LM :: Volume #8

#52: In modern age ( 9 )

The cold wind has blown, the instance of cell phone flashlight light tarnish, I one hit to startle, the whole body fine hair towered. 阴风吹过,手机电筒光变暗的瞬间,我一下打了个激灵,浑身汗毛耸立了起来。 To be honest, after becoming Assassin, even if in the corridor does not have a lighting a lamp light, I can also see clearly the environment, does not need to be worried about the under foot. 老实说,成为“刺客”之后,哪怕楼道里没有一点灯光,我也能将周围环境看得清清楚楚,不需要担心脚下。 But, can regard the thing in the darkness and I needs the cell phone flashlight light illumination is not completely contradictory. 可是,能在黑暗里视物和我需要手机电筒光照明是完全不矛盾的。 Who hasn't feared black? 谁还不怕个黑呢? At this moment, my heartbeat speeds up suddenly, thump thump thump seems beating a drum. 这一刻,我的心跳猛然加快,咚咚咚地仿佛在敲鼓。 Almost is simultaneously, I thought that who is gazing at me, that gloomy icy cold wind is the breath of some depths of darkness monster. 几乎是同时,我觉得有谁在注视我,那阴森冰凉的风就是黑暗深处某个怪物的鼻息。 Thinks of the matter on previous public transportation, I pretend that had not discovered such unusuality, looks down to the cell phone: 想到之前公交车上的事情,我假装没有发现这样的异常,低头看向手机: Was also bad?” “又坏了?” Before I also met the cell phone flashlight light/only to change the grim situation suddenly, but at that time, what I also used was on a broken cell phone, at this moment, had experience my routine depended in the issue the cell phone. 以前我也遇到过手机电筒光突然变黯淡的情况,但那个时候,我还用的是上个破手机,此时此刻,有“经验”的我习惯性就将问题赖到了手机身上。 Inspection under the cell phone, after letting the light brightens, I continue, what matter has not happened same goes up step by step. “检查”了下手机,让灯光重新变亮后,我继续前行,什么事情都没发生一样拾级而上。 The gloomy wind paces back and forth in the corridor as before, the ray is sometimes bright and sometimes dim, lets the fear that the person is from the heart. 阴森的风依旧在楼道里徘徊,光芒时明时暗,让人发自内心的恐惧。 I walks seriously pondered that Assassin has anything to cope with the ghost the ability. 我边走边认真思考起“刺客”有什么对付鬼魂的能力。 The answer is: 答案是: No. 没有。 Since no, I no longer anticipated oneself can cut the monster except the demon, like coping with the bludger copes with that ghost that possibly has. 既然没有,我就不再期待自己能够斩妖除魔,像对付小混混一样对付可能存在的那个鬼魂。 One step, two steps, three steps, my surface walked that section of staircase calmly, arrived at previous. 一步,两步,三步,我表面镇定地走完了那截楼梯,来到了上一层。 Here corridor lamp was perfect, sprinkles the yellow ray. 这里的楼道灯完好无损,洒下了偏黄的光芒。 All returned to normal. 一切又恢复了正常。 Then, no longer has the cold wind to sway, no longer has the change of ray, I smoothly returned to six buildings, stopped in the entrance of rented room. 接下来,不再有阴风吹拂,不再有光芒的变化,我顺利回到了六楼,停在了出租屋的门口。 , here started to be haunted unexpectedly! I must move out as soon as possible! I flashed through such a thought subconsciously. 呼,这里竟然开始闹鬼了!我得尽快搬走!我下意识闪过了这么一个念头。 I did not think that has any ashamed, this is the instinct that everyone can have! 我不觉得有任何羞耻,这是每个人都会产生的本能反应! The words that but, I move out not making a sound, Shatas and her boyfriend definitely do not know that what happened, will continue here, when the time comes, the malicious ghost will perhaps entangle them...... also to have, this building unit has the 12 family member, am I impossible to inform from house to house? And how to say? Is haunted? Who can believe? I take the key, somewhat is for a while awkward. 可是,我不声不响搬走的话,夏塔丝和她的男友肯定不知道发生了什么事情,会继续住在这里,到时候,恶鬼说不定会缠上他们……还有,这栋楼这个单元就有十二家人,我不可能挨家挨户都通知到吧?而且怎么说?闹鬼?谁会信?我拿着钥匙,一时有些为难。 Grasps time please a taoist priest or do the monk who have the skill seize the ghost? But, I did not know, before today, I do not know that in this world has the supernatural ability, but the fantasy has......, Tarot Society The Star knows that mysterious evil cult can provide various superpowers, explained that he has certain understanding...... he to know to this aspect Grandmaster who how many excel at in Zhuogui? , first tries, if this aspect did not have the means that before moving out, hit the anonymous telephone call, pasted the circular that here was haunted in the entrance every household, no, the bulletin...... I thought the countermeasure rapidly. 抓紧时间请个有本事的道士或者和尚来捉鬼?可是,我不认识啊,今天之前,我都不知道这个世界上有超自然能力,只是幻想有……嗯,塔罗会“星星”知道那个神秘邪教能提供各种超能力,说明他对这方面有一定的了解……他会不会认识几个擅于捉鬼的大师?呼,先试一试,这方面要是没办法,搬走前就打匿名电话报警,在每家每户门口贴一张这里闹鬼的传单,不,告示……我迅速想好了对策。 As for the result, I do not demand, after all without the experience in this aspect . Moreover, takes preserving oneself as on. 至于结果,我并不强求,毕竟没这方面的经验,而且,还是以保全自己为上。 Opens the door, enters the room, returning to the guest to lie, I think, logs in QQ, selected The Star private chatted the dialog box. 开门,进屋,回到客卧,我想了想,登录QQ,点开了“星星”的私聊对话框。 Hanged Man and Hermit suspected that he is the net police, I look for him directly, he can definitely check my website, locks my status...... just about to types time, I recalled another two Tarot Society members' reminders. 呃,“倒吊人”“隐者”怀疑他是网警,我直接找他,他肯定能查到我的网址,锁定我的身份……刚要打字的时候,我记起了另外两位塔罗会成员的提醒。 Fiddled with one, I hung an agent, said to The Star with bot World: 捣鼓了一阵,我挂了个代理,用小号“世界”“星星”道: „( Monocle expression) in? Has a matter to consult.” “(单片眼镜表情)在不在?有件事情请教。” „...... Do not use this expression, I am afraid.” The Star returns to the covered passageway quickly. “……不要用这个表情,我害怕。”“星星”很快回复道。 Why will be afraid?” I asked curiously. “为什么会害怕?”我好奇问道。 The Star said: “星星”道: „( Wiped cold sweat expression) this expression recently suddenly popularly, is strange. “(抹了把冷汗表情)这个表情最近突然流行,非常奇怪。 Moreover, last week had an extermination massacre, that everyone wears the monocle, dies in the different places, the only survivor is a girl, frightened completely insanely, will only say that do not approach me, do not approach me. “而且,上周发生了一起灭门惨案,那一家每个人都戴着单片眼镜,死在不同的地方,唯一的幸存者是个女孩,完全吓疯了,只会说不要靠近我,不要靠近我。 I suspected, used this expression person, will stare by unknown existence, puts on the monocle, mediates, kills one another.” “我怀疑,使用了这个表情的人,会被未知的存在盯上,自行戴上单片眼镜,自我了断,自相残杀。” Do not frighten me......” I not to know that should believe returns to the covered passageway. “不要吓我啊……”我不知该不该相信地回复道。 haha, cracks a joke, the position and extermination massacre of this expression monocle are different . Moreover, tens of thousands of the person of this expression, which unknown existence can stare?” The Star then asked that what matter did you look for my?” 哈哈,开个玩笑,这个表情单片眼镜的位置和灭门惨案不一样的,而且,用这个表情的人成千上万,哪个未知的存在盯得过来?”“星星”转而问道,“你找我什么事情?” I said straightforwardly: 我直截了当地说道: Nearby my family is haunted, did you know that is good at seizing the ghost person?” “我家附近闹鬼,你认不认识擅长捉鬼的人?” I, I excel very much.” The Star responded to me without hesitation. “我啊,我就很擅长啊。”“星星”毫不犹豫地回应了我。 Did I expose directly? I hurried to send an expression: 那我岂不是直接就暴露了?我赶紧发了个表情: „( Laughs foolishly), temporarily did not trouble you, you looked very busy. “(憨笑),暂时就不麻烦你了,你看起来很忙。 Has other person to be able introduction?” “有别的人可以介绍吗?” Having, one is the woman, the spiritism master, what meeting is foreign that wrap/sets, but the effect can guarantee, one is a foreigner, Priest, is good at arranging the expelling evil spirits ceremony.” The Star returned to one. “有,一位是女士,通灵师,会的是外国那套,但效果可以保证,还有一位是个外国人,教士,也擅长布置驱鬼仪式。”“星星”回了一段。 Is foreign that wrap/sets? Without taoist priest monk introduction?” I compare to believe the native place. “都是外国那套?没有道士和尚介绍?”我还是比较相信本土的。 The Star returns said: “星星”回道: I knew that meets foreign that wrap/sets!” “我就认识会外国那套的!” Good, who is quite fierce?” I want to ask that who is quite cheap, but considering cheap not necessarily effective, does not dare to save in this aspect. “好吧,谁比较厉害?”我本来想问谁比较便宜,但考虑到便宜未必管用,还是不敢在这方面节省。 The Star said immediately: “星星”当即说道: Ms. wears. “戴女士。 I give you her QQ, you add her directly, contacts with her. “我把她QQ号给你,你直接加她,和她联系。 „.” “XXXXXXXX。” Good, thanks.” I duplicated that QQ rapidly, glued the search column. “好,谢谢。”我迅速复制了那个QQ号,粘贴到了搜索栏。 That Ms.'s Dai QQ name named sleeps with the corpse, in addition she has the confirmation issue: 那位戴姓女士的QQ名叫做“与尸共眠”,加她有个验证问题: „Are you big?” “你多大?” Greatly? This issue strange...... can the cipher? I do not know how for a while should reply, has screenshot issue, to issue The Star: 多大?这个问题怎么怪怪的……要对暗号?我一时不知该怎么回答,只好截图这个问题,发给了“星星”: What is answer?” “答案是什么?” The Star returns said: “星星”回道: Reply grown will be fine.” “回答成年就行了。” What significance does this have? Doesn't she receive the underage customer?” I am quite puzzled. “这有什么意义?她不接待未成年客户?”我颇为不解。 „It is not, she is only need determine the criterion of chatting.” The Star said simply, then made the supplement with a graph likely, „” “不是,她只是要确定聊天的尺度。”“星星”简单说了一句,然后用一张图形象地做出了补充,“” „......” I do not know how should respond, has according to the The Star answer, in confirming the frame filled in grown. “……”我不知该如何回应,只好按照“星星”的答案,在验证框内填上了“成年”。 That Ms. Dai as if not online, several minutes through me, I have not first expressed gratitude to The Star, then comfort themselves with between -meal snack. 那位戴姓女士似乎并不在线,好几分钟没有通过我,我先向“星星”道了谢,然后用零食安抚起自己。 Is satiated with food and wine, I set out to move toward outside washroom, plans to clean itself, prepares to sleep. 吃饱喝足,我起身走向外面的洗手间,打算清洗自己,预备睡觉。 But until this era, Ms. Dai has not added me. 而直到这个时代,戴姓女士还是没有加我。 Turned on the lamp of washroom, after twisting off the tap, I am sideways to take the towel. 开了洗手间的灯,拧开龙头后,我侧身去拿毛巾。 Turning head, I saw in the washing mirror to be many suddenly a person's shadow. 回过头来,我突然看见洗漱镜里多了道人影。 That person's shadow is fuzzy, indistinct, wears the exquisite soft hat, wears the black long skirt, is a female. 那人影模模糊糊,隐隐约约,戴着小巧软帽,穿着黑色长裙,是个女性。 Obviously, this is not my projection! 很显然,这不会是我的投影! When is not a home Shatas focusing on pajamas! 也不会是居家时以睡衣为主的夏塔丝 In an instant, my mind one exploded, is too busy to draw back backward. 刹那之间,我的脑海一下炸了,忙不迭地向后退开。 Does not need to be afraid.” The female in mirror made the indistinct sound, some people asked me to protect you.” “不用害怕。”镜中的女子发出了飘渺的声音,“有人请我来保护你。” Who?” I asked subconsciously. “谁?”我下意识问道。 The form tone in that mirror does not have the accidented ground to reply: 那镜中的身影语气没有起伏地回答道: detective named Sherlock Moriarty.” “一个叫做夏洛克.莫里亚蒂侦探。”
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