甫用力一斩,一道巨大的月牙,带着斩灭一切的力量飞射出去,速度也很快,只是一闪而过。 In the ground that hundreds of thousands soldiers, sword light passes the body, blood splattering, body is divided into the innumerable corpse blocks, the blood incarnadine ground, covered entirely a piece of broken corpse, making people somewhat disgusting. 地面上那十几万士兵,剑光透体而过,鲜血喷溅,身体分成无数的尸块,鲜血染红地面,布满了一片碎尸,令人有些恶心。 Is less than a meeting one time, Zhao Fu in catches up with Si Ji. 不到一会,赵甫在一次追上姒季 Now side Si Ji is only left over is less than 100 people, has the Si Ji imperial concubine, there is a relative, there is a personal bodyguard. 现在姒季身边就是只剩下不到一百人,有姒季的妃子,也有亲属,也有贴身侍卫。 Your majesty you walk quickly.” “陛下你快走。” These personal bodyguards see Zhao Fu that pursues, yelled, grasps the weapon to kill to Zhao Fu. 那些贴身侍卫看见追上来的赵甫,大喊一声,手持着武器就向赵甫杀去。 Zhao Fu contemptuous waves the sword, the sharp arc light flashes past together, to the guard head all falls, the blood spews out, complete death. 赵甫轻蔑的一挥手中的剑,一道锋利的弧光一闪而过,冲上来的侍卫脑袋全部掉落下来,鲜血喷涌而出,全部死亡。 You really think that you can also escape Zhao Fu to keep off before the Si Ji body, sneering visits him to say. “你真以为你还能逃掉”赵甫挡在姒季身前,冷笑的看着他说道。 Si Ji closes tightly the tooth, is staring Zhao Fu, started talking, Zhao Fu you must be ruthless, if you let off my means of livelihood, I can comply with in the future not to do with Great Qin right.” 姒季咬紧牙,瞪着赵甫,开口说道,“赵甫你一定要赶尽杀绝如果你放过我一条活路,我可以答应今后不在和大秦做对。” Some of your also qualifications discussed that the condition you think you also had what strength resistance initially in the Human World's gratitude and grudges, the present is the time settles, you think that I may let off you Zhao Fu cold voice to have an anger, because recalled that Si Ji handled these things to Great Qin. “你还有资格谈条件你以为你还有什么力量反抗当初在人类世界的恩怨,现在是时候了结,你认为我可能会放过你吗”赵甫冷声带着一丝怒气,因为回想起姒季大秦做得那些事情。 Now how that I submit to you “那现在我臣服你如何” Si Ji a pair of eyes looks at Zhao Fu, is suppressing the humiliation, said this, words that was most impossible to speak. 姒季一双眼睛看着赵甫,强忍着屈辱,说出了这一句,最不可能说的话。 Zhao Fu sneered, was sorry that does not accept.” 赵甫冷笑一声,“抱歉不接受。” In the Si Ji heart sinks, both eyes become ice-cold, having a hate to look at Zhao Fu, now has understood how Zhao Fu will not let off him. 姒季心中一沉,双目变得冰冷,带着一种怨恨看着赵甫,现在已经明白无论怎样赵甫都不会放过他。 Suddenly 突然 Si Ji lifts the long sword, cuts to woman, he knows the Zhao Fu's hobby, at this time he almost must die facing Zhao Fu without doubt, but after he does not want dead , oneself woman was held by Zhao Fu. 姒季抬起长剑,就向身边的女人斩去,他知道赵甫的爱好,此时他面对赵甫几乎必死无疑,但他可不想死后自己的女人被赵甫占有。 His woman, without thinking, their beloved Si Ji, under the killer to them, will see that sword light must cut to kill the time these women. 他身边的女人,也没有想到,她们心爱的姒季,会对她们下杀手,眼看剑光就要将那些女人斩杀时候。 Bang “砰” Zhao Fu waves, invisible strength, strikes to fly Si Ji, falls falls beyond more than ten meters, puts out the big mouth blood. 赵甫一挥手,一股无形的力量,就将姒季击飞出去,摔落在十几米外,吐出大口鲜血。 Turns around that moment in Si Ji, Zhao Fu detected that his goal, has the interest in look at his woman now. 姒季转身那一刻,赵甫就察觉他的目的,现在还带着兴趣看着他的女人。 Altogether is ten woman, a stature is plentiful, the makings are noble, she is the Si Ji mother, named Li Lengyue, side Si Ji father , a face angry looks at Zhao Fu. Is grasping the long blade, prepares to attack Zhao Fu at any time. 一共是十个女子,一个身材丰满,气质高贵,她是姒季的母亲,名为李冷月,身边姒季的父亲,也一脸愤怒的看着赵甫。手持着长刀,随时准备攻击赵甫 Stature graceful, brings gentle makings woman, she is the Si Ji elder sister, named Si Rou, Si Ji to consolidate him in the position of tribe, has by own elder sister is married a hand to grasp person with large army, thus obtain his support. 一个身材婀娜,带着温婉气质的女子,她是姒季的姐姐,名为姒媃,姒季为了巩固他在部落的地位,有让自己姐姐嫁给一个手握重兵的人,从而获得他的支持。 A stature sex appeal, has the charming makings, she is the Si Ji younger cousin woman, named Zhang Feiyan, now Si Ji younger cousin, looks at the fear to look at Zhao Fu. 一个身材性感,带着妩媚的气质,她是姒季表弟的女人,名为张飞燕,现在姒季表弟,也一看害怕看着赵甫 Has some wild nature, the stature is very attractive, looks is Desolate Black Clan, this should be the female of that tribe Chief, named Wu Hao, Si Ji married her, the power of obtain tribe. 一个带有一些野性,身材十分诱人,一看就是荒乌族,这应该是那个部落首领之女,名为乌貉,姒季娶了她,才获得部落的权力。 Several woman, has delicate makings woman, 还有几个女子,其中带有柔弱气质的女子, Named Shi Yuyan, has virtuous makings woman named Wang Xihan, their both once China ranked the top ten beautiful woman. Remaining four, one pair is sisters, is very long the childish face, the stature is attractive, named Wang Lu, king the younger sister, should also be Chinese, another tall figure, the facial features are beautiful, named Luo Li, is slender, appearance open woman named Qiu Ye. 名为施玉颜,带有贤惠气质的女子名为王惜寒,她们两个都是曾经华夏排名前十的美人。剩下四个,一对是姐妹,长得娃娃脸,身材却很诱人,名为王露,王妹,应该也是华夏人,另外一个身材高挑,面容美丽,名为楼莉,一个身材苗条,样子开朗的女子名为秋叶 Looks at Zhao Fu to look at own woman, Si Ji angry calling out, Zhao Fu you dare their, I dead will not let off you.” 看着赵甫看着自己的女人,姒季愤怒的叫道,“赵甫你敢都她们一下,我死都不会放过你。” But Si Ji except for yells now angrily, strength that crawls continually does not have. 可是姒季现在除了愤怒大叫,连爬起来的力量没有。 numerous woman under the Zhao Fu vision, the manner varies, has the fear, has vitality/angry, has the sadness, they naturally understand Zhao Fu’s meaning. 众多女子赵甫目光下,神态不一,有害怕,有生气,有忧伤,她们自然明白赵甫的意思 Wang Xihan pulls out a dagger, cancels to own throat, UU reads 王惜寒掏出一把匕首,就向自己喉咙抹去,UU看书 www.uukanshu.com To to defend desperately own body. But was waved to break by Zhao Fu, and body was imprisoned. 想要以死保住自己的身体。可是被赵甫一挥手打断,并且身体被禁锢住。 Zhao Fu is somewhat discontented, now you are my thing, you do not have the independent power, if in this, I makes you suffer a hardship.” 赵甫有些不满,“现在你们是我的东西,你们没有自主的权力,若是在这样,我就让你们吃一点苦头。” The Si Ji father anger points at Zhao Fu with the blade, cursed was saying, thanks to you the Lord of Great Qin, the so despicable matter is done, the beast was inferior simply.” 姒季的父亲愤怒用刀指着赵甫,大骂道,“亏你还是大秦之主,如此卑劣的事情都做,简直禽兽不如。” Bang “砰” Zhao Fu wields conveniently, strikes to fly the Si Ji father, said with a smile lightly, this matter had from the ancient capital, in the past King Qin Ying Zheng the imperial concubines six countries' had not taken in the harem, Liu Bang also inherits these imperial concubines, since I conquered you, they were my, was saying that I was not the good person, you thought you 赵甫随手一挥,将姒季的父亲击飞出去,轻笑道,“这事情从古都有,当年秦王嬴政还不是把六国的妃子收进后宫,刘邦也同样继承这些妃子,既然我征服你们,那她们就是我的,在说我不是什么好人,你以为你们是吗” Right that your words saying, our Desolate Black Clan approval powerhouse, since you conquer us, we are willing to take care of you.” The female of that tribe Chief, is the Si Ji empress, stands started talking. “你的话说的对,我们荒乌族认可强者,既然你征服我们,那我们愿意服侍你。”那个部落首领之女,也就是姒季的皇后,站出来开口道 Another two Desolate Black Clan two woman, stands the nod, is willing to take care of Zhao Fu. 另外两个荒乌族两个女子,也站出来点头,愿意服侍赵甫 Si Ji younger cousin wife Zhang Feiyan, stands started talking, Great Qin your majesty, so long as you do not kill me, how you want me to want.” 姒季表弟的妻子张飞燕,也站出来开口说道,“大秦陛下只要你不杀我,你要我怎样都愿意。” But Si Ji younger cousin hurried started talking, I am also willing to give to your majesty her, is willing to submit to Great Qin, asking your majesty do not kill me.” 姒季表弟也急忙开口说道,“我愿意将她送给陛下,也愿意臣服于大秦,求陛下不要杀我。” Si Ji angry looks at these, cursed said that „your group of bastards, slut 姒季愤怒的看着这些,大骂道,“你们这一群混蛋,贱人 Bang “砰” Zhao Fu has one to wave, invisible strength strikes to fly Si Ji, Si Ji falls down, in the mouth flows out the blood unceasingly, the words is unable to say. 赵甫有一挥手,一股无形力量姒季击飞出去,姒季倒在地上,口中不断流出鲜血,话都无法在说出来。 Si Ji mother Li Lengyue and elder sister Si Rou, grieved looks at present one, to Zhao Fu gave a bow, started talking, „we are willing to take care of you, asking you do not hurt their lives.” 姒季的母亲李冷月和姐姐姒媃,心痛的看着眼前一幕,对着赵甫行了一礼,开口道,“我们愿意服侍你,求你不要伤害他们的性命。” Zhao Fu chuckled, said with a smile to Si Ji lightly, now they may be voluntary 赵甫轻笑一声,对姒季轻笑道,“现在她们可都是自愿的”
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