LE :: Volume #14

#1387: Man-eating Vine Demon

Now in creatures of Great Qin numerous cultivation, Wyvern rank is highest, because of the itself dragon, but also stronger compared with same level creatures, but higher-order creatures is not that easy obtain, basically wants the obtain lair to be good. After this can only look, has the opportunity, now Zhao Fu has no means obtain, if obtain high level the stone of lair, that can only receive in advance. 现在大秦众多培育的生物中,飞龙等级是最高的,因为本身还是龙,还远比同级生物要强,而更高阶生物可不是那么容易获得,基本是要获得巢穴才行。这只能看以后有没有机遇,现在赵甫没有任何办法获得,如果获得高级的巢穴之石,那只能先行收好。 Arrives by the sunlight treasure quarry, this is a strip mine, black Jade Stone covers entirely the mountain wall, approached all rays, by a that Jade Stone absorption. 来到日光宝石矿旁边,这是一条露天矿,黑色玉石布满山壁,靠近的一切光线,都会被那一种玉石吸收。 Regarding this Zhao Fu is somewhat surprised, the appearance that this sunlight gem and think is different, before Zhao Fu, thinks that is a sparkling gem. 对此赵甫有些意外,这日光宝石和自己想的样子不一样,赵甫之前还以为是一种闪闪发光的宝石。 Afterward, Zhao Fu assigns/life soldiers to start to construct the defensive measure, because here and Qin Land has a distance, although can communicate through teleportation formation, but the construction defends the wall to guarantee that together opens up a mine the soldiers security. 随后,赵甫士兵开始修建防御措施,因为这里和秦地有一段距离,虽然可以通过传送阵来往,但还是修建一道防御墙保证开矿士兵的安全。 Looks at the sunlight gem, Zhao Fu showed a broad smile, has this sunlight gem, Great Qin does not need to be worried that eight sun, have not needed to receive the daytime limit, can go to some farther places. 看着日光宝石,赵甫露出一脸笑容,有这日光宝石,大秦就不用在担心那八颗太阳,还有也不用受白天的限制,可以前往更远的一些地方。 Simultaneously striking down massive insect beast, Great Qin obtain magnanimous points, can exchange many good things, but Zhao Fu plans to remain, waits for the critical moment to use. 同时击杀的大量虫兽,大秦获得海量积分,可以兑换很多好东西,但赵甫打算留着,等关键时刻在使用。 After handling these things, Zhao Fu in returns to Qin Land one time, the done first matter is the people discussed how to construct the defensive measure, because knows that now the Great Qin's situation is very dangerous, must construct various defensive measures to be safe. 处理这些事情后,赵甫在一次回到秦地,做的第一件事情就是众人商量如何构建防御措施,因为知道现在大秦的处境还是很危险,必须要建设各种防御措施才能安全。 Moreover now all around person has not discovered Qin Land temporarily, but later will definitely be discovered, this does not use any question. 而且现在四周的人暂时是没有发现秦地,但以后肯定会被发现,这不用任何质疑。 Is the big city wall, possibly cannot block the large-scale insect tide, Zhao Fu plans also outside the city wall, digs several extremely deep gullies, the width is on the kilometer, the depth is several kilometers, best also be able in attacking the range. 仅仅是高大的城墙,可能还是挡不住大规模的虫潮,赵甫打算还在城墙外,挖几条极深的沟壑,宽度达到上千米,深度达到数千米,最好还能在攻击范围内。 These gullies can play the cushioning effect, to insect beast almost will fall to plunge to death, the Great Qin's person can stand in the city wall attacks, this very advantageous defense. 这几条沟壑可以起缓冲作用,冲来的虫兽几乎就会掉落下去摔死,大秦的人又可以站在城墙上攻击,这样很有利的防守。 insect beast in opposite party sky, Zhao Fu displays large expanse of ballista toward the city wall, assures the security in sky by this. 对方天空之中的虫兽,赵甫往城墙摆上成片的车弩,以此保证天空之中的安全。 Because Hong Mei is the person in Outer World world, Zhao Fu asked her opinion specially, there is an astonishing harvest, Hong Mei said that a plant, possibly will be very useful. 因为红美界外世界的人,赵甫特意询问她的意见,也有惊人的收获,红美说有一种植物,可能会很有用。 Sometimes a that plant named Man-eating Vine, its vine in the ground, will sometimes ambush in underground, if some people approach, that vine almost projects to tie up fast, on the vine will also grow many teeth. 那一种植物名叫食人藤,其藤蔓有时候会在地面上,有时候埋伏在地下,如果有人靠近,那藤蔓几乎飞快射出把人捆绑住,藤蔓上还会生长出很多牙齿。 These sharp teeth can prick body of person, then can swallow the flesh of person directly, less than one will eat to eat all one's food, only leaves behind one pile of white bone. 这些尖锐的牙齿会刺入人的身体,然后可以直接吞食人的血肉,不到一会就会把人吃光,只留下一堆白骨 The proposition of Hong Mei plants massive Man-eating Vine near the city wall, should have very strong effect, for avoided the Man-eating Vine accidental injury, once in a while watered some to be OK with the blood of person on one's own side. 红美的提议就是在城墙附近种上大量的食人藤,应该会有很强的效果,还有为了避免食人藤误伤,每隔一段时间用自己人的血浇灌一些就可以了。 Moreover Hong Mei also knows that there has massive Man-eating Vine, and each vine that extremely fearful Man-eating Vine Demon, grows, three meters thickness, the solidity ratio steel is hard, and vine numerous, covers a surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) area. 而且红美还知道那里有大量的食人藤,并且还有一颗极为可怕的食人藤魔,生长出的每一根藤蔓,足足有三米粗,硬度比钢铁还硬,并且藤蔓众多,覆盖方圆数百里的面积。 On its this Man-eating Vine vine, can eat million insect beast with ease, extremely fearful, that place also becomes a restricted area, few hurries. 就它这一颗食人藤蔓,就可以轻松吃掉百万虫兽,极为的可怕,那个地方也成为一个禁地,几乎没人赶去。 Regarding this Zhao Fu is interested, if can that moment Lane Man-eating Vine Demon come, the Qin Land security will have a big enhancement. 对此赵甫非常感兴趣,如果能那一刻食人藤魔来,秦地的安全会得到不小的提高。 Zhao Fu also makes Hong Mei lead the people to go to that place, what maps at present is a plain comprised of the green vine, except for the vine or the vine, does not have any flowers and plants trees, sounding of no insect and bird, seems somewhat silent. 赵甫也让红美带着众人来到那一个地方,映入眼前的是一片由绿色藤蔓组成的平原,除了藤蔓还是藤蔓,没有任何花草树木,更没有一点昆虫和鸟的鸣叫,显得有些寂静。 On each vine, but also grows sharp white teeth, seemingly causes this plain terrifying evil. 每一根藤蔓上,还长出一颗颗尖锐洁白的牙齿,看起来使得这一个平原更加的恐怖邪恶 So many Man-eating Vine, if sends soldiers to go forward to eliminate, does not know that will die many, Zhao Fu had not planned that makes soldiers go directly, is with the beforehand means that burns with the kerosene, these plants definitely fear the fire. 如此多的食人藤,如果派士兵上前清除,不知道会死亡多少,赵甫也没有打算让士兵直接去,还是用之前的办法,用火油来烧,这些植物肯定是怕火的。 Zhao Fu commanded the people in the surrounding, throws barrels of kerosenes to the plain that vine composes, then lights directly, 赵甫命人在外围,向那藤蔓组成的平原丢出一桶桶火油,然后直接点燃, The agitated fire burns, the flame is incarnadine half the sky, a high temperature also spreads. In the sky the Zhao Fu also commanded the people unceasing dropping out kerosene, wants to give the ignition this plain, only the one who pays attention to a point is, soldiers cannot fly is too low, because many vines can attack them. 汹汹大火还是燃烧,火光把半边天都染红,一股高温也扩散开来。天空之中赵甫命人不断的抛下火油,想把这个平原都给点燃,唯一注意一点的是,士兵不能飞的太低,因为还是有不少藤蔓能攻击到他们。 Some vines sway from side to side such as the snake to be common in the fire, quick was fired the dry carbon, but is only the ordinary most preliminary vine is burnt, many vines thorough underground, crossed this fire. 一些藤蔓在火中扭动着如蛇一般,很快就被烧成枯碳,但只是普通最低级的藤蔓被烧死,还有不少的藤蔓深入地下,渡过这一次大火。 Zhao Fu also thinks of the method to deal, directly uses the earth element stone, turns into such as the rock generally hard ground the ground, keeping these vines from drilling the ground. 赵甫也想到方法应对,直接使用土元素石,将地面变成如岩石一般坚硬的地面,使得这些藤蔓无法钻出地面。 The originally most ordinary vine was burnt, the remaining these hide the underground vine, more or less will also receive a wound, UU read 原本大半的普通藤蔓被烧死,剩下这些躲到地下的藤蔓,多多少少也会受一点伤,UU看书 www.uukanshu.com In addition ground rock, because will not create the too big danger, waits for later Zhao Fu also to dig up the ground slowly, transplants these vines. 加上地面岩石化,因为不会造成太大的危险,等之后赵甫还要慢慢挖开地面,把这些藤蔓移植回去。 First keeps here massive soldiers, Zhao Fu only brings Arasina, planned that goes to the center to have a look, that Man-eating Vine Demon is anything. 先把大量士兵留在这里,赵甫只带着阿拉斯娜,打算前往中心看看,那一颗食人藤魔是什么。 The fire has a temperature a long time, now land burned black, braves to curl Bai Yan (white smoke), sends out smell that irritates the nose, although the fire is fierce, but covers several hundred li (0.5 km) Vine Demon to central that does not have the big injury. 大火有烧很长一段时间,现在土地一片焦黑,冒着袅袅白烟,发出刺鼻的气味,大火虽然猛,但对中心那一颗覆盖几百里的藤魔,没有多大的伤害。 This point Zhao Fu is clear, therefore walks is quite careful . Moreover the flying sky, has not fallen to the ground comes up. 这一点赵甫是清楚,所以行走的比较小心,而且也飞天空,没有落到地面上去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Sensation Zhao Fu this chief criminal approaches, the ground fierce vibration, cracks the one after another crack, giant vines, bring to shoot at Zhao Fu angrily fierce, the quantity are smallest has 100,000 many. 感知赵甫这个罪魁祸首靠近,地面剧烈的震动,裂出一道道裂缝,一根根巨大的藤蔓,带着愤怒凶猛射向赵甫,数量最少都有十万多根。 Clang!” “锵!” Zhao Fu grasps Royal Wood Sword, makes an effort to cut, a giant green crescent moon cuts, the vine that will shoot cuts off, the green blood spurts, these cut off vine, withers immediately, was absorbed by Royal Wood Sword because of the vitality instantly. 赵甫手持王木剑,用力一斩,一道巨大绿色月牙斩出,将射来的藤蔓斩断,绿色的鲜血飞洒出来,那些被斩断的藤蔓,立即枯萎,因为生命力被王木剑刹那吸收。 shuā shuā shuā...... 唰唰唰…… More vine angry shoots towards Zhao Fu, strength extremely swift and violent, the quantity seems achieves million, blocks from the sky. 更多藤蔓愤怒的射向赵甫,力量极为的迅猛,数量好似达到百万,把天空都遮住。 The Zhao Fu complexion has not dreaded, a sword sword wields, one after another swift and fierce sword light cuts, that sword light flies to shoot, the vine that around these all directions shoots cut off in abundance, the innumerable green liquids spurt, like having green rain. 赵甫脸色没有丝毫畏惧,一剑剑挥出,一道道凌厉的剑光斩出,那剑光飞射出来,那些四面八方射去的藤蔓纷纷被斩断,无数绿色液体飞洒,如同下起绿雨。 However, that vine vitality extreme, unceasing cut off, unceasing growth, the tooth of growth, disclosed cold light (Leng Mang), wants to swallow the Zhao Fu's flesh. 不过,那藤蔓生命力极为的强,不断的被斩断,不断的生长出来,其中生长的牙齿,透露出冷芒,想吞噬赵甫的血肉。 Zhao Fu also no longer consumes with it, displays the Royal Wood Sword World Tree domain, huge green energy shield spreads, and has a huge suction, these shoot at before the Zhao Fu's vine, the naked eye sees to wither. 赵甫也不再和它耗下去,施展王木剑世界树领域,一个巨大的绿色能量罩扩散出来,并且带着一股庞大的吸力,那些射向赵甫的藤蔓前端,肉眼看见枯萎起来。
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