LM :: Volume #8

#39: Yesterday no longer

southern continent, East Balam, by some night church room, the consciousness of Leonard returned to the real world. 南大陆,东拜朗,某个黑夜教堂旁的房间内,伦纳德的意识回归了现实世界。 Front his silent several seconds, carry have changed the cool many coffee, sipped one gently. 他默然几秒,端起面前已变凉不少的咖啡,轻轻抿了一口。 The bitter and astringent flavor is full his mouth at once, making his mind gradually sober. 苦涩的味道旋即充盈了他的口腔,让他的头脑逐渐清醒过来。 old man, actually today what happened?” Finally, Leonard cannot repress, opens the mouth to ask on own initiative. “老头,今天究竟发生了什么事情?”终于,伦纳德按捺不住,主动开口问道。 After Pales Zarathustra is silent, replied completely sigh with emotion: 帕列斯.索罗亚斯德一阵沉默后,满是感慨地回答道: Mistake fell from the sky.” “‘错误’陨落了。” Mistake...... Leonard had not nearly responded the old man said mistake is which exists. “错误”……伦纳德险些没反应过来老头说的“错误”是哪位存在。 The next second, he is difficult to cover with astonishment, almost forgot that lowers the voice to ask: 下一秒,他难掩惊愕,差点忘记压低嗓音地问道: Amon?” 阿蒙?” This is True God in normal meaning! 这可是标准意义上的真神 Un.” The Pales Zarathustra voice was also as if older than the past, properly speaking was the Amon’s main body falls from the sky.” “嗯。”帕列斯.索罗亚斯德的嗓音比以往似乎又苍老了一些,“准确来说阿蒙的主体陨落了。” Leonard does not have the thoughts to distinguish the meaning of old man words details, cannot believe that opens the mouth saying: 伦纳德没心思去分辨老头话语细微处的含义,不敢相信般开口道: This, how can this point track likely?” “这,这怎么会一点迹象都没有?” Initially around God of War fell from the sky the unusuality, he witnessed with own eyes, knows that affects the change of the whole world, and brought the region of terrifying monster and danger directly. 当初战神陨落前后的异常,他亲眼见证,知道那是波及整个世界的变化,并且直接带来了许多恐怖的怪物和危险的地带。 But a moment ago, only two exceptionally were: 而刚才,仅有的两个异常是: The windows and doors shut tightly suddenly ; One as if forgot anything. 门窗突然紧闭;自身似乎忘记了什么事情。 The latter in the daily life, is actually the situation that most people can encounter, is not worth strangely. 后者在日常生活里,其实是大部分人都会遭遇的情况,一点都不值得奇怪。 Pales Zarathustra tone low and deep: 帕列斯.索罗亚斯德的语气低沉了下来: It should fall from the sky in Origin Castle.” “祂应该是在‘源堡’内陨落的。” Origin Castle in? Leonard has a scare. 源堡”内?伦纳德吓了一跳。 He participated in the place of meeting a moment ago in Origin Castle in! 他刚才参加聚会的地方就在“源堡”内部! Did there just erupt Battle of Gods unexpectedly? Did Amon invade Origin Castle unexpectedly? Leonard train of thought numerous, 那里竟然刚爆发了一场神战阿蒙竟然侵入了“源堡”?伦纳德思绪纷呈间, The expression was gradually dignified: 表情逐渐凝重了下来: old man, Mister Fool is therefore is injured, has to choose to sink the dormancy?” “老头,‘愚者’先生就是因此受伤,不得不选择沉眠?” „Can It sink the dormancy?” Pales Zarathustra asked one. “祂要沉眠了?”帕列斯.索罗亚斯德反问了一句。 It regarding this seems not too accidental/surprised. 祂对此仿佛也不是太意外。 Leonard agreed: 伦纳德“嗯”了一声: It calls us today temporarily, for this matter.” “祂今天临时召集我们,就是为了这件事情。” Pales Zarathustra after a few seconds of silence said: 帕列斯.索罗亚斯德默然了几秒道: It chooses to sink the dormancy truly with beforehand Battle of Gods, sneaks related with Amon’s, because of not being injured, but encounters the pollution.” “祂选择沉眠确实和之前的神战,和阿蒙的潜入有关,但不是因为受伤,而是遭遇污染。” Pollution?” The Leonard quite surprise blurts to ask. “污染?”伦纳德颇为诧异地脱口问道。 Arrived Mister Fool this level, will also encounter itself the pollution that is difficult to drive out? 到了“愚者”先生这个层次,还会遭遇本身很难驱除的污染? Pales Zarathustra restored the beforehand sigh with emotion tone: 帕列斯.索罗亚斯德恢复了之前的感慨语气: Myriad things all have divinity, relies on divinity to change expert, can never escape the fetter of divinity. “万物皆有神性,依赖神性强者,永远都逃不过神性的束缚。 This point, you are this, I am this, Fool is also this, perhaps, should not call his Fool again, It is equal to half now Lord of Mysteries.” “这一点,你是这样,我是这样,‘愚者’也是这样,呵,也许不该再称呼祂‘愚者’了,祂现在等于半个‘诡秘之主’。” Lord of Mysteries...... in mental imprint the issue regarding Extraordinary characteristics, Leonard truly understands half God of same level is deeper, but in possibly involves a higher level possibly because of knowing brings in the knowledge of pollution, he is many flaws, even if had listened to the old man to raise Lord of Mysteries before this noun, does not understand that actually to represent anything. 诡秘之主”……对于非凡特性精神烙印的问题,伦纳德确实比同层次的半神了解更深,但在可能涉及更高层面可能因知道就带来污染的知识上,他还是有不少缺陷,哪怕之前已经听老头提过“诡秘之主”这个名词,还是不明白究竟代表什么。 However, when he can also act according to the Mister Fool meeting excuse and old man's words at present, determined that the Mister Fool's position standard has exceeded Sequence Zero, the strength has struck to kill True God sufficiently. 不过,他目前也能根据“愚者”先生聚会时的说辞和老头刚才的话语,确定“愚者”先生的位格已经超越了序列0,实力足以击杀一位真神 Leonard has not gone to closely examine sanely, the voice has changed the topic low and deep: 伦纳德理智地没去追问,嗓音低沉地转过了话题: old man, why will Klein also follow to sink the dormancy? “老头,克莱恩为什么也会跟着沉眠? „Do you have the means to awaken him as soon as possible?” “你有没有办法尽快唤醒他?” The Pales Zarathustra tone took several points of strangeness: 帕列斯.索罗亚斯德的语气带上了几分古怪: „ The matter of this God level, my is old and weak Angel possibly knows? “这种神灵层面的事情,我这个又老又弱的天使怎么可能知道? As for awakening, a Fool not better way, let alone I?” “至于唤醒,就连‘愚者’都没有更好的办法,何况我?” Leonard is short, carries the coffee cup, sipped one. 伦纳德短暂沉默,端起咖啡杯,又抿了一口。 after a while, he is hesitating asking: 过了一阵,他迟疑着问道: old man, do you have means stealing others' talent?” “老头,你有没有办法‘窃取’别人的才华?” Pales Zarathustra laughed at one: 帕列斯.索罗亚斯德嗤笑了一声: Talent words and expressions definition is fuzzy, does not classify clear, has no way stealing. “才华这个词语定义模糊,分类不清,没法‘窃取’。 But, if changes into the talent it, that has the means.” “不过,如果将它换成天赋,那就有办法。” „...... Considers as finished.” Leonard cannot make stealing others talent to help itself solve the difficult matter finally. “……算了。”伦纳德最终还是做不出“窃取”别人天赋来帮自己解决困难的事情。 Pales Zarathustra added with a smile: 帕列斯.索罗亚斯德笑着补充道: If you cannot accept this way, that can look for that talent that has you to want, but very destitute person makes the transaction, gives money that he longs, talent of receiving in exchange correspondence.” “如果你不能接受这种方式,那可以找一个拥有你想要的那种天赋,但非常穷困的人做交易,给他渴望的金钱,换取对应的天赋。” This was a bit like the devil......” Leonard appraising one critical. “这有点像魔鬼……”伦纳德中肯地评价了一句。 Pales Zarathustra laughed: 帕列斯.索罗亚斯德呵呵笑道: „A simpler way, that is spends to invite the talented person to help you solve the corresponding difficulty.” “还有个更简单的办法,那就是花钱聘请有天赋的人帮你解决相应的困难。” „...... Didn't the old man, how you say early?” Leonard one dawn that saw the hope. “……老头,你怎么不早说?”伦纳德一下看到了希望的曙光。 Pales Zarathustra sighed: 帕列斯.索罗亚斯德“呵”了一声: Simple haven't such you thought? “这么简单的你都没有想到? I think that you have ruled out this option to inquire me.” “我以为你已经排除了这个选项才来询问我。” Leonard has not gone to care about old man's taunt, carefully thinks, thought this means are truly feasible. 伦纳德没去在意老头的嘲讽,认真想了想,觉得这个办法确实可行。 However, he soon had to be guilty and anxious, had to plant to evade the feeling of responsibility. 不过,他很快有了点愧疚和不安,有种自己在逃避责任的感觉。 At this matter, must make anything...... except for inviting the person personally writes the poetry, I must write some...... to think of here, Leonard stood fiercely, moves toward the entrance. 在这件事情上,还是得亲自做点什么……除了请人写诗歌,我自己也得写一些……想到这里,伦纳德猛地站了起来,走向门口。 Where do you go to?” Pales Zarathustra slightly feels the surprise to ask. “你去哪里?”帕列斯.索罗亚斯德略感诧异地问道。 The Leonard brow slightly wrinkle, the expression said firmly: 伦纳德眉头微皱,表情坚定地说道: Goes to nearby bookstore to buy some poetry anthology.” “去附近的书店买些诗集。” Since promotes Nightmare, he poetry anthology that gives up buying, making them more exist as the decoration ; When becomes Spirit Shaman, his start lets collect, some ability appropriate spirit reading poetry anthology, in order to read aloud in the fight reads, made the extraordinary effect, coordinated itself. 自从晋升“梦魇”,他就放弃了过去买的诗集,让它们更多是作为装饰存在;等到成为“灵巫”,他开始让搜集来的,能力合适的部分灵阅读诗集,以便在战斗中诵念,制造非凡效果,配合自己。 Therefore, when comes southern continent, he simply has not brought a poetry anthology, but the past these, he also only remembered commonly used several. 所以,来南大陆时,他根本没带一本诗集,而过去的那些,他也只记得常用的几首。 After becoming high-level deacon, but must review the poetry anthology...... Leonard to sigh secretly, the step is even more firm. 没想到,成为高级执事后,还要重温诗集……伦纳德暗自感叹了一声,步伐愈发坚定。 Pales Zarathustra has not thought completely the next plan of Leonard is to buy the poetry anthology, separated one to probe asking: 帕列斯.索罗亚斯德完全没想到伦纳德的下一步计划是买诗集,隔了一阵才试探着问道: „Is this instruction of Fool?” “这是‘愚者’的吩咐?” Right, publicizes the corresponding legend.” Leonard simple reply, while opens the door. “对,宣扬相应的传奇故事。”伦纳德一边简单回答,一边开门而出。 Pales Zarathustra is silent, then said: 帕列斯.索罗亚斯德再一次沉默,然后才道: Beside composing a poem, you must pay attention to encircle the Rose School matter.” “在写诗之外,你还得多关注围剿玫瑰学派的事情。” Leonard walks the staircase, enters the street, is looking at the pedestrian of coming and going, the nod said gently: 伦纳德走完楼梯,进入街道,望着来来往往的行人,轻轻点头道: Un.” “嗯。” At this moment, moves toward him in bookstore, as if returned to Thengen, when returned to 《Midnight Poet》 that years. At that time, he also only walked on the street of lively noise, prepared to buy «Ruen Early Classical Poetry Collection» and «Russell Selected poems». 这一刻,走向书店的他,仿佛又回到了廷根,回到了还是“午夜诗人”时的那段岁月。那个时候,他也是这样走在热闹喧嚣的街上,预备着买一本《鲁恩早期古典诗歌集》和一本《罗塞尔诗选》。 ............ ………… Beckland, bridge southern district, Church of Harvest. 贝克兰德,大桥南区,丰收教堂 After Emlyn White regains the consciousness, discovered own erect before a window. 埃姆林.怀特恢复知觉后,发现自己正立在一扇窗户前。 Outside sunlight is gloomy, the flowers and plants are prosperous. 外面阳光已黯,花草繁盛。 Sinks the dormancy regarding Mister Fool's, his feelings and other Tarot Society members a little are slightly different. 对于“愚者”先生的沉眠,他的感触和其余塔罗会成员稍微有一点不同。 That when heavy, sigh, moved, is confused, will also bring to have assured of good result probably. 那就是在沉重,叹息,伤感,迷茫之余,还带着大概会有个好结果的笃定。 blood race, some marquis and Earl already quite aged, even if the survival age limit be longer than most half God of same level, to the later years of life, at this time, they often chose to sink the dormancy, prolongs own life span with similar way, the effect is quite good. 血族内部,部分侯爵和伯爵都已经相当老迈,哪怕存活年限要比同层次的大部分半神长很多,也到了生命的暮年,这个时候,他们往往选择沉眠,用类似方式来延长自己的寿命,效果都相当不错。 Therefore, Emlyn has seen and listens to sink to sleep this matter, knows that it was not equal to passing away, was not equal to falling from the sky, thinks, if looked to the means that Mister Fool had a big probability to wake up. 所以,埃姆林早就见惯和听多了沉眠这种事情,知道它不等于过世,不等于陨落,认为如果找对办法,“愚者”先生有不小的概率醒来。 He is looking at the scenery of out of the window, talked to oneself in the heart: 他望着窗外的风景,于心中自语道: Mister Fool sank to sleep, primogenitor order from God was disturbed frequently, obviously cannot provide the help frequently......” ‘愚者’先生沉眠了,始祖神谕又经常受到干扰,明显不能频繁提供帮助……” After short silence, Emlyn silent sighed: 短暂的沉默后,埃姆林无声叹了口气: Really, and finally, needed to face, shoulders. “果然,到了最后,需要自己去面对,去背负。 This is the fate of Savior.” “这就是救世主的宿命。” When speaking of Savior this words and expressions, Emlyn obviously smiles, takes meaning that some self-ridiculed. 说到“救世主”这个词语时,埃姆林明显地笑了笑,带上了些许自嘲的意味。 He is repeating at once at heart: 他旋即又在心里重复了一遍: Only can depend on itself.” “只能靠自己了。” This idea just flashed through, behind Emlyn resounded the Father Vatrovski sound: 这个想法刚刚闪过,埃姆林背后就响起了乌特拉夫斯基神父的声音: we should set off.” 该出发了。” Emlyn turns head, sees to put on brown priest gown priest to conduct the back a great sword. 埃姆林回过头去,看见穿着褐色教士袍神父背上了一把巨剑。 The length of that great sword exceeded the Emlyn height, the width is close to his waist. 那巨剑的长度超过了埃姆林的身高,宽度接近他的腰部。 Coordinates the Father Vatrovski hill same body again, terrifying constriction just like essence. 再配合乌特拉夫斯基神父小山一样的身体,恐怖的压迫感宛若实质。 As blood race Earl, Emlyn slightly had to suffocate returned to normal, nodded the head gently: 身为血族伯爵,埃姆林只是略有窒息就恢复了正常,轻轻颔首: Good.” “好。” Today, they will embark southern continent, participates to encircle the action of Rose School. 今天,他们将出发去南大陆,参与围剿玫瑰学派的行动。 Just answered, Emlyn remembers the incident suddenly, said hastily: 刚做出回答,埃姆林忽然想起一事,连忙又道: Waits for quite a while again.” “再等半天。” He must convene Beckland overwhelming majority blood race, under preliminary discussion the matter of pharmaceutical company. 他要召集贝克兰德的绝大部分血族,初步讨论下药品公司的事情。 Bishop Vatrovski has not asked anything, nods saying: 乌特拉夫斯基主教没问什么,点了点头道: Prepared to look for me.” “准备好了来找我。” After Emlyn gazes after Father Vatrovski walks into the church deep place, turns the head to be going to follow itself to go to southern continent these blood race saying: 埃姆林目送乌特拉夫斯基神父走入教堂深处后,转头对将要跟随自己去南大陆的那些血族道: Notice is in Beckland all blood race to come, has a matter to need to discuss.” “通知身在贝克兰德的所有血族过来,有件事情需要讨论。” Yes, Earl your excellency.” These blood race made the response respectfully. “是,伯爵阁下。”那些血族恭敬地做出了回应。 When they take the action separately, Emlyn then looked at to the church front chancel and Sacred Emblem of Life that is were being crowded around by wheat ear, fresh flower and spring water and other symbols Jane/simple Bi a baby. 等到他们分头展开行动,埃姆林回头望向了教堂前方的圣坛和生命圣徽——那是由麦穗、鲜花和泉水等符号簇拥着的一个简笔婴儿。 This lets Emlyn sudden absent-minded. 这让埃姆林突然一阵恍惚。 He does not remember when from starts, oneself stay in the time of bedroom are getting fewer and fewer, accompanies these human puppet time to be getting fewer and fewer, studies historical hobby becomes has the sense of purpose, utility. 他已不太记得从什么时候开始,自己停留于卧室的时间越来越少,陪伴那些人偶的时间越来越少,就连研究历史这个爱好都变得更有目的性,更加地功利。 Such change is not one takes shape, but by way of day-by-day, in January/one month moon/month, slowly, making people be hard to detect the change, when Emlyn discovered, had adapted to the new life. 这样的改变不是一下就成型,而是经由一天天、一月月的时间,缓慢地,让人难以察觉地变迁而成,等到埃姆林发现,早已适应了新的生活。 Emlyn takes back the vision, lifts the chin, swung the head with a smile: 埃姆林收回目光,微抬下巴,笑着摇了摇脑袋: This is the fate of Savior......” “这就是救世主的宿命啊……” PS1: During double, asked the monthly ticket PS1:双倍期间求月票 PS2: Recommends a book, the new book of boundless forest, I am looked that his book grows up , smiles. Book title: «Fox of Forbidden area» PS2:推荐一本书,林海的新书,我是看他书长大的,真的,笑。书名:《禁区之狐》 He is a natural shooter, never remembers incorrectly the goal direction. 他是一个天生的射手,从未记错球门方向。 He on enemy resistance with field, resists with this world. 他与场上的敌人对抗,也与这个世界对抗。 I know, goal there.” “我知道,球门就在那里。” Soon the on the shelf, can butcher 即将上架,可以去宰了 Newest website: 最新网址: Note: If you noticed that after this chapter content is the security wrong content and this book breaks and other issues to register, 注:如你看到本章节内容是防盗错误内容、本书断更等问题请登录后
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